View Full Version : * Please I Need Your Help *

09-16-2008, 09:33 PM
Hey, I was just wondering if someone can please help me out asap. My cat is 1yr & 1 month, she eats well but very skinny , she doesnt have worms, shes fiv & flv negative . But theres a problem ... she's been choking on her wet food & dry , throws it out and eats it again, but the major problem here is that when she's sleeping , or just laying down on the couch , she would jump and do a very weird noise, a noise I never heard before from her or any of my cats , I dont know what to do that noise is really scarying me , and she would also hiss after she makes the noise.. whats the problem here maybe something hurts her ? Im very confused ?? Any idea's?? If this keeps happening Im going to take her to her vet asap .. !!:(

09-16-2008, 10:55 PM
Take her to the vet ASAP. This sounds plain UNUSUAL!

Please keep us posted on what the vet says.

09-16-2008, 11:07 PM
Is the strange sound coming from her stomach? If so, she could be having digestive problems, especially since you said she's been vomiting and she's thin. Take her to your vet ASAP. Some things can't wait. Please update us afterwards and keep the faythe. :)

09-17-2008, 11:35 AM
It sounds like she needs to go to the vet ASAP. It could be a blockage or something else serious.Waiting could only make it worse. Please keep us posted. Good Luck. katslady

09-18-2008, 10:49 PM
I agree with everyone else that she needs to go to the vet ASAP! Do you have idea where the sound is coming from? mouth? stomach? She could have some teeth issues that are causing her pain when she tries to eat anything too chewy or hard. I would consult a vet as soon as you can.:love::love::love:

10-04-2008, 06:33 PM
Is there any news here? How is your kitty doing? What did your vet have to say? I sure hope that things have improved. :)

10-05-2008, 10:55 PM
I was curious to know how your kitty is doing and whether or not you found out what the strange noise is. Keep us posted!:love::love::love:

10-12-2008, 09:02 PM
hey ladies thanks so much for the help and advice . I took my cat to the vet , she was starting to get stomatitis , they gave her a depo shot , and medicine , and she took her medicine for 14 days & thanks god that sound stop. She was doing the sound because everytime she chew her gums hurt , and she was in pain ... but thanks god everything is fine . She stop doing it , and the vet said she needs to come back for a dental but when she's older , because she's pretty young, & the vet also said that she might need the shot again next month because it can come back. So lets hope for the best. Thanks !!!!!! :love:

10-12-2008, 09:16 PM
I've not had that experience w/any of my Fur Posse but I know that several here on PT have so perhaps they'll comment and give you some encouragement and suggestions. I'm glad that you got your vet checked out. Good vet care is an absolute must. I'm glad, too, that your kitty is feeling better and we'll send up prayers that she stays that way. :)

10-12-2008, 09:53 PM
Good news!

I wonder if good kitty treats would help prevent stomatitis? If there is stuff on her teeth, Greenies or MediTreats (from vet) would be good.

Or, buy a very small bag of Dental Formula food and use that for treats.

Glad she is not hurting any more. Give her a snuggle for me. :love:

10-12-2008, 10:32 PM
Sam is young and has problems with his teeth. I give him only bottled water. The local water company puts an antibiotic in the water, which kills the bad and good bacteria. So a yeast type organism grows quickly and infects his gums.

Try any water that has been purified or distilled or boil and cool your own. It may not cure it but it can keep the flareups down to a minimum.

Good luck

10-13-2008, 06:26 AM
Sam is young and has problems with his teeth. I give him only bottled water. The local water company puts an antibiotic in the water, which kills the bad and good bacteria. So a yeast type organism grows quickly and infects his gums.

Try any water that has been purified or distilled or boil and cool your own. It may not cure it but it can keep the flareups down to a minimum.

Good luck

For further treatment of teeth, my vet gave me Chlorhexadine mouthwash for my RB Puddy who had gingivitis to be squirted right on her gums.

10-13-2008, 09:16 AM
Glad to hear your baby is feeling better. Ask your vet if it's okay to give her human baby food (meat). Cammie (our senior kitty) has had most of her teeth removed and loves a jar of baby food every day. Our vet said that as long as there aren't any onion or garlic listed in the ingredients, it's okay to give it to them. Cammie likes chicken and ham but doesn't like turkey or beef.

10-13-2008, 08:53 PM
Alright thanks ladies ! I would defff try some of the food suggestions. Thank you so much . =]