View Full Version : Need some techniccal help (spay issue)

09-16-2008, 08:42 PM
Callie was spayed Aug 13th. The spay went fine. the healing went fine. then this past week we noticed a lump forming under the skin that moves back and forth. I thought it felt like a piece of plastic about 1/8" wide and 1/2" long.... like perhaps a clamp or something left behind? The vet said its just a piece of thread that hasn't dissolved.

Then today it looked like a blood blistered formed at the scar just above the lump. It burst (thanks to a hubby who poked and prodded a bit too much :rolleyes: )

Attached is a video of it. I tried to get a photo, but it was impossible with a squiggling, squirming, panting puppy.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/kasdesign/Videos/th_CallieBelly.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v632/kasdesign/Videos/?action=view&current=CallieBelly.flv)

Anyone have any ideas as to what this might be? I honestly don't care if they left something behind -- admit it and repair your error!

09-16-2008, 10:02 PM
Considering it has been a month since the spay, I would have expected the incision to be pretty much healed. That incision looks infected.

I would take her back to the Vet for another look - or get a 2nd opinion.

Aspen and Misty
09-16-2008, 11:39 PM
I have to agree. My vet told me that 10 to 12 days after the spay they are pretty much healed up. If it has been over a month something is not "right" with her scar. I would get a second opinion from another vet.

Keep us updated!


09-17-2008, 12:53 AM
I would 100% go back and get it looked at, the bump I wouldn't worry about it too much but still ask. The incision does look pretty infected :( poor baby!

09-17-2008, 07:23 AM
OUCH! Yea, that doesn't look right! Poor puppy!!

09-17-2008, 07:31 AM
Thing is, it was perfectly fine as little as TWO days ago, except for the bump. Yesterday it started looking red. Last night it bled. :(

As far as Callie is concerned, it only bothers her when we force her to lay down and stay still to look at it. :p

09-17-2008, 07:36 AM
Maybe you can just call the vet back and tell him / her how it is looking now. Good luck!

09-17-2008, 09:10 AM
Like the vet said, I would guess what you felt was still part of the internal sutures that haven't disolved yet. I know it sometimes can take a while. I have had dogs where I could still feel the internal sutures for several months... just depends on how fast the disolve.

However, because of the way the incision looks, I would guess she MIGHT be having a reaction to the internal sutures - since you noticed the little bump... which probably got worse when your hubby kept kept messing with it to much.... so I would take her to the vet.

I know about a year ago at the vet clinic I used to work at, we had a dog like this come in, that was having a reaction to the internal sutures long after the incision was heal, the reaction was so bad they actually had to go back in and remove the internal sutures (everything was already healed) since they were obviously not disolving on their own like they should....

I'd take her to the vet and have to checked though...

09-17-2008, 11:31 AM
Like the vet said, I would guess what you felt was still part of the internal sutures that haven't disolved yet. I know it sometimes can take a while. I have had dogs where I could still feel the internal sutures for several months... just depends on how fast the disolve.

However, because of the way the incision looks, I would guess she MIGHT be having a reaction to the internal sutures - since you noticed the little bump... which probably got worse when your hubby kept kept messing with it to much.... so I would take her to the vet.

I know about a year ago at the vet clinic I used to work at, we had a dog like this come in, that was having a reaction to the internal sutures long after the incision was heal, the reaction was so bad they actually had to go back in and remove the internal sutures (everything was already healed) since they were obviously not disolving on their own like they should....

I'd take her to the vet and have to checked though...

It can happen to us, why not our animals. I had back surgery 25 years ago, and on three separate occasions an internal suture has come to the surface. Once with no problems; the other 2 times an infection was present.

09-17-2008, 05:30 PM
Agreed!! Boomer just got neutered a couple of weeks ago, and his incision (I know the operation is a lot easier than a spay) never got like that...I would definately take the girl to the vet....even if just for peace of mind.

09-17-2008, 06:47 PM
The internal sutures can take weeks or months to dissolve, so that probably IS what you felt. My jamie was spayed a few months back and you can still feel the end of it through her skin, same with my in-laws' dog (both were spayed on the same day).

On a separate issue: that incision does NOT look right... it has either not healed properly, is infected, or she has been licking at it and that infected it. Regardless, you should bring it to the attention of your vet and have it looked at and maybe get some antibiotics. An abdominal incision infection is NOTHING to take lightly, so please bring 'er back in for a checkup soon :)

It could also very well be that she is reacting to the sutures they used; it IS a "foreign body", after all, and her body may recognize it and think "UH OH, not supposed to be there, get it out!" and cause the irritation, which can cause to itching/licking/scratching, etc.

So, in my opinion, the thread poking at the skin was irritating to your dog and maybe she was licking/biting/scratching at the area, which may have caused the "blood blister" AND the incision to become red/irritated (and angry, as my instructor would say lol) and possibly infected -OR- she is having a reaction to the type of suture used.

09-17-2008, 08:51 PM
The internal sutures can take weeks or months to dissolve, so that probably IS what you felt. My jamie was spayed a few months back and you can still feel the end of it through her skin, same with my in-laws' dog (both were spayed on the same day).

On a separate issue: that incision does NOT look right... it has either not healed properly, is infected, or she has been licking at it and that infected it. Regardless, you should bring it to the attention of your vet and have it looked at and maybe get some antibiotics. An abdominal incision infection is NOTHING to take lightly, so please bring 'er back in for a checkup soon :)

It could also very well be that she is reacting to the sutures they used; it IS a "foreign body", after all, and her body may recognize it and think "UH OH, not supposed to be there, get it out!" and cause the irritation, which can cause to itching/licking/scratching, etc.

So, in my opinion, the thread poking at the skin was irritating to your dog and maybe she was licking/biting/scratching at the area, which may have caused the "blood blister" AND the incision to become red/irritated (and angry, as my instructor would say lol) and possibly infected -OR- she is having a reaction to the type of suture used.

Couldn't have said it any better myself, my thoughts exactly.;)

Keep us posted on what the vet says when you take her in to be checked.

09-25-2008, 05:56 AM
One month ago my husband and I had our 2 silky terriers spayed. Milly has been fine, but Polly had a lump even before her stitches came out. She had her stitches out a week after the op, and we were told that it would calm down. The lump in the last couple of days came up like a blood blister and then had a yellow head on it like an abscess, and it burst before we could get her to the vet. The vet said it was probably a reaction to the internal sutures which apparently take about 120 days to dissolve. She is going in tomorrow and he is taking the sutures out. from the day she had the op she didn't leave the stitches alone, so it is not clear if her constant attention to them has played a part in this, or the irritation is what caused the attention in the first place. We are not having to pay for this treatment so I guess the vet is also checking that he did things properly as well, I don't care as long as she is safe and healthy after all of this, Toni