View Full Version : What creature was inside the dog???

09-15-2008, 08:26 AM
This is a convo I just had with my friend...
Anyone know what was inside the dog???
We are in Southern Ontario.
No pictures.. but I can send a link to my friend for verification

(09:08:02):[>: remember i told you the dogs ran away?
(09:08:06)Me: yep
(09:08:17):[>: well they got them back anyway -- but a couple weeks ago she had a lump onher side and it kept getting bigger
(09:08:31):[>: so i told dad to take her to the vet and he said he would when he got back from the cottage
(09:09:02):[>: i thought it might have been a wood chunk or somethign from when she was lost in the woods
(09:09:21):[>: anyway, so on the last day that they were up there, diana was pouring peroxide on teh lump because there was like a little crusty hole like where something would have punctured her
(09:09:30):[>: and this worms head comes out the hole because it couldnt breathe
(09:09:37):[>: so they were like ***
(09:09:51) Me: EWWWWW
(09:10:03):[>: so diana poured peroxide on it again, and as the thing stuck its head out again, dad squeezed it as he described it "like a giant blackhead"
(09:10:09):[>: and this worm stuck out about 3/4 of an inch
(09:10:18):[>: so he grabbed it with plyers and pulled it the rest of the way out
(09:10:26): it was brown and about an inch and a half long

The dog is just fine. She is all healed up & the creature is in a jar of alchol at their cottage.

09-15-2008, 10:15 AM
bot fly larvae?

09-15-2008, 11:41 AM
Definitely sounds like a warble to me. Yuck. They are often seen in mice, rabbits and deer but can get into cats and dogs. They enter via the mouth or nose or into an open wound and then grow. They stick their heads out to get air every now and then. They eventually leave their host at some point. I looked it up recently because my cat caught a mouse outside and killed it and two of these creepy things crawled out of the mouse's side and they too were about 3/4 of an inch in size. The mouse was so small, these things made up a 1/4 of it's body.
I hope they keep the wound clean now that the worm is out.

09-15-2008, 12:39 PM
Thanks guys... Its kind of funny how they are only found in this area of all of canada & they aren't in the northern states (says wiki)... Man those things are ceeping me out & its almost enough to make me move upnorth again. *shivers*

They kept the wound clean & its long healed up (this happened weeks ago).

Definitely sounds like a warble to me. Yuck. They are often seen in mice, rabbits and deer but can get into cats and dogs. They enter via the mouth or nose or into an open wound and then grow. They stick their heads out to get air every now and then. They eventually leave their host at some point. I looked it up recently because my cat caught a mouse outside and killed it and two of these creepy things crawled out of the mouse's side and they too were about 3/4 of an inch in size. The mouse was so small, these things made up a 1/4 of it's body.
I hope they keep the wound clean now that the worm is out.

09-15-2008, 05:25 PM
Yep, that's a warble alright. They can kill a cat. Good that you got it out of your dog when you did.

09-15-2008, 05:48 PM
Sounds like a cuterebra, aka rodent bot fly. My parasitology book says:

"Importance: Infest dogs and cats. Larvae infest rodents, companion animals, and occasionally, humans. Act as an irritant; migration may be fatal. Only larvae infest animals. Eggs, pupae, and adult flies are in the environment. Rodents are the usual host. Larvae are in the host for 1 - 2 months.

Diagnosis: Cutaneous lump with a breathing hole , large light to dark-red larvae with dark spines.

Treatment: Careful extraction of larvae, antimicrobial treatment of wound."

Yeah my teacher described them like "whack-a-mole" in the clinic because they pop their heads out and suck 'em right back in, lol. They are nasty and soooo gross looking :(

More info:

09-15-2008, 07:48 PM
Ew! Wow.. that's gross. :eek:

09-15-2008, 11:10 PM
Sounds like a cuterebra, aka rodent bot fly. My parasitology book says:

"Importance: Infest dogs and cats. Larvae infest rodents, companion animals, and occasionally, humans. Act as an irritant; migration may be fatal. Only larvae infest animals. Eggs, pupae, and adult flies are in the environment. Rodents are the usual host. Larvae are in the host for 1 - 2 months.

Diagnosis: Cutaneous lump with a breathing hole , large light to dark-red larvae with dark spines.

Treatment: Careful extraction of larvae, antimicrobial treatment of wound."

Yeah my teacher described them like "whack-a-mole" in the clinic because they pop their heads out and suck 'em right back in, lol. They are nasty and soooo gross looking :(

More info:

hahaha whack-a-mole...

I think I would freak or faint if one of those nasty things ever got inside my dog. My weakness are parasites. I can eat lunch during a disection, poke dead things, play with bugs, kiss fish, but my god don't put me near any form of parasite! dog worms, maggots, & now those bot flies are on my freak list..

I can't even kill a maggot, cause I'm trying not to passout as I slowly stumble away... No idea why they bother me so much... kinda weird

09-16-2008, 10:15 AM
Funny, somebody on the goosemoose rat forum just had four of them on their rat. It must be the season for bot fly hatchings. I'd have never known they were this far north.

09-16-2008, 03:12 PM
Funny, somebody on the goosemoose rat forum just had four of them on their rat. It must be the season for bot fly hatchings. I'd have never known they were this far north.

Is the rat ok??? Were they massive like the one pulled from my friends father's dog?

09-16-2008, 04:47 PM
My weakness are parasites. I can eat lunch during a disection, poke dead things, play with bugs, kiss fish, but my god don't put me near any form of parasite! dog worms, maggots, & now those bot flies are on my freak list..

I can't even kill a maggot, cause I'm trying not to passout as I slowly stumble away... No idea why they bother me so much... kinda weird

I supposed everyone has their weaknesses. Mine isn't parasites, I find them facinating. My weakness is drool and snot (any species, even humans). Blood, vomit, poop, surgeries, horrible infections, parasites don't bother me, but just let a big dog sneeze on me or drool down my arm and I'm heading for the nearest sink A.S.A.P. lol

09-16-2008, 09:34 PM
Is the rat ok??? Were they massive like the one pulled from my friends father's dog?

The rat is doing fine. They were almost as big I believe, the owner thought the rat had some very fast developing tumors until a whack-a-mole popped out.

09-17-2008, 12:12 AM
The rat is doing fine. They were almost as big I believe, the owner thought the rat had some very fast developing tumors until a whack-a-mole popped out.

that poor rat must have been in a lot of pain!
Bet it felt a lot better with those suckers out of its body, :eek:

09-17-2008, 07:42 AM
It's doubtful that the rat would've lived. Years ago, I had a cat w/a warble and she passed it, fortunately, but my vet told me that it's rare for an animal to pass it. Usually it kills them. I once rescued a little kitten w/a warble, the vet removed it and the kitten died that night anyhow. Warbles are nasty!

09-17-2008, 12:45 PM
In my understanding, they are pretty harmless and rarely kill their host unless they are in a part of the body where it would kill them. If they are under the skin close to the surface it wouldn't kill the animal, but if the eggs are ingested and they hatch inside it is a different story.

Here's a gross post of a rabbit (still living) who had one in its nasal cavity if anybody can stomach pictures. http://www.goosemoose.com/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,118/forum,rat/topic,4024579.0

09-17-2008, 04:41 PM
In my understanding, they are pretty harmless and rarely kill their host unless they are in a part of the body where it would kill them. If they are under the skin close to the surface it wouldn't kill the animal, but if the eggs are ingested and they hatch inside it is a different story.

Here's a gross post of a rabbit (still living) who had one in its nasal cavity if anybody can stomach pictures. http://www.goosemoose.com/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,118/forum,rat/topic,4024579.0

ummm ouch!!!