View Full Version : Scary vet visit for Scout

09-12-2008, 03:57 PM
I took Scout, Rocky and Rumor today for their annual vet visit. Everything is fine with Rocky and Rumor and they've both lost weight which they needed.

Poor Scout! One reason I took her was because we noticed her Right top canine tooth is growing longer and she's drooling. Turns out she has an abscess and the root is pushing her tooth down and out. It's slightly loose. She will be taking antibiotics to see if we can clear it up and last resort will be to remove the tooth. Being her big top canine the vet really doesn't want to have to do it because it's hard to get out.

The worse part is Scout had a bad reaction to the Rabies shot. She was crying very hard in the car and pooped in her carrier and then when we got home she was acting crazy. She was itchy and kept scratching and licking. She wouldn't settle down and kept pacing and twitching. She's never been like that. I called the vet and they said get her back ASAP so I rushed her back and the gave her an injection for the reaction and some sub-q fluids. She's starting to settle down, at least she's quiet now but she is keeps going behind the furniture to hide. She never hides. Poor Scout. I hope the worse is over and she can start feeling better.

Please send her some healing prayers and thoughts.

09-12-2008, 03:59 PM
Aw, poor Scout. Sure hope she'll be ok. Sounds as though she had a really nasty reaction. Lots of prayers going up for her and you.....

09-12-2008, 04:35 PM
Oh no, poor Scout girl! :(

Taz had one of his "fangs" removed a few years ago and he is fine without it. My vet didn't mention that it was hard to get out. But maybe since it is infected it's easier to remove. :confused:
He sometimes smacks his food, but otherwise you'd only notice it when he yawns.

I hope the antibiotics help with her tooth, because any kind of surgery is not fun.

09-12-2008, 06:04 PM
Red had his left upper canine removed when we first got him, as it was fractured. He's never had any problems not having it. I have my doubts that he even knows it is gone.

How scary about the allergic reaction. Poor Scout - she's had a rough day.

Laura's Babies
09-12-2008, 06:13 PM
OH MY GOSH! I would never have expected a reaction to a simple Rabies shot! Thank God you called about her and got her back asap! Poor baby! Hope she bounces back soon and returns to normal...

09-12-2008, 06:20 PM
I wonder if they made a mistake on the shot!!
they did that to my cats before...giving 2 distempers instead of one distemper and 1 rabies.
That's probably what happened...a double dose of rabies shot...which is VERY potent!

Maybe i am wrong...it's just my opinion.
they didn't tell me...but i spoke up saying "how come the shots on the last kitty had the same color liquid?"

I hope the canine comes out itself.
if you get a good vet...they can take it out.
i've had canine's out and they went well.

one did not!
kiki died from it.infection...the doc said it was cancer of the mouth but i knew it was from the tooth.
i didn't get mad...a mistake i knew he was upset about it.
kiki was 18 at the time.
i was angry i lost kiki but i didn't tell the vet i was.

i'm so sorry for your day today...especially scout.

09-12-2008, 06:53 PM
Oh Lori!!! Poor Scout, poor you!!! Grace had a reaction to her last rabies shot too! She started vomiting alot and her ears were red and she was doing like Scout. They kept her for a while .... after she had been sick at home for a while ... I didn't put it together what was wrong at first :( ... they gave her fluids as well.

My Doxie, Gretta has had two reactions. The first was when she was spayed. It had been several years since we had gotten her shots and we were going to be boarding her so she had to get current. Well, right as the vet injected the rabies shot, I remembered!!! :rolleyes: She immediately started vomiting and my vet freaked out and called the senior vet in the room. They gave her a shot of epinephrine and watched her for a while! They put a note in her file ... and did for Grace as well ... that they are NEVER to have another rabies shot!!!! Law or not!

Anyway, now since I have two furries with this, it scares me to death whenever one of mine gets their first shots! Just always ... EVERYONE ... hang around a few minutes afterwards to see what happens ... and go early in the day in case you have to go back quickly!

Hugs to you, Lori and gentle pets for poor little Scoutie!:love:

09-12-2008, 08:13 PM
Very good advice about getting an early in the day appointment for shots. Morgan had a bad reaction to his first set. I always make sure to get them early in the day and early in the week if possible. I'm so glad that you were able to get Scout treated for the reaction! How scary!!

09-12-2008, 08:59 PM
Poor Scout! Poor YOU! I really feel your pain! Last time I took the boys in to get shots, Calvin had the same reaction. You could tell his paw pads were itchy. He ran around licking them and couldn't even lay down! I had to rush him back and they gave him a reverse shot (which the charged me for :mad: and kept him overnite for observation (which they charged me for :rolleyes:)
Hope everything gets back to normal soon. NO MORE SHOTS FOR CALVIN! They are indoors only and I think they are overly medicated uncecessarily.

09-12-2008, 09:45 PM
Kim, I remembered about that happening to Grace and I kept telling Richard about it while I was watching Scout.

Sounds like several of us have been through this. Rocky and Rumor had the same vaccination but they are fine, thank goodness! Scout's never had a problem before so I wonder what was different this time with her dose. Strange!

Scout seems a lot better now. She finally settled down and took a long nap and she just ate dinner. I think she will be fine. Now to get that tooth healed. Poor baby, I didn't evenn notice her gums were red and swollen around that tooth. Bad meowmie!

09-12-2008, 10:16 PM
What a day for Scout! I hope the meds help clear up her abscess. If she does have to get the tooth removed, they seem to get along fine with just one front fang. My RB cat Jade had the same issue with one of her top fangs and they removed it and she did very well without it for years. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon and Scout feels better. Mouth pain is the worst!
The reaction she had must have been scary. I'm glad you took her back to the vet and they were able to give her something to help the situation. Thankfully she only needs the rabies shot every three years! Is she an indoor cat? You might be able to skip them altogether if she is.

09-12-2008, 10:24 PM
poor thing -
I hope she feels better soon!

09-12-2008, 10:26 PM
The rabies shot she gets is yearly not every three year although they are starting do that here finally. She's an indoor only cat so I will probably not get that for her anymore even though it's the law. My vet said it would only be a problem if she bit someone and she has never done that or even acted like she would bite.