View Full Version : I need Help for BuddyBear

09-11-2008, 09:04 PM
BuddyBear is a 14 year old ragdoll mix. he was my first baby, and I love him with all my heart. He is indoor only (with 2 other cats Kera 13 and Mika 9)and has always been healthy.Almost two years ago he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I put him on Tapazole.He did great for a while,we did bloodwork and adjusted his dose,until his thyroid levels were normal. The weight loss slowed down and almost stopped.Then he developed severe loose bowels.He started having accidents 4 or 5 a week. I moved a litterbox into my room for him,but that did not help. I took him back to the vet,they did bloodwork,x-rays diet change everything. Nothing helped. Then we took him off the Tapazole,after 2 or 3 weeks the loose bowels went away.So his vet said it was the Tapazole.He has been off now for 9 months.His bowels are fine,but he is dropping weight so fast.He once weighed 19 lbs.(he is a very large cat)he now weighs 11 lbs. I hate to see him look this way.The doctor told me there is no other medication for his condition.I don't want to watch him waste away. Does anyone know of anything that might help him?I will be soooo grateful for any advice. Thank You from BuddyBear and katslady

09-11-2008, 11:52 PM
Where are you located? Have you gotten any second opinions? For example, in the Boston area, we have excellent veterinary schools nearby, we were referred there for our bunny, with wonderful results. Just a thought ...

09-12-2008, 06:17 AM
I wish I could be of help but I've not had experience w/thyroid kitties. Please know that prayers are going up for your Buddy Bear and you that all will be well.

09-12-2008, 07:28 AM

I can tell you that there are absolutely other options for a hyperthyroid kitty, which include surgery and (believe it or not) radiation.

My darling RB cat Murphy eventually died at age 19 from complications of hyperthyroidism -- who knows HOW long we'd have had with him otherwise! He was first diagnosed at about age 7, and had approx. 2/3 of his thyroid gland surgically removed. It was a wonderful solution for about the next 7 years -- and then amazingly, that 1/3 of a thyroid gland kicked into overdrive again!

Our vet gave us the option of having his thyroid gland radiated -- a one-time procedure where they put "seeds" into the gland, and keep the cat in isolation for a few days -- but I thought the separation would be too much for him at 14. I elected to continue with the tapazole, but before long, he refused to take it, and declined over the next few years.

In retrospect, I wish we'd have gone with the radiation option; obviously, I don't think realistically that we'd have had much more than 19 years with Murph, but those last few years would likely have been of a much higher quality.

The fact that your vet is not mentioning these options -- which were available to us 10 years ago -- to you now suggests to me that you would benefit from a second opinion ASAP.

But please be assured that there is a LOT that can be done for your BuddyBear! Give him a hug for me, won't you?

All the best,

09-12-2008, 11:10 AM
Was your cat getting the Tapazole by mouth?? That might have upset his tummy. Ask your vet about transdermal Tapazole that is applied to the ear. No tummy upsets. I have had several thyroid cats, and never had that sort of problems....Good luck...

09-12-2008, 11:23 AM
Thank you so much for your advice.I was told about the radiation possibility.I looked into the procedure,but unfortunatly I do not have the financial ability to do that for him.The vet did not tell me about surgical removal of the thyroid gland. Iwill absolutly look into this(with a different vet).
There are veterinary schools in Georgia(that is where the radiation therapy is done).I will look into any other options they may have.Thank you all for your concern and advice.BuddyBear and katslady

09-12-2008, 11:46 AM
Thank you for the idea of the trasndermal Tapazole. I have heard of it ,but have not tried it. I never thought that it might be the pill and not the medication itself. Sometimes someone else can help you to see the obvious. Thank you so much.

09-17-2008, 11:44 AM
I took Buddybear to his vet we had before we moved.All is bloodwork was good except for the T4.We are going to try the transdermal Tapazole and see how it goes.His vet also does Chinese Herbs and if he cannot take the transdermal tapazole we are going to try those.I an concerned with the risks of the thyroid removal, so I an going to see how the meds. work and give it some thought. Thanks to everyone who had advise for us. katslady

09-17-2008, 03:05 PM
I hope the medicine works well for BuddyBear!! Keep us posted please. Pictures wouldn't be a bad thing either. *wink*

09-18-2008, 06:40 AM
Buddybear-----Kera-------Mika,My kitty babies!

09-18-2008, 10:39 PM
I too hope the medicine helps sweet BuddyBear. He is in my thoughts!:love::love::love:

11-08-2008, 11:09 PM
Buddybear can't take the transdermal Tapazole.The loose bowels are back.He has had 12 accidenta in 2 weeks.So I took him off of it. I am now going to try chinese herbs.I cannot afford radiation therapy,and will not risk thyroid removal,as his parathyroid is involved.Any suggestions would be great.katslady

11-09-2008, 10:26 AM
Here is a brief note on another hyperthyroid med:


I hope the herbs do the trick! :) PT Prayers for Buddybear....what a lovely huggable baby he is!

Scritchies and cuddles to all your babies!:)