View Full Version : Piper's passing **TWO UPDATES ON SECOND PAGE**

09-07-2008, 09:47 PM
This is very, very long. And sad....but I just wanted to let people know what happened.

On Friday afternoon after I got home from work, I went to my room where I kept Piper during the day. I picked her up, set her on my bed and we were playing, and I was just loving on her. Paisley came in the room, and jumped on the bed (not near Piper, or on her). Piper started screaming. It was like nothing I have ever heard before. I will never forget that sound. I had no idea what was happening and thought maybe she was about to have a hairball, or throw up. I sat her down on my floor and she ran under my bed. I crawled under the bed after her (didn't want her to throw up under there) and scooped her up to get her out. When I picked her up, she peed all over me and again started screaming. I grabbed her blanket, wrapped her up and ran out to my car. We were on our way to the emergency vets. I was in tears at this point because she kept screaming and her breathing was labored.

I was going 80 on the service road with my emergency lights on. She was fighting SO hard to breath, she then stopped breathing in my lap. I am CPR certified, and they taught us how to give cats and dogs CPR. I was desperate, so I started CPR while I was driving. I know this was not safe, but I was in such a state of panic. She turned purple on me. When I got to the ER vets they immediately took her from me and ran to the back. They then told me they had no heartbeat. I gave permission for CPR. They got her heartbeat back, but she was not breathing on her own. She was given a breathing tube. Her heart stopped again. I again gave consent for CPR, again. The second time they attempted, the vet came back to the room where I was and told me (she was the sweetest lady, and I am so thankful for her) blood was coming out of her nose and mouth which is indication of heart failure/heart defect. They were not able to revive her.

Piper had a heart defect. She cleared the vet perfectly when I took her two days before, but the ER vet said the defect would have only been detected with a scope. When Paislie jumped on the bed, it startled her and she went into cardiac arrest (might not be the right term, but when the vet was explaining this to me I was in a blur). Her health problems were a direct result of her breed.

I grew up with two healthy Munchkins as a child, I was lucky. I learned my lesson the hard way, although if given the opportunity to go back and never get Piper, I would not. I will treasure the short week I had with her, as I loved her so much and she was the sweetest baby. I will not be getting another Munchkin, and have asked the breeder to please have the other kittens from the same litter checked out by scope.

RIP sweet, sweet Piper.

09-07-2008, 09:51 PM
Oh my, I am so sorry. What a horrible experience for you to go through.

Piper will be fine now - healthy and playful at the Bridge. That doesn't make it easier for you, I'm sorry.

{{{{ hugs }}}}

09-07-2008, 09:54 PM
What a terrible experience. Thank you for sharing it with us. It was such a shock to just hear that she had passed away. I am so sorry for your loss and tragic experience.

Edwina's Secretary
09-07-2008, 09:56 PM
I am so sorry. Godspeed little Piper.

Laura's Babies
09-07-2008, 09:56 PM
Awe gee! I am so sorry! It was so sudden and you did all you could to save her. Rest in peace Piper, you will be missed.

09-08-2008, 07:39 AM
You certainly made a valiant effort to save Piper but it seems that she knew it was her time to go to the Bridge. I'm sorry that it happened this way but she's not in pain now and so both your hearts can heal. RIP, Piper girl.

09-08-2008, 08:15 AM
Oh my, how terrible. I am so sorry. RIP sweet Piper.

09-08-2008, 09:46 AM
Oh, how AWFUL for you!! I am SO sorry! :(

Hugs and bless you and the vets for doing everything you possibly could. Good thing you contacted the breeder also - to prevent any other poor kitty and owner from going through this. :(


09-08-2008, 10:20 AM
Oh how scary for you! From the vet's description of what happened, it would not have mattered if this happened AT the vet, and you did everything you could and did everything right. {HUGS} to you at this difficult time.

RIP sweet Piper, run free and happy now at the Bridge.

09-08-2008, 10:30 AM
My prays are with you during this difficult time.

RIP dear Piper.


09-08-2008, 11:06 AM
I'm so sorry. What a horrible and tragic thing to go through. (((HUGS)))

09-08-2008, 12:16 PM
Oh no! I'm so sorry for your loss. Poor baby Piper.

I really should just stay home today. In tears for the 3rd time today and its what? 10:15??? LES....

RIP, Sweet Piper.


09-08-2008, 01:18 PM
This whole experience must have been so shocking for you. I'm so sorry!! I didn't know Munchkins had this problem. Rest in peace sweet Piper. :love:

09-08-2008, 04:01 PM
How very sad. I am so sorry about the loss of your beloved Piper. My deepest sympathy to you and all who love her.

Rest in peace, dearest Piper.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-08-2008, 04:06 PM
Oh no......, I am so sorry :(:(. What an awful way to loose your pet...:( .
I am sending you lots of hugs, from across the big ocean:love:

09-08-2008, 04:31 PM
We Have Les, Reading About You And Your Dear Piper , And How Sad It Was That They Sold You A Cat Who Was Defective, And That You Had To Go Through All This Tragedy Of Losing Such A Dear, Sweet Cat.
Pipers In Las Vegas Now With The Found Cats, And She Will Party Hardy And Hit Those Exclusive Restaurants, Biffets And Tourist Places Like A Ton Of Bricks.
And Piper Says That No Meeewomie Could Have Worked Harder To Save Her, And That She Will Be There For You In Paradise.
One Fine Day.

Felicia's Mom
09-08-2008, 04:44 PM
I am so sorry to hear this sad news. May Piper have fun at the Bridge!

09-12-2008, 01:03 AM
I am soooooooo very sorry to read of Piper's tragic passing!:( What a dreadful thing for all of you to go through! ((((HUGS)))):love:

Thank you, Moesha, for directing me to this thread.

09-12-2008, 05:12 AM
My heart goes out to you at this sad time. What an awful experience for you and Piper. May that sweet baby rest in peace at the Bridge.


09-12-2008, 05:19 AM
I just wanted to thank everbody for your thoughts and well wishes :love: I think about baby Piper daily, she was so perfect. I have asked the breeder to keep my money, and to please use it to get the rest of the kitten's hearts checked out more throughly.

09-12-2008, 10:41 AM
Just wanted to let everybody know that another kitten from Piper's litter has passed...pretty much the same situation. :(

09-12-2008, 10:51 AM
What a terrible thing to have happened - I am so sorry. :love:

09-12-2008, 11:13 AM
I'm so sorry to hear Piper has passed on - what a sad story! :(

Rest in peace sweet Piper!

09-12-2008, 12:06 PM
I'm sorry to hear that but you gave the kitten love and caring, more than many get nowadays. Peace to you and RIP, little one.

09-12-2008, 02:50 PM
My very deepest sympathy.

Rest in peace, sweet little one.

09-12-2008, 05:09 PM
Thank you so much.
Also, found out today both kittens suffered from Lordosis.
Here is an article about the disease and Munchkins:

rip my sweet baby girl. :love:

Laura's Babies
09-12-2008, 06:08 PM
Thanks for making us aware of this condition, now we have been informed and will know it if we ever come across it.. I had never heard of it before this post.