View Full Version : Max

09-07-2008, 09:12 PM
I know this isn't as important as all the other cat health threads but I just have to post this about Max.

As you know he is 16 now and during the last year I have noticed that a couple of times his back end and legs will flop over as if they are very weak. He remained like that for about 5 minutes, then he was fine. Note, it's only happened about twice in the last year so I didn't panic.

More recently his personality changed....he's become more cranky. I can't cuddle him like I used to and 3 or 4 times now, he will jump off the coffee table and let out a loud meow and favour one of his back legs. He'll limp for a few steps then he's fine.

Since he has not been to the vet for about 4 years I took him in yesterday (Saturday). He had a full blood panel done (I'll get the results on Monday) as well as x-rays on his hips and spine. Turns out that my baby has very bad arthritis in both hips and he prescribed Metacam...2 drops each night in his wet food in the hope that the anti-inflammatory will ease his pain somewhat.

In addition the vet said that he had spondylosis in the lumbar between L5 & L6 and that reacts on the nerves which would be the reason for the rear end weakness. The vet also mentioned IVDD - Intervertebral disc disease. I had to get him to write both of these down for me :rolleyes:.

I'm assuming that he's cranky because he's in a bit of pain and that just kills me to think of it. I forgot to mention that he spends 80% of his time in my closet.....so much time in fact that I've made a bed for him in there. He acts normal when I come home from work but after eating he goes right back in the closet.

Have any of you had experience with IVDD or spondylosis???? Is there something more that I can do for my baby boy??? The vet tells me that IVDD doesn't cause any pain but I want to do more for the arthritic pain. Any suggestions or links are very much appreciated. Many thanks.


09-07-2008, 09:47 PM
Vicki, I have had NO experience with either of these, but hope Max feels better with the Metacam.

I did find that it is 'osteoarthritis of the spine' and the discs degenerate. Here's a bit more.

Since spondylosis is a form of arthritis localized in the spine, treatment for spondylosis is essentially the same as for patients suffering from generalized degenerative arthritis. In cases where there is pain and stiffness of various ares of the spine, treatment with joint health supplements containing omega-3-fatty acids, glucosamine, and MSM, in addition to administration of a good veterinary nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), will often increase comfort and range of motion. In cases where there are neuromuscular deficits to the extremities and/or loss of urinary or bladder control, steroids are typically the patient's only chance to regain function. At this time there are no effective surgical solutions to canine and feline spondylosis.


The latter article suggests the the bone spurs that form may turn in and impact the spinal nerves, which might explain the loss of motion. I don't know if there is a way to remove or laser these spurs, or make the nerve more impervious to it.

HUGS! Give Max a pat, if he'll let you.:love:

09-07-2008, 10:23 PM
I don't have any experience in this in cats/animals but I just wanted to send my good thoughts and prayers for you and Max.
Gentle hugs....

09-07-2008, 10:30 PM
I know this isn't as important as all the other cat health threads but I just have to post this about Max.

I don't have any experience dealing with any of the health issues that you mentioned. But I did want to say that your questions and postings about Max's condition is just as important as the other cat health threads!

09-07-2008, 11:11 PM

I agree with Moesha - Max is a very important boy and his health issues definitely matter:love:

I am so sorry to hear that Max is not himself and is dealing with symptoms of old age:( I hope your Vet can find the right blend of medication to help ease the pains.

Please give your precious baby a gentle hug for me.

Hugs, Betty

P.S. I sent you an email:)

09-07-2008, 11:47 PM
This thread about Max is important! I'm sorry to hear that he is in pain and has been hiding out alot.
I don't know alot about IVDD but I am familiar with arthritis and Metacam. My RB dog was on it from the age of 14-16 and it helped her so much with getting around better and being less painful.
My cat Paddy was prescribed Metacam last week because his joints have been under too much strain with his weight and he may have arthritis. The vet said to give him 5 drops for 5 days and then wean him down to 1-2 drops a day. It is remarkable how much it has helped him and I hope it will be the same for Max. I have been mixing it in with wet food and he doesn't seem to notice it. Within an hour, he is walking with so much more ease, it is very noticable. It might take a day or two for it to start working for Max? I think Medi-Cal makes a dry food that has glucosamine in it. Hills makes a food for joint care called J/D too.
I wonder if accupuncture would be helpful for his condition.
Prayers going out for you and Max. :love:

09-08-2008, 02:46 AM
Oh Slick how can you think it wouldn't matter to us what happens to sweet Max. He was such a good boy when we picked him up and cuddled him. I hope he wasn't in pain then.
It looks as if Max just has the same problems humans his age would have. I hope the meds help him to be able to better move and not to be in pain.

09-08-2008, 07:51 AM
I'm sorry to read about Max and his pain and he is just as important as any other furkid on this forum. I've not had experience w/either of these conditions, although I did treat one of my dogs who had arthritis years ago. Please know that prayers are going up for Max and for you, too, Slick.

09-08-2008, 08:30 AM
I am so sorry that Max is having pain. I hope the meds help and he is feeling better soon.

***Of course Max's health issues are just as important as any other furbaby on PT! ****

Please keep us posted on Max's progress.

09-08-2008, 08:39 AM
Dear Max! I am so sorry you are having pain. :( Getting old sucks. I hope the Metacam will help you (I am sure it will). And one more thing, Max, give your mom a SLAP from me thinking that you are not as improtant as the other kitties here. :p (actually Slick, I imagine you were thinking that this PROBLEM is not as serious as the other illnesses, but your concerns are OUR concerns :love: )

09-08-2008, 08:49 AM
Oh Slick, Max is just as important to us all as the other furbabies. I'm so sorry to hear that he's in pain, and hiding. :(

I don't have any experience with the health issues you mentioned, but what Emeraldgreen said in her post, sounds promising. :) I do hope the drops you give him will help and he'll be able to move around without pain.

Please give him lots of kisses from me - and Fister sends headbumpies, of course.

If you want to talk, you know where to find me.

Big ((((Hugs))))

09-08-2008, 09:53 AM
Dear Max! I am so sorry you are having pain. :( Getting old sucks. I hope the Metacam will help you (I am sure it will). And one more thing, Max, give your mom a SLAP from me thinking that you are not as important as the other kitties here. :p (actually Slick, I imagine you were thinking that this PROBLEM is not as serious as the other illnesses, but your concerns are OUR concerns :love: )

Poor Max. :( slick, I am so sorry to hear your dear boy is suffering and is in pain. As Jen wrote, getting old sucks. I don't have any knowledge of the conditions he has been diagnosed with and so, I'm sorry, I don't have any advice to offer. Just prayers and positive thoughts that the Metacam will be of a great help in easing his pain.

Please give some kisses and gentle hugs to your beautiful boy from me.

09-08-2008, 11:25 AM
Hi There-max Is Certainly Important To This Cat Forum! As You Are Being His Human. I Hope He Is Feeling Better. It's Hard That Cats Can't Speak With A Voice To Tell Us Exactly-but Of Course They Show Us In Other Ways. Before I Put One Of My Cats Down-for Reaching A Very Old Ageover 21 Or More-i Am Sure He Had Arthritis. I Still Think Of Cuddles And It's Been Almost 4 Years. He Was A White Angora I Think. Cuddles Probably Did Suffer Artritis But Hung In There Until My Boyfriend At The Time And Other Best Friend Could Get Me Prepared To Let Cuddles Go. I Hope Max Is Around For A Long Time. Please Hang In There Susanswatlin518:d:d:d

09-08-2008, 12:29 PM
Aww poor Max. I'm sorry to hear he is having pain like that. I sure hope the meds help.

I don't have any experience with his conditions. In fact I've never heard of spondylosis.

Sending prayers and good thoughts for our sweet boy Max. My Ripley is 16 so I know how hard it is to see our guys show the signs of age.

09-09-2008, 10:35 AM
(actually Slick, I imagine you were thinking that this PROBLEM is not as serious as the other illnesses LOL Yes Jen, that's exactly what I was thinking. Thank you all for the replies and links and very helpful info.

So the blood tests are back and I spoke to the vet last night. He's very pleased and says that Max is extremely healthy for a boy his age. There does seem some indication of very early CRF but it's nothing to be concerned about now. He's been eating low protein dry for about 8 years and I'd like to think that it has acted is a preventative diet.

Now, the Metacam. That stuff stinks worse that my feet at the end of long day :eek: and I wasn't sure if he would accept it but much to my surprise when mixed up with even stinkier Whitefish and Tuna wet food, he didn't even notice it. He received the injection on Saturday and I've only been giving him drops for two nights and already I can notice a difference. Last night he was much perkier and after supper he curled on the bed instead of in the closet. This morning he was following me around for a bit but now he's back in the closet.

The next thing is his dental and since he passed his blood test with flying colours I'll probably schedule that in for October sometime. I know there is some controversy here over putting a 16 yr old "under" but I don't want him to get gum disease and have that spread to the blood stream. I'm very confident that he can handle the sir jury. The vet says a dental will be $300 not including any extractions. Just another expense for the babies we love.

09-09-2008, 10:50 AM
In my book, both of you are equally important, whether it be your health issues or those of Max.

I am so glad that the blood work came back so positive. And to have Max curl up on the bed with you instead of the closet must have thrilled you to no end.

Yes, Max is a true elder gentleman, but he is also the cutest little doll with eyes that would melt the hardest of hearts.

I am so glad to hear that he is feeling better and moving around more.

Remember to "pile" up his food - just like he taught me:D:D


09-09-2008, 10:51 AM
Glad to hear things are not too serious, and that the stinky stuff is helping!

Killearn Kitties
09-09-2008, 10:54 AM
Beautiful Max, I am so pleased to hear that you are getting perkier. :love::love: Please accept some squishy cuddles from me, sweet boy.

I've never heard of IVDD myself, and I don't have any experience with spondylosis, well apart from with my mother, but I'm sure you meant in cats. I'm glad Max is eating up his dinner with Metacalm on it. We recently had to give Daisy Metacalm when she hurt her leg, and she ate it without any problem too. It makes such a difference when you don't have to grab them and ram a pill down their throat.

Good luck with your dental, gorgeous!

09-09-2008, 11:14 AM
This picture is of Max that Slick just posted for Randi's birthday. Now you can see what I mean about being such a little doll with those eyes that melt your heart. Gentle lovings on you Max! ooxx Auntie Ginihttp://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php?attachmentid=40277&d=1220975827

09-09-2008, 11:15 AM
Oh- this is all good news.
My 5 cent about the CRF: you know Filou (who is 12) has CRF now - and it's not just the early stages- for 2,5 years and is doing well. Our vet who came to dinner two 2weeks ago says she thinks it will be years for him. So nothing should prevent sweet Max to reach the age of Samantha ;)
Dental: Filou having CRF should not be anesthesized but in these 2,5 years he needed dentals two times because unfortunately he builds a lot of tartar and when his gums hurt he stops eating and with the CRF he cannot lose weight. So he got these dentals with as little and as weak an anesthesizer as Trude (the vet) could manage. He woke up in the first half hour after it and has always been fine. It's always a choice between difficlut options but I also think clean teeth is life quality for an elderly cat.
Give Max some kissies from me and take a hug:)

09-09-2008, 06:08 PM
So glad to hear the medicine is doing it's job and Max is feeling better. :D Sending kisses & gentle hugs for the beautiful boy.

09-09-2008, 07:24 PM

It's so good to hear that Max's bloodwork is fine; as for the dental $300 is pretty fair especially if extractions are included (if necessary). Your Vet will likely do as Barbara suggests and use as light a dosage as possible - that's also what my Vet has done with Eve (and she's just a youngster:D). Eve woke up fairly soon after the procedure and spent her afternoon entertaining the entire Cat Hospital:p - it was a good day:D


I love the picture that Auntie Gini posted - you are so handsome:love: And I am so happy that you are feeling a little better and snuggling with your mommy. Snuggles are good - always:love:

09-09-2008, 09:16 PM
Glad to hear your medicine is doing the trick, Max! I hope that each day finds you feeling more and more kitteny. (Well, as kitteny as a proud gentleman can be! ;)

09-10-2008, 10:13 AM
This morning Max is doing laps....around and around the apartment. He meowing at the weather, meowing at the water bowl, meowing at everything. I can't help but cry happy tears....

What a difference.........:)

09-10-2008, 10:15 AM
AWWWWW! LES here too. Happy Mom, happy Max! :love::love::)

09-10-2008, 12:15 PM
Wonderful news! :D

09-10-2008, 12:59 PM
How wonderful!! I'm so glad to hear that he is feeling good! http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd102/emeraldcreek/smileyguyblue.gif

09-10-2008, 01:09 PM
Happy dance here that Max is feeling better.

Give him a head kiss from me if you can catch him when he zooms by! ;) :D

09-10-2008, 07:52 PM
Wonderful news!!!!!

09-10-2008, 08:04 PM
WOO HOO!! Way to go Max. :cool::D

09-10-2008, 08:22 PM
What wonderful news! He just needed a little pain medicine! I'm glad you have your sweet Max back!

09-11-2008, 03:31 AM
Wow!!!!! What a change:)
This is happy news- for both of you. :D

09-11-2008, 06:26 AM
That's wonderful news, Slick! What an improvement! Keep doing laps around the flat Max, and make your meowmie happy, but don't wear yourself totally out! :D

09-11-2008, 11:56 AM
That's great news.

You keep feeling better Max!

09-11-2008, 08:34 PM
I am sorry to hear about max's pain. I have a 14 year old named BuddyBear,he was on metacam for 2 years for joint pain.It worked wonders for him. but after 2 years of use it started to damage his liver. I took him off of it and started to treat him with acupuncture and glucosamine and a product called duralactin.the treatments did not work quite as well,but better than nothing.If the metecam makes him feel better keep using it,but do bloodwork to check his liver values. Good Luck

09-13-2008, 11:46 PM
Thank you so very much for your information and experience with this. I had heard that Metacam can cause liver problems and I maybe that's why my vet recommended blood tests every 6 months. I'll have to look for duralactin up here....I'm near Vancouver, BC Canada. As for acupunture, well, I'm not sure if he would sit still long enough during the treatment but it's worth a shot. He does seem alot more active and alert and certainly doesn't notice the Metacam drops in his food. I'll keep it up and just monitor him for now.

Thank you everyone else who commented.

He still likes the closet but not as much. Today has been a rather down day for me and when I took an afternoon nap, he crawled up on the bed and snuggled. LES :love:

09-14-2008, 07:12 AM
Well, I had a bunch of stuff typed and Boo hopped up on my lap, bumped the keyboard and erased the entire post. So I guess I was being told to be brief. I'm sorry that I haven't kept up w/some threads but after reading that Max is doing better, I feel better now. I dated a man whose dog had spondylosis and it was treated w/glucosamine and the dog did really well on it. If you decide to take Max off Metacam for whatever reason, you may want to ask your vet about glucosamine. And, as you know, my Puddy has advanced CRF and she's been under anesthesia so many times that I've lost count and she came through just fine. My vet used as light an anesthesia as possible so I'm sure that had something to do w/it and her recovery time was quick, too. (He's afraid to put her under now but she's got so many other problems so it's no wonder.) Please know that you and Max and all of my PT family are in my prayers every day and I'm so glad that Max is romping around. :):love:

09-14-2008, 04:49 PM
Slick, I'm so glad to hear that max is doing much better now.:) When Starr gets acupunture treatments, my holistic vet puts him back in his carrier and he just sits there and relaxes.

09-15-2008, 09:52 AM
Aww.. I'm happy to hear that Max is doing well :)