View Full Version : Gustav... WHAT A RIDE!!! (Pictures added)

Laura's Babies
09-05-2008, 11:05 PM
Been there, done that.. NO MORE PLEASE! That was the first bad hurrican I ever went through and that was enough!! Yes, I was sitting at the dinning room table when the tree fell on the house, I heard it hit the roof above me and took off running. Marie was screaming at me.. All we knew was there was a limb in the celing but it didn't look that bad but almost as soon as it hit, there was someone at the door beating on it screaming "ARE YOU ALL ALRIGHT!" It was the neighbor behind us in another subdivision armed with a ax.. He told us he saw the tress fall on the house and jumped his 6 foot privacy fence when he saw the tree fall on the house.. I went to the kitchen window and yelled at Marie to come look... There was her whole carport, collasped on her NEW Dodge Nitro and her sons truck.. They went to grabbing kids and baby stuff ready to run to the neighbor across the street in front of us when someone spotted a big split in a tree in the front yard.. We knew that was going to go next so everyone was warned to stay out of the path of that tree.. Between the time they got out and I was ready to leave, that tree had fallen.. The one that landed on the house was a massive tree, HUDGE! The man behind us said they stood in his house and watched it going over one way, then the other and knew it was going to fall and told his friend they had to come warn us and while his friend was putting on his shoes, it went over on the house.. None of us had ever met this guy before and let me tell you folks something, he came every day since asking if there was ANYTHING we needed or he could do!

The very evening of the storm, there were neighbors there to help cut what they could off of the roof and get a blue tarp on it... Yes,Rie's house is now a member of the Blue Tarped Roof Society! Neighbors rallied around, each night someone else cooked for us, every day they were there to use chain saws, pick up and clean up. About day 3, Marie's husband was finally able to get in touch with his family and by golly, they showed up with 3 chain saws and ate those trees up as best they could. All they left was for heavy equipment and yesterday, that showed up and the whole mess is out on the curb waiting for the parish to come pick it up..

The worst damage happened on towards the end of the storm. There were many houses in her subdivision damaged towards the end. I have never seen wind or rain like that but I was not scared until that darn tree fell. The trees are what did all the damage. Some homes lost shingles but no one lost a roof. One of Rie's neighbord has a sister that had 3 trees fall on her house and it is a total loss. The sad part of her situation is she is a single Mom and had ONE payment left on her house.. It was in her purse, ready to send off and she decided she better keep it just in case she needed it after the storm..

The most amazing part of this whole event was how people rallied around to help and the hard work a lot of them put into helping. One guy made daily runs for gas for the generators, anyone going for gas always stopped to see if we needed gas. Getting gas was a major event, sometimes having to go miles away to get it, having to get in lines to wait hours to get gas. Anytime anyone went to a store, they would stop by to see what everyone else needed and going to the few stores that were open, also meant standing in long lines. There are still few gas stations open and grocery stores have little to choose from. More or opening every day so I expect things to continue to improve around here.

Cell phones were of little use. People have tried to call for days and not been able to get trough. Text messeages we would eventually get but sometimes it would take 12 to 24 hours to get and then you would get them all at one time but had no service to respond to them..

I got the call about 9 pm that we now had power and I loaded up the girls and brought them home immediately! The park my home is in had some damage but not much and that also happened towards the end of the storm. The girls did well considering what they have been through too... but other night we had a thunder storm and Giz woke me up in my face screaming at me "MEEEEEEOOOOOW!". She never gets on the bed with me and she never has woke me up or even acted remotely scared of a storm.. They are SOOO glad to be at home..

I got pictures, ton of them, even a little short video I shout about 1 1/2 hours before the tree fell but I got to get them uploaded.. I will add a note to the thread name when I get them uploaded..

Marie and family will not get their power back for a long time. Let me explaine. There was a covered breezeway from her house to her car port, and the car port attached to what they called the shed. The main power feed box to the house was in that shed. The carport and breezeway is gone completely and all the main wires for their house was through the carport and breezeway under the roof, all enclosed. So right now, there are NO power lines even running to their house. They have 3 holes in the roof of their house and water damage in the kitchen and dinning room. The cleing is about ready to fall in. Curtis has removed all the insluation and nails boards up as the celing sags to hold it up. Their insurance adjuster will be there Sunday.

I am tired and wore out so I will correct any mistakes I made here typing this in tomorrow and get pictures uploaded then also.

PHEW! IT IS GREAT TO BE BACK HOME!!! Thank God we are all safe and thank all of you for all the prayers, I know He heard them...

09-05-2008, 11:33 PM
Glad nobody got hurt!!

that is so grea to hear that neighbors were so willing to help each other:love: Restores a little hope in humanity

09-05-2008, 11:57 PM
Thank goodness everyone is safe and alive :eek: Get some well deserved rest Laura - you need it and keep those babies close:love:

Thanks for letting us know you're home and well.

09-05-2008, 11:59 PM
Your story is frightening and amazing! Thank God you and your kitties and your family are alright.

Heck - forget the spelling errors - we want and need you here making them and letting us know you are alright.

Big hugs - and more prayers.

Isn't it something how it takes an emergency for people to show their true colors and be so genuinely concerned and helpful?

Scooter's Mom
09-06-2008, 12:02 AM
I am so relieved to see you post, Laura!
Praying you get some sleep and your babies are all okay.

09-06-2008, 12:14 AM

Thank GOD you are all right! Your poor girls...I hope they calm down soon, they don't know that it's all better now.:love:

I'm glad everyone pitched in like that.

That poor single mom - I HOPE she had insurance on the house, or on the mortgage at least! :(

HUGS - I hope you get to chill out a bit before going back on the boat.

Laura's Babies
09-06-2008, 12:26 AM
LOL! Caty, I am due back to work WEDNESDAY! Don't know if I am going to make it or not, I think that would be a relaxing thing right now if I didn't have to leave my girls and that other storm wasn't out there...That other storm has us really worried. Ike, is it's name?

09-06-2008, 05:25 AM
It's so good to hear you and the kitties are home safe & sound, Laura. What a scary experience you all had, but how wonderful is it the way people rallied round, restores one's faith in human nature.

Prayers on the way for Marie and everyone else that has damage needing swift repair, and for you all concerning the storms on the way.

09-06-2008, 06:20 AM
Good to hear you're home Laura. How awful, all that damage to your daughter's home.:( Thank goodness all of you are alright.

Ginger's Mom
09-06-2008, 07:09 AM
I am glad to hear that you are home and everyone is safe. It really is heart-warming and restores faith in people when you hear stories like yours where people are so quick and eager to help each other. It sounds like your daughter still has a lot of work to do to get her life back to normal. Sending out positive thoughts and vibes to help her.

09-06-2008, 08:47 AM
Glad to hear you are home and everyone is okay. How scary to go through a storm like that! And it sounds like Ike will be even bigger :(

Laura's Babies
09-06-2008, 09:27 AM
I now have the pictures uploaded.. here you go..

This picture was taken immediately after the storm from the neighbors house where we went when the tree fell, storm night/evening. You can see the tree on the house and the leaves of the tree in the front yard that is blocking the street.

The limb that came through the roof into the dinning room.

This is the hole the tree made in the roof, only one of 3 holes in the roof.

Back of the house where the tree hit.

Carport and shed.. the shed still is standing, will post that in a picture again later. The shed is damaged and will have to be tore down and rebuilt.

Back of the house again. The brick wall is her laundry room, dinning room on this side also where the limb went through.

The tree in the front yard that fell.

Inside Rie's Dodge Nitro while under the roof of the carport. I really expected it to be completely crushed but as you will see, it wasn't. Her husband said the Notro is what kept the tree from doing even more damage to the house by stopping the tree from coming all the way down.

The Nitro as it is being uncovered. The engine looks completely unharmed but while the tree and roof were on it, the wheels were bowed out so they are wondering about the damage underneath it. It is less than a year old. :(

09-06-2008, 09:47 AM
This is just so devastating Laura - I am so sorry you and your family have to endure all this - just no justice in nature:( I certainly hope there will some aid and assistance to Rei, her family and neighbours.

Just so glad everyone is OK.

Daisy and Delilah
09-06-2008, 09:54 AM
I'm so glad you're back and ok, Laura. Those pictures sure take me back to 2004. It is amazing how everyone comes together at a time like this.
I feel so bad for the poor single mom that lost her house and everyone else. Hugs to everybody from somebody that's also been there and done that. It's something we'll never forget and don't ever want to see again. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

09-06-2008, 10:02 AM
What a scary ordeal :( I'm so sorry you and your family had to go threw such a scary thing. Wow, that tree is just huge. What a mess it made. I'm just so glad no one was hurt, that's the most important thing.

I hope the insurance situation goes well and everything gets fixed in a timely manner.

We did get hit with Gustav when it went inland and started dying down. We just had a massive storm with high winds and lots of sideways rain, but it had died down almost entirely before it hit us. It was a scary storm that's for sure. You will be in my prayers for Ike. Lets hope it continues to die down before it hits.

09-06-2008, 10:03 AM
Oh no!!! I am so glad nobody of you is hurt. It could have happened so easily!
Now it's getting house and car and electricity back which is bad enough in itself. We are nothing against nature:(
Glad you and the kitty girls are together and safe now.

Laura's Babies
09-06-2008, 10:18 AM
The carport all cleaned up with the poor lonesome shed with only the Nitro to keep it company.

This is the trunk of the tree that fell on the house.. that tree was massive! We could not believe it ripped it out of the ground.

the heavy equipment was brought in to do the heavy stuff...

This is the little thing that got the job done!!!

09-06-2008, 10:30 AM
Oh my goodness! I am so glad everyone is okay. I got tears in my eyes when Carol gave us this news to begin with and I did again when looking at these pictures. I just can't imagine.
I've not been in a large earthquake even (knock on wood) here in Cali. In fact there was a 4.2 last night 7 miles from us and we didn't even feel it.

Everyone affected by this is in my thoughts.

09-06-2008, 10:43 AM
What a mess! I'm so glad no one was hurt.

09-06-2008, 11:51 AM
Oh wow Laura! I'm glad you are all okay!

09-06-2008, 12:03 PM
I'm so glad that no one was hurt. The photos are something to see all the damage that was done.

Scooter's Mom
09-06-2008, 12:27 PM
Laura, is it possible you could return to work later than Wednesday? Looks like you should rest a bit before going back after what you've endured.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-07-2008, 02:29 PM
Wow, Laura! I'm so glad you and all your babies (including Rie and grandbabies) are ok, that's the most important part. Looks like cleanup and repair willbe a job, but it's so nice to know you have family, friends and neighbors who are more than willing to help.

Whew! We'll be hoping and praying the next storms don't come your way too!

Laura's Babies
09-07-2008, 04:45 PM
Laura, is it possible you could return to work later than Wednesday? Looks like you should rest a bit before going back after what you've endured.

I am not leaving my house to go anywhere until we know what Ike is going to do.. If it hits here while I am on the boat, they would have to get me off and home at their expense and that isn't cheap so I am sure they will agree to let me stay off until this new danger has passed.

I wish I could go back to work rather than have all this worry..

09-07-2008, 05:39 PM
How scary!! I'm glad you are all okay.