View Full Version : Pet Websites (does anybody have some?)

09-07-2002, 05:39 PM
Does anybody know any good animal websites with pictures? I am collecting animal pictures, and I need more. So if you know any good places to find any animals photos, e-mail me at [email protected].

09-08-2002, 02:03 AM
This website used to have tons, but not as many now...
I look at webshots often, and do a search on what type of animal..I have hundreds of wolf pics from there

What type of animal pics are you looking for?

Former User
09-09-2002, 02:16 AM
If you go to a personal webpage, do ask the permission from the owner before taking any pics. I for sure woulnd't want my pics to be "stolen".

09-09-2002, 02:30 AM
Yeah you've got that right! I came across some club at yahoo one day. Well there club pic was one of my drawings. Some chihuahua pencil one I did because I was bored. I politely asked them to please ask permission next time, and give credit. Well the founder told me that the drawing was of her dog and that her friend drew it! GRRR. It was the exact same drawing as mine, you could even see a bit of my siggy (most of it was cut off!)

Former User
09-09-2002, 02:50 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Yeah you've got that right! I came across some club at yahoo one day. Well there club pic was one of my drawings. Some chihuahua pencil one I did because I was bored. I politely asked them to please ask permission next time, and give credit. Well the founder told me that the drawing was of her dog and that her friend drew it! GRRR. It was the exact same drawing as mine, you could even see a bit of my siggy (most of it was cut off!)

Isn't that annoying? You make something with your heart in it and then someone else takes the credit for it :mad:
That's also the reason why we don't have any C & K pics at our website for the time being, someone stole a bunch of their pics and added to their site, without asking our permission. No credit given to us; although he had added our page address there, on a list of other addresses where he went and stole pics... but the most worst part was that he didn't bothered to ask from us, just went and took the pics! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

09-09-2002, 04:47 AM
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean Niina and wolf_Q! People have done that sorta stuff to me too, and some of them are even rude enough not to even bother uploading the stolen pictures to their own webspace, they just refer it directly off my site, hence wasting my bandwith!! How rude isn't that?!

And my boyfriend, who draws, has had a lot of his drawings taken and put on other people's sites as well. And some of the people refuse to remove them and claim it's their own stuff, just like what happened to wolf_Q.

Former User
09-09-2002, 04:57 AM
Oh, forgat to mention that this person who stole those pics from us, dared to tell me (when I asked him to remove them) that I should be FLATTERED! D'OH! I shold be flattered because someone steals from us? Excuse me and go and have your head checked up (unless it's too late!) :mad: :mad: