View Full Version : My new site

09-04-2008, 02:33 PM
As a lot of you are aware July 21st my little Niece Madisyn Lynn was born prematurely at 29 weeks. Unfortunately due to unforeseen complications she did not make it. I had posted pictures of a quilt that I had made for Madisyn and decided that since she had inspired me to make those I would continue to make others and put them up for sale. The site and quilts are dedicated to my niece who you will find pictured on the page dedicated to her. I have decided the emblem on the quilts with be the outlining of a red heart intertwined with a white heart. Red representing a parents love for their child and white the sign of purity, new life, and the little Angel named Madisyn Lynn that now will watch over us all.

At this time only one quilt is posted on there and the second is almost finished. I would just love it if you would check it out and give me your opinions. I do not offend easily so don't hesitate to help me correct spelling or grammar LOL.


09-04-2008, 02:37 PM
I am so deeply sorry about little Madilyn ... I had no idea!:(

The quilts are lovely!

Daisy and Delilah
09-04-2008, 08:34 PM
What a beautiful website, Traci. I had no idea you are a quilter. I also quilt. Not much lately but I still love it. One day I'll return to quilting around the clock I hope. :)

How long have you been quilting? You're doing a great job. Keep up the good work. I hope you sell alot of them. Thanks for sharing your site with us.:)

I'm also very sorry about little Madisyn. This is a perfect way to remember her.

09-04-2008, 08:44 PM
Traci, you mention Madisyn, but no mention of her premature birth or death, so the "in memory of Madysin" may confuse people.

I think a brief sentence, after "my sister carrying a girl," and before the "in memory of" part that states simply that "sadly, Madysin was born X weeks premature, and did not survive. In memory and honor of her, and premies everywhere, I am creating these quilts."

I had two siblings who only lived a day each, and other families may be comforted by the thought that they are not alone in their grief. Families whose babies don't make it are often callously told, "Oh, well, it's not like you really got to know X, you can have another." without acknowledging the many months the mother spent growing and caring for new life inside her.

Just my two cents.

09-04-2008, 10:11 PM
My suggestion would be to perhaps add a photo of the special heart insignia. I love those quilts that you made for Madisyn, especially that first one.

09-05-2008, 04:55 AM
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions, I greatly appreciate it.

Terry, I started quilting back in April/May (?), I think, right after my sister had it confirmed she was carrying a little girl. I love it. Relaxing, a nice feeling to make something for someone else also.

Karen, thank you. I think being so close to the situation my mind gets "Clouded" and I miss things. I have read it over and over and little by little make corrections. I appreciate all your suggestions and will get to the site sometime today and make the corrections.

I did at one point have an explaination on there about Madisyn's loss, I don't know why I ended up taking it out but I see your point that it allows others to know they are not the only ones going through something like the loss of an infant.

People that make comments like that IMO are ignorant.

Moesha, yes I will be adding a picture of the insignia to the site also, just had not gotten to it yet.

09-05-2008, 08:11 AM
Traci, I found the site very touching. Nice job!

09-05-2008, 12:02 PM
Great job, Traci! The quilts are so beautiful!

Daisy and Delilah
09-05-2008, 12:49 PM
Quilting is a great hobby, Traci. There are so many people you can make quilts for. Great gifts. It makes me very happy. I'm so glad you enjoy it too.:)