View Full Version : F L E A S update: it is NOT over yet

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-04-2008, 04:51 AM
Our cats have fleas :eek::eek::eek:

Hubby and I found bites on our legs, Sooooooooooo itchy....... .
Then I controlled the cats furs and :eek: there I found those black spots and even a few living fleas:eek:

I went to the vet who prescribed Frontline and Strongal for the cats..... . He says this will take care of the problem. I SURE HOPE SO :(

Anybody here on PT with good advize:confused:

09-04-2008, 07:57 AM
Personally, I haven't had good luck with Frontline. Regardless, though, you'll probably have to do something with the house too. :o Do you have carpet?

09-04-2008, 08:01 AM
Lut, many years ago, before the invention of Frontline, I had a flea situation. I only had dogs (different ones than now) at the time and it was awful. There was lots of bathing and vacuuming going on at my house! :eek: I think that you will find that the Frontline does an excellent job. You will need to keep your vacuum cleaner busy for any that may be in the carpet or elsewhere in the meantime. I have not seen one flea since I began using it years ago. Good luck!

09-04-2008, 09:05 AM
It's too late to tell you this, I know, but a few drops of Frontline/Advantage on their neck once a month should prevent them getting any.

However, now that you have them... give each of your girls what the vet told you, and then get the vacuum cleaner out! I don't think you have carpets on, do you? Still, all the furniture have to be vacuumed thoroughly. You may even have to sprinkle some "flee powder" around the house - and in the vacuum clener too, ask your vet about that.

Good luck getting rid of them! :)

09-04-2008, 10:17 AM
Rubbing a slice of lime on your bites STINGS but really helps the itch. Or, try a paste of baking soda and a bit of water...it will "draw" the stuff out.

09-04-2008, 10:42 AM
I hate fleas. Te lemon or the baking soda does work. I'm the one that gets the bites almost before the cats. Flea powder is a staple in our house, because if one gets in, explosion. We have no carpets, just throw rugs. The Frontline does work and the last few years we have had very little trouble. Before Frontline I would bomb the house at lest once a year.
By the way the throw rugs can be cleaned in a washing machine (we do not use our machine, take them to a laundra-mat).

09-04-2008, 11:45 AM
I'm sorry to hear this. I've been using Advantage every month on my cats and I haven't had any problems since. Good luck.:)

09-04-2008, 12:35 PM
I use this on my kitties and it allows me to rest easy each summer. I don't see the need to have the treatments during the winter.

I swear by this stuff. It is a tad expensive, but I hate fleas. I cannot believe you have escaped having to do this before now.

There are cheaper versions on the flea treatment and I have never tried them.

I, too, recommend you put flea powder in your vacuum cleaner(s) for the next few weeks. Depending on the infestation, you may need to bomb the house. Sounds as though the fleas have decided to call it home.

I drove myself crazy trying to control fleas, for years, until I caught on to the monthly treatments directly on to the cats. Works like a charm.

If you keep all your kittens inside, it isn't usually a problem.

Good luck. We have all been there!

09-04-2008, 03:02 PM
There are cheaper versions on the flea treatment and I have never tried them.

Don't waste your money. I use Advantix on my dogs (I believe they have it for cats also), and last year in an attempt to save a few bucks, bought BioSpot. Worthless!!! It cost me more in the long run - they got fleas, so of course it was de-flea the house as well as them. I sent the unused back for a refund and went back to Advantix.

Years ago before all these once a month topical treatments, I used garlic as a repellent on my Lhasas. A little garlic powder mixed with their food worked quite well, but I don't imagine cats would take to it very well. :(

09-04-2008, 05:00 PM
Reposted from a post I did last year because it's too long to retype it all out again.

I have worked as a vet assistant for over 7 years, so I have narrowed my flea tirade down to my standard 'flea speech'.

Start of 'flea speech'

By the time a person notices fleas jumping on them in their houses or biting the family you already have a very, very bad flea problem. To prevent that keep a careful eye on your pet looking for fleas. Fleas can either be identified by actually seeing the adult flea, or by seeing little black specks the size of a pin head close to the skin (those are flea droppings, yuck). A cheap flea comb from any pet store will help with this especially if your pet has dark or long hair. On cats fleas are more typically found around the head/neck area. On dogs they are usually found along the spine near the tail, or on the belly.

A single female flea lays about 2,000 eggs in her lifetime! Out of the flea population ONLY 5% is visable as adult fleas. So for every five fleas you see, there are 95% more microscopic immature flea larva/eggs that you can't see. Immature fleas can live inside carpets, pet bedding, etc for up to 2 YEARS before hatching. Fleas can even manage to reproduce in homes with only hardwood flooring in cracks and crevices.

Frontline PLUS is a liquid you put on the back of your cats neck on the skin. It soaks in and attatches to the oils in your cat and circulates over the whole body. Within 24 hours it goes to work. It is important not to bathe your pet for 2 days before and 2 days after using Frontline PLUS, as bathing washes the oil out of their skin and make it hard for the product to circulate properly. However after that 2 day period if you want to bathe your pet, go ahead, it's in your pets skin and is waterproof.

Frontline PLUS works at fleas 2 ways...

1. Fleas are killed upon contact with a pet with Frontline PLUS. Fleas do NOT have to bite the pet for it to kill the flea. It kills the flea before it's had a blood meal (which is required for reproduction).

2. It also contains a 'growth regulator' that as your pet sheds hair/dandruf, it carries the PLUS part of the ingredients down into your carpets, pet bedding etc. This messes up the life cycle of the larva so they never hatch into adult fleas. This part of the process takes patience, however it is the most important part.

Regular and long term use (1-2 years without missing a month), will eliminate the need for messy/expensive flea bombs, sprays, powders, dips, collars etc. It is important not to stop using Fronline PLUS once the flea problem seems to be slowing down or gone, those flea larva may still be lurking in your house for up to a year yet!

Frontline PLUS is somewhat expensive, until you realize how much money has been spent on all the other things that don't work, not to mention the dangerous chemicals, it is def. more cost saving to use Frontline PLUS. The main ingredient of Frontline PLUS (fipronil) has been used in fruit orchards in the US since the 1980's and ONLY affects the system of an insect, not mammals, so it's a safe product.

Many OTC flea products contain more risky ingredients like pyretherins/phenothrins which are not only unsafe, (EPA about Hartz flea and tick drops) but also don't work well. Most OTC flea products only kill the existing adult fleas on your pet at that moment. So you can bathe away in a chemical laden bath and the moment you set your pet back on the floor...whamo, you've got fleas again. Also since the pyretherins have been used for so many years many fleas have become immune to the effects of them resulting in poor perfomance of the product.

End of standard 'flea speech'. LOL

As my standard disclaimer goes.....
I do not work for Merial (maker of Frontline) I do not recieve any compensation for recommending this product, and I only personally recommend products I trust to be safe and are effective.

I have used both Frontline PLUS and Revolution on my own cats. Revolution is just as good as an adult flea killer, but does very little on the growth regulator part in comparison to Frontline PLUS.

BTW don't use Frontline PLUS 2 days before, or 2 days after a bath. A bath washes the oils out of the skin and makes it more difficult for Frontline PLUS to circulate over your pet's body.

09-04-2008, 05:52 PM
I would recommend Frontline Plus too, it works very well at my house.
My Vet stopped selling Advantage that I used to use, but this stuff is even
better & the cats don't run because of the smell.:D I can get close to them
with an open dose & put it on them easily. (added points in my book):D

If you already have fleas inside, you'll have to clean their bedding &
everything else inside. It's a real pain, but a 2 front approach works best.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-05-2008, 05:06 PM
Thanks for all the good advize!!

We have NO carpetting in the house, because both our children are allergic to dustmites. All tiles here.
The vet said that it isn't necessary to do any special cleaning in the house. But I don't believe that at all; so today I have been changing all the beds (humans), and lots of vacuuming has been done too. I don't think it is any use though to vacuum fleapowder, because we have a central vacuuming system. Meaning: there is a central huge container for all the dirt in our garage, so there is no dustbag on the vacuumer itself, there is only a long hose that can be connected to the system in every room of the house (sorry for the long and maybe bad explanation, English isn't my mothertongue:o).

I feel so bad for not having noticed this flea situation sooner.... :(. My cats get Frontline on their neck every 6 months; I had NO idea that this wasn't enough...! I also interpreted the bites as musquito bites:rolleyes:.

I hope I can get this under control as soon as possible:(

Thanks again for your help!!!

ps. Only 2 of our cats are indoor-outdoor cats: Maya & Inka. The other 2 Zazou & Snoopy are strictly indoor now (remember Zazou's missing?) !!

09-05-2008, 05:28 PM
I think the application is one a month. Did you know that? Also, although the other two cats do not go outside, the fleas could still jump on them if they arrive in the house, on the other cats. I would suggest giving the flea treatment to all of the cats for the warm months. Just a suggestion. That's what I do......and it has worked so far. Once the first frost arrives, I stop the treatments until spring time.

F L E A S :(:rolleyes::eek:

09-05-2008, 07:12 PM
I think the application is one a month. Did you know that? Also, although the other two cats do not go outside, the fleas could still jump on them if they arrive in the house, on the other cats. I would suggest giving the flea treatment to all of the cats for the warm months. Just a suggestion. That's what I do......and it has worked so far. Once the first frost arrives, I stop the treatments until spring time.

F L E A S :(:rolleyes::eek:

I agree. Especially since you've already seen fleas in the house. Appy on
every cat once a month & you'll finally get rid of them. My indoor cats never
get outside, but I have two dogs that go in & out and can carry fleas from
the yard into the house, so it's good to use flea treatment on the indoor cats

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-06-2008, 04:17 AM
it's good to use flea treatment on the indoor cats


one more question: do I use a flea's comb, to get rid of all the remaining dead & alive creatures??? I did it on Snoopy this morning, and there I got a big living flea :eek: EEK!!!!!!!!!! . She got her Frontline last wednesday ( the cat did, not the flea hehe).

oh one more thing! It is useful to make the cats wear a ant-fleas collar?

09-06-2008, 04:35 AM
I don't use collars, and as far as I know, they are not necessary if you use the topical treatments. I would use the comb and dispose of the fleas quickly and carefully. I recommend you quickly put the flea and the hair in a zip lock bag and then pinch the flea to death.....then dispose of the contents in the toilet.

The sooner you get the fleas off the cats, the faster your problem will be resolved.

Gosh, I hated having fleas....thank goodness for the topical treatments. Once you get rid of the fleas, the monthly applications will seem easy! My cats don't like them, but hey, the don't have a choice!

Good luck!:eek:

09-07-2008, 11:03 AM
Don't use flea or any other type of parasite collar. They have lots of harsh cemicals in them, and honestly I've seen fleas at work crawl right over the darn things anyways, they don't work.

If you're using the Frontline PLUS you don't really need to comb out the live fleas as they WILL die. But combing out the flea dirt and dead fleas would probably help keep your critters cleaner.

Also if you have fleas like that, you may want to watch your critters in the next 3-6 weeks for signs of tape worms. They are small rice sized segments that may be on your pets stool, or stuck on the fur of their backsides. If you see those you need to call your vet for some medication for them.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-08-2008, 03:40 PM
If you're using the Frontline PLUS you don't really need to comb out the live fleas as they WILL die. But combing out the flea dirt and dead fleas would probably help keep your critters cleaner.

I see "FRONTLINE" on the box, I hope it is the right thing!

Also if you have fleas like that, you may want to watch your critters in the next 3-6 weeks for signs of tape worms. They are small rice sized segments that may be on your pets stool, or stuck on the fur of their backsides. If you see those you need to call your vet for some medication for them

Why is that? Do fleas also bring eggs of tape worm on them:eek:

09-08-2008, 04:38 PM
I don't know about the" worms" thing, but you definately do not need a
flea collar if you use the topical treatment. In fact, it overloads the chemicals
needed to kill fleas, lice, etc & itsn't good to use both.

I agree Frontline Plus is a little expensive, but I hate FLEAS with a passion.
Some seasons seem to be worse than others for flea problems. This one was
bad for us in Indy.

09-08-2008, 05:09 PM
I see "FRONTLINE" on the box, I hope it is the right thing!
There is an older version of Frontline that does NOT have the PLUS on the box. Only the one with the PLUS on it has the growth regulator in it to help kill fleas in your home and keep them from reproducing. Both versions of Frontline work equal at killing adult fleas.

Why is that? Do fleas also bring eggs of tape worm on them:eek:
Fleas are an intermediate host to tapeworms. When a pet ingests a flea carrying the tapeworm larva then it gets into your pet. Yes, it's definately yucky. Just keep watch for them, usually takes 3-6 weeks before they show up. Normallyl only pets that show signs of tapeworm are treated.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-30-2008, 06:22 AM
Tuesday 30th

I am at my wits end!!
I did EVERYTHING that was suggested, treated the cats several times, washed tons of things, vacuumed non-stop, used spray EVERYWHERE, etc... .

But the fleas keep coming back! we are all biten all over our legs, even my sons tummy and my hubby's arms! The cats seem to be free of fleas; but the way it is now, they will get infested in no time:eek::(

Today I bought the most agressive things: bombs! I will treat the complete house with it, will put the cats in carriers, and leave the house during 4 hours.......! I f that won't help, I will go nuts!! Well, I am already!

I am so down and nervous.... ; Where did I deserve this???:(:(:(

09-30-2008, 07:42 AM
Sorry too hear. I know what you are going through. I am usualy the frist one bit.
We have had to bomb several times. Just be carful, make sure that all pilot lights are off (stove, oven, water heater). I am lucky in that my house is all electric and I have a disconnect switch out side. With our CREW we have several large dog carriers. So in some cases ther are two that travel together. WE try to make it a nice day out for everyone.
While we are waiting for the house we also treat with Frontline. We also wash all clothes, towels, ect. as soon as as posible.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-30-2008, 09:11 AM
Sorry too hear. I know what you are going through. I am usualy the frist one bit.
We have had to bomb several times. Just be carful, make sure that all pilot lights are off (stove, oven, water heater). I am lucky in that my house is all electric and I have a disconnect switch out side. With our CREW we have several large dog carriers. So in some cases ther are two that travel together. WE try to make it a nice day out for everyone.
While we are waiting for the house we also treat with Frontline. We also wash all clothes, towels, ect. as soon as as posible.

Sorry, but why do I have to put all pilot lights off??
And we cannot do it with the DVD-player, it is always on standby! Or do I have to switch electricity off completely:eek: What with the food in the freezer then?

09-30-2008, 09:33 AM
Lut - I am sure your freezer will be ok for four hours.

These precautions are so the fumes from the bombs don't hit anything that might start a fire. DVD players can be switched back on.

How expensive are professional exterminators in your area? Some have a guarantee, or will include a follow-up treatment in their prices. The cost can be worth it as they have done this a LOT - ask for references.

Call around - some even use less harmful sprays.

I think with Frontline, the cats have to be treated regularly. Wonder if it works on humans?

Poor you and Bernard! I hope you find the answer soon!

09-30-2008, 10:24 AM
Frontline and Frontline Plus is made to use monthly. It's for ANIMAL use only and not on humans. Box says that loud and clear.

Skin So Soft from Avon (not the lotion made for bugs, same stuff more expensive because it says "for bugs") works great keeping outdoor bugs off humans. $7 bottle last a long time and your skin gets nice and soft in the process :)

09-30-2008, 12:16 PM
CATTY1 hit the nail on the head. Most good bombs fill the house with a vapor that can be flamable. I shut off the electric becouse of the thermasats may spark if the heat goes on. And for me it's easy as it is only 1 switch. Pilot lights are an open flame so I would not chance it.
I don't know if you have any fish but tha tanks would have to be sealed, with ours I would run a long air line from out side to keep a positive press in the tanks. Needless to say that any food human or animal must be removed from the open areas. We would take the cat food, water bowls and toys with us.
I have used Skin so soft and it does work. When Ginger was with us we would keep a wash cloth in a bag with, Skin so soft, by the door, so that when we went for a walk we could give her a wip-down before going out.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-30-2008, 01:16 PM
CATTY1 hit the nail on the head. Most good bombs fill the house with a vapor that can be flamable. I shut off the electric becouse of the thermasats may spark if the heat goes on. And for me it's easy as it is only 1 switch. Pilot lights are an open flame so I would not chance it.
I don't know if you have any fish but tha tanks would have to be sealed, with ours I would run a long air line from out side to keep a positive press in the tanks. Needless to say that any food human or animal must be removed from the open areas. We would take the cat food, water bowls and toys with us.
I have used Skin so soft and it does work. When Ginger was with us we would keep a wash cloth in a bag with, Skin so soft, by the door, so that when we went for a walk we could give her a wip-down before going out.

Okay!! I will turn off the main handle!
We don't have a fishtank. Lots of fish in our OUTDOOR pool, lol:)

Update from vet
He said I am doing everything perfectly! No fleas on the cats; and the fleas who dare bite them, get a lovely potion of poison:D. They all got their yearly shots too.
Zazou had to stay for 1 night though:(. Due to exessive grooming, she has lots of "tangles" on her tummy. As she won't let me comb her there, we have no choice as to have her tommy shaved...! Will be a cold winter for my fluffy sweetheart!

09-30-2008, 07:29 PM
I just caught the update on the fleas.

Flea control once they are as out of hand as yours are is a LONG TERM process. As long as you keep treating the pets in the house with Frontline PLUS every 30 days the fleas will eventually die and stop biting you. Don't forget what was in my original post. 1 female flea = 2,000 eggs. If there's fleas coming out of the carpet biting you then plenty of females have had time to lay LOTS of eggs. It may take as long as 1-2 years of treating the cats every 30 days to completely be rid of them but they will go away, you just have to have patience. The problem didn't happen in a few weeks and certainly won't go away in a couple weeks.

I personally wouldn't recommend flea bombs. They are nasty, and have a whole bunch of downsides to them.

09-30-2008, 10:35 PM
Is there any way you can get an exterminator? I'd do that before bombing. There's so much you have to do with bombing a house. Normally with exterminators you have a one time fee, but you can sign up for a monthly contract and they will come out ANY time during that month that you have a problem. I normally use an exterminator in my house because I live in a row home and the basement gets "water bugs" in it because of dampness. Basically a nice way of saying the basement gets Oriental Roaches in it... ick... but it's city living, and they spread in row homes easily. Thankfully, that is all I've really had to deal with living in a row home, but the exterminator will come out and treat ANY infestation problem I have when there is a contract. I'd check into it, it's a an investment, but it's worth the peace of mind.

10-01-2008, 06:25 AM
Or do I have to switch electricity off completely:eek: What with the food in the freezer then? The food in the fridge and freezer will keep itself cold for some hours as long as nobody's flapping the doors open & closed, but I wouldn't prefer whole-house bombing. I set off bombs in 1 room last year but finally ended up closing off the room, stuffing a towel under the door, and letting the miserable varmits starve for several months. :mad: That FINALLY got rid of them!!

LOL. Actually, I got a faceful of Advantage one time, and neither fleas nor mosquitoes would touch me for a whole month!! If I did camping or any of that I'd seriously consider doing it on purpose. Not in the face, maybe--it stinks!! :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-01-2008, 09:43 AM
You surely all think I am a bad catmommy, and that I don't take care of my cats :(:rolleyes:. I must tell you: that is NOT true! Zazou must have brought the critters home from her "city-trip", and blesses the complete house with them. Due to severe personal problems, I didn' notice them scratching a lot until we got bites too :o:(. I don't get it why I didn't see them scratching :o:o. Guess I was to confident that those nasty fleas would never come to our house:rolleyes:
I have to take the consequences now...
I "bombed" the house this morning. Please fleas, DIE, DIE, DIE !!!!

10-01-2008, 09:57 AM
Some people are lucky and fleas don't hang out on their pets. I have had one nasty process with fleas, and I learned my lesson. I had to bomb my house, twice, the second time after 30 days. I had to de-worm my cats, de-flea my cats and also spray around baseboards and under sofas etc. It was horrible. I have learned my lesson. I use Frontline 9 months out of the year.

Lut, someday you will look back and wonder how you got through this.

Outside = flea territory

Fleas may be less invasive in your country, but there are everywhere here in the USA. Since I live in an area where frost on the ground is early, we do get a little break in the cycle outside. But inside the house, is 365 days a year, since I use my heat when it gets cold.

I hope the bombing thing works for you. It may take awhile and it may require a little vigilance for awhile. Got to get in the habit of applying the Frontline or Advantage stuff.

I feel your pain.:eek:

10-05-2008, 10:59 PM
Good luck with the flea battle. I know that can be soooooo frustrating...:love::love::love:

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-19-2009, 04:26 PM
Yippie, no more fleas. It took us nearly 3 months to get rid of them:)

01-19-2009, 05:40 PM
Flea infestation can be a vicious cycle that is hard to break.

Frontline,advantix and all flea medication that you put on or give orally to your dog or cat really only kills those fleas on your pet. Even if you get frontline plus that has the ingredient that keeps eggs from hatching it doesn't make it to the carpet. It does nothing for the flea eggs in your carpet and furniture, If you wont to break the flea cycle you need to spray your house with Precor. Sprink Sevan dust on the outside in areas that cats or dogs frequent. You can also sprink Sevan in bedding areas. The Precor keeps the eggs from hatching. I spray with Precor every spring and again during summer. Once a year I add Malithion to my spray mixture. You can buy Precor from an exterminator. Flea powder is nothing but Sevan dust. Sevan dust is a much cheaper alternative that can be sprinkeled in carpet when you have active fleas.

01-19-2009, 06:43 PM
Flea infestation can be a vicious cycle that is hard to break.

Frontline,advantix and all flea medication that you put on or give orally to your dog or cat really only kills those fleas on your pet. Even if you get frontline plus that has the ingredient that keeps eggs from hatching it doesn't make it to the carpet. It does nothing for the flea eggs in your carpet and furniture, If you wont to break the flea cycle you need to spray your house with Precor. Sprink Sevan dust on the outside in areas that cats or dogs frequent. You can also sprink Sevan in bedding areas. The Precor keeps the eggs from hatching. I spray with Precor every spring and again during summer. Once a year I add Malithion to my spray mixture. You can buy Precor from an exterminator. Flea powder is nothing but Sevan dust. Sevan dust is a much cheaper alternative that can be sprinkeled in carpet when you have active fleas.

Might want to re-think Sevendust as a 'cheap' alternative to flea treatment. It's not a 'safe' product for pet or indoor use at all.


01-20-2009, 10:21 AM
Thanks for your info on Sevandust risk. Sounds like it can be very dangerous if not careful. I have heard some of the same horror stories about Revolution and other Flea meds. I have always used Sevan sparingly on carpet only when there were actually fleas present. I usually put it on the carpet and then vacuumed. I'm sure that if this was used in a garden they used the sevan pump. This not only puts the dust on the plants but a lot would be put in the air to drift through fence and coat everything. Any insecticide, Frontline and house bombs included, can be dangerous if not used with caution. I had an Uncle that was an avid fox hunter and had 21 hound dogs. He used Sevan in his dog pens for years with no problems.

Precor however is not toxic and does work to break the flea cycle.

01-20-2009, 11:59 AM
I think for ANY product out there, if it's strong enough to kill a bug, it's strong enough to potentially cause other problems. Doesn't matter if it's 'natural' or chemical, or whatever, if it kills bugs of any type then it's got potential for bad, especially if not used properly.

I've been working at the vet hospital for a long time, I don't know how many thousands of cats/dogs we've used flea products on, but in my experience Frontline Plus and Revolution are two of the safest that we've seen far less reactions or problems with than the others. I personally have used both products on my cats without hesitation and will continue to do so without fear.

02-20-2009, 04:12 PM
When our cat got fleas when our son and his cat were here, both of them got Advantage at the vet, but it did nothing at all! We found out that, at least around here, they are saying that the fleas are now resistant or immune to whatever chemical is in it. We also found out that, even though it didn't work, we couldn't use any other product on them until the whole month was up. But we HAD to do something quick, so, in addition to bathing them to get rid of the adult fleas on them right then, we got a Flea Zapper Comb (made by Epilady, who makes the women's hair removers) and used it several times a day. I don't know why they aren't sold locally here. Someone told me that, since they only take 2 batteries which last a long time, there is no need to keep buying things to put on them every month! Our Angel absolutely loves being combed, and it was so gratifying to hear and see each flea we found on her "fry"! Gradually we found fewer and fewer fleas each day and no more black specks. It took about 2 months, a lot less time than I thought it would.

I read in one of the earlier postings that the larvae can live in carpets, etc. for up to a year, so I will continue to keep my eyes open for fleas and "flea dirt."

Also, it has been very good that we have now gotten into the habit of brushing her. She enjoys it so much, and now she is having a lot fewer hairballs from ingesting so much hair with her fastidious grooming. We should have started this years ago. We have just found out that she may have a life-threatening illness, so it will be even more important to enjoy every minute with her that we have from now on.