View Full Version : Death takes a holiday?

09-04-2008, 01:48 AM
Holiday man "declared dead"

A man has returned from an extended holiday to find that loads of his mates have been mourning his death.

The confusion began in June when Michael O'Neill, from Middlesbrough, set-off for Australia to stay with a friend. It was a last minute decision, so he forgot to let people know.

Mr O'Neill's neighbours grew worried about his disappearance, reports the Daily Telegraph, so eventually they contacted the police.

Officers broke into the 49-year-old's flat, but could find no evidence of his whereabouts.

Then, last week, his friends thought their fears had been confirmed when a family announcement was made in a local newspaper.

By coincidence, it reported the death of another Michael O'Neill from Middlesbrough.

Both men were a similar age - the late Mr O'Neill was 50 - and both have brothers named Kevin and Terry.

The living Mr O'Neill said: "I went out on June 2 to stay with a friend and when I got back last Monday I found my door had been smashed in!

"My neighbours thought I had died so they got in touch with police who came and broke the door down.

"Everywhere I am going, people I know are grabbing hold of my hand, saying 'I thought you were dead! They can't believe it's me and I'm still alive."



I forgot to tell anyone?

What I want to know is, "Is death really a holiday?":rolleyes:

09-04-2008, 06:22 AM
Well I wouldn't say staying in Aus is like 'death warmed up' :D

09-04-2008, 07:44 AM
What I want to know is, "Is death really a holiday?":rolleyes:


smokey the elder
09-04-2008, 08:46 AM
Reminds me of a line in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: "Spending a year dead for tax purposes." Bummer about the guy's front door, and the unfortunate duplication of names.

09-04-2008, 02:42 PM
well, its more reassuring to know that people cared. Hope they didn't take his stuff.:eek: