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Willow Oak
09-02-2008, 08:30 PM
On my way home from work, this is what I found (http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii182/eulersequation/MomAndPups/?action=view&current=WhatIFound.flv).

How about a little fun in a box (http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii182/eulersequation/MomAndPups/?action=view&current=PupsInBox.flv)?

Or how about a little fun on the floor (http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii182/eulersequation/MomAndPups/?action=view&current=PupsOnFloor.flv)?

Or a little fun in the water (http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii182/eulersequation/MomAndPups/?action=view&current=PupsWater.flv)?

What a mess (http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii182/eulersequation/MomAndPups/?action=view&current=PupsEating-1.flv)!

And for my critics (http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii182/eulersequation/MomAndPups/?action=view&current=FullOfBleach.flv).

09-02-2008, 08:45 PM
Gosh, what a cute group. What the heck are you going to do with them? I cannot believe you found them in the road. Such a shame. Such disregard for doggies. My heart is breaking.

Thanks for taking care of God's little creatures. (Unwanted ones at that!)

09-02-2008, 08:50 PM
OK, I have to ask...

Is there a cartoon bubble over your head that says *Give me your abandoned dogs?*

I swear, you're a homeless dog magnet!

And I mean this in a sweet way..no sarcasm or meanness intended!

I guess everyone's heard of you and know where to "dump" :mad:

So? What's the future hold? I'm at a different computer and the video was a bit dark. What kind of puppers are they? What'd the rest of your crew have to say??? Sorry if you had audio..couldn't get it where I am.

Suki Wingy
09-02-2008, 09:08 PM
What lucky little puppies they are that you found them!

Scooter's Mom
09-02-2008, 10:07 PM
You're such a blessing to these little ones. You have such a big heart, it's no wonder they find their way to you.

Please keep us updated on these babies!

09-02-2008, 10:07 PM
I'm glad the pups and momma are in good hands! They are very cute!:D Good luck finding homes and spaying mom!

09-03-2008, 09:22 AM
Oh dear, not what you need right now, is it! :eek: But you certainly are a magnet to lost dogs!

What are you going to do? Any chance their owner is looking for them? It seems that dog owners in your area need to be educated about taking properly care of their dogs!

They are so cute, and of course, you could not leave them in the road. I hope they're all in good health, and you can find a loving family for them.

Thanks for all you do to help! :)

Willow Oak
09-03-2008, 09:59 AM
I found the dogs when I was within a couple of miles of my house in the little obsolete town of Winnesoga, Mississippi. The mom and pups were within a block of a railroad crossing there. I rousted two local households and was told that the dog was a stray and been being fed with table scraps. Upon enquiry I was told that the animal shelter had been called, but the people were told that the shelter did not go into the county outside of the city limits. The sheriff's office was called, and the people were told to call the animal shelter.

Our local shelter is called the Corinth Alcorn County Humane Society. Their website is www.cachs.com (http:\\www.cachs.com).

There has been a turnover in management at the shelter, and the reports I receive are not good. Of course, this is heresay only. The previous management did an excellent job of tracking down calls and complaints, and adopted animals out all over the country, but I am getting reports from local vets and their technicians that the current shelter management is actually adopting out animals that have not been properly screened (shots/neuter, etc). This could be wrong information. I hope so.

I have personally delivered scores if not a few hundred animals to this shelter and have always had good cooperation in the past. I have not dealt with the current administration so I may be completely wrong about them. They haven't met me yet, but I suspect that they will soon.

09-03-2008, 10:42 AM
Wow, poor pups. Thank goodness you crossed their paths.

09-03-2008, 11:37 AM
I have to say you are an amazing man. I wish I were closer to help with mom and pups, I have a soft spot for black and tan doggies.

Are they still at your home, are you finding homes for them by yourself, or?

Oh, and the last video made me giggle. :D

09-03-2008, 01:10 PM
You are such a sweetheart!!! Just look at those widdle babies!!! Poor sweet momma must be so thankful for your help! THANK YOU and phewy to any critics!;)

Willow Oak
09-03-2008, 02:34 PM
I called the animal shelter, and they have agreed to take the pups. I shall deliver them Saturday. The mom doesn't stand a prayer of being adopted, and if the shelter agrees with my assessment then, ..., well, then I guess I just got myself another dog! ...:mad:... :( ... :confused:...:rolleyes:...:)...:D

09-03-2008, 03:10 PM
It's great that the animal shelter will take the pups, although they'll miss their mom, and she'll miss them. :( Do you have a guess on their age? How's the little guy doing who was so quiet? Are they all eating, drinking, pooping?

Willow Oak
09-03-2008, 03:18 PM
It's great that the animal shelter will take the pups, although they'll miss their mom, and she'll miss them. :( Do you have a guess on their age? How's the little guy doing who was so quiet? Are they all eating, drinking, pooping?

I left for work this morning at 5:15 am and haven't seen them since. Surely they will be okay until I arrive home around 5:30 pm. But mom was up barking at me this morning as I left, so it looks like she is going to be fine.

All pups were moving around and eating and drinking when I left. They woke me up a couple times during the night, so ...

I may need some good drugs to make it to the end of the week {{{Oh boy is someone going to bash me for saying that! :rolleyes:}}}

And did you ask about pooping? Didn't I mention? Are you kidding me??? There was poop. A lot of it. Everywhere!

09-03-2008, 04:01 PM

Are the pups ready to leave their mom? They are so darn cute. I could use a few more videos of them. Ahemmmmm. Thank you camera man.

09-03-2008, 05:01 PM
what a bunch of cuties!!.. glad you were there.. and gave them shelter and food.. lets hope they all find homes and hope to see more of them..

I loved the videos!!... and I love your accent...so neat..;)

Willow Oak
09-03-2008, 07:18 PM
I may have taken the pups away from mom too soon. Anyways they are back with her this evening. I am guessing that they are around four weeks old. When I arrived home from work she acted like she was missing them so I gave them back. We'll see about tomorrow.

I am gone all day. Just not enough time to prepare for them properly.

I'll take them over to the shelter on Saturday. I am guessing that I shall end up keeping mom. Boy did I have a mess to clean up when I arrived home!

I'm tired. Good night.

09-03-2008, 07:36 PM
Like I already said....

I can quit my job that I hate, sell my condo, pack up and move to Mississipi. Of course, I would have to learn how to speak your language...;)

Seriously though, I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. I believe that there are hoomans who are deemed to be rescuers and quite obviously you are one of them. I would take my hat off to you but I look terrible in hats...never wore them.:p

You, your stories and our glimpses into the "day in the life of" are such a wonderful addition to Pet Talk. I really hope you stick around. :)

09-03-2008, 08:20 PM
Claire. The Mom should be named Claire. (It's the closest name I could get to "Clorox.") :D

I guess Clara would work, too. lol

09-03-2008, 08:32 PM
I think I've missed something. How old might the pups be? And I don't understand the one about the bleach. It's way, high up where the babies can't get to it. The only thing that makes me mad is that they were in the road. How fortunate they were that you came along when you did!

Edited to say, I didn't read carefully enough. In #17 it notes they are roughly four weeks old.

09-04-2008, 09:45 AM
Dan, I hope you got a good nights sleep and don't have any serious programming to do today. You have just got to work from home at the moment!

I'm so glad that the pups are with their mom again, since they're only about 4 weeks old. :p Do you have them in big crate? Will they use a litter box, like cats?

Can't wait to hear news on their progress! They're SO cute!

Tonya, you know what Clara reminds us all of! :D

Willow Oak
09-04-2008, 10:36 AM
Claire. The Mom should be named Claire. (It's the closest name I could get to "Clorox.") :D

I guess Clara would work, too. lol

It came to me in a dream. I am at work and too busy to relate the dream now (not that it matters), but as part of my preparation for work this morning, and before I left the house, I returned the pups to the bathroom with a bowl of mush. I'll have another gargantuan cleanup job when I arrive home this afternoon. There will be poop. Lots and lots of poop.

The mother did well with her babies during the night. They all curled up and slept fairly well. Still, I am experiencing sleep deprivation right now, having endured two nights with the new additions.

Before I left for work I entered the mom's kennel for a short visit. Squatting down I pulled my arms around the black and tan and hugged her for a bit. She is such a pretty dog. She has a nice smile, a wonderful wag, and she is well-behaved. I thought about what a responsibility it must be to be a mother.

Me? Oh, I'm not into motherhood -- I wouldn't know about that; but ..., seeing that poor thing in the road recently with those puppies hanging onto her, watching the mother dog and seeing her face, that weary, haggard look -- it's enough to make you want to cry -- even a grown man like me, who would rather go out and eat a steak and just relax.

I sat with her this morning and told her about my dream. It came to me as I slept. I told her that I know. Yes, now I know. I know her name. For all the labor and pain and all the worry and anxiety she had to endure, not knowing or even being concerned with where her next meal might come, her only and main concern being to care for and protect her babies, she held up heroicly. And in her heroism she survived and her babies survived, and now she is free to relax and look after herself once more, while someone else assumes the responsibility of caring for her babies.

Yes, I finally know her name. Despite the crule fates of being abandoned and unwanted, she persevered with beauty and grace, and it is such grace that adorns the world with beauty. Grace.


09-04-2008, 01:21 PM
Welcome, beautiful Grace!:love:

09-04-2008, 01:48 PM
YAY!!!.. welcome Grace!!... she is a lovely girl with such a pretty face....

based on the pic where they are all eating.. they seem like 5 weeks...barely...maybe 4.5

the blacks and the chocolate being the biggest then the two black and tans...or so they see that way

but they all look adorable... when you get a chance could you get more pics for us ??... ;) please ;)

Willow Oak
09-04-2008, 02:13 PM
Here are a couple of stills I took yesterday, right after delivering Grace and the pups to my house.



09-04-2008, 07:29 PM
Thanks for the pics Willow, I can't watch the videos. Grace is so pretty, I love black and tan dogs. ;) Bless you for rescuing them. And just look at those puppies, I believe the one is chocolate? You can send that one to me.:D

09-04-2008, 07:41 PM
Welcome, Grace! - and - do I count six puppies? Blessings on you, mom, pups and rescuer!

09-04-2008, 11:33 PM
what cuties! :D

09-04-2008, 11:56 PM
Grace is the perfect name for her. Why do I say that?

Our black Great Dane (mix, 3/4 Dane, 1/4 Lab) was named Grace, long-legged, sleek, shiny and completely graceLESS as a puppy, she was nonetheless a complete sweetheart, and much loved.

As your Grace is now learning to be - loved, that is!

I hope whomever dumped her and her puppies gets a bad case of fleas.

09-05-2008, 06:26 AM
I agree, Grace is a lovely name for her, she has such a sweet face - now we're gonna have to change your signature! ;)

That dinner picture is hilarious, at least four of them have their paws inside the bowl :D A good thing it's a floor that's easy to clean.

09-05-2008, 07:22 AM
I am a little late replying to your threads so first of all let me say welcome. :) I have just read about Taz's first day with you and have now read about Grace (love the name) and her puppies. You are a very special person to say the least and those of us who love animals want to say Thank You for what you do to help so many. I see that I have a lot of reading to do to catch up with your furry family and I will stay tuned for updates on the little ones and sweet Grace. :)

Willow Oak
09-05-2008, 08:15 PM
Today is Friday. I took this video of mom and pups (http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii182/eulersequation/MomAndPups/?action=view&current=PupsFollowMom.flv) this afternoon after I returned home from work.

Ordinarily I would quarantine a dog for a while before introducing it to the rest of the gang. I just couldn't wait this time. Here is a video of Grace's introduction to the rest of the crew (http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii182/eulersequation/MomAndPups/?action=view&current=ThereSheIs.flv).

She is really a gorgeous girl:

Grace -- the photogenic girl:

Taz is getting big. Here he is running the fence with Grace:

Grace from a distance with Sam and Fred:

A couple of face shots of the pups:


I think I shall keep the pups at least another week. I think they must be between four and five weeks of age. They would survive, but it's better if they stay with their mother until at least six weeks of age. That means two more weeks of sleep deprivation.

One thing though. Our animal shelter is not a no-kill shelter, but I cannot keep the pups. I really shouldn't keep Grace. I already am at my limit. In the past I have taken animals to the shelter with the full knowledge that they would be put down. I don't like it any more than you but I have had to learn that I can only do what I can do. Sometimes being put down can be better than the alternative.

Grace wouldn't stand a chance. It is highly unlikely that she would be adopted. The pups stand a better chance, but only because they are pups. Otherwise, their chances wouldn't be so good. As it is, it is unlikely that all the pups will be adopted. It hurts, and it is a heavy burden to contemplate consigning such health creatures to their demise. At least they had a semblance of dignity in their lives -- even if only for a sort while.

09-05-2008, 10:39 PM
You are a very sweet soul. You're doing what I dream of doing some day. Those pups were so cute. They looked like they were a lab mix. Don't worry about the critics. There are always some that like to stir up trouble around here.

Just now saw Grace. She is a beauty. It looks like you have a wonderful group of furries.

09-06-2008, 06:08 AM
Aww, just look at those faces, and all of them following their mom all the time is so cute! I agree that they should stay with her a few weeks longer, they will be healthier and happier. Only, it's not good for your sleep.

Are they whining to get out during night? I take it they're locked in the bathroom? In a few days time, they may have got used to it so much that they'll accept it there.

I have an idea... how about inviting your friend Larry over? He just may fall in love with them and take at least some! ;) If he won't, you have at least tried.

Any chance there are other shelters in your area, who are no-kill and could take them?

Grace really seems to get along well with the rest, it's so good to see them running around together having fun.

Thanks for sharing the videos.

09-06-2008, 06:41 AM
Can't you find homes for them yourself by placing ads?

Willow Oak
09-06-2008, 07:23 AM
Can't you find homes for them yourself by placing ads?

Thank you for your input, but that is a bad idea. All stray or abandoned animals should be delivered to a certified animal shelter. A responsible animal shelter will do the best job of facilitating any adoption process. For one thing, a shelter will require that all adopted animals be neutered and receive basic shots. The prospective adoptor will be required to pay for these services, thus raising the level of credibility of the process. A person who will pay $60-$70 dollars to adopt an animal is more likely to be someone who will be a responsible pet owner.

Allowing people to just willy-nilly come to your house and take animals home is not responsible behavior. But I do thank you for your concern.

09-06-2008, 07:44 AM
Yep, by placing ads you may end up with one of the pups back in a year, found on the road, with yet 6 more puppies.:( Is there any chance someone at work is needing a pup? As for taking them to the shelter, you've done the best you could Willow, many prayers that they all find homes.

09-06-2008, 08:45 AM
Man I would love to tell you to send one of the puppies up to me! I just don't think addinga 4th is a good idea though...maybe someday! They sure are cute!

Willow Oak
09-06-2008, 09:06 AM
Yep, by placing ads you may end up with one of the pups back in a year, found on the road, with yet 6 more puppies.:( Is there any chance someone at work is needing a pup? As for taking them to the shelter, you've done the best you could Willow, many prayers that they all find homes.

Hey -- the chocolate is a female. The runt is a female, and the other four are males.

09-06-2008, 10:41 AM
I have read through some of your threads and can't tell you enough how enjoyable it is to know someone whose love for animals is so intense. Thank you for being their keeper and understanding their needs so thoroughly. You have a special gift and I appreciate the time you take in sharing it with us all.

This thread has especially grabbed my heart. Grace and her puppies are so sweet and had you not taken them in, I dread what might have been their fate:(

Your heart will hurt taking those pups to the shelter, no doubt, but your instinctive sense for reality is understood. I agree with others - do not let the critics deter you - keep on doing what you do. It is admirable.

Thank you for having the compassion you have for Grace. She is a beautiful girl and deserves your love and care.

Daisy and Delilah
09-06-2008, 11:23 AM
You're doing what I've always dreamed of doing. Bless you. I would love to see more people like you. It would be a much happier world by far.

Grace and the pups are so precious. I hope they all end up in good homes. Thank you for all the good you do and Welcome To Pet Talk!!:)

09-06-2008, 11:38 AM
I ment make them sign a contract too and screen their homes.
Not just give them away for free to anyone who wants one.
Unlike rescues, shelters don't screen the homes, they don't do home checks.
I personally would rather find them homes myself but that's just me.

Willow Oak
09-06-2008, 11:47 AM
I ment make them sign a contract too and screen their homes.
Not just give them away for free to anyone who wants one.
Unlike rescues, shelters don't screen the homes, they don't do home checks.
I personally would rather find them homes myself but that's just me.

I don't have time to do that.

09-06-2008, 12:57 PM
buttercup, he has gone above and beyond what most of us on here have done, kudos for him.

09-06-2008, 04:31 PM
It's easy to sit behind a computer and say "I would do this or do that" without being in someone's shoes. Fact of the matter is, none of us really know what we would do in such a situation.

He's got many babies to love and care for already, keeping these pups until he finds a home for them would be too much, I think, for him and the current animals he cares for.

Hey, anyone is capable of arranging a transport and offering to foster these puppies, go for it buttercup!

Willow Oak
09-07-2008, 06:03 AM
It appears that since arriving Grace has decided that she is through with motherhood for a while. I have been feeding the pups "puppy" food soaked a little in water, so Mom as been relieved of her regular duties. I'll send her in to her babies, and she acts excited for a few moments, but then she is anxious to leave. The poor things cry for their mother, but like all of us the apron strings have to be cut sooner or later.

I spent some time with them yesterday evening. They are not in really bad shape, but all of them have places on their bodies where they've either chewed through to the skin because of fleas or they have a touch of mange. I haven't bathed them yet -- I'll do that today. They will stay with me at least another week then it's off to the shelter. It hurts, but there's nothing else for it.

Willow Oak
09-07-2008, 07:33 AM
I failed to mention how much a help to me Grace is. You can imagine that cleaning up after six pooping puppies is quite a chore. They tend to get in the way, so this is where I employ Grace. When it comes time to clean up I'll call Grace: "Here, Gracie! I need your help." She already knows her name, so she comes running. She will lead the pups into another room and keep them occupied while I clean up the room they've messed up. When I am finished, she will then usher them back into the room I just cleaned. She really is a good helper!

09-07-2008, 08:18 AM
I guess Grace is anxious to spend some time outside on your gorgeous property with her new friends. :D But poor pups missing her. :( It IS a bit early for them to be on their own, isn't it?

Have you checked Grace for flees etc. ? I hope she doesn't have anything so the rest get infected!

Bathing the pups should be "fun" - I can't wait to hear about it! I'm sure they'll feel great after a good bath, though! :)

Willow Oak
09-07-2008, 08:28 AM
Have you checked Grace for flees etc. ?

I treated everybody yesterday with Frontline (not the puppies though!). Uh, $270 dollars. Yikes! :eek:

09-07-2008, 08:45 AM
Gosh, $270!! :eek: That is expensive! Any chance you could make a deal with your vet and get it cheaper, since you have so many animals? Or perhaps get it from another place.

I was lucky a while ago, my vet had some Advantage that was just out of date, I got that for less than half the price. :)

Willow Oak
09-07-2008, 08:59 AM
Gosh, $270!! :eek: That is expensive! Any chance you could make a deal with your vet and get it cheaper, since you have so many animals? Or perhaps get it from another place.

I was lucky a while ago, my vet had some Advantage that was just out of date, I got that for less than half the price. :)

I bought the Frontline at a Petco. I don't want to embarrass anyone, but the locals can't sell it ..., well that's another story. The vet gives me a huge break on other services though, fortunately.

I buy the large dog size -- usually about four boxes. I split that up among the dogs and cats.

09-07-2008, 09:19 AM
How many applications are in each box, 3 or 6? Have you ever checked some of the on-line pet supply places?

I buy Revolution for my cats. Need a prescription in this country, but not when ordering from Canada. I save several hundred dollars a year by ordering that way.

Willow Oak
09-07-2008, 09:34 AM
How many applications are in each box, 3 or 6? Have you ever checked some of the on-line pet supply places?

I buy Revolution for my cats. Need a prescription in this country, but not when ordering from Canada. I save several hundred dollars a year by ordering that way.

There are three applications @ 4.02 ml. Each of the big dogs get 4 ml each; the other dogs get 2ml each; the cats get 1 ml each.

So I start with 4 boxes @ 4 ml = 48 ml.
Five big dogs @ 4 ml = 20 ml.
Five other dogs @ 2 ml = 10 ml.
13 cats @ 1 ml = 13 ml

So 48 ml - 43 ml leaves 5 ml left over.

Sorry to bore you with that. I was just checking my math. :confused:

09-07-2008, 10:01 AM
Okay. My source in Canada sells Frontline Plus for dogs as follows -

3 applications for dogs 45 to 88 pounds - price $33.98

6 applications for the same size dog - price $64.98

6 applications for dogs 89 to 132 pounds - price $64.98

Once you order over $100, there is NO shipping fee.

I have been ordering from this company for several years with absolutely no problems, ever. I order online from the place in Manitoba, and the Revolution is mailed from Australia. Exact same stuff my Vet will sell me for almost twice the price.


Willow Oak
09-07-2008, 10:22 AM
Okay. My source in Canada sells Frontline Plus for dogs as follows -

3 applications for dogs 45 to 88 pounds - price $33.98

6 applications for the same size dog - price $64.98

6 applications for dogs 89 to 132 pounds - price $64.98

Once you order over $100, there is NO shipping fee.

I have been ordering from this company for several years with absolutely no problems, ever. I order online from the place in Manitoba, and the Revolution is mailed from Australia. Exact same stuff my Vet will sell me for almost twice the price.


For sure. Thanks. I am paying about twice as much.

09-07-2008, 11:56 AM
As an aside, my Vet supplies me with Revolution for Eve, my cat. It is an excellent product and I usually purchase 6 applications at a cost of approximately $70 (CDN).

If you are considering the online site posted above, you may want to check out their pricing for your kitties as well. I notice you have a few gorgeous felines in your menagerie :D;)

Cheers :love:

09-07-2008, 12:28 PM
Just an FYI - on the website they say count on delivery within 21 days. It used to be 14. However the last time I ordered, it took just about 14 days - same as before.

09-07-2008, 02:35 PM
Taz is getting big. Here he is running the fence with Grace:

I looked through your past posts to see where Taz came from. Is he one of the ones that just appeared one day at your house? He looks so much like Grace, I wonder if he could be from a previous litter of hers? There probably wasn't enough time for Grace to give birth to Taz and then this litter so soon after though. I don't know the gestation period for dogs. I'll have to go and look that up! :)
Maybe Grace is Taz's aunt though! They sure look alike.

The video of Grace meeting your other dogs is wonderful. They are all so welcoming and she seems very comfortable. It reminded me of a scene out of the show Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan (http://www.cesarmillaninc.com/).

And that video of Taz getting 'busted' in the cupboard! Too funny. He is simply adorable, especially when he is naughty. lol

Willow Oak
09-07-2008, 02:52 PM
I looked through your past posts to see where Taz came from. Is he one of the ones that just appeared one day at your house? He looks so much like Grace, I wonder if he could be from a previous litter of hers? There probably wasn't enough time for Grace to give birth to Taz and then this litter so soon after though. I don't know the gestation period for dogs. I'll have to go and look that up! :)
Maybe Grace is Taz's aunt though! They sure look alike.

Excellent observation! Here is the thread (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=144740) that explains where Taz came from. He was delivered to me by a neighbor who said they found him "near the rail road tracks."

A few months back I had seen a litter of 8 to 10 week old pups in the area where I found this recent litter. I too think that Grace may have been the mother of both litters. It occurred to me that Taz may have been one of that other litter. Who knows, but it is an interesting thought.

Willow Oak
09-13-2008, 05:48 AM
Each and every day I drive 1.5 hours from my home at Willow Oak to my office in Memphis, TN. Along the way not far from my house I drive through the Tuscumbia Wildlife Refuge, and it was on this past Thursday morning that I happened upon this guy:


I shall be delivering Grace's pups to the animal shelter today. I had been planning to take Grace in also, but since she is unlikely to be adopted, and since she has fit in so well here I have decided to give her a home at Willow Oak. Grace is very well-behaved and so ..., well she is so full of grace!

This other little guy, who already has a name, would be adopted today if I took him in. Right now I am vasillating on whether to deliver him or not. Of course, I have too many already, but he is so small and not likely to get bigger, surely he won't eat me out of house and home. In addition, he has already been adopted by the other dogs, and Willie too is very well-behaved.

I'm still contemplating this am (5:45 am CDT). The right thing to do would be to deliver him up, but ..., we don't always do the right thing, do we?

09-13-2008, 08:39 AM
Oh what to do! You're gonna have to find a new route to work! ;) You can't go on like this! But Willie sure seem like a nice pup, and I can hear you've already falling in love with him. :p Furthermore, since the other dogs have welcomed him.... ;)

Do you sometimes put posters up to see if anyone is missing the ones you find? It's just amazing that you keep finding stray dogs. I can understand it with cats, but dogs! :confused:

There must be quite a few not so responsible people living in that area.

I shall be delivering Grace's pups to the animal shelter today. I had been planning to take Grace in also, but since she is unlikely to be adopted, and since she has fit in so well here I have decided to give her a home at Willow Oak.
Don't beat yourself up about taking the pups to the shelter - hopefully they WILL get adopted. You are at your limit already, but still you keep Grace. :) Thank you for all you do!

Willow Oak
09-13-2008, 03:57 PM
Oh what to do! You're gonna have to find a new route to work! ;) You can't go on like this! But Willie sure seem like a nice pup, and I can hear you've already falling in love with him. :p Furthermore, since the other dogs have welcomed him.... ;)

Do you sometimes put posters up to see if anyone is missing the ones you find? It's just amazing that you keep finding stray dogs. I can understand it with cats, but dogs! :confused:

There must be quite a few not so responsible people living in that area.

Don't beat yourself up about taking the pups to the shelter - hopefully they WILL get adopted. You are at your limit already, but still you keep Grace. :) Thank you for all you do!

I found this pic I took shortly after bringing her home:

Grace isn't going anywhere, and hopefully the pups will all get adopted.

Willie is doing much better than I expected. I find it difficult to believe that he was out in the middle of no where.

09-26-2008, 10:16 AM
Aww, isn't that a cute picture - just look at the proud mother! :) :D

Dan, I know that Grace has been spayed now and the pups taken to the shelter. I so hope they'll get adopted!

09-26-2008, 03:32 PM
Yes, may we have an update. :)