View Full Version : Dog-food makers hungry for a fight

09-07-2002, 12:42 PM
What do you think about this dispute?


09-07-2002, 01:41 PM
We did not get a dog until 2000, so P&G had Iams by that time. We hadn't realized it changed and put Sadie on it to begin with. She did okay, but when Cincy came along, the "large breed" formula made her stools really soft. We switched to Lamb and Rice, which was better, but man did the yard stinck if I didn't get it pciked up right away! And the gas!! Eye burners! We switched to Sensible Choice, by Royal Canin, which is only avalible in Pet stores, becuase it is better ingredients, and the improvement is drastic.

My parents have had a similiar experience since getting Taggert. My mom was coming home everyday at lunch to clean out his kennel. They now also use Sensible Choice and the problem went away immediatley.

Take it for what you will, but I think Iams quality was ruined by P&G

Dixie Belle
09-07-2002, 04:07 PM
I never used Iams. But I have read a lot of bad things about them. I believe it was Iams that I read an article where the company was inflecting diseases into healthy dogs so that they could try to make foods that would help the disease. We have had a hard time finding food that Belle agrees with. We have her on Purina now. She is doing great on it.

If Iams is really doing this, then they need to get in trouble.

09-07-2002, 05:20 PM
For a short time last last year I fed Bob Iams. I was in the process of trying to find a more "natural" food and there was an advertising campaign running that made me think it was worth trying. Anyway, it was it bit odd really, at the same time as Id just began feeding Iams and I was also reading and trying to find out about what to look for per ingredients in dog food etc, I got a letter telling me about the tests Proctor and Gamble are/were doing with dogs and asking me to protest and bycott their products. I did both, which also included web mailing the company to tell them why. I did get a reply, content of which was a bit reassuring, and later on I did begin buying some of their products again, (have you seen how many pies they have their fingers in!) but not Iams.