View Full Version : A few questions about my cat, Jasper

08-31-2008, 03:46 PM
Hello everyone!

I was browsing the internet for a good wealth of pet owners to gather information from, and this forum caught my eye.

I have a few questions about my fairly newly-adpoted cat, Jasper. A little background:

A few months before I separated from the military, a jet-black, short-haired cat with a collar strolled right into my apartment while I was cleaning the place one day. She was malnourished, had an open wound near/on her left eye and looked like she could keel over at any moment - being a long-time animal lover, I couldn't turn her away. I took her in, went right to the store and bought food and some cat supplies, not to mention a vet trip. After doing a little research, aided by a tag on her collar that said "Eielson AFB, AK", I called the vet clinic up at that location and asked for information.

Turned out the cat's name was Jasper, belonged to a Jennifer Trazise. I put up found posters and made calls everywhere, the cat was never claimed, so I kept her.

So now me and the cat reside in Tennessee. She is a very mellow (and sneaky!) cat, and she is back to being healthy, and the vet assessed her to be between 2 and 3 years old. So, sorry for the long intro there, but I have a few questions!

-Jasper is, unfortunately, FULLY declawed. I would never declaw my own cat, and I feel horrible for her - is there any possible way to get her prosthetic claws, or some type of reconstructive surgery that isn't too outrageous in price?

-How can I tell if she is spayed? I don't believe she has gone into heat yet, but I could be wrong - and there's way too much fur on her lower underside to see any type of scar.

-Me and my fiancee will be living together soon, and she also has a cat, and to say Jasper is anti-social with other cats is like saying the ocean is damp - this cat spits and hisses just smelling another room where cats have been! Is there any way to 'ease' Jasper into living with another cat?

Any and all input is greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!


08-31-2008, 06:02 PM
Hi and welcome to PT! I live in TN too. :)

I've never heard of anything to correct declawing but I've never looked into to it either. So sad to think she was outside on her own with no claws to defend herself. She's lucky you took her in.

As for being spayed, did your vet have any clue? I'm just wondering since the name on the tag was Jasper is it possible she is really a neutered male - a he maybe?

The best way to handle introducing the cats is to keep them apart at first and let them get used to each other's smell. Maybe you could give Jasper a towel or blanket that the other cat has been on to let her get used to him that way. Every time I've introduced a new cat it's been an ordeal and they take a long time to get along. Some never have gotten along well and they just coexist, barely.

Maybe some other members here will have some better suggestions and ideas for you. Good luck.

08-31-2008, 06:24 PM

08-31-2008, 06:37 PM
Welcome to PT, Jasper and Pyro! (Notice who got first mention. LOL) I have nothing to add to what's already been said other than to introduce the cats to each other gradually, for a few minutes at a time, each day. They can be like people and not take to certain cats no matter what. I had that situation in my household for quite some time and, as long as the two of them steered clear of each other, all was peaceful. It eventually rectified itself and they were able to peacefully coexist. Just be sure to always be in the room w/them when you put them together; don't leave the room thinking that all is well. Good luck, keep us posted w/some pix (hint, hint) and bless you for not turning your back on Jasper. :)

08-31-2008, 08:09 PM
Welcome Jasper and Pyro! I would think that if someone went to the expense of declawing her, they would have had her altered too. Poor defenseless thing. That's probably how she ended up with a gash under her eye. Smart girl for walking into you house and adopting you!:p
Everyones suggestions here are great and you'll love it here. Best place on the WWW!

09-01-2008, 02:06 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. ^^

About the gender thing, I said the same thing when the vet at Eielson AFB told me the cat was registered as "Jasper". I thought it was a boy's name, but he said it was a female. Foolish me, never asked if it was spayed or not. Being declawed was obvious, though. So, I called him up again today and asked, and the cat is indeed spayed. He also thanked me for taking her in off the street, heh.

Pictures it is! Maybe someone can tell me what breed she is? I'm horrible at that.




09-01-2008, 03:14 PM
First - are you and your fiancee moving into a new place together; that is, new for both of you?

If you are moving into her place, her cat will be the 'alpha' and Jasper the new kid.

1. Set up a separate room for Jasper - food, water, litter. Keep the door closed. Any sniffing can go on underneath the door as they get to know each other.

2. Switch beds/blankets that each cat sleeps on a lot, to get them used to each other's scent. Give Jasper lots of love...and after you cuddle her for a while, go to the other cat and do the same thing. AND vice versa....another scent exchange, but with nice scritchies and hugs! :)

I'd give this a week before letting them meet nose to nose...even then, be right there with them.

My Oscar got used to Cole in a week - but only because he was SO bonded to me, and I could assure him it was ok the first time they touched noses. His back fur went up just a BIT...and I patted him and told him it was ok. This was day 3. But still....they were only out together when I was home. After a full week, they were on their own. This is pretty rare, I think.

It takes as much time as it takes. Hisses and meowing are nothing to be worried about - yells, ears flattened back, baring teeth in a high growl that turns into one deep in the throat...um, THAT you worry about!;)

Good luck.

09-01-2008, 03:22 PM
Hehehe, glad to hear Jasper really is a girl. She looks like my Jazz. I believe they are just called DSH - Domestic Short Hair, not really a specific breed.

Here's a picture of my Jazzy girl.

09-02-2008, 01:39 AM
First - are you and your fiancee moving into a new place together; that is, new for both of you?

If you are moving into her place, her cat will be the 'alpha' and Jasper the new kid.

1. Set up a separate room for Jasper - food, water, litter. Keep the door closed. Any sniffing can go on underneath the door as they get to know each other.

2. Switch beds/blankets that each cat sleeps on a lot, to get them used to each other's scent. Give Jasper lots of love...and after you cuddle her for a while, go to the other cat and do the same thing. AND vice versa....another scent exchange, but with nice scritchies and hugs! :)

I'd give this a week before letting them meet nose to nose...even then, be right there with them.

My Oscar got used to Cole in a week - but only because he was SO bonded to me, and I could assure him it was ok the first time they touched noses. His back fur went up just a BIT...and I patted him and told him it was ok. This was day 3. But still....they were only out together when I was home. After a full week, they were on their own. This is pretty rare, I think.

It takes as much time as it takes. Hisses and meowing are nothing to be worried about - yells, ears flattened back, baring teeth in a high growl that turns into one deep in the throat...um, THAT you worry about!;)

Good luck.

Yes, it is new for the both of us - her cat is currently with her parents, and she will move him when we move in together at our new home.

Thanks for the advice, thanks to everyone!

And yes, when I have introduced Jasper to even a room where other cats have been, that is exactly what she does - flattens her ears, bares her teeth, growls in a high pitch that goes to a low one. She is definitely now friendly with other cats!

and jazzcat, that does indeed look like Jasper!