View Full Version : Watching the hurricane

Laura's Babies
08-30-2008, 11:36 AM
I am worried about this one, it looks like it is going to be a bad one and headed right to us. They said on TV this morning that there is a good possiability it will be a catagory 4 by the time it makes landfall. They are not opening shelters in Baton Rouge for the evacuees and are sending them further north due to what the storm could do in Baton Rouge.. remember, we are just outside Baton Rouge, only about 20 minutes away and a hour out of New Orleans... I am WORRIED! This one scares me! Conditions in the Gulf are such that they said it is going to really feed it and make it a strong one.

My plans right now is I am going to Rie's to ride it out but I am also considering me and my babies loading up and heaing out of here altogether. The one glitch in all this is that I am due back to work on the 10th.. The company will understand if I can't make it for crew change again but I will feel bad, knowing they are all back without me.. Some things you just can't help and I am sure if I can't make it back, I will have bigger concerns than that.

The irony of this is yesterday, they buried the final unclaimed Katrina victims in New Olreans... Now, here we go again!

Our new governor is on top of things and has a lot of things in place already. They are moving animals in the shelters in New Orleans already to safer places, getting the sick and elderly moved out to safer areas, he has buses, trains and planes ready to get those out who do not have transportation out of the danger zones and has supplies waiting to be brought in. This will not be a repete of Katrina if he can help it. Even with all of this, I am scared with a catagory 4, our home will be distroyed..

PLEASE keep us in your prayers!

Keep up with what is happening here..


08-30-2008, 12:58 PM
We have been thinking of you, and will keep you, and all the Gulf Coast, in our prayers.

08-30-2008, 01:07 PM
Good luck, and go North! I really wouldnt come this way, we have Hurricane Hannah heading this direction, plus, the way that Fay did, Gustav could turn back around and hit us again too.

08-30-2008, 01:27 PM
Unfortunately, I just heard on MSNBC that it has reached a category 4 and could go to 5.
Please be careful - head north. This storm is turning into a monster! At least New Orleans is on top of it this time with getting folks out already.
Good luck and God Bless!

Daisy and Delilah
08-30-2008, 01:36 PM
I think all of us are scared for you and your neighbors, Laura. I am already feeling lots of apprehension and I can certainly sympathize with all of you. I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. You people have been through way too much already. God Bless all of you. Do whatever you need to do to keep everyone safe. Please check in with us frequently.

08-30-2008, 01:39 PM
Unfortunately, I just heard on MSNBC that it has reached a category 4 and could go to 5.
Please be careful - head north. This storm is turning into a monster! At least New Orleans is on top of it this time with getting folks out already.
Good luck and God Bless!

The National Hurricane Center just made a special report over that, this thing has 150MPH Sustained Winds :eek:. Plus, it is not expected to make landfall for a few more days. Considering the fact that the thing strengthened into a Tropical Storm 2 days after it came off the cost of Africa, and the fact that it is getting slower, I would be surprised if it made it to Category 5 status. Everyone in the way of this thing: Get the heck out of there and go north.

08-30-2008, 01:41 PM
They just showed the folks leaving the city and the highway is backed up for miles. It was amazing to see. I just hope the hurricane blows out in the gulf and peters out by the time it hits land.

08-30-2008, 01:51 PM
One of the 10 projected tracks has Gustav heading directly into Atlanta, so hope that i get hit and not Louisiana :p.

08-30-2008, 01:59 PM
Oh this is just wonderful:

Tampa is getting Rain Bands off Gustav and it hasent even crossed Cuba yet, I cant imagine how huge this thing is going to be once it even nears Mainland US.

Scooter's Mom
08-30-2008, 02:01 PM
Laura, my thoughts are definitely with you. My immediate family (dad, brother/family, grandma) is all in Houston, except for my grandmothers younger sister who is in Mississippi and lost everything in Katrina. She rebuilt, though. (Stubborn is a family trait... lol)

08-30-2008, 02:02 PM
PRAYERS to everyone.

The traffic backups...gosh, I wish there was a faster way to get out. But if there's a few more days yet...

I hope no AH's jack up the gas and food prices, etc, to get richer off people in trouble!

Ginger's Mom
08-30-2008, 02:05 PM
Prayers going out for everyone in the way of Gustav.

08-30-2008, 02:08 PM
PRAYERS to everyone.

The traffic backups...gosh, I wish there was a faster way to get out. But if there's a few more days yet...

I hope no AH's jack up the gas and food prices, etc, to get richer off people in trouble!

Well, they are already evacing people off the oil rigs in the gulf for fear of it coming into the gulf. Here is the projected tracks for Gustav: http://my.sfwmd.gov/sfwmd/common/images/weather/plots/storm_07.gif

08-30-2008, 02:49 PM
My parents are up at the lake, about an hour away from here, further inland.. We were supposed to be heading up there, and were in my dads car.... Our car has a busted head light. His car started getting hot due to having to sit in the traffic for so long, so we had to turn around and come back. I'm still not sure whether or not we are leaving..

They just recently issued a mandatory evacuation for our county by 6 am tomorrow morning..
We are in Orange County

Scooter's Mom
08-30-2008, 02:53 PM
My parents are up at the lake, about an hour away from here, further inland.. We were supposed to be heading up there, and were in my dads car.... Our car has a busted head light. His car started getting hot due to having to sit in the traffic for so long, so we had to turn around and come back. I'm still not sure whether or not we are leaving..

They just recently issued a mandatory evacuation for our county by 6 am tomorrow morning..
We are in Orange County

Beaumont/Port Arthur area? I can't remember my counties.

Gosh, I hope this thing loses some of it's force before it hits - wherever it hits.

Daisy and Delilah
08-30-2008, 02:54 PM
Stay safe, Cori and gang. Keep checking in with us if you can.

We've had alot of rain here today. I'm not sure if it's Gustav or not. That's just what we need here in my already flooded town. More rain!

08-30-2008, 03:00 PM
I am not sure I could live in the areas where you guys live, knowing that nearly each year you have such terrible weather. I guess there are many parts of the world with nasty weather.

Here in Vermont we do have flooding in some areas, ice storms from century to century and snow - sometimes lots of it......just not hurricanes and tornadoes......or not many, anyway.

I wish you all good luck and take great care to stay out of harms way. I know it must be difficult to collect all of your precious things and leave.....but hopefully it's for the welfare of you and your loved ones.

We will all be thinking about you folks in the path.

Laura's Babies
08-30-2008, 03:11 PM
Traffic is already backing up here. I had to go to Gonzales in search of a new battery for my cell phone (wouldn't you know it chooses NOW to no longer hold a charge!) and traffic was backed up on highway 61 headed out of the storms path.. and yes, they are already jacking up the price of gas!! Controflow will start out of New Orleans at 6am in the morning so there will be no going anywhere. Geez!

If anyone here has a cell phone with texting, pm me your number so I can text AFTER the storm to let you know how we are here and you can post on here that you heard from us. I am sure we will be without power for awhile afterwards and that would be a way to let everyone know we are safe or whatever... And hope I can get a text OUT, but we did learn from Katrina that text could get out where a call wouldn't, plus that will work on the boat when I can't call out from there.

(I am sure I will get more than one number to text so I will pick just ONE or TWO to text..IF I can get out!)

I am so nervous!! Our landlord is staying on the grounds in his CAMPER.. That's Crazy!! My buddy Mike has pulled his up here from where he had it in La Place, they were ordered out yesterday.. Right now he has it just parked at the parking lot at Wal Mart but he is bringing it over here to the park I am in to leave it today before dark and staying here with friends with his 2 babies Klinger and Yetta..

08-30-2008, 03:17 PM
You might want to get one, if you don't already have one.

You better get out of there deary.

Hey, I have texting ability. 802-735-5305. I don't care if anyone else has my number. No one ever calls it anyway! It is with Verizon.

Good luck! Stay dry. Keep us posted.


Laura's Babies
08-30-2008, 03:23 PM
Just got this from my brother who is now in emergency management in Oregon, that was down there for Katrina and moved away soon afterwards..

Highlights provided after watching Mayor Nagin's briefing - 13h00 NOLA time.
Next briefing 19h00

CAEP [city assisted evac plan] began at 08h00 - seems to be working well.
One bus contractor did cancel - was supposed to handle pets. Fire dept has
stepped in to assist.

Union Passenger terminal is a processing center - 22 buses have already left
1100-1200 people. One train - 1500 people aboard - to leave imminently for
Memphis TN. 20,000 registered estimate 30,000 total. have contingency plans
if number exceeds 30,000.

- Once th storm gets into the Gulf, Mayor Nagin expects a surge in

- Curfew has not been issued yet. Once issued, anyone on the streets
not on their property will be arrested in all likelihood.

- 1500 NG troops in the city - good partnership with the NOLA PD

Bus pick-up continues. Water being taken to pickup points. [from my sources:
EMS crews at Union Passenger Terminal to provide water, wellness checks.]
Misting machines being brought in. Senior may require wheelchairs - cots.
Resources incoming. Misting tents.

Registration system crashed - processing will take place at shelters
instead. 311 registrations - 13,000 to 20,000 and counting - system is very
stressed. People do not need to register on 311 unless they have SPECIAL

Gustav jogged to west. NOLA in cone of probability. Significant storm surge
and rain.

Mayor strongly encouraging people to evacuate North. Time for tourists to
leave the city. Do not wait. Start the process now.

Gustav now a cat 3 - if path continues - mandatory evac of NOLA will begin
at 08h00 after 07h30 briefing. While not mandatory yet, evacuation is
strongly encouraged.

ContraFlow will start as early as this afternoon but more likely tomorrow
morning. Mayor Nagin suggests State stage additional buses at Zephyr Stadium
should there be an additional surge at last moment. Buses are transporting
evacuees to Shreveport and Alexandria. Everyone evacuated out will be given
transport back to the city. Nagin emphasizes State should max buses pre
stage at Zephyr Stadium.

If you decide to stay, you will be required to stay inside your property.
Progressively step-up in rhetoric. Next time will be 'Get the heck out!' -
direct quote from Mayor Nagin. We need to shut down all tourist activities
so we can focus on senior citizens and people with special needs. Can
tourist take the city buses out? We will accommodate any tourist who needs
to leave the city. Most hotels are closing at 4 pm today. University staff
shutting down as well.

All hospitals open - most fragile critical patients being evacuated. Nursing
homes being evacuated.

Multiple languages being used for briefing - English, Spanish, Vietnamese
however no signing visible at this time. No text accompanying briefing at
this time.

We will stop evacuations when winds reach tropical wind force. We will work
24/7 as best we can. Fragile psyche in the city - it will be a tough one and
we'll get through this.

Gustav now a Cat 4 storm - winds of 145 mp. NHC now calling this an
extremely dangerous storm. Jefferson and Orleans Parish will be affected
first. coming from the South.

PD essential personnel - being sensitive to people with signs of stress -
will allow them to exit the city - being firm and flexible.

Be well. Practice big medicine.


Hal Newman

Executive Director, National Emergency Management Resource Center [NEMRC]

Toll Free: 1-888-NEMRC-11 [1-888-626-7211]

08-30-2008, 04:11 PM
I'm praying for everyone in the path of this storm. It looks like it could be a monster for sure. :(

Problem with evacuation is where to you move that many people to for safety? We even get damaging winds and rain from the hurricanes sometimes way up here in Kansas.

08-30-2008, 05:17 PM
Beaumont/Port Arthur area? I can't remember my counties.

Gosh, I hope this thing loses some of it's force before it hits - wherever it hits.

Yeah, we are in the Beaumont area. I am praying that nothing else happens like happened with Rita, but you just never know. That thing could turn any way at any time.

My parents made it home safely, thank goodness. I was really worried because they had thought of staying up there, which they would have been safe there, but I was freaking out because I didn't want us to be here by ourselves.

I will PM you my number, Laura, if you haven't already gotten other numbers.. I know we are probably going to be in the line of the storm too, and may be without power, but maybe not.
It seems that we are staying here at my parents house though.. We are just going to stay here and ride out the storm.

08-30-2008, 05:41 PM
Just, please take good care of yourself and your babies. This is a very frightening hurricane headed your way. It has me very worried about everone in that vicinity.

08-30-2008, 05:47 PM
Laura - hubby and I are praying for you and anyone else in the path of Gustav May God protect and calm you all. We are watching the news carefully.

08-30-2008, 06:26 PM
One thing that concerns me is that thing is over Cuba now and is showing no signs of weakening. Usually they weaken over land. :(

Laura's Babies
08-30-2008, 06:27 PM
I now have my 2 numbers and THANKS for doing this..

I will also pray for everyone in the path of this monster that we all be safe and no one suffer to much damage. No matter where it goes, it is going to do damage but the only predictable thing IS, they are unpredictable!

I also remembered awhile ago that my company has a Hurrican hot line for us to call for things like this to report in, so first thing Monday morning I have to call them. They want to know where we are going if we leave our homes and after it has passed to report back in on availability for working (if we are due back in the near future, which I am) and if we need ANY assistance and what we may need.

After Katrina they offered a $5000 interest free loan for those who needed it and sent down a barge with a building on it fully stocked with anything and everything people may need and had bunk rooms for the companies families to live in with A/C and everything.. like a floating hotel that had it's own power and water supply. That was docked only about 30 minutes from where I live on the River. Not many companies do something THAT big! There is a smaller company office here and that is where they docked it.

The rest of you stay safe too!

08-30-2008, 06:36 PM
Oh LAURA...you and your babies...what room in the house is the safest? Couldn't you and two LARGE pet carriers get on one of the buses? :(

PRAYERS - everyone, I hope you are safe and ok...we're all here on the other side of this, you're in our thoughts!

LAURA - is your manager's shop cat safe???

08-30-2008, 06:59 PM
One thing that concerns me is that thing is over Cuba now and is showing no signs of weakening. Usually they weaken over land. :(

Sadly, Islands don't weaken storms of this magnitude too much because they are still 9/10 over water :(.

08-30-2008, 06:59 PM
Prayers headed out to everyone in the path of this storm. How scary this must be Laura. Please stay safe.

Laura's Babies
08-30-2008, 07:32 PM
Catty-Toby is safe up there. He offers that to us also to stay in during storms for those who want to leave their mobile homes and have nowhere else to go. It never got even a bump during Katrina and it has withstood many hurricanes.

My concerns about traveling is Amy and how bad she stresses and how the stress effects her. Today she looks bad, like the pending weather already is bothering her. It will be stressful enough taking her to Rie's and that is only 2 miles away from me. I would say taking her anywhere on a bus would just be extreemly stressful on us all.. I have a big van but I just don't think it is safe to get out on that highway in all that traffic alone with 4 screaming cats. I freak in bad traffic without 4 screaming cats as it is. If I was the real brave sort, I would load up and go to Eddies in Virginia but I am to much a chicken to do that, especially alone.

What worries me the worst is all the stuff people have outside around me and nobody remembers all that stuff is flying wepons during storms like hurricanes. NOBODY picks up and puts things away and you think they would know better! I have already picked up outside my house and shoved everything in my shed. :mad:

08-30-2008, 08:23 PM
What worries me the worst is all the stuff people have outside around me and nobody remembers all that stuff is flying wepons during storms like hurricanes. NOBODY picks up and puts things away and you think they would know better! I have already picked up outside my house and shoved everything in my shed. :mad:

That is so true, we were looking around outside in the neighborhood, and people who already evacuated left all kinds of stuff outside, not tied down... We went outside and made sure everything was secured, tied down, and whatever would fit was in the sheds.

Please be safe, we will continue our prayers for you, and everyone else in the path of this storm.

My parents still say we are just going to ride it out.. But we have plenty of crates & some extras just in case, so all the dogs & my moms cat have a place to be inside the house in case it gets bad.
Someone across the street from the house we are supposed to be moving into evacuated earlier while we were there, and they left their dogs behind.. The 2nd time we went over there I called animal control while we were there to report it, because I could hear the dogs barking.. I hope they were able to do something.

08-30-2008, 08:50 PM
OMG - molucass, do you have a couple of extra carriers for those two dogs? I am just thinking that Animal Control is pretty overwhelmed right now.

I don't know WHAT those owners were thinking!

08-30-2008, 09:07 PM
Prayers for Laura and everyone else in the storm's path that you will make it through this all right.

Laura's Babies
08-30-2008, 10:58 PM
I just checked the companies web sight and there are none of our boats in or below New Orleans, they must have brought them on up already. There are several that stay at river mile 50 (50 miles from the gulf) that put together empty barges as they are unloaded and there is always 1 to 2 of our big ones down there. Looks like they have brought them up to Reserve or they are on their way there.

Contraflow starts at 4am they said on the news tonight. You can go to this page and scroll down and select southeast and we are in that area, right next to the town Gonzales between I-10 & I-12. http://www.nbc33tv.com/weather/radar Watch it on there as it is happening.. YIKES! :eek:

08-30-2008, 11:01 PM
I was watching the 6pm news tonight and I'm worried about all of you. My brother is headed to the Florida Keys on Sunday for 3 weeks and he doesn't seem to be that worried.

I'm sending prayers out to all of you that you stay safe in the coming days.

Suki Wingy
08-30-2008, 11:16 PM
Two of my friends just started at Tulane, and they're not happy at all. They've already evacuated.

08-31-2008, 01:04 AM
I wonder if Ray Nagin learned anything the last time.

If anything goes wrong he can blame the government.:(

08-31-2008, 02:40 AM
I wonder if Ray Nagin learned anything the last time.

If anything goes wrong he can blame the government.:(

Actually, he's kind of blaming the people.

I watched his speech. It was something like, "You need to be scared. You need to evacuate. We will not rescue you. If you do not evacuate now, it's your responsibility. Nobody will be there. There will be no immediate help". Something like that.

I was a little taken aback by it, but I understand how vital it is for him to effectively evacuate everybody now before the hurricane hits. And I certainly hope that *everybody* evacuates safely and out of harm's way!!! I feel the ominous anxiety already.

Personally, after Katrina, I'm just wondering if anybody paid attention to restoring the wetlands and if those levees are really going to do anything.

Laura's Babies
08-31-2008, 09:34 AM
Giselle, they have talked about the levees ever since Katrina and they are not that sure they will hold.. I'd say (my own opinion) that anything over a catagory 2 or 3, there will be major problems with them. With all the rain they are calling for, once the levees get saturated, we have to wonder how long they will hold.

It is down to a catagory 3 this morning, let HOPE and PRAY it stays a cat 3! They said the rain will start tomorrow. I think flooding is going to be our biggest problem and they are already talking about prolonged power outages.

Of the 2 big boats that normally stay down close to the gulf, one is in Baton Rouge and one is in Reserve. Bet those guys are glad to get a break from all the work they do down there but sweating the hurricane.

08-31-2008, 01:24 PM
I've been watching the coverage most of the morning. When I saw a pile of animal carriers waiting to be put on a bus, I cried. I'm so glad they are thinking of the animals too this time.

The gov of Louisiana just gave a news conference. Everyone should be proud of the way everyone is pulling together down there. One of the bus contracters and one to haul the animals didn't come through but another co has. National Guard from many states are on the way to help. States are helping other states. I wish we could be this kind to each other always. :love:

I pray that this storm does not get back up to the 4 some say it could. :(

08-31-2008, 01:41 PM
OMG - molucass, do you have a couple of extra carriers for those two dogs? I am just thinking that Animal Control is pretty overwhelmed right now.

I don't know WHAT those owners were thinking!

I walked over there to see if the dogs were in the back yard or whatever, but they were in the house.. I tried to look in the windows and etc, or listen for people talking.. No one was home, I knocked on the doors very loudly.. All I heard was the dogs barking.. I've seen them out before, and both of them are small chihuahua mixes.
I can't break into their house, so I'm not sure what to do.. I called the humane society in the next town too. Hopefully someone will be able to do something.

Laura's Babies
08-31-2008, 02:06 PM
Rie called me and the storm is moving faster than expected and she is wanting me to pack up and come on over so me and the babies will be headed out SOON. She said the weather is suppose to start this evening/tonight..

My Captain did call me to check on what I am going to do and wants me to keep in touch. (He is like a mother hen when it comes to his crew, even under normal conditions)

My brother called from Oregan, the one is disaster management to see what we were doing.. Also my sister in Washington state has called.. Small wonder I haven't gotten much done!

I have the van backed up to the house and am loading it now, when done loading, I am leaving my home with the prayer that I have one to come back to! I may check in PT again from Ries.

08-31-2008, 04:07 PM
:( Oh I am so saddened about eveyone having to relocate & all .. Yes I am worried also about this Hurricane.. I have been watching it so Close..Laura Please get you & all the babies to higher ground.. Hey keep in mind I am just on the other side of Dallas & I can take you & the babies in if needed.. I am so Praying For All to Be Safe & on higher grounds by now.. I am also Praying that EveryOne's Pets & the Zoo Animals all get to higher ground.. Please all keep in touch if you can.. God Bless You All & Sending Lots of Prayers..

08-31-2008, 05:28 PM
Prayers for everyone facing the hurricane.

I hope people have evacuated from below the levees....


08-31-2008, 06:26 PM
Prayers are coming from all of us, too.

God speed and safe home, all you folks in the path of the storm.

Pat and cats

Laura's Babies
08-31-2008, 08:00 PM
Ok, me and the babies are settled in at Ries and the babies seem calm and not alarmed or upset.

We just got back from the neighbors who cooked a big pot of jambalaya for us so now we are stuffed.

The outter bands of the hurricane have started storms all around us. My son Kevlin is having storms where he lives right now according to the local TV station. There were storms about 4 pm at Reserve, about 30 minutes from here but all we have seen so far is a nice breeze and fast moving clouds. They are expecting the weather to start really getting bad here between 1-3am. The weather will start off with just mild storms and continue to get worse as the night goes along.

We are expecting power to go out tonight so this may be the last post from me until the power is back and that are warning us, it will be days or even a week or more. Keep us in your prayers..

WE are under a tornado watch right now...

Scooter's Mom
08-31-2008, 08:08 PM
Prayers are on the way, Laura. Hang on and be safe.

08-31-2008, 08:10 PM
Prayers for you and everyone, Laura.

Biscuit's Mom
08-31-2008, 08:13 PM
Prayers have been said and are continuing to be said that the impact to you will be minimal. Also, for all those in the path of this storm.

Robin aka Biscuit's Mom

08-31-2008, 08:31 PM
Laura, glad you are safe and well fed. :) Prayers that the night passes uneventfully.

HUGS and more prayers for everyone.

Some people are NOT leaving:
************************************************** *********************

Gustav holdouts turn to guns, knives and God

Sun Aug 31, 4:53 PM

By Tim Gaynor and Matthew Bigg

NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - If the floodwaters rise and trap him in his home by the Mississippi River levee, carpenter Juan LeBoeuf plans to bust out through the roof with a knife.

Bar owner Joann Guidos has a cache of guns to protect her place from looters who roam a city emptied by evacuations ahead of Hurricane Gustav.

Window cleaner Julio Iglesia, who plans to stay in his rented home a block from the mighty Mississippi, is putting his faith in God.

They have been through the horrors of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, losing houses and health in the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history.

Yet they refuse to move under an evacuation order less than 24 hours before another dangerous hurricane is expected to make landfall down the watery coast.

"Katrina was here, but God won't let that happen again," said Iglesia.

For a few, the choice to stay is a calculation not based on recklessness.

During Katrina, Guidos' Kajun's Pub stayed open, business boomed and the bar became something of a local landmark as well as a community center.

The worst part was the looting, not the foot of water on the bar floor. Guidos has a pistol, a knife and an assortment of guns in her house next door to the bar, including a sniper's rifle.

"I haven't shot anybody yet, but if I have to, I will. You have a lot of real idiots in this city," she said.

Gustav is forecast to land west of New Orleans on Monday, possibly as a Category 4 hurricane with wind speeds up to 155 mph and causing a 16-foot storm surge.

LeBoeuf, the carpenter, was made homeless by Katrina, which killed 1,500 people and flooded 80 percent of the city after faulty levees gave way to the storm surge. The 27-year-old is too weary to move this time.

"Once you start your life over, it's hard to keep doing it, you know. This is all I have," he said, choking back tears.

But he thinks he has the skills and tools to get him through Gustav.

"I'm a strong swimmer. I'm prepared to bust through the attic," he said.

That was a survival skill that saved many lives of people who holed up in their attics as the water rose rapidly once the levees broke three years ago.

Seamstress Marilyn Stokes spent two days on her roof during Katrina, fighting fear and mosquitoes. She was then evacuated to Atlanta and only returned home in November last year. Since then, her husband has died.

She has no car and could have joined the thousands of other vulnerable people leaving the city with government help, but she was resigned to staying.

"This is my house," she said of her tiny place. "If I am going to lose it, I am going to lose it. I am tired."

But she predicted Gustav would surely make his mark.

"This storm is going to change my life," Stokes said.

(Writing by Mary Milliken; editing by Jim Loney and Mohammad Zargham)

Laura's Babies
09-01-2008, 07:08 AM
I went to bed early last night, thinking we would get woke up but it didn't happen. I slept through the night. Woke up awhile ago and was surprised at how things are. It didn't rain much and the wind gusts are only about 30mph right now. They say on the local news that conditions will start getting worse in several hours. The guys are taking our cars and things to a nearby store parking lot out from under the trees around us here right now, hoping they will be safer there. We are on the bad side of the storm and Rie's hubby says we will see worse here than we did for Katrina or Andrew so he wanted the cars away from here.

So far, we are safe and happy.. we will see how it goes throughout the day. As you see, we still have power as of 7 am...

Ginger's Mom
09-01-2008, 07:14 AM
Watching it on the news now. It looks like they are having a lot of trouble with signals and communication already. More prayers going out for everyone effected by Gustav.

09-01-2008, 07:17 AM
More prayers for all affected by the storms.

Daisy and Delilah
09-01-2008, 09:15 AM
Hang on everybody!! I just wanted to say that you're all still in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you come out of it as good as new. Thanks for the updates.:)

09-01-2008, 11:00 AM
We told my 4 year old niece that we were going to have a Hurricane Party, and she said "We can have some regular milk to drink."

We stayed but I don't think its going to impact us like it is in Mississippi and Louisiana.. We are continuing to send lots of prayers and good thoughts to everyone in the storms path.

It's so weird to drive through our town, everything is closed, and there is almost NO one out at all. It looks like a ghost town.

To make matters worse, we are under a boil water notice (we can't even drink it after it is boiled), and all the stores are closed.. The boil water notice is not from the storm, it has something to do with one of the wells here.. Our pets can't even drink it, and we are afraid we will run out of water before they open the stores back up.

Daisy and Delilah
09-01-2008, 07:27 PM
I think we can all safely assume that these people have lost their power. We're still thinking of all of you and praying that you're all safe. Please check in when you can.

We're getting reports that NOLA didn't get it too bad but I can imagine it's bad for alot of people. Having been through these storms for so many years, I can imagine that everyone didn't come out of it unscathed by what I've seen on the news.

09-01-2008, 08:02 PM
A photo gallery of Gustav; the satellite photos are old by now.


Here's the NBC radar link posted earlier:

09-01-2008, 08:05 PM
Prayers going out for everyone in the way of Gustav.
Also from here in Chicago.

09-01-2008, 10:36 PM
Yahoo news...as of 2 hrs ago, Gustav's winds had dropped to 60 mph, and it was weakening as it headed overland and into Texas. If you click on the radar view above, and click on SW view, you can see that the worst has definitely left NO, and Baton Rouge has eased up.

I just wonder how everyone is? :(