View Full Version : TeaPOT, not TEAcup?

08-30-2008, 07:44 AM
I have a question, as stupid as it might seem. We all know their is no such thing as a teacup puppy. I also know MANY of breeders label their pups as such, to get more money.

NOW, I have seen on breeders sites, them label their dogs as "teapots". I was wandering if this is just a joke to tease other breeders about the use of the word "teacup". The site I saw with Teapot, Clearly labeled there is no such thing as a teacup dog. So are they joking? Or are people truly trying to sell their dogs as a "teapot"?

While I think the term is cute/adorable for larger dogs, I do not know if people are actually trying to get people to buy because of the term.

I have also heard people say the want/have a Teapot dog...

I hope this makes sense! Has anyone ever heard/seen this before? Is it a joke, or another ploy to attract buyers? :confused:

08-30-2008, 04:26 PM
I have not heard of teapot puppies, but it's about the same as teacup to me. It's just silly. :p

Are they saying pot because they can fit in a teapot not a teacup? Whatever.:rolleyes:

08-30-2008, 05:42 PM
Sounds like silliness to me. Often people promoting "teacup" with a breed are just breeding smaller and smaller dogs to each other, regardless of the medical and genetic problems it can have, so I wouldn't trust them anyway.

Ginger's Mom
08-30-2008, 07:32 PM
It's a joke. I just googled Teapot dogs and out of the first twenty entries only two actually referred to Teapot dogs rather than Teapots designed to look like dogs. The first one was about Labradors that are apparently being bred smaller than normal Labs, and they call their kennel Teapot Labs or something to that effect. The second was about Pomeranians and was making fun of teacup dogs by taking pictures of Pom pups in teapots and calling them Teapot dogs.