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View Full Version : Shipping Vinyl Records to New West. BC

08-24-2008, 11:59 PM
I finally went through all my vinyl records. I found 5 Dutch ones that belonged to a long-ago roommate of my sister's. I don't know how I got them...I figured this roommate maybe had wanted to unload them, and they wound up in my sister's stuff.

I'm still in touch with her, so I emailed her just in case. HOLY COW! She has been LOOKING for them with other friends! SO - I am shipping 5 vinyl records to New Westminster BC.

So - how to wrap? Bubble wrap each one, and put a layer of corrugated cardboard between each record? Then wrap the whole thing in more bubble wrap and put in a sturdy box?

Mail? Bus? Courier?

Advice appreciated! Thanks!

08-25-2008, 12:07 AM
I would bubble-wrap each one separately, and then brace the sides of the box with extra cardboard inside, or even dowels, so it is not easily crushed. Do not leave room for things to rattle around. Make the box on all sides "Fragile!" "Do Not Stack" I don't know enough about the Canadian Postal system to know whether mailing them would be the safest way to go or not, though.

08-25-2008, 12:09 AM
You might try to take them out of the jackets and see if you can 'frisbee' them to save on shipping and handling?

Of course you'll have to fling them all the way to their destination....is it far?:confused:;):D

08-25-2008, 12:06 PM
RICHARD.....*smack* :D.....New Westminster is pretty close to where Slick lives. Wish one of her brudders was heading out from here to there...

08-25-2008, 02:51 PM
I am right in New Westminster and my brother is in Calgary. Unfortunately, he has no plans on coming out this way any time soon. In fact, he's packing and moving to the west side of Mexico to teach scuba diving. Sorry I can't be of more help.

I find our dear Canada Post is not bad at all. I would do what you suggested and add lots of packing material to make sure that they won't move around/jiggle inside the box.

Good luck!

08-25-2008, 05:54 PM
I think my cousin's boyfriend is coming back from Calgary to Vancouver to pick up his remaining things before they move to Calgary for good. I know they're moving to Calgary Sept 4 so he should be heading over fairly soon. I'll get in contact with him and let you know if he can help :)

08-25-2008, 07:01 PM
Hey, thanks! That would be great! Let me know, ok? Then I can PM my phone # :)