View Full Version : fritz 14 photos

08-24-2008, 08:41 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/mattynap.JPG Fritz laying on the mat in my bedroom this morning.At first was on the mat then move.he was pretty good last night, barked out the window,also barked when he wanted water and to go outside.Was in the window,on the air Register,in my bedroom and on Mom's bed.Today he was bad peed at the back door and went to the front door and did it.Marlene,Larry and Taffy came,brought Blizzard from Dairy Queen,Crispy Crunch,first Fritz was mad that Taffy was getting some and not him,he got some from Mom in the end.Taffy's face is all better,no swelling left.Mom talked with Bev they were going to see a relative's new baby,when they had to turn back ,Bev's leg got swollen up,has been to the doctor, getting xrays for that.Mom has gone up to be,Fritz under couch so I will go right now.Got a little rain, one bit of thunder,not serious nothing out of fritz.Fritz also had some Cesar treats.

08-25-2008, 07:48 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/hideydoggy.JPGFritz under the bed this morning,don't know why ,didn't hide anything there,he has taken a washcloth and kleenex under there,nothing there now.He came up shortly after I did and slept right on the bedspread,this morning moved and only his head was on it.then he went under the bed,came out ,wanted to go out, runs away.Mom had to give him his pills with a cheese slice,that got him out.He had cereal and English muffin,was on my lap and now in the window.

Daisy and Delilah
08-25-2008, 10:55 AM
Are you still hiding your face from the camera Fritz? Could it be because Taffy was getting some Blizzard and not you? You are so silly. Be a good boy cutie pie!!:D

Best wishes to Auntie Bev. I hope she's got nothing to worry about.

Ginger's Mom
08-25-2008, 11:25 AM
Oh Fritz, you look sooo cute taking a nap in Barry's room, with your little ear turned up and legs stretched out. It makes me what to give you a great big hug. :)

08-26-2008, 08:06 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/floordog1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/yawny1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/yawny2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/yawny3.JPGFritz sleeping on the kitchen floor yesterday,sleeping on my bedspread this morning then in Mom's bed and in the chair in the living room.Fritz came up a little bit after we did and went right to sleep.This morning,crawled into Mom's bed.He came out ,he had cereal and toast,went out and he been on the couch and in my chair.Feeling a little blue,found out from a breeder that the kennel where we got Fritz in August of 2002 has stopped breeding Bichons so I won't know what happened to Fritz's Mom and Dad.

Daisy and Delilah
08-26-2008, 08:09 PM
I'm sorry to hear that, Barry. Maybe you can find out from somebody close by. I hope so. They must have had a good reason to stop. Fritz is such a cutie pie. He reminds me of a big fluffy teddy bear. I love the picture of him napping under the covers. :D

08-26-2008, 08:18 PM
Fritz, I like the picture in #1. Wish i could lie down with you. I enjoy Barry's photos of your days very much. Hug, hug, hug.

08-27-2008, 07:28 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/ledgesnooze5.JPGFritz in the window this morning.Fritz came up a little bit after we did and settled down on the bedspread where he stayed all night.This morning got up around quarter after 6,went to Mom and was under the covers ,he was cold.Mom says he should start sleeping with me where he could be warm. He had cereal this morning,had his pills,barked at a lady with a Labrador.Right not ,either in the window or in Mom's chair.Auntie Bev called this morning,she had a pinched nerve in her back so we will see what develops with that.

Daisy and Delilah
08-27-2008, 01:23 PM
There's our adorable watch doggie!! I would continuously circle the neighborhood so I could wave to you, Fritzie!! You're the cutest little boy!! Thank goodness Auntie Bev already got a diagnosis and it isn't serious. I hope she recovers nicely.:)

08-28-2008, 09:22 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepypup.JPGFritz being lazy near the dining room table this morning.He goes there when we try and get him go out and he can sneak under the table where we can't get him.i took over some English Muffin and I grabbed him and put him out.He is now in Mom's chair snoozing after being in the window.Fritz came to the back door when the kids were here and he barked at them,Mom brought him out where he was barking a Samantha,Brandyn petted him twice,no trouble,the third time Fritz squealed so Mom had me put him in his cage,He hasn't been around kids much despite the fact Bichons are good with kids.Bev also has degenerative disc along with the pinched nerve and is taking medication for it.

08-28-2008, 07:05 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/stretchydog.JPGFritz stretched out on the kitchen floor this afternoon,We had Chicken Fingers and rice for supper with Plum sauce,Fritz had a little had Black Cherry Ice cream for dessert ,he had a dish,cleaned my dish and finished Mom's Ice Cream Cone.He came down with late this afternoon as mom went to gift shop,ha some water and went under the couch.I went up and had a bath,came down was still there and he came out when mom came.Tonight was begging for treats,thought he wanted water,had bacon treats then the water,went out and he came back and was on the couch begging,now on the back of the chair.He was just begging again,has got back down,is wagging his tail .

08-29-2008, 06:04 AM
What a cutie you are, Fritz. How lucky, you got to have some ice cream and bacon treats last night! Good boy for at least letting Brandyn pet you twice. Hope Auntie Bev gets well soon. :)

08-29-2008, 08:35 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sittypretty.JPGFritz begging for some bacon treats,already had his fill of them so he wasn't getting any more.He got back on the back of the sitting and growling and begging for treats or to go upstairs to bed.Mom went up shortly after 9.then Fritz got down was waiting for me so I went up and he went to Mom's bed where he started scratching and he got off there and came to bed on the bedspread.Mom said he came in to her at 3 in the morning,didn't hear him go,he was scratching keeping mom up,he got some pills this morning.I fed him English Muffin this morning,he was in the window,had cereal also and some of Mom's Muffin also.Rained overnight and is cloudy and overcast right now and 70.Mid 70's on the weekend and sunny.Having a Yard sale tomorrow,getting rid of things we don't need and then we are going to Swiss Chalet for a Chicken Dinner and bringing Fritz home some Chicken.

Daisy and Delilah
08-29-2008, 11:56 PM
Awwwww!!! Look at you sitting up and saying hello to all of us, Fritzie!! You are the cutest little teddy bear as always. Great pictures, Barry!!

I hope Auntie Bev is doing well and managing. I know that disc is painful. My sister has three of them and she's always trying to find ways to stop the pain without surgery. Good luck with the yard sale tomorrow, Barry and Mom. It should be alot of fun. I hope you make a ton of money. I need to have one too.:)

08-30-2008, 08:52 AM
Great pictures of Fritz!!!:love: We love to see pics of you anytime.

08-30-2008, 11:28 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap.JPGFritz sleeping in his cage this morning.He started sleeping on Mom's bed,was biting and scratching so came to me and was doing the same thing.Around midnight or a little after,he was scratching and biting again,was puffing then stood in the hall then came back and was trying to jump on the bed,went out again and to the dining room.got him and Mom gave him Benadryl and we put him in his cage whined as bit but settled down and his bed was a mess this morning,must have scratching wanting out.he had cereal and English Muffin,has been in the window when i was cutting the lawn,also in the kitchen and had Egg sandwich with me for lunch.I was mistaken about the yard sale,not today,maybe in a week or so.going out for Chicken Dinner at Swiss Chalet soon will bring Fritz home some Chicken for a treat.

08-30-2008, 07:11 PM
Hi there Fritz! You're looking awfully cute these days.

08-31-2008, 07:27 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files//2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/ledgesnooze6.JPGFritz in his cage this morning and in the window after that,heard mom getting Carrots ready for supper,he likes raw vegetables.Fritz was all set to go up with us when he decided to go under the couch and he came up later and was on Mom's bed.Mom wanted to give him some Benadryl,I tried to pick him up,he growled and was thinking of biting me,he didn't.We took him down to his cage,he whined a bit but soon settled down.Mom got something to try for his scratching,called Dr.Goodpet,get 10-15 drops of it twice a day,got it a Wal Mart.We had chicken dinner and shared a Casar salad and I had Lemon Meringue pie for dessert and Mom had a small Butterscotch Sundae.Mom brought home some Chicken for Fritz to have with his supper.Put him in his cage,he barks at things going by Mom thought it best to put him there so he wouldn't here anything.No rain until Thursday,warm and humid,feeling into the 90's.

08-31-2008, 09:33 AM
Fritz, I love the pictures of you on the window ledge. You`re such a cutie! Hope the new medicine helps you with your scratching. Be a good boy sweetie. :)

08-31-2008, 06:53 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/monkeyrun.JPGFritz on the run with his Monkey after supper today.He was down here trying to hide it and in the living room trying to hide in the chairs.A friend of Mom's came to visit,Fritz went greeting her wagging his tail and he went out where they sat in the gazebo and were chatting.A holiday weekend here and there have been fireworks going off and he was barking,he is back down with me in the rec room.Had Steak,Carrots and Fried Potatoes for supper,he got some Steak for being a good dog and not making noise for it.Having Krispy Kreme doughnuts now,he is getting some.He had his own supper after having Steak.

Daisy and Delilah
08-31-2008, 08:18 PM
Can you share a donut with me Fritz? YUMMY!!! You look so cute lying there next to Papa. I know you two are talking to each other. I love the picture of you with your monkey. You're adorable!!!:)

09-01-2008, 03:02 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap2.JPGFritz sleeping in his cage this morning.He was scratching and itching again,was on Mom's bed,picked him up to take him to
bed,already had his medicine and was huffing and puffing,growled when I picked him up,took him to bed and was quiet for the night.Didn't have breakfast ,was in the window when he saw a little girl with her dad and she was walking their Brown Lab and she had a hooded sweatshirt on and Fritz didn't like and barked and did the same when they came back,she had it off by then.He will be barking tomorrow,as kids go back to school.We had Egg sandwiches for lunch and had Potato chip squares,Fritz had some of that and we had Lemon Rice and Chicken fingers with Plum Sauce for supper and Peach Pie for dessert,Fritz had a little,had some of his own supper,don't know if he finished it,is down here on the coffee table puffing.Mom found out from my Aunt that her nephew(my cousin) Brian had triple bypass heart surgery and now has a aneurysm like my Dad 5-6 years ago and my cousin's ex-wife has Cancer and had both breasts removed.

09-02-2008, 08:08 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/stretchydog1.JPGFritz stretching this morning as he was getting out of bed.Mom gave him some Dr.Goodpet last night,that helped temporarily and was hing again last night so he went to his bed,got another dose of Dr.Goodpet,whined a bit and scratched at his bed,made a mess of it.Got some Vancectyl pills this morning,has scratched some.Didn't have breakfast,barked a tone kid going by had a ball cap on backwards and barked at a German Shepherd going by so did Gracie and her friend they went nuts barking at it when it went by them.We are having the yard sale this Saturday,right now weather looks good but there may be rain coming from Gustav and Hannah so will see what develops.

Daisy and Delilah
09-02-2008, 07:42 PM
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Fritzie. Get better buddy!! You still look adorable. Barry, I hope the family starts feeling better. Prayers going out for everybody.

Your food menu sounds delicious!!:)

09-03-2008, 01:17 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap4.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/stretchydog2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/chairsnooze5.JPGFritz in his cage this morning, then stretching and in Mom's chair snoozing shortly after getting up. We had quite as time getting Fritz to bed last night.The first time he came down the hall,went to get him he run and went under the dining room table.tried giving a cheese slice,didn't work so left him there,I got up a second time, and I tried the same thing Mom and I tried earlier,didn't work so the third time Mom got him Ice cream that worked and i picked him and we got him in his cage as you can see,he had it in a mess again this morning.he didn't have any breakfast,was in the window for a time,barked at a lady walking a Baby carriage.Fritz had some Salmon sandwich with me for lunch,Mom has gone to gift shop this afternoon,they are short on help so she is filling in today and will do it again next Wednesday along with regular Tuesday gift shop shift.Having Chicken fingers and Rice for supper as soon as Mom gets back,next Wednesday,we will go out to supper,it will be my 48th birthday.I just learned today that my grade 9 History Teacher passed away on Monday,he was 65,sent a condolence message to the funereal home.

09-03-2008, 03:41 PM
Aw Fritz, looks like ice cream is definitely your bribe food! ;) Have a nice night Fritz, and enjoy your yummy supper tonight!

Sorry to hear that your history teacher passed away. :(

Daisy and Delilah
09-03-2008, 08:04 PM
It sounds kinda like your life is in turmoil, Fritz. I hope things level out soon. Mom and Barry are having a time with you aren't they? We know how you like to hold out for the good food snacks but we want you to feel better. You still look adorable but we want to see you cage free. Be a good boy!!:)

09-04-2008, 09:02 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap5.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap6.JPGFritz in his cage this morning.He had to go to his cage to sleep again,he was fine when sleeping under the couch but once he moves around it starts to bother him.Gave him some Dr.Goodpet with a piece of cheese slice,put him in cage,bed was in a heap before we went up.he did have some toast after being out and having a drink,has been scratching and itching again,puffing and huffing,feel sorry for Fritz.We had Police all around on the ground and a helicopter in the air shining a bright spotlight,might have been a robbery or something,haven't heard yet.

09-04-2008, 06:53 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/coolyguy.JPGFritz having a cool rest at the top of the stairs this afternoon.We had quite a time with Fritz this afternoon after supper.he was laying on the air register outside the bathroom,I was down here and Mom upstairs,heard him whining,i thought it had to do with scratching.Mom checked him,left,whined a second time,asking him what was wrong.The third time I went up to check him,mom was talking to Marlene,I asked him what was wrong and I checked to see if he was caught somehow,he got a paw caught in there a few years ago.I checked this time and his dog tags were caught in the register.I yelled for Mom to come ,Fritz was trying to run with the tags still caught ,Mom came to help,I got on the phone with Marlene,told her we would call back as soon as he was free,wasn't long mom got him free and got the collar back on.Tonight he came down and was laying on the coffee table,was cooler down here,just had Ice Cream,he had his,had some drops of Dr.Goodpet,been out,has had water and snoozing on the coffee table.Fritz knew enough to whine to let us know he had a problem,took a few minutes to catch on to it,glad we were home when it home or it could have been a different outcome.

09-05-2008, 07:53 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/stretchydog3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/scratchyboy1.JPGFritz stretching this morning after Mom let him out and scratching an itch.We didn't have to wait long last night for him to come up,gave him a piece of cheese slice and put him to bed and he didn't say a word and his bed wasn't in a heap this morning.he had some Dr.Goodpet this morning and got a piece of cheese slice for being a good dog and taking the medicine.Might get a Thunderboomer later,he may need something for that.Tomorrow is the yard sale from 8-2,Fritz will be in his cage,he would bark at everything he heard.He is up in the kitchen snoozing just had a doe of Dr.Goodpet.

Daisy and Delilah
09-05-2008, 10:43 PM
What a scary story there, buddy!! I know Mom and Barry were worried about you. You've really been having a rough patch. It seems like that itching and scrathing is driving you nuts. I hope it's over soon and you return to your old self. You look really handsome in your pictures. Daisy and Delilah send lots of kisses. I do too. Get better, our little friend!!:)

09-06-2008, 01:13 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzpant.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/wayup.JPGFritz on the couch later Friday afternoon during the 6p.m. news and way up at the top of the stairs,I went down to watch TV ,he was up there.He is still scratching,slept in his cage ,no problem,.Earlier last night,Mom said something about going to be,I think he understood what she said and went under the little couch.Spent some time under the big one also.We got up early for the Yard sale,put some signs up to show where we were,put everything out,Fritz stayed din the house,he barked a few times,quiet most of it,was in the kitchen snoozing.We did fairly well ,close to $400,weather could have been better,rained all the time,so we packed it in at 11:00,people weren't coming anymore.We still have somethings we can give to charity.We had a little fun afterwords,we went out to take the signs down,Mom didn't take the house keys and the house was locked,my Aunt didn't have any,there were keys at Marlene's but Mom's keys to their house were inside.We ended up getting a ladder and I popped the screen off my bedroom,lucky the window was open so I could get at it.I crawled through the open window(they are half windows that open out and a tight squeeze) and unlocked the back door,ended up breaking my watch ,that is easily fixed.We are having Pizza for supper,Fritz will most likely get some,whether he has his or not.

09-06-2008, 02:24 PM
Fritz, I LOVE the photo of you with Monkey and the one at the top of the stairs! I'm sorry the weather wasn't good for the yard sale, Barry. Sounds like you got some of the rain that the Chicago area had on Thursday. I hope the Doctor Goodpet helps with Fritz's itchiness. Happy Saturday!

Daisy and Delilah
09-06-2008, 07:19 PM
Awwwww!! Look how cute you are, Mr. Smiley Face. We think those are great pics of you.

Great job on the yard sale, Barry. $400 is a pretty good haul and especially for not so good weather. I think we made around $300 at our last yard sale. We had a million people there and it seems like we sold 500 items. Down here, we just give the stuff away. Sorry you got locked out of the house. What a day you all had!!

09-07-2008, 08:09 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap7.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/chairsnooze6.JPGFritz in his cage this morning and in Mom's chair shortly after.Fritz came up after 10:30 last night and and was there until quarter to 12 when Mom said we should put him downstairs,was afraid of him scratching and keeping her up so downstairs he went and went in quietly.I let him out and too him outside where he had a snooze on the step.He came in after a few minutes and had cereal,not English Muffin,he is now in the front window,saw the Husky up the street being walked by and barked at it.Have to get ready for church shortly, hockey starts up around here tonight so every Sunday and the odd Friday night that is where I will be,I buy season tickets.

Daisy and Delilah
09-07-2008, 10:12 AM
Awwwww!! You're so cute, Fritz. I just want that scratching to go away so you can be feeling good again. We can bet that you'll be looking out the window when Barry goes to hockey games. You always make sure everyone is at home and safe don't you, cutie? Be a good boy!!:)

Enjoy your hockey games, Barry. I know you've been lookiing forward to that.:)

09-08-2008, 08:23 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/ledgesnooze7.JPGFritz in the window Sunday afternoon.Mom cooked a Ham Steak for supper,Fritz had a little of that,had ice cream for dessert,had some of that and cleaned all our bowls,did get around to eating his.Fritz stayed upstairs with Mom,she was making Chili sauce.I went to the game,Fritz was in thew window when I came back and greeted me at the back door.He came down her with me,Mom came a little bit after.Fritz went under the couch and came up later on Mom's bed.I went to bring him down to bed,he growled but let ,me pick him up,doesn't say a word when he goes into his cage.Took him outside this morning and came in and had a drink,barked at two dogs being walked,did not have breakfast,has some pills this morning,still scratching some ,not as much.Had a fair bit of rain yesterday,.As we were leaving church,a lady fell,broke an ankle,possibly a wrist too.

Daisy and Delilah
09-08-2008, 09:55 AM
I couldn't wait to see you in the window, cutie pie, and, there you are!!!! I can see you're grabbing a snooze while Barry is away. Be a good boy and have a great day!!
Sorry to hear about that poor lady, Barry. That must have been terrible.

09-09-2008, 08:09 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap8.JPGFritz in his cage this morning.He is still scratching,Mom have to take him to the vet again if it doesn't stop soon.Mom had a potluck dinner and meeting at church yesterday,Fritz stayed in the window and barked,sometimes at nothing.Fritz was on the coffee table when we went to bed then went under the couch,finally came up and put him in his bed down here.Had some Dr.Goodpet this morning,is snoozing somewhere upstairs.

Daisy and Delilah
09-09-2008, 07:14 PM
Hi Cutie!! Still in your cage, buddy? Mom might have to takee you in for a check up. Be a good boy and I hope the scratching disappears.:)

09-10-2008, 07:10 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airflip.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/risingtime.JPGFritz flipped over in front of mom,was waiting for her to get off the phone to have supper which Pizza Casserole and Coleslaw,Black Cherry Ice cream for dessert.Fritz this morning siting up in bed,got down I took this.Fritz came up late again last night,took him down to his cage,no word from him.He went out this morning then Mom's chair.had a picture taken with me and is in the window now.mom will bring him home chicken tonight for a treat,It was 50 degrees this morning,coldest morning so far.

Daisy and Delilah
09-10-2008, 11:19 AM
There are two great pictures of you, Fritz!! You look so cute on your back and in your cage. Look at those little pawsies. Be a good boy and help Barry celebrate his birthday today!! It should be lots of fun.:)

Pizza casserole-Yummy!!

09-11-2008, 10:03 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/risingtime1.JPGFritz waking up this morning,had his bed all in a heap.We had a god supper at Kelseys.I had a Cheddar bacon Burger and Ceasar Salad,Mom had a wrap with Chicken in it,was good,Mom brought home Chicken for Fritz.Fritz ate that when we got home, and left his own food,had that before bed last night.Fritz had his breakfast from us, was in the window,may still be now.Larry got at Mom upset,he wanted some of the things at the yard sale,have had it here for a year and a half,he had the time to come and didn't and then gets mad.His sister saw the ad for the sale,he already knew we were having ,Mom wanted to get rid of all the stuff down in the pool room.Other than this,it wasn't a bad day.I had a Mixed Berry Crumble,had Strawberries,Raspberries and Blueberries in it,not bad.

09-12-2008, 07:35 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/jacketnap.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/hideydrink.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/nightnap.JPGFritz laying on Mom's jacket on her bed yesterday,went there after we went shopping ,I needed printing supplies,also got another Bichon Calendar,Mom took a jacket back.Fritz later Thursday under the coffee table,peeking out having a drink.He had grabbed a sock of mine and was under there after I got it and he wanted a drink.Fritz last night under the couch before I went up.he came up at 20 to 11,he got some cheese and we put him to bed.Dr.Goodpet seems to help,then this morning he is scratching again and his bed was in a heap again.The Aunties called last night,both are doing fine and well enough come for a visit next Friday,won't tell Fritz until that day.We have had rain already this ,more on the way this afternoon,possible thunderstorm,,rain again tomorrow,Sunday and maybe Monday,possible on Tuesday with what's left of Hurricane Ike.

09-13-2008, 08:40 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap9.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/ledgesnooze8.JPGFritz in his cage this morning and in the window later on.We didn't have problem getting him to bed last night,I had the fly swatter out to catch a fly ,he thought the swatter was for him and he got from under the couch and was barking at me.Put him to bed and he whined a bit but soon settled down.Last night,i had to hold the water dish while he drank from it from the coffee table.When he had a drink again,he didn't need my help.Today,I held the dish of cereal to him while he was in the window,cleaned it out and the same with the English Muffin.He is in the window now,Mom gone on the garden tour.He doesn't seem to be scratching as much maybe the pills and Dr.Goodpet are helping,once it is cooler,it should fine and no more scratching.Today we get some rain,tomorrow also from Hurricane Ike,anywhere from 2-4 inches,depending on the direction it takes.After it comes here,it heads into the Northeastern U.S.

Daisy and Delilah
09-13-2008, 01:33 PM
What terrific pictures of you, Fritzie!! I love the picture of you drinking water, standing under the coffee table on the shelf. Barry really captures some great shots of you. You are the handsomest boy around!!

I won't tell you the Aunties are coming but I can say that I can't wait!!

Barry, why is there always a disagreement at most yard sales among family members? It seems the same way with my family. Sorry about that.

09-14-2008, 07:28 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/risingtime2.JPGFritz rising up to start the day this morning.Sometimes he gets lazy like last night,take the water to him on the coffee table and then when a Iams bones dropped on the floor,he wouldn't pick it up,I had to.Got him out from under the couch early this time.Had the fly swatter,making out I was catching a fly and he come darting out barking at me holding it.I picked him up and took him up so mom gave him some Dr.Goodpet and took him down to his where he had a quiet nap.Mom was kept awake,kids hooting and hollering early this morning,cutting across the lawn,they are partying up the street and none of them are old enough to drink.had some rain overnight,a half inch of it and this evening what's left of Hurricane Ike will bring at least an inch to an inch and a half maybe more,everything is soaked mow,not drying up.Fritz still scratching,hope it cools off soon and it will stop.This morning wants water brought to him and the cereal,he ended up going for the water himself ad the cereal too.

09-15-2008, 07:42 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap10.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/ledgesnooze9.JPGFritz in his cage this morning and in the window after breakfast,cleaned my cereal while in the window,didn't want toast.We had Steak for supper,he got a little of that and had Maple Walnut Ice Cream for dessert,he had some in a dish and then cleaned mine.He watched and waited the whole time I was gone last night to the hockey game,We didn't get all the rain they said,we had no damage but a limb came off a tree down the street and and a lot of leaves also off .I now make out a if I am swatting a fly and he comes out when he sees it in my hand and then I pick him up and he gets his medicine and he is put to bed.Had his bed in a heap again and he whined a little but soon quit.He is now snoozing in the window,kind of clouded in,maybe more rain.

Daisy and Delilah
09-15-2008, 01:59 PM
Hello, sweetheart. How are you, buddy? You sure look adorable and cozy. Aren't you cute in the window? Yes you sure are!! Sorry to hear about the underage partiers, Barry. Not a good thing, all around. I can't believe you guys are getting that much rain from Ike. What a devastating storm.

09-16-2008, 08:16 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cageynap11.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/ledgesnooze10.JPGFritz in his cage this morning and in the window.Barked at one lady today,she was using a walker like Dad had to get around.We had Chicken Strips and Salad for s upper,fritz had some and had Maple Walnut ice cream for dessert,finished up his own supper later.After supper was begging at Mom then got on the couch ,he wanted her to throw his Monkey.I ended up playing with tossing it and he return,did that a few time until he got tired and layed on my lap on the carpet.Later on"asked" for water and then under the couch.didn't have to do anything to get him out last night,he was already out and he was at the top of the stairs needing to go out.He then got his medicine and cheese and was put to bed,whined.Had cereal this,doesn't like toast nowsturns his nose up at it.Now is in the window snoozing.

09-17-2008, 08:19 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/kitchenap.JPG fritz snoozing in the kitchen while Mom was at gift shop.he did a lot of that yesterday,had to get up to have snacks though.He asked for his water,had that ,had 2 Iams bones,had his medicine before bed,was fine all day and scratches at night.He is going to the groomer shortly,was hungry and had cereal and English Muffin today.they were showing dog dayspaw,they arrived in a stretch limo,first one out was a Bichon,they get a massage and a scrub to get rid of dander,they were enjoying it,only $25.

09-17-2008, 07:12 PM
Fritz, I always enjoy seeing photos of you in your window! That is a perfect place for you to keep watch on what is happening outside. And Barry, we had a lot of rain from the hurricane over the weekend. I'm sorry to hear you did too!

09-18-2008, 07:22 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/couchpeeky.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/spiffynap.JPGFritz back from the groomers peeking around the couch and downstairs on the coffee table keeping cool.Fritz had a brushing before going,rode on the back seat,was quiet the whole time,was whining when we got there,he knew where he was he pulled me along ,jumped at the gate then the door going down and the door at the bottom and once inside greeted Michelle the groomer and her assistant.He had a pal there another dog who was glad to see him,apparently Fritz didn't play much,he slept a lot and I had to carry him to the van,he sat on the back seat panting and once home slept in the kitchen.Later on Marlene and Larry stopped by with friends of theirs ,they had been out to dinner,Taffy was home alone.He was happy to see them all,he greeted them with big kisses.We decided he could sleep upstairs last night,was still down here when we went up.He came to me maybe around 20 after 12,scratched a little and at 20 after 6 went in to Mom and slept there a few minutes.he had breakfast from all of us this morning,cereal and English Muffin from me,English Muffin from Mom.Now resting upstairs somewhere.Going soon to cut Marlene's lawn,get my haircut at 1 this afternoon,the Aunties coming tomorrow,going out to supper,a hockey tournament this weekend with all the Jr A teams,starts tomorrow night and goes until Sunday,I will be there every day,love my hockey.

Daisy and Delilah
09-18-2008, 10:34 PM
I always love to see you Fritz but after the groomer, ooooooh la la!! What a handsome boy!! Daisy and Delilah can't control themselves. You look very spiffy. I hope you're being a good boy. It sure sounds like you are. I'm glad you enjoy your groomer visit so much.

Enjoy your hockey games, Barry!!:)

09-19-2008, 08:32 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/risingtime3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/risingtime4.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/steppinout.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/chaircurl2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/chairpals1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/muffinbeg.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/windowpals1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/windowpals2.JPGPictures of Fritz this morning.Fritz getting up from a good night's sleep on Mom's bed,kept her warm,came up a half hour after we did,Fritz outside on the back step,curled up in Mom's chair,on Mom's knee and begging for a piece of English Muffin.Fritz in the window with his scarecrow buddies.We haven't told him theya re coming,he already seems to know,he has been looking out the window most of the window,shold be here in the next hour.he was hungry today,had English Muffin and cereal from me and English Muffin from Mom.

Daisy and Delilah
09-19-2008, 10:39 AM
You're going to be so excited when the Aunties show up, Fritz. I hope you don't read this until they get there. Shhhhh.......I'll be quiet. You look so fluffy and handsome in your pictures. Mom looks like she might be chilly and winter is on it's way back in. Have fun with the guests, everybody.:)

09-19-2008, 03:34 PM
Hello, Fritz, good-looking! Happy Friday!

09-21-2008, 07:40 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/auntytreat.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/auntytreat1.JPG http://ww.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzydish.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/doughnuts.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/tablerest.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/tablerest1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/walkybeg.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/windowpals3.JPGFritz visiting with his Aunties on the weekend.Begging for treats from Irene then Bev,laying beside his water dish outside after one of his walks with Bev,waiting for doughnuts,sitting on the little table rest from his walk.Begging Bev to go on a walk and Saturday morning in the window.He greeted them with kisses,got some treats,wanted Bev to take him on a walk of which he had a few,had the doughnuts and a drink of of water.We then came in and he layed between mom and Bev on the couch,then would get off to beg for a walks.We had tuna and Salmon sandwiches and sweet pickles for lunch,he had some from us.We went out to dinner ,Mom had Pita bread and a Spinach Dip and Broccoli cheese soup,Bev had Chicken Tenders and Fries and soup,Irene had the Chicken tender without the soup,ihad Chicken Tenders and fries and Caesar Salad,Bev and I had Vanilla Ice cream with Whipped Cream and Chocolate Sauce sprinkled on and cherry on top.Irene brought Fritz home some chicken which he had.he had a walk after we got back,I went to the hockey that night.Fritz slept with the Aunties all night.he had breakfast from us the next day,I was gone most of the day to the hockey games,going in about 20 minutes to see more games.Fritz waited for me last night,listening to every sound.He started sleeping with me then with Mom and was quiet all night.Now resting upstairs.

09-21-2008, 05:58 PM
LOL. Fritz, you make me laugh. You make an adorable centerpiece! Always have to be the center of attention, don't you? Well I'm with you. You should be the center of attention and the coffeetables are the perfect spot for you. :)

09-23-2008, 07:02 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/warmtime.JPGFritz under the covers of mom's bed Monday morning.Fritz has slept with Mom the ast two nights,has scratched a little,not too bad.he had somew of my Cauliflower soup for lunch yesterday,slept a lot when not eating,we had Potato Cakes,Ribs and Carrots and Peas for supper,he had that had some Ice Cream.I had to give him a piece of Cheese slice to get him down here last night.Fritz had his bowl of water,went out twice then wanted a Iams bone.We had Raspberry Turnovers last night,had that and went under the couch.he came up after we were in bed and he went to mom and slept there.Had toast and cereal from us ,has been in thew window,has just been on Mom's lap after being outside.

09-23-2008, 08:04 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/waitymom.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/waitymom1.JPGFritz late this afternoon on Mom's bed waiting for her to come home from gift shop.At lunch,he had some of my Bologna sandwich,at supper we had Grille cheese sandwiches,had some of that from us then had some Maple Walnut Ice cream in a dish,then cleaned mine and finished Mom's Ice Cream Cone.After supper,he was up and down the stairs with his Monkey trying to hide it,got tired and he had a sleep on mom's bed.Had a bowl of water tonight,had a Iams bone,just had some Benadryl for his itching,gets a piece of cheese as a treat.Just sat and begged in the chair for another Iams bone so I got him one.

09-24-2008, 07:20 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/curtainap.JPGFritz up against the curtain this morning.for part of the night,Fritz slept at Mom's back,he scratched some,not much then was at the foot of the bed this morning snoozing.Snoozed next to the curtain first then went out and he then had cereal and toast,has had his pills,now in the window again.

Daisy and Delilah
09-24-2008, 10:16 PM
I didn't think you could get any cuter Fritzie. I think you did!! Look at those great pictures of you. You are obviously enjoying the Aunties alot. You have such a personality and really do some great tricks. Great pictures, Barry!!! Be a good boy, buddy!!:D

09-25-2008, 09:23 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/windowguy1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/windowguy2.JPGFritz in the window this morning looking out and then resting.Yesterday Mom and I cleaned out the flowerbeds,brought Fritz out to watch,he got off his chain,Mom spotted him before he got too far and hooked him back up.When he got warm he layed on a concrete slab where we used to have our TV Tower.Our neighbor who had cancer came over and talked with Mom,Fritz's tail was going.Monday,she cleaned all the window outside and cleaned the screens,also cleaned the fridge out yesterday.Today,cleaned out the barbecue and took the the top off the gazebo.Still have flowers to pull out of the patio flowerbed.Fritz slept with Mom,scratched a little,slept under the other pillow.had his Cereal and English Muffin,is now snoozing in the corner.

Daisy and Delilah
09-25-2008, 08:56 PM
What a cute boy!!!! A really handsome lad. Today, I saw a Bichon that looked just like you Fritzie. He was being walked by his Dad. He could have been your twin. It made my day!!! Great pics of you buddy!!!:D

09-25-2008, 09:07 PM
Hey, Fritz, Window Guy! That is one of my favorite "Fritz-places"! You are so handsome in your spiffy new bandanna, too!

09-26-2008, 04:30 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/earlynappy.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/earlyeats.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/flippyfritz1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/flippyfritz2.JPGFritz this morning snoozing in the window,still dark out and just after 7 this morning eating cereal in the window,looked at me for it ,put on the window ledge,did the same with the English Muffin.Fritz later in the morning flippe dover on Mom's bed,head on the blanket before we went shopping,mom to get a new purse and me to buy a book.I bought the same book The Bear and The Dragon by Tom Clancy about 7 years ago at another book store,I started reading it last month and found out last Friday there were 64 pages missing in it,so had to buy a new copy,glad Chapters had it in stock.By the time we got back,Fritz was in the front window and then in the kitchen when we came in the back door.Yesterday we had Oriental rice and Pizza Casserole for supper,Fritz had some,maybe shouldn't have.Mom found her pants had gotten wet and she then checked the cover on her chair,Fritz had peed on it,wasn't happy with him,didn't get anything else from me and no dessert from mom.A little after this,he was on mom's lap trying to get in her good graces again,it worked,can't stay mad at him long.he came up shortly after we did and slept with Mom,had a quiet night with a little scratching,that is getting better.Had a Bologna sandwich with me at lunch,I then cut the lawn and for supper we had Chicken Strips,he got some,he had ate a little of his own.Had Pumpkin Pie for dessert,had some from both of us.He had a little play with his Monkey after supper and is taking it easy right now,in the kitchen,might be in the living room by now.

09-27-2008, 08:41 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/nightnap1.JPGFritz under the couch last night before we went up to bed.When Mom came down last night,he stayed up,then he saw something outside and barked ,so got him a piece of cheese slice and got him down.He begged for water,got him water,begged for bone sand got that,begged to go out,he went out,did some of this on the back of the chair.We had Black Cherry Ice cream as a snack,he wolfs his down and waits for me to finish mine so he can lick the dish and then goes to mom and waits for her to almost finish her cone and he finishes that.Another time he sat up and begged on the back of the chair thought he wanted out only he didn't,he went under the couch to snooze.Every night,he gets on the back of my chair and stares Mom out whether it is to go to bed or a snack ,don't know.Fritz sleeps at the foot of Mom's bed on a jacket that is on the folded up comforter and he is a quiet sleeper.He had cereal and English Muffin after being in the window,then it is time to go out,he thinks we are playing got a piece of cheese slice and got him out.Then he wants a drink,wanted it brought to him,I let him go the kitchen and took off through the living room and into the kitchen and had it.Most likely is now in the window,kind of cloudy out,showers today.Going out for Chinese food today,will try to bring Fritz something home for a treat.

Daisy and Delilah
09-27-2008, 04:41 PM
I love those upside down pictures of you, Fritz. You're such a cute little guy!! Fritz, I wonder if you're marking or maybe you have a bladder problem? I hope you get better, buddy!! Be a good boy.:)

Barry, your menus sound fabulous.:)

09-27-2008, 09:10 PM
I love those upside down pictures of you, Fritz. You're such a cute little guy!!

I do, too! And I hope the "oops" in the house was an isolated thing.

09-28-2008, 07:12 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/middaynap.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/windowguy3.JPGFritz around 1:30 on Saturday snoozing on Mom's bed at around 20 to 6 in the front window after we came home from having Chinese food.it wasn't bad,could have been better,mom said the rice had no flavor.Mom brought Fritz home piece of a chicken ball for eating all his supper before we left.Last night wagged his tail for water,he had that,sat and begged in the chair for Iams bones,had two of them,begged both times,later sat and looked at the water,I had to hold it for him while he drank it from the coffee table.Later ,sat in my chair staring at mom,he wanted to go to bed and as soon as she got up to do so,he got of the chair and was waiting to go up.He go up on her bed,lays on her jacket on the folded up comforter.He had a good sleep,scratched a little before waking up.he went to the couch and sat there,he got up as if wanted out,I tried to catch him,he takes off and was under the couch,wouldn't come out for cheese.He then went to the window and i got him,put him out,he is back now ,probably in the window.

Daisy and Delilah
09-28-2008, 12:54 PM
Fritz, do you hold up a sign that says, "Will Hide For Treats"? You are so smart, little man. You're a good looking fella too. Great pictures. Have a really good Sunday and be a good boy!!:D

09-29-2008, 07:21 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/middaynap1.JPGFritz on Mom's bed after we got back from Church Sunday.We learned at church that our Reverend became a Grandfather on Tuesday,his son and wife had a Baby Girl named Cailyn Brooke, 7 pounds 10 ounces and 19 inches tall,he got lots of well wishes from us at church yesterday.We had Scalloped Potatoes,Ham and turnip for supper and Pumpkin Pie and Whipped cream for dessert,Fritz had a little,had his supper later.I went to the hockey didn't win the 50/50 it was $87.50 and to make matters worse our team lost in Overtime 4-3,not doing so well this year,so far.I phoned Mom with a few minutes left to let her know when I was coming home,Fritz got on the back of the chair was waiting for me and was at the back door when i got back,mom locked both locks on the door,couldn't get in and Fritz was barking,Mom had to come and unlock the door.After I was home,he begged for water and Iams bones,was under the couch when we went up and were in bed when I heard him up in the kitchen,he wanted a drink,so got him water and he went to bed with mom.had his breakfast this morning,has been in the window,barking at kids most likely.I saw a former NHL goalie at the game last night.Greg Millen who played with a few teams and is now a hockey commentator on Maple Leaf games,he was there as his son Charlie is a goalie with the Peterborough Stars,though Charlie wasn't playing last night,thought that was really great.

09-30-2008, 08:49 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/flippyfritz3.JPGFritz before supper yesterday all flipped over on mom's bed.Had Ham,Scalloped Potatoes and Turnip again,Fritz had some,ate a little of his own,finished it before bed.Had Apple Pie for dessert,Fritz had that also and he had a play with Monkey after supper.We had Pie and Ice cream later on,he had some Ice cream first,Black Cherry.Last night ,begged for water,he wanted brought to him on the back of the chair,so I went and held it while he drank from it.Also begged for Iams bones,had three,then was begging again,wanted to go bed,didn't let he would just bark when he saw or heard something,so put him out and he layed down there,he had a good sleep,had his breakfast and is now resting up in the living room.I put our phone number on a do not call list,we get all kinds of these everyday,rather annoying.It is good for three years and then have to renew it again.Telemarketers have 31 days to update their call lists or get a fine of up to $15,000.Our lawn mower is on the hummer,fanbelt split ,found that out after doing a neighbors and ours.Took it to a neighbor,doesn't have the right tool,what had to be taken off was rusted.If he can't most likely have to get a new mower,it would be $200 to $300 to take it to where we bought it in the first place.Only bought 3 years ago,should have lasted longer.Now wishing we didn't sell our extra mower to our neighbor across the street.

Daisy and Delilah
09-30-2008, 07:00 PM
Awwwww!!! You couldn't look any cuter, Buddy Boy!! You are the most adorable guy. Especially on that back with feet up. Great pics of you from Barry as always.:)

Barry, I hope you have better luck with the 50-50 and winning games. Tough luck on the lawn mower too. The last one I got lasted about three years too. It wasn't cheap. What is wrong with products these days?

10-01-2008, 02:56 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/tabledrink.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/floorynap1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/chairsnooze7.JPGFritz last night drinking water on the coffee table,too lazy to get down on the floor,earlier in the day snoozing in the kitchen and this morning in Mom's chair having a rest.He was bad after supper today,peed in three different spots,Mom not happy with him,wouldn't play with him so he came down here to me.He kept Mom warm all night on the bed and was in the chair her,then in the window.He watched me go on my to cut grass with or new lawn mower,a Toro.The other have broken fanbelt,was rusted underneath,needed new cables and a clutch and only worked in one gear,would too much to spend on repairing when something else might go wrong so bought a new one,the man who tried fixing went with Mom to get it,he knows the people there,it's where we got our grass trimmer.The lawn mower works great,hope it keeps it up longer than the old one.he said he mat try and fix our old one,so might have a spare if needed.The rain held off to when I was done and back home,has rained off and on since.My uncle got his Snowblower from a John Deere dealer and is storing it here when he will need it.

10-02-2008, 01:31 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/chaircurl3.JPGFritz curled up in Mom's chair this morning.Fritz spent most of last night up in the window as Mom went to a meeting to do with working on Election Day October 14th.there were Boy Scouts out collecting food for a food bank at the Catholic Church and he didn't like was in and out of the window barking,knocked over a electric candle and red glass that sits in the window.He barked at dogs and other things too,he did come to me later and was on the back of the chair and was there when mom came home.had some Apple Cinnamon bread when she came home,he had some.He first went to the living room before coming to bed and was laying in front of the other pillow when I saw him this morning,Mom had got up,a couple of friends were stopping for coffee ,they were out for a walk,Fritz greeted both of them.Marlene stopped in,he greeted her with kisses,she stopped and chatted with our neighbors,they are getting married on Saturday,Marlene and Larry are going to that,we are looking after Taffy.Fritz will see his Aunties tomorrow so quite a busy weekend for Fritz.Mom made Apple Crisp for dessert, Fritz had a few bits of Apple when she was making it,he likes Carrots also .Had Peameal Bacon and Rice with Honey Garlic Sauce for supper ,he cleaned all the plates including the Apple crisp.

10-03-2008, 06:58 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzstretch1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzstretch2.JPGFritz at 5:49 Wednesday afternoon laying in the hall way and at 6:19 on the couch stretched out.We had thunder earlier in the day,Mom says it is a sign of cold weather,Fritz heard it and growled.I was outside cleaning up a mess he made and it thundered and it scared me.We then had some hail,small variety,pebble like,Fritz was out and had to get him in.Had to get him down here with cheese.Later he was wanting something,thought it was water,he actually wanted out and after he came in he had water.He had a Iams bone,then had a snooze under the couch.He came up right after we did,started in my bedroom,scratched a bit then with Mom,takes about three tries to get on her bed,it is kind of high.After he got ,was with me in the chair,took him out then came in.Sat with me after breakfast and then in the window,needs a good run to get in the window,gets too close and can't make it .Going around 10 ,will be back sometime this afternoon.

10-03-2008, 07:32 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/countertime.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/vannyboy1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/vannyboy2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/vannyboy3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/flippyfritz4.JPGFritz on the counter after being brushed,Fritz in the van after we arrived in Bobcaygeon and tonight flipped over on the couch.Only Auntie bev came,Ireen had trouble with her bowels,has to with the cancer she had,will always have it.She also has pain in her knee ,the one she hurt a while back and there are two spots on her lungs,getting that looked and the knee too.Fritz is a good traveler, lays down and sleeps or just sits,was in Bev's lap on the ride to Bobcaygeon.He was a little fidgety,turned out ,he needed a pit stop so we stopped along the road and he did what he had to do.Once we got there,Mom and bev went shopping ,didn't get anything.We then went to have lunch,Fritz stayed in the van and slept.We all had One piece of Halibut and Fries,I had a Caesar Salad,which was very good .Bev and I had Coconut Cream Pie,Mom had Rice Pudding or dessert,brought Fritz piece of Fish,also got treats that Irene gave to Bev to give Fritz.Bev bought a piece of that pie to take home for Irene.Mom thinks Irene isn't doing that great according to the way Bev told mom what was wrong with her.Fritz snoozed most of the way home,had some bones,has had a couple of drinks of water,once i had to hold the dish for to drink from the table,now lying on the table sleeping.

10-04-2008, 09:32 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/chairsnooze8.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/windowpals4.JPGFritz in my chair this morning resting and in the window watching outside.He come to my bedroom first then went to Mom and this morning he had all fours up in the air sleeping.Had my cereal,cuddled with me in the chair then to the window and that is where he is now.Taffy coming later,Marlene and Larry going to a wedding,our next door neighbors are getting married,she was was one of Shannon's bridesmaids when she was married in 1999.

Daisy and Delilah
10-04-2008, 09:51 AM
FABULOUS PICTURES, BARRY!!! This is a great Fritz collection. He looks so cute.:)
I hope your new mower works out great. Sorry to hear about Auntie Irene. That cancer takes a toll on people. I hope she feels better soon.

10-04-2008, 07:20 PM
Oh, my goodness! Fritz on the coffee table ... Fritz on the kitchen counter ... but oh, Fritz, how dear you look in the van! Last but not least, Fritz in a familiar place, the front window. I admit it, you are dear everywhere. I'm so glad you are a good car traveler. And Barry, your lawn looks terrific as usual.

10-05-2008, 08:06 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/lazypals1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/lazypals2.JPGFritz snoozing in the kitchen Saturday,Taffy on the couch.They were pretty good,didn't bother each other,Taffy slept in all the chairs down here and the couch upstairs,Fritz would sniff where Taffy had been.Had Dominos Pizza for supper,Fritz had some,didn't eat his until just before bed time.As he didn't eat until late ,Fritz was hungry and he kept begging for his Iams bones and would beg for water and then go out,went out twice,kept me busy looking after that.Taffy slept out on the living room couch and Fritz with Mom.Mom gave them both Beggin Strips this morning,Taffy gets at least three every morning.Fritz was jumping at her this morning,he wanted to play Taffy didn't ,she's 12.Taffy cleaned out my bowl of cereal,Fritz didn't have anything.taffy now gone home,they had a good time at the wedding,was cold sitting outside,tent was cold too despite having two propane heaters,.Food wasn't bad,Roast Beef was good,Noodles were burnt, ran out of Potatoes for 140 people.Service went good everyone looked good,Bride and Groom went to Pennsylvania for their Honeymoon.

Daisy and Delilah
10-05-2008, 05:24 PM
Good boy, Fritzie!!! How nice of you to get along with Taffy. You wanted to play but Taffy is too old to play huh? Delilah would play with you. She had a friend over today and now she's worn out and sleeping. More great pics of you, cutie!!:)

Burnt noodles, Barry? Wow. That's pretty hard to do isn't it?:confused:

10-06-2008, 08:27 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/headycover.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/couchsnooze.JPGFritz with his head under the blanket on the bed Sunday morning.He went there,he knew we were going to church and he was still there when we got back.We had Chicken Breast,Carrots,Potatoes, and Rice Salad.Fritz had some Chicken and Carrots,loves Carrots.Had Apple Crisp for dessert,he had that,had his supper after he had ours.he stayed down with Mom while i was at the game,didn't win 50./50 it was $75,I was one number off winning it.it wasn't all bad last night,the Eagles won 4-3 in overtime against Trenton second win in a row ,both against Trenton.This morning,Fritz was laying on the other side of the bed,some of the night,he had his buried in the comforter at the front of the bed.Didn't have breakfast,has with Mom in her chair,the window and now behind the couch.

Daisy and Delilah
10-06-2008, 07:19 PM
Wonderful pictures of you Fritz. I love the second one especially. It warms my heart to see a picture of Mom and Dad looking over you.:) Be a good boy cutie pie!!

Barry, have you ever won the 50-50? I'm hoping you win soon. Good luck!! I hope your team gets better and better. Sometimes a slow start proves to be a good thing.

10-07-2008, 07:39 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/waitymom2.JPGFritz flipped over on the bed last night,waiting for Mom to come from a church meeting.He spent some of the time in the window barking at people going by,knocked a electric candle over,now it is not working.He eventually went to the bedroom and was sleeping on her bed.he stayed when Mom came home at 20 to 10.We were just about ready for bed,he gets off her bed and wants a drink of water,had that and he came to my bed and slept on the ,tried a few spots before he found one that was just right.This morning ,He went to Mom,first went to one side,she was facing the other way so Fritz went to where she was and got up on the bed for a few minutes.Mom put him out,then I did after he barked at a lady going by with a walker like dad had.While out a second time he barked at a neighbor putting garbage out so in he came,had my cereal and Mom's toast,not mine,now in the window.Terry,I have won the 50/50 on 4 different occasions,Once in 2001 it was $118,2002 it was $265 around Christmas time,used $40 of it to buy a watch that hasn't quit since ,2003 it was $207 and the last time was January 15 of 2005 it was $274.50.I have been close since but not quite enough to win.Cold here this morning,43,has been a frost warning out yesterday and this morning,supposed to warm up to the mid to high 60's by weekend,Mom I and Fritz are going up to Marlene's and Larry's cottage Friday with Marlene and Taffy,Larry will come later,have dinner on Saturday and come home Sunday afternoon.Fritz is with Mom in her chair keeping warm,Mom had been talking to Marlene.

Daisy and Delilah
10-07-2008, 10:33 PM
I see a widdle belly, buddy!! Belly rubs to you, Fritzie!! I love your picture.

That's great, Barry. It's about time you won again. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.:)

10-08-2008, 03:01 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/waitysleep.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/waitysleep1.JPGFritz sleeping on mom's bed Tuesday,was at the grocery store and today on her bed snoozing she had to get some groceries then to pick up tickets for a Roast Beef Dinner at church on October 25th.Tuesday we had Chicken Strips and Rice Salad,Fritz had some and had Orange Pineapple Ice cream for dessert,Fritz had a dish,cleaned mine,then finished Mom's Ice Cream Cone.He stayed either on the bed or in the window when Mom was off at gift shop,he came down after she came home.he begged for Iams bones,some water,to go outside,had some Pumpkin Loaf,came to me after that,thought I had some,I was having Fritos barbecue Corn Chips.After all this he stares mom out,this is around 9,he wants to go to bed.he went with ,had his food at some point before this,layed on a jacket of mom's,stayed quiet.Was with Mom in her chair and the couch this morning,had sandwich with me at lunch.today's supper was was Oriental Rice and Bologna and the same Ice cream as yesterday,had a little of all that.Now is with Mom in the living room.Just to add,found out that the lady that fell outside of church around 3 weeks ago passed away yesterday,service is next Tuesday,he husband died a around 3 weeks before Dad did.She had a concussion from the fall,maybe something to do with it.

10-08-2008, 06:24 PM
I haven't been on awhile but is that Fritz on the kitchen counter? Fritz! What are you doing?! You are such a silly boy!

I love the pictures of Fritz in the car. He looks so handsome!

Daisy and Delilah
10-08-2008, 07:04 PM
Awwwww!! Hi cutie!! Some more of those cute beddie, belly shots. You're just a cute little man, Fritzie!!:)

What a shame about that lady that fell. That is awful.:(
My Mom had a bad fall a couple of weeks ago. She came out of it really well. She's so lucky.

10-09-2008, 09:28 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/waitysnack1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/waitysnack2.JPGFritz on the back of the chair and in the bar room waiting for mom to come back with a snack,she had Barbecue chips,was getting some Cheese this time,I think he had some.fritz begged twice for water,went out,not sure I think he did have some Iams bones.he started at 7 staring at Mom,was too early for bed, was doing it later.When it was time,he was under the couch ,came up a few minutes fist to me then the phone rang,Marlene was home from a meeting at church and Fritz ran out of my bedroom then he went to Mom's and slept there.A Cat woke me up at midnight yowling,got back to sleep,around woke up from a dream and couldn't get back to sleep.After Fritz go up,he lifted his leg,I caught him and he went under the table and stayed there,tail going,maybe wanted a drink or food don't know.I finally did get him outside.Fritz is now on mom's bed snoozing.Irene phoned ,feeling better,they are going to a friends for Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday,coming back Sunday.She is going to make a appointment about her bowel trouble.

Daisy and Delilah
10-09-2008, 08:28 PM
What a little doll baby you are in these pictures, Fritzie!!! Actually, you're a doll baby in all your pictures. Tell Barry he's taking some great pics of you.

I'm glad Auntie Irene is feeling better, Barry. Best wishes to her.:)

10-13-2008, 07:04 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/coolfritzy.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzmommy.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/deckdoggy.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/decknap.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritziechair.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzlarry.JPG.First in a big series of pictures of our time at the cottage from Friday until Sunday.Fritz laying on the floor of the cottage soon after we arrived October 10,2008.Fritz snoozing in a chair later the same day.Fritz snoozing on the couch October 11,Fritz still snoozing on the couch,Fritz snoozing under the kitchen table Sunday at my feet while I was reading a book.Fritz on Mom's lap Saturday.Fritz at the top of the stairs while Larry and I were putting some things away for the year.Fritz having a nap in a deck chair 45 minutes later than the previous picture.Fritz on a kitchen chair Saturday between first and second course of Thanksgiving dinner,Fritz with Larry on the couch on Friday.We left a little after 10 on Saturday,stopped to pick up Marlene and Taffy.Marlene took over the driving and we stopped an hour or so later at Tim Horton's for Chili and Garlic toast,Taffy and Fritz were in the van,Fritz snoozing ,Taffy watching outside and at us inside.We got there between 12:30 and 1.I think we had Lasagna or something like it for supper that day,it had a lot of cheese in it.Fritz made himself at home snoozing everywhere,liked Larry a lot stayed with him a few times,with mom also.Fritz slept with Mom,was quiet every night.When he had to go out,sometimes Marlene or Larry would go out with him.Next morning for breakfast was bacon , toast and something else that had egg,pumpernickel and bacon pieces.Dinner was about 5:30,friends of Larry and Marlene's that have a cottage on the other side of the lake came with their dog Murphy,talk more of him later.Fritz got a little excited and peed twice on the floor,maybe marking territory.From that point which was after supper,he stayed on the couch.We had Turkey,Carrots,Brussell Sprouts,Dressing and Potatoes.Dessert was a Pumpkin Cake mom made and a Chocolate dessert.After supper,Fritz got down off the couch,I was trying to get him back on the couch and he tried biting me,we were not happy about that.Sunday before we left,we went on a tour to see the fall colors,have picture of that.Came back and had some lunch before we left.Left around 2:35 to three and were home by 4:30,Fritz slept on the back seat.At one point a truck had turned off the highway and sprayed gravel and hit the van.We soon stopped,had me check it,no problems I could see.We were almost home and a Cat ran out in front of us, Mom swerved to avoid it.At home ,found a little bird dead nea rour garage door and next door near the end of the driveway was a dead Sqiuirrel,great thing to see after being away for 2 days.One morning mom made her bed,i made mine and my sister's.next morning did all three,also did a little vacuuming on Saturday,blew leaves from the deck Friday,Saturday helped larry with a little cleanup.

10-13-2008, 07:30 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/tiredtaffy.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/tiredtaffy1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/taffylarry.JPGTaffy snoozing at both ends of the couch Friday and with Larry on the other couch the same day.She either barks or whines to go out,she gets 3 Beggin Strips every morning,Fritz had a little of that and Iams bones.She sleeps with Marlene and Larry,at least she doesn't snore like Larry,I could hear him down the hall where I was sleeping,he even snoozed downstairs,Fritz would stare at him and whine,thinking something wrong with him.When Taffy goes for a ride in the truck,she stands up on the passenger,not with all four of us,she was curled up on the backseat between Mom and me,Fritz on my lap.Taffy gets food from Marlene after the meal is done.

10-13-2008, 07:48 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/murphy1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/murphy2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/murphy3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/murphy4.JPGhere is Murphy,the Golden Retriever I talked about earlier.He is 6 years old,will be 7 in November.Friendly dog,goes around wagging his big tail,he doesn't eat meat but did get some this night.At supper,he had his head on my lap,he wanted some food,he had slobbered a bit,had to change my pants.Marlene has a stuffed toy there that Murphy gets every time he is at the cottage and that night was no exception.he went and got it, could not figure out how to get down to the room again.Marlene let me know what was going on,he couldn't get by a stool that at the bottom of the stairs to prevent Taffy and Fritz from going up.He got tired of waiting and barked,so the stool was moved and he carries it with proud as can be tail going.Murphy got tired and layed down with as in the last picture here.

Daisy and Delilah
10-14-2008, 07:09 PM
Beautiful pictures, Barry. It sounds like everyone is enjoying themselves. The cottage is really pretty. Fritz looks like he fits right in. Great pictures of everybody. Mom looks great. It's so nice to meet Murphy.:)


10-16-2008, 07:59 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz4.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz5.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz6.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz7.JPGFritz sleeping on Mom's bed on Tuesday while she worked on the Federal election.Fritz was either there or in the window snoozing,barked at people when he wasn't and was out of the window when I had a egg sandwich for lunch and Chili for supper.Mom was gone all day,picked her up around 11 that night.Mom was falling sleep in the chair last night, all this activity tired her out,driving back from the cottage,yesterday it was the breakfast and the funeral,today a music show,not until 6 tonight ,we are going to the shopping early this afternoon.Fritz is now back sleeping on my bed all night,either Monday or Tuesday he started with Mom and at 2:30 in the morning jumped up on my bed.Yesterday he was up oin the window barking so mom sent me up to get him,I go to grab him,he growls at me and then barks,did that a few times,so just left him there.Several times last night,he sat and begged for iams bones,to go outside or a dish of water.He stares mom out,he wants to go to bed,but doesn't seem to be in a once we are up there,he comes eventually and he jumps up on my bed.he is now in the window.i forgot to mention on the weekend Marlene tried for a boating licence while out shopping wiht mom and passed,was over 90% right on the test,she was proud,Mom was too.

Daisy and Delilah
10-16-2008, 10:32 PM
Good for Marlene!!! Way to go!

Great pics of you, Little Fella!! Love the upside down pic. Is that your new Halloween bandana? You are so cute, sweetheart!!:)

10-17-2008, 08:15 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz8.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz9.JPGFritz last night on Mom's bed snoozing,mom had gone to a music show and Fritz this morning in my chair in the living room.Fritz was a bad dog yesterday.He had gone outside and was sick,he had some on his face,I noticed it and told Mom,Mom got a wet paper towel wipe his face,he takes off under the dining room table.I tried to get him,he starts growling,when I got my hands on him,he started snarling showing his teeth and barking.As a result of this he got no treats from us.After,he tried making up to Mom by laying on her lap,Mom wouldn't talk to him.He behaved himself pretty well last night,barked a few times,didn't come down here until Mom was home at 9:30.He is anxious to go to bed was not in the hurry come to bed,he did come and slept with me.His scarf came off during the night and had to put it back on.Her had my cereal,cuddled Mom first then me,now on Mom's bed,head on blanket ,Mom gone to the hairdressers.A little cool this morning,41 degrees,frost on the roofs of houses.

Daisy and Delilah
10-17-2008, 08:11 PM
I hope you're feeling better, Fritzie. You look pretty tired, Little Buddy. It's pretty chilly there. Stay warm!!:)

10-18-2008, 08:13 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/roomsnooze.JPGFritz snoozing on the couch this morning.Friday night he was barking while in the window,I go to get him,he starts growling,picked him up and took him to Mom so I could get dressed.When he is downstairs,he starts begging for water,Iams bones,to go out.After this he stats staring at Mom from the back of the chair did this from 7 to around 9:30,got tired and went under the couch.When we went up,he first come to me and then went out to the dining room,then ended up with Mom,had his head buried under a pillow.he had toast and cereal from me this morning ,toast from Mom,was hungry,finally ate his food last,hasn't ate much of it this week,been eating ours.he is in the window,was barking at Mom going out,she is picking up a friend and going to the Apple Fest uptown.A little chilly this morning 43,going to 52.

10-18-2008, 06:47 PM
Fritz, I am sorry to read that you were sick. I hope it was just a temporary thing. It's been chilly here in Chicago, too - high 50s during the day and in the 40s at night. Autumn is definitely here.

Daisy and Delilah
10-19-2008, 12:56 AM
What a cute pic of you, Fritzie!! You better lay off the human food and go back to your's , silly boy!! You don't want to get sick. Daisy and Delilah get sick if they eat anything other than their food. Take it easy, cutie pie!!:)

10-19-2008, 01:14 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/burrowdog1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/burrowdog2.JPGMom had me take these pictures of Fritz this morning ,head burrowed under the pillow.Mom was gone from around 9 until 2 in the afternoon.She and her friend had a good time,she bought some cinnamon Doughnuts home,very good,had to wait a bit for them,whatever they were using to make them wasn't working and had to wait for them.Had Dominos pizza for supper,having it again,warming it up in the oven.Fritz had a little.Did his usual begging for bones,water,to go out,even after this was begging on the back of the chair to go bed,too early.Earlier had been looking at mom, tail going wanting the same thing.He is always in a big hurry to go upstairs to bed but instead goes under the dining room table for a few minutes then he goes and sleeps with Mom.

10-20-2008, 08:19 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/earlyeating.JPGFritz having my cereal this morning.I forgot to mention that yesterday we had French Toast for breakfast and Fritz loved it.Last night Fritz waited for me on the back of the chair to come back from the hockey game,Eagles lost 3-2 in overtime to Trenton,didn't win the 50/50 ,it was $118.A relative of one of the assistant coaches on the Eagles won it. When I came down after getting back,Fritz was laying on the floor waiting for me,he heard me come in the door.He went to bed with Mom,done a little scratching,goes all over the bed until he finds the right spot to settle down fore the night.Fritz had cuddled to Mom this morning,had breakfast,been in the window,on her bed when she was getting dressed,might be back with Mom now.

Daisy and Delilah
10-20-2008, 08:02 PM
You are so cute, Fritzie!! I don't think I've ever seen a doggie with their head under a pillow like that. Who are you hiding from, Buddy? Great pics , Barry. Sorry you didn't win that 50-50. That's a big one. It sounds like you and Mom are still having some great food. YUMMY!!!:)

10-21-2008, 09:13 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/bandanaboy.JPGFritz last night on the back of the chair showing off his Halloween Bandana,was waiting for a snack from Mom,she had crackers ,wasn't good enough for him.He sat and begged for Iams bones,sat on coffee table and wanted water,drank it from there,sat the dish on the coffee table,he begged to go out so he went out,kept staring at Mom,he wanted to go to bed.He slept all over her bed,his head was under the pillow this morning when I checked on them.He had his cereal,has been in the window and with me and mom.Fritz on Mom's lap in the living,mom checking recipes,don't what the is making,taking a little break.We are glad thanksgiving was a week ago and they got everything in storage up at the cottage as they had a phone call from a friend up in Haliburton,it was snowing big flakes up there,not here yet,had some rain,windy right now blowing leaves around,neighbor across the street hasn't done,will ge this if he doesn't do it soon,he has a lawn mower and a little tractor,think he is lazy,he can go off in the car in the morning,I think he is just avoiding doing it and hope they all blow away.On Sunday someone was using a pressure washer blowing the leaves,wasting water.they are all in a pile on the front lawn,they are too lazy to pick them up,probably will blow up the street where Mom's friend will get them.

10-22-2008, 03:23 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/snazzyboy1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/snazzyboy2.JPGFritz in the window early this afternoon after his grooming job,wearing a new Halloween Bandana.He stared mom out last night wanting to go bed,then jumped off the chair and was waiting for us to come.he goes to the window first then he came to me,couldn't get settled and then went to Mom and slept with her.Had my cereal this morning and toast from Mom.He had a quiet ride to the groomers,he was the first one there,Michelle's assistant was there with one of Michele's Collies,Fritz was squirming in my arms and was wagging his tail.Before we left with him,he tried jumping on one of the cats,cat didn't like it and jumped onto a chair.She has a new kitten in a cage,it was meowing,another little dog a Shih Tzu was thre on a stand tail going looking at me.Slept on the way home and in the window and kitchen when we got back.had some supper from us,put some of it in his,it has cheese ,potatoes,hamburg and peas,he ate the most of it,had Apple crisp for supper.He is somewhere in the living room snoozing now.mom is going to a fashion show tonight,babysitting Fritz who will most likely be up in the window or in Mom's bedroom napping if no one is outside making noise and he barks at it.

Daisy and Delilah
10-22-2008, 05:52 PM
What a spiffy boy!! You look great, Mr. Fritzie!! I love your new bandana. Daisy and Delilah don't eat crackers well either. They wonder where the meat or cheese is. I have to be careful with them. Delilah is putting on some weight and she's got a sore leg. It's diet time for her. Be a good boy, cutie!!

WOW!! Big snow flakes at the cottage. I bet it's gorgeous.:)

10-23-2008, 07:35 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/burrowdog3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/burrowdog4.JPGFritz sleeping in Mom's bed this morning ,head burrowed under the pillow,slept that way most of the night,started at the foot of the bed then moved to the pillow.He has had his toast and cereal this morning,has cuddled with Mom in her chair,has been under the dining room table,his way of asking for a drink,he is now back in the window.

Daisy and Delilah
10-23-2008, 04:55 PM
Hi Buddy!! There you are, head under the pillow again. You are so cute.

Tell Barry that I'll be going to North Carolina for 5 days. I'll see you all when I get back. Be good!!:)

10-23-2008, 08:07 PM
sssshhh... Fritz is sleeping in mom's bed ... sweet dreams, Fritz!

10-24-2008, 07:18 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airdog1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airdog2.JPGFritz with all fours in the air having a snooze on Mom's bed while she was at the Hospital gift shop.Shortly after she got home,she wnet pout again to play cards with friends,Fritz was fdown here for a few minute,had a couple of Iams bones,then he begged to go upstairs so let him up,he barked a few times from the window.He went out once,later on,he barked ,he was in the kitchen,needed a drink of water,gave him that and he went to Mom's bed where he stayed the rest of the night,never got up when Mom got home around 11.He slept at teh end of the bed.he got up after we did around 5 to 7.he sat with Mom first then went to my cereal,i tried catching there to go out,he was smart,knew what I was trying to do and he ducked under the dining room table.He came out again,tried getting him,he went back under.He did come out a third time,went to the door himself and Mom let him out,now in her chair.The roofs of house here are white with frost this morning,38 degrees,a rainy weekend in store,maybe an inch of rain tomorrow,by Tuesday maybe snow showers and 41 degrees.

10-25-2008, 09:04 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz10.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz11.JPGFritz snoozing on bed Friday afternoon,head on a cozy blanket.We had pancakes for supper,he had some,ate his own later.Last night,he decide to snooze under the blanket of the small couch.When came down after a bath,he was sleeping and his head was out,he then woke up and looking at me,it looked real cute.He then was under the coffee table when i went to the hockey game.Did not win the 50/50,it was $101,I had the first three numbers right 845,had the last three ,only in the wrong order,I had 278,the winning ticket was 845782.When I phone Mom to say I was leaving,she said Fritz was on the back of the chair waiting for me,then when I came home,Mom had locked the wrong lock on the door and Fritz was barking. When I got in and came downstairs,Fritz is laying in the bar room waiting for me.he decided to keep me company last night ,right beside,Had a good sleep,until 25 to 8.Fritz didn't want to go out,raining.He did have my cereal,he stayed in the window and ate it.Fritz now i behind the couch.Mom is making Pies for the roast beef dinner at church today,that is at 4 this afternoon.

10-26-2008, 01:48 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/couchsnooze1.JPGFritz having a snooze on the couch Saturday afternoon.Mom and I went to Roast Beef Dinner at church,took a friend of Mom's met Larry and Marlene there,sat at the same table.Also had Baked Potatoes,could have Sour cream with it ,Carrots Squash,Turnips and Coleslaw,mom thought it too vinegary.All kinds of pie including Cherry,Lemon Meringue,Pumpkin,Chocolate and Butterscotch.I had Cherry and Lemon Meringue.there a total of 365 at a continuous sitting that started at 4 and went to 7.there 175 pieces of pie left over,some were served after church today,church's 173 Anniversary and it was the Reverend's 40 Wedding Anniversary today,he had today off,had a guest speaker,a former Reverend of our church Frank Lockhart.Couldn't very well bring Fritz anything ,he got a piece of wiener.He spend some time down here,then up in the window,He slept with Mom.He peed in the living g room last night and today grabbed a good sweater off Mom's bed,Mom wasn't happy with him.He is now upstairs waiting for supper,having Ribs today.

10-27-2008, 07:27 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/chairsnooze9.JPGFritz snoozing in Mom's chair this morning.He waited for me on the coffee table,that's where he was when I came home.He then had some Banana bread with,was under the couch,then had to go gout and went back under.Sometime after 9,he came out,he wanted to go upstairs so we did,he first goes to the window,then a few minutes later to Mom's bed.Fritz had been out,he then cuddled with mom,had cereal,then is in the window ,barked at something,nothing there.There was thunder last night,he was down here with Mom,didn't hear it though Taffy did at the my sister's ,didn't like it a tall.Sun is out now,maybe a thunderstorm later,cool tomorrow and 39,Halloween Friday 57 during the day and 46 in the evening,Fritz will be down here but he will still hear kids coming.This my 2,500th post ,hope to have plenty more and to hear from some, no comments in 4 days,where is everyone?

10-27-2008, 01:34 PM
Barry, I was thinking of you last night during the 10 o'clock news. We are having our first cold snap today with temperatures around 32 F, so the meteorologist was warning people to bring fragile plants indoors. I'm glad to read that you will have warmer weather than Chicago.

Fritz, I always smile when I see you resting on mom's chair! That's one of your most frequent places ... you must be very comfortable there!

Daisy and Delilah
10-28-2008, 12:41 PM
Hi you guys!!! I'm back from my trip and loving this new group of pics of you, Fritzie!! Some great upside down shots. Priceless!! Fritz, it sounds like you have really been acting up at times though. P'ing on the floor and grabbing Mom's good sweater? Uh oh.....be a good boy. You're still as cute as can be.
Barry, you were so close on that 50-50. I hope you win soon.

It sounds like the weather is really going back and forth, Barry. We had temps in the 40's last night and it should be colder tonight. It was snowing in Asheville, North Carolina overnight. That's where I was, visiting my daughter and friends. One of them sent me pics of the snow this morning. I'm so sorry I missed it. My mother was disappointed too. She loves snow. We had a great trip but wanted to stay longer. It was a long drive back and my sister got lost so that slowed us down a bit more.

10-28-2008, 12:44 PM
Aww, Fritz, you are a cutie! And I love the little bandana! :D

10-28-2008, 01:06 PM
Fritz ... out of all the places in your house that you like to hang out ... I think this is my favorite. In the bay window!


10-28-2008, 07:44 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz12.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz13.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz14.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz15.JPGFritz sleeping on the bed Monday afternoon,Mom had gone out to lunch,a lady that works at a clothing store here in town had some ladies over to her place for lunch,Mom was gone 4 hours,had a good time.Last night,Fritz started sleeping with Mom,then during the night came to me and slept right beside me.He had cereal and toast this morning,was in the window,a breezy cold day here,dis my sister's leaves,then ours,neighbors leaves blew over,hasn't done them,now ours is covered again.Had Chicken Strips and rice for supper,Fritz gad a little,had a tart for dessert,he had a little.Fritz stayed in the window while mom was at gift shop.Has had his drink of water,drank it from the couch,had some bones,is now up on the back of the chair resting until be time.Her had a play with his Monkey after supper,a usual thing he does.third picture of Fritz on my bed this morning then on the couch later.

Daisy and Delilah
10-28-2008, 07:49 PM
It looks like you're getting in a few good naps, buddy. What an adorable Halloween bandana boy you are. My favorite picture is you upside down, Fritzie!! What a cutie!!:)

10-29-2008, 04:08 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz16.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sleepyfritz17.JPGFritz sleeping amongst my quilts this morning.Last night,he stared at Mom for the longest time,he wanted to go bed,.Fritz wanted up so I let him up and he went to the window.I came up to bed,told him twice I was going to bed and he came after a few minutes and slept tight beside me.He had cereal this morning,spent time in the window.I was out early this morning helping my Uncle clean up leaves, 6 or 7 bags,he has no trees these are leaves from other people yards that haven't been raked up.Got that done,warmed up a few minutes then had to another one.I might have to ours tomorrow,more leaves have blown on to the lawn,have lots of lazy neighbors around here.Had Mexican Rice and Meatloaf for supper,Fritz had Meatloaf with his,ate too fast,was hiccuping.Had a play with his Monkey after super,now in the window.This morning spent time cuddling with mom.Mom talked to Irene,she is fine,one of their relatives or friends was a Grandfather for the first time,happy with that.Mom was also talking to Shannon,everyone is fine,she has lost 40 pounds.Saw some pictures of Ryan and Brandyn with Lauren on Shannon's Facebook page,they were on three wheel ATV's,getting muddy,Lauren wasn't riding.

Daisy and Delilah
10-29-2008, 07:32 PM
Fritz, you're an adorable, cuddly, sweetheart of a lovebug. So fluffy and cute.
I wish I could have seen you staring at Mom. How funny.:) It reminded me of Eddie on the old Frasier shows.

Behave yourself, buddy!!:D

10-30-2008, 09:21 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/burrowdog5.JPGFritz burrowed in the pillow this morning,he raised his head,must have me come.Last night,he stared at mom for about 2 hours,wanting to up.He then tried it on me ,he sit up on the back of the chair begging to go up.He then got down and went to the bar room and was sitting and begging the would lay down and whine.Mom told me to let him up,she went up a little later.Fritz went to the window first then to the bedroom where he sleeps with his head under the pillow.He had his cereal this morning,cuddle with Mom,was cool,it was 30 degrees outside this morning.He then went to the window and is now in Mom's chair,Mom has gone shopping.this afternoon,Mom has a Hospital Volunteers meeting as tour church then she has gift shop at 4:30 so a busy day,tomorrow gets her hair done.

10-31-2008, 08:59 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/burrowdog6.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/burrowdog7.JPGFritz right under the pillow this morning sleeping.At one point last night he kicked Mom.he got into his routing of asking for Iams bones, then wagging his tail for water,then wa son the back of my chair staring at Mom long before it is time to go up.He then looked at me and sat righ up on the baxck of the chair then got down and was whining and sitting up.mom told me to let him up.he went to the window and before we went to bed,he came down and got up on Mom's bed at the foot of the bed on her side,he finally made his way over to the other side during the night.He come out this morning around 25 after 7,was in the window and with me,I got a slight cold,maybe he knew that.He is now on Mom's bed on a blanket snoozing.He will be down here with me tonight,Mom will pass out candy upstairs,he will still hear then come,can hear them through a vent in the cellar.Supposed to be in the mid 60's here today,in the 50's when kids start coming..Next week it will be in the 60's most of the week at that rate the leaves won't be coming down anytime soon,wish neighbor across the street would get out and do leaves,he went off in the car today,I think to avoid doing it,wife went out for a walk,it is a nice day here ,no excuse not to do it.

Daisy and Delilah
10-31-2008, 10:12 AM
You look so comfy, Fritzie!! I could crawl right in there with you and get warm. Great pictures of you, sweetheart. Have a great weekend and be a good boy!!!:)

11-01-2008, 04:44 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzymommy.JPGFritz on Mom's lap this morning.He was down her with me on a leash while mom was up giving out Chips and Candy to 40 kids.Fritz growled a few times,nothing bad.He slept with Mom again,slept under a pillow.He was in no hurry to up to start with,was in the window before going to Mom.Today had my haircut,Mom went to a Church Bazaar with a friend of hers.I had a Cheese and Meat sandwich for lunch,Fritz had a little of that.Brian and Shannon came by with Brandyn and Samantha,everyone looking good, Shannon has lost 40 pounds,they are going to the Mayan Riviera for Christmas,kids going also,first plane trip.Fritz did not like them,he barked something fierce,was put in his cage,hasn't been around kids that much despite the fact Bichons are supposed to be good with kids.Had Little Caesar's pizza for supper,Fritz had a little,not the dessert with was Chocolate Pie and Whipped Cream.Fritz is upstairs now,hasn't come down yet.Still have my cold,all in my throat,i sound husky,may not go to church tomorrow or hockey.

Daisy and Delilah
11-01-2008, 05:40 PM
That's a great picture of you and Mom, Fritzie!! You both look great. Maybe you'll play with the kids another day, buddy. You look so happy when you sit with Mom.
Congratulations to Shannon for the wieght loss. How did she do it?
Barry, I hope you get rid of that cold soon. Allergies are crazy here right now. Mine are really bad. Feel better!!!:)

11-01-2008, 06:09 PM
Hi, Fritz and Mom! Fritz, your bandana matches Mom's blouse :) Hey, driving over to my mom and dad's today I saw one of their neighbor's Bichon looking out of the front window and I thought of Fritz!

Wow, the Mayan Riviera for Christmas, sounds lovely. Barry, I hope you get over your cold quickly. We had a good hard frost so my allergies are better.

11-02-2008, 08:44 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/underblankey.JPGFritz underneath the blanket of the small couch snoozing.Fritz stayed there awhile and then went underneath and came up to bed when we did and go on Mom's bed..At 10 after 4 this morning ,Fritz tried jumping on my bed from the side then the front,wanted to help,he backed off,may have done a little wandering and was bad,found he peed by wooden moose.He was sniffing around there this morning,Mom asked if he was bad and he went behind the couch ,he knew that she knew what he did.He was sleeping in front of the other pillow this morning on mom's bed,had is cereal and English Muffin,went out in the fresh air and came in and had a blitz .My cold is somewhat better,but I will stay away from church,don't want to give anyone a cold and will stay away from the rink,no sense trying to make it worse and get Pneumonia.He is in Mom's chair now,Mom soon going to church.He pushed one cushion off and had his head resting on the other cushion.

11-02-2008, 07:53 PM
underblankey ... perfect colors for fall, Fritz!

Take good care, Barry -- I hope your cold gets better very soon.

11-03-2008, 09:21 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/sweaternap.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/upstairsbeg.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/morningrest.JPGFritz laying on my sweater on the couch last night then begging to go upstairs to be and this morning on the carpet between the chair and a table in the front room.Fritz is not used to the time change,going back to standard time,he thought quarter after 8 was quarter after 9,so he snoozed on the couch on my sweater,had been on the back of the chair begging also,then got out in the bar room begging.Cold not as bad as it was,still in my throat and a little stuffed,it rained this morning so I will stay put inside,no use making it worse.Fritz rooted around Mom's bed in the night,hogged the blanket.He has some cereal and toast, cuddled with Mom then kept me cozy,he knows I not quite 100%.He was behind the couch when I came down here,may still be there or in mom's chair,mom has been washing the kitchen floor,bathroom floor and at the back door this morning,church meeting tonight.Mild tomorrow,up to 68 and mild the rest of the week,showers on the weekend,.Mom has a Church Bazaar at our church on the weekend that will keep her busy.

Daisy and Delilah
11-03-2008, 07:47 PM
Great pictures of you, Fritzie Boy!!! You couldn't be cuter. Be a very good boy and no more peeing in the house. Ok? All right. No reason to make Mom and Barry upset with you is there?

Barry, take care of that cold for sure. I hope it disappears quickly. Your pictures are fantastic.:D

11-04-2008, 07:27 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/undertable.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/nightyrest.JPG http://www.fileden.com/2007/6/1/1133242/headwarmer.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/headwarmer1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/nightyrest1.JPGFritz last night under the coffee table just before Mom went to her church meeting,later snoozing on her bed,this morning with head under a blanket and tonight all fours in the air while Mom was at gift shop.Last night spent some time in the window then the bed,was quiet until after 9 then started barking,was at the back door when Mom came home.They both slept until after 7,Mom up first then Fritz.Had his cereal,,was in the window and behind the couch..he had some of my sandwich at lunch then I went to do Marlene's leaves,done another before lunch for a friend of ours who tuned 91 years old yesterday.Had Mexican Rice and Chicken Strips for supper,had tarts for dessert,Fritz had a little of both.had some Iams bones tonight,had Lays Chips with me,went and sat on Mom's lap and had a dish of water there and is now under the couch.http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/headwarmer.JPG

11-05-2008, 03:49 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/burrowedin1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/burrowedin2.JPGFritz behind the couch this morning,head burrowed in under the couch,a washcloth is there behind the couch,must have have grabbed at an earlier time.Fritz went upstairs when we did,went to the window,then went to bed with mom ,then at 2 in the morning ,he got off the bed and mom came in looking for him,wasn't with me,was under the dining room table,got him to get out,We put fritz out ,he then came and slept with me,rooted around and around 6 got off the bed and that got me up.Once we were both up,he had a sleep on mom's bed then was behind the couch and the window.he left a boo boo during the night,weren't happy with that.had a sandwich with me today,we had meat pies for supper and Apple Crisp for dessert,he had some Apple Crisp.We are down her now,Fritz was with Mom,now under the little couch.

Daisy and Delilah
11-05-2008, 07:32 PM
Barry, you do such a good job capturing Fritz all over the place. I wish I could do that. Even if I could, my camera battery is dead now. Fritz, you look so cute. Are you hiding in a few of those pics? I love the upside down picture.:)

11-06-2008, 01:27 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzbeddy1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzbeddy2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/middayflip1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/middayflip2.JPGFritz this morning in Mom's bed,stirring to get up and around 1 this afternoon snoozing with his head on a pillow.Last night begged for bones,twice wanted fresh water,that has not happened.He went up when we did,but went to the window fist,don't know when he came to Mom,we were both asleep.he rooted somewhat,had his head buried in the pillow this morning.Spent time behind the couch and in the window.Had some sandwich with me for lunch,had a snooze on Mom's bed.Having supper soon,stew Mom brought home from Marlene's,Fritz may get some,Mom going out later to a fashion show and dinner.

11-07-2008, 11:59 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/morningrest1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/morningrest2.JPGFritz resting on mom's bed before getting up today around 7:30.Mom had a good time at the dinner and fashion show,Fritz spent time in the window then the bedroom waiting for her to come home.he would ark the odd time,I would check nothing there,maybe he is letting me know he is still up there.When I got up this morning at 5 after 7,Fritz had his head near the pillow.He didn't have any breakfast,finished his supper before bed.Fritz is now snoozing in Mom's bedroom after having some Bologna sandwich.there is a lady at the corner,she came from Utah a few months ago when a friend,she has a little black dog who is six,Mom was talking to her and the dog was born on June 3,same day as Fritz was.She has had Cancer,the little dog gets her outside,shew has even been pushing a lawn mower picking up leaving,gets a little hard for,a son of their neighbors have helped out with this also.

Daisy and Delilah
11-07-2008, 12:22 PM
Well Fritz, it looks like you're getting some nappies in, Buddy. Be a good boy and have a good weekend!!!:)

11-08-2008, 07:42 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzbeddy3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzbeddy4.JPGFritz snoozing on Mom's bed this morning.He stayed in the window or on Mom's bed last night as she went and helped set up for today's Church Bazaar.Earlier on Friday evening he was under the blanket then later after Mom got home was under the couch it self.He barked the odd time,never anything there,maybe does to get attention that he still around watching outside.Fritz was hungry this morning,ate all the toast and cereal we left for him.Now that Mom has gone to the Bazaar,Fritz has gone to mom's bed, she will be gone until 2 this afternoon.Mom is thinking about putting up our Christmas tree down here tonight.

11-08-2008, 12:19 PM
What a comfortable, cosy place to rest!

11-09-2008, 07:37 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/beddoggy2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/beddoggy3.JPGFritz stretched out on Mom's bed this morning.he was right up against her back this morning,keeping her warm and he had knocked the pillow off on his side.He begged for bones last night, for some water,once drank on the floor then later held it while he was on the coffee table.He was sitting up and begging on the back of the chair,thought maybe he wanted to go upstairs,turned out he needed to go out.He then snoozed under the couch.He went to the window when we went up and waits until we are in bed and he goes to mom and jumps up on her bed.Didn't have cereal this morning,cuddled with mom,then got in the window where he is now.

Daisy and Delilah
11-09-2008, 08:31 PM
I love the idea of you keeping Mom's bed warm for her, Fritz. You are such a thoughtful boy all the time.
I am laughing so hard at those two pictures of you with your froggy legs. Talk about being a bed hog and a big bed warmer. You have this down to an art, buddy. You just keep cracking me up and Barry keeps getting the greatest pictures of you.

Can't wait to see the house beautifully decorated, Barry. It's always a treat.:)

11-10-2008, 03:43 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/playresting1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/playresting2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/playresting3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/playresting4.JPGFritz after supper Sunday with his Monkey in the window after having a play with mom then me,tilted camera to get the shot of Fritz smiling/Fritz then came downstairs and wanted me to play with it,the would go up and down the stairs with it,finally decided to have a rest.Fritz waited from from the time I left until I got home,then he wants a drink of water I get.He went to be with mom,first went to the window and waited for us to go to sleep before he came to Mom.Didn't win any money in the 50/50,not even close was $105.next week it is fan appreciation night with Buffalo coming here,giving away prizes,maybe I will get lucky.Slept with his head under the pillow,had to pick him up and take him outside,didn't have breakfast.he had part of a sandwich with me for lunch ,we had Cauliflower Soup for supper,I had Apple Crisp and a Tea biscuit for dessert,Mom had the biscuit,Fritz did too and cleaned my dish of Apple Crisp.fritz has been in the window,barking at nothing,maybe leaves blowing,had our lawn cleaned off once,wind comes and covers it again,most of it not ours,a neighbor's Oak leaves,hadn't been touched in days.

Daisy and Delilah
11-10-2008, 07:27 PM
More great pictures!! Look at that smiley face boy. Are you having a good time with your monkey Fritz? You couldn't be cuter. Be a good boy.:)

11-11-2008, 03:16 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/chaircuddle.JPGFritz cuddled in mom's chair this morning,Mom had got up to put a slice of bread in the toaster.Last night had to get him down with a piece of Cheese slice.Asked for water,didn't want it on the coffee table,wanted it on the floor.Also spent time snoozing under the blanket and under the couch.he came up shortly after we did and went to the window.Slept on a jacket on mom's bed,got up shortly after she did,he needed out.Didn't have any breakfast,cuddled with Mom then me and spent time in the window.Mom just gone to gift shop,he is barking at something outside.Finished with my sister's leaves,then did ours ,9 bags mainly from a neighbor's Oak tree,they didn't pick theirs up,blew over to our lawn.Had a little bit of rain and sun.Might be a little rain for the parade Saturday,hope it holds off.

11-12-2008, 06:48 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/shuteyetime.JPGFritz enjoying a little shuteye this morning on Mom's bed.Last night ,Fritz had company as taffy was here.Mom,Marlene and Larry went to a memorial service his Brother-in-Law's brother who died in B.C. recently at age 48.Fritz was down here a couple of times with Taffy but otherwise left her alone, she slept down here in all the chairs while Fritz was upstairs barking at anything he heard outside.Fritz had a quiet night sleeping ,had toast and cereal for breakfast,spent time in the window and with mom in the chair.I had to go and pick up leaves at a house,Mom went uptown to a clothing store.he stayed in the chair,Mom's the whole time.he had some Bologna sandwich for lunch,we had Scalloped Potatoes turnip and Bologna for super,cleaned doth our plates and we had Rice Pudding he had some,only the Rice part.Mom has gone out again tonight with a friend to a open house at a garden center West of town.Fritz is in the window,has barks the odd time,at 2 Poodles being walked, a Husky he doesn't like and another Poodle.

11-13-2008, 01:16 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/doginwindow.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/shuteyeguy.JPGFritz in the window last night ,watching for Mom to come home and this morning in my bed,he got on my bed last night,cuddled up to start with then moved around and finally found a spot on the other side of the bed.he got up around 7:30,had toast and cereal,a quick stop outside as it has been rain.I had a Cheese bun with Bologna,he liked that,barked and barked for a piece from me.Now upstairs waiting for supper which Kraft Dinner and Wieners.

Daisy and Delilah
11-13-2008, 01:27 PM
Hi Fritz!!! Aren't you looking cute in all your pictures, cutie? Some more great shots. We always love seeing you in the window. You look so cute with that beautfully decorated table in front of the window. Great pics, Barry!!!:) Kisses to Fritz for me please!!

11-13-2008, 03:11 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/playresting5.JPGFritz resting on my knee after having an after supper play with me with the Monkey.If the Monkey goes under the dining room table,he won't get it,I have to gt and throw it .We had Kraft Dinner and Wieners and dessert was Custard.Mom put some Custard on Fritz's food and he ate most of it up.he cleaned both our plates and had some more Custard.He had his play with me and is in the window.Mom going out again tonight to a Christmas open house at a craft store in Newcastle,Ontario, about 3 miles east of here.She is going with 2 other ladies.Fritz will stay upstairs and bark at things he thinks he hears or sees and I will be down here,will go up the odd time to check on what he is barking at.

11-14-2008, 04:04 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/shuteyeguy1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/dogoncouch1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/dogoncouch2.JPGFritz sleeping on my bed this morning and on the couch later in the morning.he come to bed with a few minutes after we did,tried several spot before finding one on the other side of the bed.He had toast and cereal from me and mom,dishes have to be where he can get at them,right where he is in the middle of the living room.had some Bologna sandwich with me after I cleaned leaves from our lawn and another one which I am done with.Mom went out for lunch with a friend of hers ,it is the friend's birthday tomorrow.She didn't need supper,I had Chicken Strips and oriental Rice and custard for dessert,Fritz had some of both.We played with his Monkey after supper.He then spent time in the window.Has had a drink of water down here,now under the small couch.Lots of rain tomorrow,not good for the Santa Claus Parade,might be a little snow by Monday rain by Thursday.

11-15-2008, 08:47 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/bedcurl.JPGFritz curled up on Mom's bed this morning,was trying get his head under the comforter,didn't work so he stayed like this."Asked" for water,spent time under the blanket of the small couch,then under the couch,went upstairs when we did.he stayed in the window for a few minutes then came down and slept with Mom after spending a couple of nights with me,he is splitting time sleeping with us.Cuddled with Mom in her chair,went,first was in the window,took him out,didn't stay long and was back in and on mom's lap,now on the couch.Not a very good day for our Santa Claus Parade,raining,if it don't let up some in the next 45 minutes I won't be going,I don't need to catch another cold.Mom talked to the Aunties last night,both are fine,not sure when their next visit her will be,depends on weather.Fritz is going to the groomers on Thursday and will go again a week or so before Christmas.

11-16-2008, 08:38 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airfella1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airfella2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/beddoggy4.JPGFritz this afternoon on mom's bed flipped over and this morning snoozing on Mom's bed before we went to church.Yesterday,Jason and Barb came with their 2 kids Lauren who is 8 and Ryan who is 6.They had come to see the Santa Claus Parade,they were uptown and I was closer to home.Fritz barked up a storm,Ryan was wearing a raincoat,wouldn't stop so he went to his cage.He used to be pretty good with kids,would jump and try to kiss them.When Brandyn and Samantha were her,he sounded worse,barked a lot fiercer and was put in his cage.They are going to the Mayan Riviera with their kids,Brian ,Shannon with Brandyn and Samantha and Brian's other sister and Husband his parents I think.We went to Boston Pizza for supper,had Pizza, Cheeseburger Pizza and a deluxe which had Pepperoni,Onions,Green Peppers and Ham.Mom brought Pepperoni home for Fritz,Marlene brought a piece of Pizza for Taffy to have.It was a rainy night,lots of rain,today a few flurries.fritz slept with Mom last night,he stayed on her bed when wee went to church,had some Bologna sandwich with me for lunch Mom and I put up some lights on the railing going down the stairs and Mistletoe over some lights in the rec room,also two snowmen on the stereo,Fritz hasn't noticed them yet.Had Pork Chops,Turnip and Potatoes for supper,he had a little ,had Butterscotch Ripple Ice cream for dessert,he had a small dish of it then cleaned ours.I went to the hockey game tonight,they lost in a shootout to Buffalo 3-2,50/50 was $143 ,not even close.Fritz waited on the back of the chair for me to come, phone rang here,he thought it was me phoning for a ride ,it was Marlene I phoned later,Mom told him to go the window and he waited there for me,has begged for bone,had 4 of them,had a little snooze on my bedspread when I got home,came down and is now under the little couch.http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airfella1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airfella2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/beddoggy4.JPG

11-16-2008, 08:40 PM
Fritz, shut-eye guy! How diplomatic of you to sleep part of the night with Barry and part with mom. They get to share you!

11-18-2008, 09:01 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/bedspreadboy.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/underblankey1.JPGFritz on my bedspread on Monday morning,he had slept with Mom and came in to my bedroom to snooze and last night under the blanket of the small couch,later went under it.Had some of my Bologna sandwich for lunch,we had Chili and Garlic Bread for supper, Chili would be too messy for him so he got Garlic bread,ate some of own too,Mom put juice from the Chili on his food to make it more appealing to Fritz.Last night begged for his Iams bones and water,one time I had to hold the dish for him to drink from the coffee table.Fritz slept with Mom,went all over the bed before he found a spot he liked.Didn't have breakfast, cuddled with me and Mom,probably in the window or in Mom's chair now.I am all done with leaves. Supposed to get a small amount of snow tomorrow into Thursday so will see what happens.

Daisy and Delilah
11-18-2008, 10:16 AM
Hi Buddy!! Aren't you just adorable, Fritzie? Barry got some more great pics of you. I'm also glad that you're spending equal time with Barry and Mom. Good boy. Too bad the weather didn't hold up for the parade but it looked like a good time anyway. Behave yourself, Mr. Fritz!!:)

11-20-2008, 05:37 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/leggyrest1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/leggyrest2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzytree.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/spiffyfritz1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/spiffyfritz2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/spiffyfritz3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzylights1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzylights2.JPGFritz snoozing on my leg Wednesday morning,he was good that day,Mom went to see the production of The Sound of Music in Toronto,she said it was a really good show.Fritz in the window last night with tree lit, two reflections of the tree are noticeable in the window.Fritz started out sleeping with mom last night then at 20 to 4 this morning had to go for a pit stop in the snow,he really likes,just goes out to play in it.After he came in,he came in with me and slept.Fritz really spiffy with a Fall scarf on after being to the groomers this afternoon.I don't know if he played with the Cats,didn't see them,though heard Michelle the groomer's Collies barking also a Golden Lab and I think it was a Pomeranian,shaking and barking.two pictures of Fritz,the lights on in the flowerbed and in the window behind him,a pretty picture.i did our snow today then after we took Fritz to the groomers did Marlene's and Larry's.Fritz is upstairs in the window barking at people going by,been doing it off and on since Mom went to gift shop.

Daisy and Delilah
11-20-2008, 08:21 PM
You look so cute in the window, Fritz. I love the way you look by the tree with the gorgeous lights. We have to mention how wonderful you look after visiting the groomer too. What a show dog!! Love your new Autumn bandana. Be a good boy!!:)

11-21-2008, 05:09 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/pillowcover.JPGFritz this morning on Mom's bed under a pillow,he was trying to keep warm,his haircut made him feel cooler.All he had to eat last night was Iams bones a his appointment was at 1:30.I think he had toast and cereal this morning,spent time in Mom's chair and in the window.he snooze don the couch when Mom went to the hairdressers.He had some Bologna sandwich with me , we had Pancakes for supper,too messy for Fritz to have,would get sticky.After supper ,he cuddled with Mom on the couch.He got out of there when I did the vacuuming,doesn't like the noise.He stayed in the window when we came down here tonight.he did come down,has had water,3 Iams bones,is now under the covers of the little couch.

11-22-2008, 09:47 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/pillowcover1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/pillowcover2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/pancakebeg.JPGFritz with his head under the pillow this morning and begging for Pancakes,had two left over from supper last night so heated them in the microwave,Fritz loved it,didn't have Mom's toast.A little bit chilly here this morning,when we got up around 10 to 7 it 14 degrees,should still be in the high 30's to low 40's still,might get up to that this coming week.Fritz now in Mom's chair,has been in the window and behind the couch,possibly scratching a itch we can't see him do.

11-22-2008, 08:10 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cozycouch.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/brightdog.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/playresting6.JPGFritz on the couch with me before supper,we had Perogies and White Rice,had a little of that then we had Butterscotch Ripple Ice Cream,had his own then mine.Fritz after super in Mom's chair,sitting in the bright sun,loves the warmth from the sun and beside me in my chair with his Monkey after playing with the Monkey.Tonight had begged for bones, a dish of water,been out twice,the second time he wanted to go the living room sat and begged on the back of the chair,not time to go there this time of night.Got biting himself,tried to stop,he growled at me.He had a blitz around down here,now in the chair waiting to go to bed.

Daisy and Delilah
11-23-2008, 11:27 AM
Fritz, you're too cute to be growling at Barry, silly!! I love the way you hide that head to stay warm. It is pretty chilly there. Maybe it will snow soon. Great pics, Barry. There is no shortage of variety in y'alls meals there. It's making me hungry again. Have a great Sunday!!:)

11-23-2008, 07:42 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/pillowcover3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/pillowcover4.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzyblanket.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cozybed1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cozybed2.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/litupfritz1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/litupfritz2.JPGFritz with his head buried under the pillow this morning,most of the time he slept on a sweater on Mom's bed,had my cereal and toast not Mom's.Fritz covered with his blanket before ewe went to church,Mom thought he might be cold.As we went out the door he barked and was in the window watching us go.Fritz cozy on Mom's bed after we got back from church.Had two little girls baptized today,the Minister gets to carry them around and show them off to the congregation.This year have had more girls baptized than boys.We were home for a few minutes then I was off to the hockey game,it was early today 1:30 due to the Grey Cup game ,our version of the Super Bowl.Good game today Eagles won 6-3 and I finally won the 50/50.I found a penny on the floor shortly after brought me good luck,won $72.I also won something else,people write their names on a piece of paper,put in a box and when the Eagles get a power Play,a name is selected and if they score the win a prize,one person won before then me,I won a free Pizza and a Soft drink from Boston Pizza.We had chicken,Potatoes and turnip for supper,Fritz had some from us, finished his own after,started to have Christmas pudding,didn't taste right so didn't finish it.Fritz had a play with the Monkey,then up and down the stairs he went with it.Fritz has gad his Iams bones,a dish of water,has been under the blanket on the small couch ,on the back of my chair,now on the couch,had been staring Mom out already,too early for bed.

11-24-2008, 10:03 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cozycovers.JPGFritz with his snuggled in a blanket this morning.Slept on a sweater then was against Mom's back and this morning mom put the blanket right over him and I lifted it off of him to get the picture.He had cereal and toast from us,cuddled with me in the chair now upstairs in the living room.Either getting rain or a rain/snow mix,will have to wait and see.

11-25-2008, 07:53 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cozypillow1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cozypillow2.JPGFritz with his head tucked under the pillow this morning.He stayed in the window or on mom's bed last night when she went to Potluck super at the church.he got into the barking,as always nothing was there,it was raining and I didn't see anyone I went up and checked.When Mom came home he was still on her bed,he then came down,had a dish of water and was content.He went to the window when it was bed time then to Mom,found out this morning he peed in front of my chair,Mom not happy with him this morning so he ended up on my lap on the couch.He is now curled up on Mom's bed,mom washing the kitchen and bathroom floor,has ladies coming for cards tomorrow night so Fritz will be down here with me,he will probably want to see the ladies at some point tomorrow night.

Daisy and Delilah
11-25-2008, 09:46 AM
You better stay warm, Fritz. I can tell you're extra cautious about the impending cold weather. You look like a little ball in your pictures. More great pictures from Barry of our little buddy. Be a good boy and behave yourself!!! Kisses to you from me.:)

11-26-2008, 07:57 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/chairrest.JPGFritz snoozing in Mom's chair waiting for toast,had toast and cereal from us,was watching Mom this morning getting Sandwiches ready for Card night,then cleaned a bowl of Salmon or maybe Egg.He was under the blanket down here,had his water, a bit of Blueberry Muffin and some Chips, plus Iams bones.Fritz was under the blankets in Mom's bed,checking to if Mom was there in bed and then he would sleep.Now in the living room snoozing.had a tiny bit of snow over night,a little this morning,most melting,a little has stuck ion the patio.

Daisy and Delilah
11-26-2008, 01:41 PM
WOW!!! Snow!! YAYY!! Stay warm Mr. Cutie Pie. Be a good boy. You look so cute in Mom's chair!!:)

11-27-2008, 01:58 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/wantingup.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritznsnowy.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airpaws1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airpaws2.JPGFritz last night on his way wanting to go up and greet the ladies who were here for cards last night.he knocked the gate down and went up and greeted each lady,,had a blitz around the living room and he stopped and looked like he was smiling,Mom thought it was at me.He went out a little after this,was down here with me,then would wait in here or in the barroom whining,then he sat up and begged,so he went back yup again,greeted them again,spent some time in the window and was quiet.He likes adults,but for some reason does not like kids,he doesn't see them often enough I guess.Fritz laying in the barroom next to the Snow man I called Snowy then this morning all four paws in the air.Mom and him slept until 20 to 8,didn't go to bed until around 20 after 11.had some Egg sandwich for lunch,has spent a lot of time snoozing in the window or on the couch,he had a great time with the company last night.

11-28-2008, 09:07 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzup.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cozyknee1.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/cozyknee2.JPGFritz waking up this morning and later on with his on my leg.last ,he begs for water,then Iams bones.Fritz begged to go out,then ask twice more but i think he wanted up in the window,but he won't stay quiet so I just put him out side.When it comes time to go up,he goes to the window and then comes down to Mom's bedroom and sleeps on a cozy sweater at the end of the bed.This morning spent time with head on my leg,is now on Mom's bed ,head on a blanket.

11-28-2008, 09:17 PM
Awww, Fritz! How nice you look on the plaid blanket! And on the yellow blanket, too - it goes with your autumn bandana. Happy Friday!

Daisy and Delilah
11-28-2008, 10:22 PM
You're a great guy that greets the guests with such a welcome. Who wouldn't love to come over? It must be the highlight of their day to see you , Fritzie!! I love the upside down shots. All you pictures are very good of you. Stay warm and keep smiling at Barry!!:)

11-30-2008, 08:11 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/jaildoggy.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzbeddy5.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/fritzylights3.JPGFritz behind bars under the coffee table Friday night,on my bed Saturday morning,he started with Mom,grabbed a Kleenex and took off,got him and brought him back to Mom,then came to me,left again this was early in the morning after 2,then he came with me and slept on the bed.Saturday,went shopping Mom wanted to find a cookbook,I bought a book also Chase by Clive Cussler and a Bichon Calendar.He was on Mom's bed after we csame home,then later went to Boston Pizza,had Pizza,brought Fritz home some Meat,he was in the kitchen when we got back.then went to the church for a concert by a Elvis Tribute Artist name of Ron Moore,really good,has sung with Elvis's backup band and singers The Jordanaires.Sang some Gospel songs,other tunes,Blue Suede Shoes for one and Christmas tunes.Sang on he wrote 3 years ago after his brother died and he his Mother died recently and sang her favorite for her before she died and did it last night.

Daisy and Delilah
11-30-2008, 11:16 PM
If you would be my cellmate, I would love to be in jail with you, buddy!! You look fantastic. I love all the pics but the last one is my favorite. Your bandana matches the fall decorations. I always love to see you there with Papa. Keep doing a good job guarding the house and taking lots of naps.:)

12-01-2008, 03:03 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/mumschair.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airpaws3.JPG http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/airpaws4.JPGFritz in Mom's chair before we went to church,later went to the window and was on her bed when we got back,Mom then went on shopping excursion with a friend of hers,he was on her bed paws in the air.For super we had Ham Steak,Turnip and Potatoes,had Mince Meat Pie for supper,Fritz had a little of each.After supper,had a little play down her with the Monkey.I went to the hockey game later,louse weather, pouring rain,glad it was that and not snow.For the second straight week I won a free Pizza and drink,hope this time I don't lose the coupon like I did on Saturday shopping.Didn't get lucky with the 50/50,it was $84,can't win every week.Fritz in the window when Mom came back with me and was at the door when we came in.Had a Cinnamon doughnut she got earlier shopping and had Hot Chocolate.Fritz had a quieter night sleeping,another rainy day here,wind blowing had now.He had cuddle with Mom and in the window.I had what was left of supper last night,Mom fried a the Turnip and Potatoes together,it's good and had Ham Steak,Fritz was crazy about it again,liked the Mince Meat Pie too.Mom going to church for her unit's Turkey Supper at 5:30.so Fritz will be in the window or down on her bed snoozing when he isn't barking.The Aunties called Saturday,bot are fine,they were helping friends move on Saturday,they are coming here to visit on December 12th,Fritz won't know that until he sees them come in the driveway.

Daisy and Delilah
12-01-2008, 07:34 PM
I've got a secret, Fritzie!! I won't tell you. You look adorable as always. More great pics!! Mom is such a busy woman. She never stops. Congrats on the pizza and drink, Barry. I hope you enjoy it. Stay warm.:)