View Full Version : favorite author?

08-22-2008, 09:03 PM
What is your favorite author. I have recently become a HUGE Dean Koontz fan! I'm on my third one by him in the last 2 months. Can't get enough!

08-22-2008, 09:13 PM
I have read everything he has ever written, even a book about him by someone else!

Did you read watchers? There are also some good movies based on his books, we have them on our movies for free on cable right now, intensity is really good.

08-22-2008, 09:37 PM
Too many to choose from, but I am a big Neil Gaiman fan, a Neal Stephenson fan, but read almost everything I can get my hands on!

08-22-2008, 10:00 PM
I rarely read fiction these days, so have no particular favorite author. I read whatever appeals to me - sports, medicine, history, animals, current events.

When I retired, I had a stack of about 30 books saved up to read. Well, that was 9 years ago and the stack has grown to around 60. For every book I've read, I buy 2 more to fill the void.

I just finished Rome 1960 by David Maraniss - an account of the 1960 summer Olympics in Rome. Very interesting book - how the world has changed in the past 48 years!!

08-22-2008, 10:41 PM
Big Dean Koontz fan over here as well! Life Expectancy and Watchers were definitely my favorites.
Right now, I`m reading a book by Karen Rose, called Have You Seen Her? I like it a lot and I`m definitely going to read more from her.

08-22-2008, 10:53 PM
Years ago I would travel a couple hours to my parents house and back home quite a bit so I began listening to audio books.
Somebody let me borrow Intensity by Dean Koontz and let me tell you, Intense it was!! I drove around my block and then sat in my car to finish it. And while I was driving I would realize I was gripping the steering wheel so hard.
I think they made a movie about that book. But I like books better because they give you more descriptions and thoughts of the characters so you can visualize it any way you wish.

For the past several years I have been reading Nora Roberts who also writes under the name JD Robb. I still have so many books left to read. My reading has been put on hold by the stinking reality TV I've been addicted to.

08-22-2008, 10:59 PM
James PAtterson

he is hands down my FAVORITE author.

I just love his books. I can't get enough of them. I really recommend them to anyone who likes murder mystery. the Alex Cross series and the Womens' murder club series are my FAVS

I also like Carol Higgins Clarks books based on Character Reagan Reilly.

08-22-2008, 11:41 PM

Stephen Hunter, Vince Flynn, Carl Hiaasen, Clive Cussler, Tom Clancy, Dale Brown, Nelson Demille, Stephen Coonts.

I love early Stephen King and Koontz, but their styles changed a few years back. I like the supernatural terror like in The Stand, Dead Zone and The Tommyknockers-after a while it got to be too predictible.:(

If you like mystery/scary read Robert McCammon's Swan song-like The Stand, by King.

If you like intense crime, try Shane Steven's By Reason of Insanity.

Hannibal Lecter was a wuss compared to the Thomas Bishop character. This has to be the best crime novel/serial killer book ever written.:D

08-22-2008, 11:58 PM
Years ago I would travel a couple hours to my parents house and back home quite a bit so I began listening to audio books.
Somebody let me borrow Intensity by Dean Koontz and let me tell you, Intense it was!! I drove around my block and then sat in my car to finish it. And while I was driving I would realize I was gripping the steering wheel so hard.

that sounds like me when I was listening to the audio book of Fear Nothing and Seize the Night by Dean Koontz.

I enjoy Dean Koontz,
John Sanford (Prey Novels)
James Patterson,
Jonathon Kellerman,
Mary Higgins Clark
Iris Johansen,
Laurien Berensen (Melanie Travis poodle mysteries),
Patricia Cornwell,
Catherine Coulter,
Sue Grafton (Kinsey Milhone),
Janet Evanovich (Stephanie Plum).
I just started reading Donna Ball and the Raine Stockton Series (golden retriever mysteries).
Twilight Series and Charlie Bone Series and of Course HARRY POTTER! :D

08-23-2008, 01:11 AM
Dorothy Parker. I normally don't like fiction but her short stories I :love:

08-23-2008, 02:31 AM
I'm a big fan of young adult fiction (since I'm teaching middle school library). A lot of my books are also great for high school kids and I think even people in their 20s and 30s can relate to them (looking back and all that).

Sarah Dessen (http://www.sarahdessen.com/) is amazing. I love her novels for teen girls. "Just Listen", "The Truth about Forever", "Someone like You" to name a few. If I could afford to buy all her books for my own collection, I would.

Stephenie Meyer, of course! TWILIGHT!!!! Can I just say that I'm impressed that there's no sex in books 1-3. I haven't read book 4 yet (so don't tell me!), but there are so many books I'd love to put on my shelves for 8th graders, and you'll be almost at the end of the book and there's sex, or you're just reading the first page and there's something obscene, but the rest of the book is fine. Sigh... it's really frustrating.

Sharon Flake (http://www.sharongflake.com/), if you want to have great "urban" stories for young men and women of color, or not of color. "The Skin I'm In", "Bang", "Begging for Change", "What will I do without him" (short stories)

Sharon Draper (http://sharondraper.com/) also does great inner city/urban stories. I love "The Battle of Jericho".

Meg Cabot's (http://www.megcabot.com/) "Queen of Babble" series, and the "Heather Wells" series, "How to be Popular", and if you are into the "Princess Diary" series (I'm not), she has million of them.

Margaret Haddix's (http://www.haddixbooks.com/) series "Among the ...." (insert Hidden, Imposters, Enemy, Brave...)

Jacqueline Woodson's (http://www.jacquelinewoodson.com/ya.shtml) books about Maizon, also "The House you pass on the way" and "Lena" among others.

I still love Andrew Clement's (http://www.andrewclements.com/) books. "Frindle"(I actually think this is still one of my faves from grades 3-5), "A School story", "A Week in the woods".

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (http://www.simonsays.com/content/feature.cfm?sid=510&feature_id=450). I mean, who cannot love and adore the "Shiloh" trilogy?! It's a sad dog story, but sooooo good!!! Her series for young adult girls starring Alice are pretty good too.

There really are so many, and I know I picked out a ton of women authors, and books for girls, but they are what I've been reading voraciously for the past 4+ years.

08-23-2008, 06:06 AM
Did you read watchers?

Another Dean Koontz fan here although I haven't read any of his recent stuff.
Watchers was incredible, wasn't it? :eek::eek:

I also enjoy John Grisham, Patricia Cornwell and Sue Grafton to name a few more. :)

08-23-2008, 07:26 AM
Wow, so many to mention but a few are Catherine Ponder for her Millionaires of the Bible series, Alison Weir for her Tudor history books and Jean Plaidy for her Tudor novels. There are many more but I slept in this morning and I'm lucky and I can even type. LOL

08-23-2008, 08:12 AM
Judy Blume. Though she hasn't written anything in awhile.

08-23-2008, 11:00 AM
Another Dean Koontz fan here although I haven't read any of his recent stuff.
Watchers was incredible, wasn't it? :eek::eek:

I also enjoy John Grisham, Patricia Cornwell and Sue Grafton to name a few more. :)

His latest "the darkest evening of the year" has been a labor of love for him leading up to it. Its got Golden Retrievers in it. :)
Did you ever check out the Laurien Berensen ones I emailed you about Pam?
you would LOVE them!! mysteries and poodles!

08-23-2008, 11:07 AM
Read some books by Dean Koontz in the past, but I don't remember which books it were.

There are many authors I like, some of my faves are Ken Follet, Dan Brown, Diana Gabaldon, Akif Pirrinci, and - as I have to admit - Andreas Franz, a German author who writes crime stories, but very graphic ones.

Oh, and I love the Harry Potter books, read them many times, and never get tired of them. :)


08-23-2008, 12:20 PM
I read so much, it's hard to pin down a favorite author, but a few of them would be Robin McKinley, Anne Bishop, and recently, Sergei Lukyanenko. If you like sci-fi/fantasy books his Night Watch series is DEFINITELY one to check out.

08-23-2008, 12:52 PM
I like Mary Higgins Clark, Jan Karon, and Sue Grafton. I also like the Harry Potter books. An excellent non-fiction author is Jung Chang--Wild Swans was a great book!

08-23-2008, 01:00 PM
Jan Karon,

How could I forget Jan Karon?! I read all of the Mitford books. :o I also forgot Lilian Braun Jackson who wrote "The Cat Who" series of which I have read many. :)

08-23-2008, 02:43 PM
Most recently my favourite has been Diana Gabaldon - her Outlander series is outstanding and I can hardly wait for the next book in the series:D Oh to be a time traveller in the Scottish Highlands ....

08-23-2008, 06:07 PM
Jack London and Erin Hunter are my favorites.

I usually just read random books but became addicted to "Warrior cats" after my parents bought me the 1st book for christmas. Jack London's books have always impressed me. Jules Verne is pretty good to. I like classic stories ;)

I LOVE reading! :) Right now I'm stuck with Summer reading for school reading a stupid book that I'm not enjoying so I can't read anything else right now. :p

Suki Wingy
08-24-2008, 01:13 AM
I love the way Gregory Maguire writes. Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister and Wicked are my favorites.
Of course, the Harry Potter series will always be my favorite, so I guess Jo is my favorite author technically.

08-24-2008, 01:44 AM
I think I'm the only librarian who hasn't read past book #3 in the Harry Potter series. I think I got to book 3 and was just like, sigh... I guess I should make an effort to read the rest of them, but just don't have the inclination. I've found so many others that I like better, lol.

I did read City of Bone and want to read City of Ashes (vampires and more fantasy). Also liked Bluebloods (another vampire series). Loves Peeps by Scott Westerfeld. Also his Uglies, Pretties, and Specials. I think there's a 4th... not sure. Very futuristic and cool.

08-24-2008, 12:20 PM
I have read everything he has ever written, even a book about him by someone else!

Did you read watchers? There are also some good movies based on his books, we have them on our movies for free on cable right now, intensity is really good.

I haven't read watchers yet. The first Koontz book I read was his newest, the darkest evening of the year. I also read Intensity. That was by far my favorite! I want to watch the movie but can't ever find it online.

08-24-2008, 01:18 PM
Like Grace and Kitten645, I prefer non-fiction.

An enjoyable book I read recently was Julie Klem's Please Excuse My Daughter.

My favorite author would have to be James Herriot. Unfortunately he's no longer alive.

Willow Oak
08-24-2008, 01:30 PM
James Michener: The Source, Chesapeake, Alaska, etc.

Of course, I love James Alfred Wight (James Herriott).

And Samuel Clemons.

08-24-2008, 02:10 PM
My favourite at the moment is Sue Grafton, I'm reading them in English - brilliant writing and perfect good night reading. A nice PTalker sent me some! :) :p I also like Blaze Clement/Dixie Hemingway, recently read Curiousity killed the Catsitter.

Suki Wingy
08-24-2008, 02:11 PM
Oh, and Blood and Chocolate is my favorite werewolf book, but I forget who it is by. I was so disappointed when they made the movie and it was very, very loosely based on the book.

I have to mention John Green, since he's in my signature! He's half of the vlogbrothers, and I have only read one of his three books but I loved it. I'm going to the Chicago stop on his Tour De Nerdfighting where I'm going to buy his newest book, Paper Towns.

08-24-2008, 02:25 PM
Lute, we finally got intensity on Comcast our cable, 2 years ago they showed the first one and never the second part, I called around and looked and couldn't find it either, the movies part 1 and 2 are very good.

finn's mom
08-24-2008, 05:01 PM
Robin Sharma.

08-24-2008, 10:07 PM
I am not much of a reader these days, but i was a big fan of Catherine Cookson.,and colleen McCullough author of my fav book The Thorn Birds.

08-31-2008, 06:03 PM
Oh, and Blood and Chocolate is my favorite werewolf book, but I forget who it is by. I was so disappointed when they made the movie and it was very, very loosely based on the book.

Oh! I have that book in my collection at school! It's by Annette Klause. I didn't realize it was a werewolf book! I know it is constantly being checked out, so I never have had the chance to actually sit and read it, lol.

I'll have to grab it at some point and read it.

FINALLY got Breaking Dawn this past week, and finished it last night (speaking of werewolves ;)). I really liked it, but it seemed different than the others. Can't put my finger on why though, yet.

08-31-2008, 07:17 PM
James Patterson, Kathy Reichs, JD Ward, Fern Micheals, Tami Hoag and various others, most of the time I pick books because they look intersting though, not because of who the auther is lol.

JD Ward is a specific series call the Black Dagger Brotherhood, its en exellent series about vampires, other books are like "fillers" between release dates of her books for me lol. I wish more people would give the series a chance though, unfortinaly it gets classified as "Romance" in book stores and libraries which tends to give it a stigma. its unfortinate because only about 10% of the matrials in these books are "romance" the other 90% is fighting, torture, cursing and killing lol

08-31-2008, 07:24 PM
Michael Kodas - "High Crimes" The fate of Everest in an Age of Greed

Judge Judy - "Don't Pee on my Leg and tell me it's Raining", "Beauty is Only Skin Deep, But Dumb is Forever"

Suki Wingy
09-01-2008, 12:15 AM
Oh! I have that book in my collection at school! It's by Annette Klause. I didn't realize it was a werewolf book! I know it is constantly being checked out, so I never have had the chance to actually sit and read it, lol.

I'll have to grab it at some point and read it.

I's about a girl and her family or "pack" who are Loups-Garoux (werewolves). She falls in love with a human who doesn't know she's a Loups-Garoux. I won't give you any more info than that because it will spoil the ending. They can transform at any time, and they revere the goddess of the moon, Selene.