View Full Version : Yoda, the four eared kitty...

08-22-2008, 07:22 PM
I somehow found this.... isnīt he cute?.. aww....


08-22-2008, 07:24 PM
OOPS - great minds think alike! I'll post mine here! :D

Would love to have that BAR OWNER'S phone ringing off the hook! :mad: At least this story has a very happy ending!:)

NB: One poster on the article's thread said:
He really IS cute!!! But I bet if they call his name he still won't come! (All the better NOT to hear you with, my dear) :P Ain't THAT the truth! :D

Fame finds four-eared feline thanks to Internet photo

Fri Aug 22, 3:18 AM

By The Associated Press

DOWNERS GROVE, Ill. - The owners of Yoda - a cat with four ears - could use a couple extra hands to answer their telephones.

Ted and Valerie Rock said they've been inundated with television offers and media inquiries since their son posted a photo of their smoke-colored cat on a w ebsite. That turned the four-eared feline from a suburban animal oddity into an instant Internet celebrity.
The Rocks, from the Chicago suburb of Downers Grove, have fielded calls from "Good Morning America," "Fox News" and "The Tyra Banks Show."

The cat's photo has graced the London Guardian and a British tabloid.

The Daily Mail said if Batman had a cat, it would be Yoda.

"It's amazing," Ted Rock said. "For the past few days, our phone has just been ringing off the hook."

Yoda's extra ears give him a hint of a devilish appearance. The Rocks said they found him in 2006 while watching a Chicago Bears game at a Blue Island bar.

Some in the bar were passing the then-eight-week old kitten around, making fun of his extra set of ears, mocking his appearance and calling him names such as "Devil Cat" and "Beelzebub."

It wasn't quite love at first sight, but the Rocks felt sorry for the cat and offered to adopt the kitten from the bar's owner, who kept the animal caged atop the bar for his customers' amusement.

[Clue to bar where Yoda was caged as a kitten:
Ted and Valerie Rock found Yoda in 2006 while watching a Bears game at a Blue Island bar with fellow volunteers from the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Patrons were passing the 8-week-old kitten around, mocking his appearance and calling him names such as "Devil Cat" and "Beelzebub."

The Rocks took pity on the kitty and offered to adopt him. The establishment's owner, who kept the cat in a cage atop the bar to amuse patrons, agreed.


Yoda's owners fell in love with him after spotting him in a Chicago bar. Photograph: Barcroft Media

Star Wars cat: Meet Yoda, the moggy with the four-ice
Owners of feline named after science fiction film oracle fear his four ears could make him target for catnappers

Yoda, the cat with four ears

While all cats are said to have nine lives, very few are as unusual as Yoda, a two-year-old feline with four ears.

The animal's two extra flaps of skin behind his ears have astounded vets.

Valerie and Ted Rock, who spotted Yoda in a cage in a Chicago bar, adopted him as a kitten. The eight-week-old pet was one of the last remaining from a large litter and had yet to find a home.

They named him after the pointy-eared Star Wars character and took him to a local vet who said he'd never seen the condition before.

"We have spoken with other vets in our acquaintance, and they likewise had never encountered anything like this," said Valerie.

"We began to realise that we had something very special. As a result, he has been an indoor cat and has a chip installed in case he gets lost.

"Yoda is so different that we were concerned that he might be catnapped."

Multi-eared cats are rare, but not unheard of. In 2004, a six-month-old cat with two extra ears was put up for adoption at an animal shelter in Germany. In the same year, Russian media reported a kitten being born with seven ears.

Yoda's owners said he was a perfectly normal, affectionate, curious cat and a joy to have around. His extra ears, which are not thought to affect his hearing, are not attached to the base of his skull, with one placed slightly behind the other. They are believed to be the result of a genetic mutation.


08-22-2008, 07:43 PM
Aww, he is cute! :D
I am glad they adopted him and got him away from that bar.

08-22-2008, 07:53 PM
Aww, he is cute! :D
I am glad they adopted him and got him away from that bar.
Yup and yup!

I was wondering if all 4 were hearing, but it says no.

So he got the pointy ones from one breed, and the rounded ones from another breed. hints as to his momma and poppa? Perhaps . . . .

08-23-2008, 12:58 AM
He's a cutie.:) I'm so glad that he got adopted into a wonderful loving home.:) Now hopefully since everyone now knows about him, he won't be catnapped.

08-23-2008, 07:33 AM
Yoda looks so much like my Yoda, minus the extra set of ears, of course, same coloring and everything. And he'd fit in around here, that's for sure, except we'd have a problem when I call Yoda's name. How adorable!

08-23-2008, 08:42 AM
Wow, what a special look! He sure looks sweet! :)


08-23-2008, 09:24 AM

08-23-2008, 04:52 PM
What an adorable cat! And God bless those nice people for getting him away from that HORRIBLE bar where he was the featured amusement.