View Full Version : POUNCE Treats??????

09-06-2002, 04:16 PM
Hi, I am just wondering, if you use POUNCE Treats for your cat, what flavor do you use? I don't know why this matters, but I'm just wondering. :D

09-06-2002, 04:22 PM
My big orange tabby Murf (RB) loved the Pounce treats, but even if I only let him have 2 or 3 little pieces, he barfed them up every time. So much for Pounce at my house! :eek:

09-06-2002, 04:30 PM
How strange! Our cats do that too!!! I thought it was just them! Wierd!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-06-2002, 05:15 PM
As I posted elsewhere, Tubby used to absolutely love Pounce. I never bought any one particular flavor. Liked to mix it up a bit to keep it interesting for him. But not so long ago he lost interest in them. I don't know why, he never had a problem with throwing them up or anything. But then again, he's been getting them for close to 16 years now (has Pounce been around that long?) so I can see why he would get bored with it. :D

And to answer my own question, I don't know if it's been around 16 years, but I know it's been a long time because I can remember a very young Tubby sneaking out the door, and me in a panic shaking the can to try and get him back in the house. I've used it many times to find out where he was when he wouldn't come when I called. Won't come for me, but will come for treats. :rolleyes: Whaddya gonna do.......:rolleyes:

09-06-2002, 08:24 PM
Cassy loved Pounce but isn't as interested any more. I wonder if they changed the formula?

I have heard they have a lot of salt and sugar in them and are hard on kitty tummies, so I kept it to 2 or 3 a day and Cassy seemed able to handle that okay... (My little Mr. Barf-baby, sigh.
:rolleyes: :p :o )

Aspen and Misty
09-06-2002, 09:49 PM
Our cats do not like them. I dunno why, but we got them over the summer so maybe it is in teh formula? i dunno though. We have very finky cats, its tuna, or nothing :o .:rolleyes:

09-06-2002, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by TheAntiPam
My big orange tabby Murf (RB) loved the Pounce treats, but even if I only let him have 2 or 3 little pieces, he barfed them up every time. So much for Pounce at my house! :eek:

Yeah, Grasshopper, too! So I gave up - after trying all the different brands, etc. Gues she's just not a snacker - unless it's people food, of course!!

09-06-2002, 10:54 PM
Mine love any kind of cat treat. We are bad about providing them though!! So I voted "no", I don't use Pounce. One of our cat's favorites is Whiskas though......those little hard treats. I think it is good for their teeth, so they get them occasionally.


09-07-2002, 01:16 AM
I don't use Pounce either. Storm loves any cat treat but Pepper and Sunny are much pickier. After Storm's been groomed he always expects his treats. He'll sit and wait in the kitchen until I give him some. :)

09-07-2002, 08:16 AM
For being a homeless cat, Minion sure is finicky! I have tried a few different kinds of foods that are really healthy (Innova, Wysong) but all he will eat is Nutro Natural Choice. I just hope that is a good food. I have bought little treats called "Shiners" which are just whole, freeze dried anchovies, and he won't touch them! I also bought him this multi vitamin antioxidant that you are supposed to squeeze a little ribbon onto your fingers (or into their food dish) and he won't touch it. It's called "Lickables" and it's supposed to be flavored of tuna.

I kind of doubt Minion would even like Pounce treats. He's so finicky!

09-07-2002, 10:25 AM
Of my five upstairs cats (with Minnie being the basement girl) one absolutely loves pounce, one doesn't eat treats, and the other three like them if I hand feed them to them....but don't like them off the floor or in their bowls. But, I break them in half for everyone. Sometimes, though, none of them will touch the treat and I wonder if it has gone stale?? Most of the time I get the fish ones, the lighter colour. None of them like the hard Whiskas...maybe it seems too much like their regular dry food.

09-08-2002, 12:55 PM
here I am again with my stupid questions ... As taking a dictionary is difficult with my "plastered hand" , can someone please tell me what "Pounce treats " means ?? thanks !!

09-08-2002, 02:34 PM
American-ism strikes again!

"Pounce" is the brand name of a cat treat food - like soft kibbles in various flavors - they come in a can, or maybe a pouch.

Yet another way to separate cat owners from their money - we're a hopeless lot!:D :D :D

09-17-2002, 02:26 PM
I try to buy Pounce treats to clean there teeth. My Joey he loves those treat in the green can but my female cat doesn't like any of those treat that clean there teeth.

Felicia's Mom
09-17-2002, 09:24 PM
Beau wouldn't eat Pounce Treats, and Felicia ate them but barfed them up. So I consider them a waste of money.

09-18-2002, 01:41 AM
Corkscrew loves the tuna flavor and the Tarter Control bites.

09-19-2002, 12:52 PM
My male cat Casey is susceptible to UTI's and my vet advised me not to give him Pounce. I give all 6 of my cats Whiska's hard treats, and only once or twice a month. They are hard and crunchy and don't leave placque on their teeth.