View Full Version : Please read -calling all dog owners! See post #25, Jessika posted update.

08-20-2008, 06:17 PM
My friend just sent me this story. http://www.thechaistory.blogspot.com/
Please read and inform all dog owners.

08-20-2008, 06:24 PM
OMG how tragic!!...

better make second holes to every ball that doesn´t has one....

08-20-2008, 06:42 PM
That is just awful... and the fact that its happened to more than one dog disgusts me. WHY didn't he contact the company?!!??! I would have called them and made them pay for some of my vet costs!!!! I wonder if they've even acknowledged this issue??

08-20-2008, 06:44 PM
How awful! I have some of those around, need to get them gathered and picked up until I can address this.

Thanks for posting for all of us!

08-20-2008, 07:15 PM
Bella and Ripley have that exact same ball. Fortunately neither one of them has ever really cared for it. I shall throw it out immediately! Thank you for this notice.

08-20-2008, 07:22 PM
My dogs have never chewed a hole like that in theirs but maybe I'd be safer to get rid of it before they do...thanks for the warning.

08-20-2008, 07:40 PM
Those of you who have one - no need to throw it out - just grab a nail, or a skewer, and make a second hole in it. The bigger the nail the better. Just something so air has an escape.

08-20-2008, 07:46 PM
OMG How awful. :( thanks for letting us know, I am very glad we don't have any of those balls for my dogs here.

08-20-2008, 07:53 PM
My dogs have never chewed a hole like that in theirs but maybe I'd be safer to get rid of it before they do...thanks for the warning.

I think the hole was made as they got the ball off the dog rather than by the dog himself.

08-20-2008, 09:03 PM
they did contact the company and the company basically told them that there hasn't been enough incidents for them to care... that's the long and short of it. Although since that site has been spread around and more and more people have complained about their lack of action... the company now says they are pulling that product from shelves and are taking steps to remedy the situation. I hope that's true and not just the company blowing smoke to get people off of their backs.

Very unfortunate.

08-20-2008, 09:56 PM
I posted this story at zootoo and someone else saw that I posted it and reposted it as well... comments have been pouring in to our journal entries... they may even feature this article on the front page to raise awareness.

What saddens me is that this is NOT the only incident with this toy; there have been other dogs who have suffered the exact same injuries from the exact same toy.

SPREAD THE WORD!! And thank you for bringing this to our attention!

08-20-2008, 10:54 PM
Of course you are welcome. As soon as my friend sent it to me I posted it here. We couldn't believe it ourselves. That poor dog, and many others as well. :( I figured it would be a good thing to get it out there for as many people as possible to see it. I strongly encourage everyone to post this on any other forums. Since PT is my only forum this is the only place I could post it.

08-20-2008, 11:19 PM
Hi, I read your story. I also replied to the company.
This is my e-mail I sent.

Mr. Allen Simons,

I am in support of a boycott of your company until you recall the product pimple ball with bell. It causes tremendous damage and pain to dogs. A dogs tongue can get caught in the hole of the ball and it cuts off the circulation of the tongue. If not able to remove the ball immediately, the tongue swells. Some dogs have had their tongue amputated because of this product. This is horrible and painfull to the dog who has to go through this surgery and feeding tubes to survive and recover. This product is inappropriate to sell to consumers who think it will be something enjoyable to their pets, when it is a danger to them instead.

A consumer,Sherry

I hope this helps your cause!

08-21-2008, 04:01 PM
That poor dog! The fact that the company is saying that it's not going to do anything because it hasn't happened to enough animals, that's just disgusting.

I sent the story to my brother, since he has two dogs, so I hope he will read it and if they have any of those balls, I hope they cut another hole in them or just get rid of them.

08-21-2008, 04:29 PM

08-21-2008, 05:01 PM
What an awful thing to have happened.:( I tried watching the video of
the time after his surgery but, it's too painful to see how he's suffering.:(
I don't have any of those toys around here. I never buy a toy with a bell
inside if it's for my dogs.

Does anyone know if the owners have contacted TV station people
or other broader media to publish this story? It could really spread the
word about the danger of this toy.

08-21-2008, 05:21 PM
On zootoo, users have been emailing the company letting them know they're boycotting the product. The company has responded with this email:

Thank you for your recent note expressing concern over the Four Paws® Pimple Ball with Bell. We were equally alarmed to learn that a dog may have injured himself while playing with this toy.

Dogs have been enjoying the Pimple Ball with Bell for more than a decade with over 500,000 units sold. In all the years this product has been on the market, this is the first injury of this nature that we are aware of. Unfortunately, accidents sometimes happen. That’s why we recommend that dogs always be supervised when they are playing with any toy. We take great care in developing safe products for pets and their owners.

At this point we have identified the problem and are not shipping any more Pimple Balls. We have contacted customers that carry this product and have asked them to immediately return their inventory.

Thank you for your concern and feedback. Please know that we are in direct communication with the pet owner whose dog was injured. At Four Paws, happy pets and satisfied pet owners are our number one priority. Rest assured we will continue to work hard to deliver on our priority.


Allen Simon

President, CEO

Four Paws Products

Sent by Haley Birk on behalf of Allen Simon

08-21-2008, 05:54 PM
Well that's good! Thanks for that update Jessica. :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-21-2008, 06:18 PM
Sounds like the Public Outcry has had a positive effect on the Company.

At this point we have identified the problem and are not shipping any more Pimple Balls.
We have contacted customers that carry this product and have asked them to immediately return their inventory.

Thank you for your concern and feedback.
Please know that we are in direct communication with the pet owner whose dog was injured.

Allen Simon
President, CEO
Four Paws Products

08-22-2008, 05:13 AM
I have a ball similar to that. I checked it and it does have an extra hole. There must be a reason for that, wonder why this other company didn't have an extra hole? Poor pup.:(

08-22-2008, 07:23 AM
Too weird--I forgot to post this yesterday and just posted it in health. There's an update in the blog that they found the problem with the molds and have recalled the product.

If you have a similar ball, you might want to make sure the 2nd hole is complete; that was the invisible problem with this ball. Personally, I'd run a drill bit through it just to make sure.

08-22-2008, 11:50 AM
I've seen similar toys where the second hole is there but does not go all the way through. Always check that stuff. I don't like to give mine any hard rubber toys with a hole, even kongs can trap a dog's lower jaw or tongue or foot.

08-22-2008, 12:55 PM
And my dogs each have their own kong and love them...maybe I should keep an eye on those too. I would have never thought of worrying about this kind of accident had it not been for this post...thanks for sharing it.

08-22-2008, 01:37 PM
You are all very welcome.
I also thought of Kong toys. Luckily Zoee doesn't pay much attention to hers. Only when I put peanut butter in it and that's hardly EVER. I sit with her while she licks the PB out too.

08-22-2008, 04:29 PM
New update -- Chai's parents have reached an agreement with the company and they will be helping with their medical expenses.

Read here:

I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all the amazing people who took the time to help with this cause. Earlier today I reached an agreement with Four Paws Inc and am letting you know that what I was trying to accomplish has succeeded thanks to an international community of caring individuals. Four Paws has also agreed to help with compensation of my expenses and I would like to acknowledge their willingness to try to do the right thing.

The following is a correspondence that I'd like to share. Since the objective that we have set out to accomplish has been achieved, I'd like to ask if you would forward the progress made on to your networks.

All the thanks in the world,
Daniel Rechelbacher

Four paws Inc letter to Daniel:

Dear Daniel,

Once again let me start off by saying how truly sorry Four Paws is for the pain that you and Chai have endured. As we discussed we immediately ceased shipment of the product in question when we learned of the problem.

After reviewing the product we found there to be a manufacturing flaw in the mold. By simply looking at the product the problem is not visible, that is why our QC Department did not catch this prior to the product being shipped. The toy has a large hole on one side and a small hole on the other side. The smaller hole is there to insure airflow in order to prevent any type of suction. At first glance, the ball appears to be fine; it is only when you hold it up to the light that you can see that the smaller hole is not completely open. We have reached out to all of our customers to have them remove this product from their shelves and return them to us. We are reworking all of this inventory to insure that the product functions correctly.

We are also going to post on our website and by any other means we can find to let consumers know that if they currently have this product, they should hold it up to the light and make sure the small hole is completely opened. If it is not, all they need to do is take a sharp object such as a nail and carefully push it through the small hole to open up the airway. Please be assured that we have taken all necessary steps to ensure that a situation like this does not happen again.

We hope that you feel confident that we have been responsible in our quick action in correcting this problem.

Sincerely yours,

Four Paws Products

Barry Askin
Executive Vice President

08-22-2008, 10:07 PM
GREAT stuff. That company has earned more points by saying, "We screwed up!" and taking immediate action when the problem was first reported.

It is TRAGIC that Chai and other dogs had to suffer so much. The manufacturers did design this toy to allow for air flow, but one little flaw caused a lot of pain and horror.

Hopefully no other dog will suffer from this again.

08-23-2008, 08:10 AM
Wow.. just seeing this now. I can't believe Chai's story.. that just horrible. I cant imagine the life of a dog with no tongue. That has to be so much work. wow.

We have a ball similar to that one. Im not sure of the brand as we've had it for a long while. The bells even gone. I think ours does have a second hole in it though. Definitely something to think about when buying toys.. Does it have a second hole.

Good to hear that Four Paws is helping with the bills, and hopefully giving the family compensation money as well... as now taking care of him is a full time job.