View Full Version : I demandz sum dignity! By Joey Pups

08-20-2008, 01:43 AM
I am so embarassed rite now! My Ma haz wrelly crozzud the line dis time! I wantz to no wher to file a compwant for pup dawg aboose... Dis is cwazy, and I wanna new howse, where I can be wespected...

It all started otay:

Ma wuz takin piktures, of me in muh puppia harness.
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d638b3127ccec4b26899ab6100000040O00AbM2LZi3bt2 IPbz4K/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/
Den she gotz a wittle mur pushy. I fink she wuz tryin to strangl muh.
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d638b3127ccec4b2c5bfeb8900000040O00AbM2LZi3bt2 IPbz4K/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/
OK. NOW dis is where da stowy takez a drastix turnz fur da worst....
She putz a sissy PINK dwess on muh, den, took piktures!!!

She hadz huld me down, cause I aint a GURL!
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d638b3127ccec4b3e19a4ac200000040O00AbM2LZi3bt2 IPbz4K/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d638b3127ccec4b22a00abd900000040O00AbM2LZi3bt2 IPbz4K/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/
Nowz, I iz man enuff to wear pink, but not wif a tutu on it!
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d638b3127ccec4b31b66cb7300000040O00AbM2LZi3bt2 IPbz4K/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d638b3127ccec4b306970a2400000040O00AbM2LZi3bt2 IPbz4K/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d638b3127ccec4b3a4718ba300000040O00AbM2LZi3bt2 IPbz4K/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d638b3127ccec4b303454a6c00000040O00AbM2LZi3bt2 IPbz4K/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/
I iz so ishamed! Disgusted. Kant wook no morez...
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d638b3127ccec4b2fdee6af400000040O00AbM2LZi3bt2 IPbz4K/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/

So here is muh proposal... Dis is muh wast chance...

-Fwee pup dawg, kina small but big in attitudez. I wuv walkz on da beach, and romantik dinners on da kitchin fwoor. I ownz muh own pup dawg howse, and muh own weash and kollar... If inturested, pwease contact Joey Pupz fur more info...

Da end!

08-20-2008, 03:31 AM
Don't panic joey I will save you. :D:D:love::p

08-20-2008, 07:20 AM
Poor Joey!!! I don't blame you a bit for being a little miffed!!!! Tell your mom you need a football jersey, not some stinkin' girl dress!! HA

4 Dog Mother
08-20-2008, 08:29 AM
Oh, Joey, that is abuse! Give me your address and I will be there as soon as I can.

08-20-2008, 10:19 AM
Awww, Joey Pupz ... will it make you feel any better if I tell you how nice you look in your blue Puppia? You are a super trouper for allowing her to dress you in pink.

08-20-2008, 12:13 PM
*Raises hand!!!* Joey I will rescue you! Please just e-mail me directions to your house and somehow I will get to you! Ripley says he agrees with you in this picture. It IS shocking! :p
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d638b3127ccec4b303454a6c00000040O00AbM2LZi3bt2 IPbz4K/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D480/ry%3D320/
He said he will be a strong macho male in your life and promises that you would never ever be asked to model a d-r-e-s-s as long as he is around! :p Just come live with us! :p :)

P.S. Joey, you do look adorable in pink though! :cool:

08-20-2008, 12:25 PM
:love: Well that made me chuckle.. How so Cute & Sweet.. The pink dress MMmm that realy made me chuckle.. I would demandz some pup treats for all the photos taken..

08-20-2008, 12:28 PM
Have no fear Joey. Your mommy has told me that she is going to come steal my Taz away from me, so I have a plan. While she is here snagging my baby boy I'll sneak over to NC and snag you. I promise you I will not dress you up in pink or dresses. You'd have a Harley Davidson wardrobe here. :D :D

08-20-2008, 12:46 PM
Oh, the abooose! The indignity of it all!

Ginger's Mom
08-20-2008, 01:00 PM
:eek: The indignity of it all. And what was little Miss Dora doing while Mommy was making you model a dress? ;) Well, little man, I think you look absolutely adorable modeling you puppia in the first picture. I think the problem is that you are just such a perfect little model, Mom just didn't know when to stop.

Daisy and Delilah
08-20-2008, 01:07 PM
NOT TO WORRY JOEY!!!!! I'm right on it. Hear that, Pam? I'll get Joey out of that aboosive enviwonment wight now!!!!!

We'll leave the pink tutu wearing to D and D. Only macho wear for you here little man. Just one question; Will you object to a billion kisses every hour?:D

08-20-2008, 03:42 PM
NOT TO WORRY JOEY!!!!! I'm right on it. Hear that, Pam? I'll get Joey out of that aboosive enviwonment wight now!!!!!

We'll leave the pink tutu wearing to D and D. Only macho wear for you here little man. Just one question; Will you object to a billion kisses every hour?:D

Joey, be on the lookout for D&D's mommy. She is a nice lady and will take you to live with her two pretty little girls. I am sure they would be thrilled to have a romantic dinners on the kitchen floor with you! :D:D

D&D - We can talk later about sharing the little sweetie. For now "mum's the word!" :p

08-20-2008, 04:48 PM
If I were you, I woulda peed on the dress! :p ;)

08-20-2008, 04:51 PM
oh Joey! the Shame! :D

08-20-2008, 04:55 PM
So here is muh proposal... Dis is muh wast chance...

-Fwee pup dawg, kina small but big in attitudez. I wuv walkz on da beach, and romantik dinners on da kitchin fwoor. I ownz muh own pup dawg howse, and muh own weash and kollar... If inturested, pwease contact Joey Pupz fur more info...

Da end!

Oh, Joey, you poor, poor dear. I can tell how very uppyset you are by this whole ordeal as you certainly got a bit confused. I think you meant *romantik dinners on the kitchin TABLE*. No one (other than a mean, mean Mommie) would ever make you eat on the floor.

You better check out the window. I think there might be a line forming at your door already. Dr. Phil may just be out there too as some calls have been made on your behalf. Even mean, mean Mommies can reform their ways if they gets help.

Daisy and Delilah
08-20-2008, 05:28 PM
:) :) :)

08-20-2008, 10:43 PM
If I were you, I woulda peed on the dress! :p ;)



08-20-2008, 11:16 PM
Fank u allz fur the kind wurdz. I am still disgusted at muh Ma, and tu show her how upset I wuz, I peed on her new kowch tonightz. Dat otta show hur!!!

And muh sissy Dowa chewd up da dwess wast night, aftur I pulled it off da tabul. No More Dwess fur muh!!!

Hugz n kisses frum Joey Pups:D

08-21-2008, 01:48 PM
I peed on her new kowch tonightz

Oh, Joey, that might not have been a good idea. We hoomins don't always like it when that happens. But it's a part of life and we clean up and move on. You are so adowable that I bet your mom wasn't angry at you for vewy long.

08-21-2008, 03:09 PM
I am still disgusted at muh Ma, and tu show her how upset I wuz, I peed on her new kowch tonightz. Dat otta show hur!!!

And muh sissy Dowa chewd up da dwess wast night, aftur I pulled it off da tabul. No More Dwess fur muh!!!

Silly boy! I said pee on the dress, not the couch!!

Good girl Dora, chewing up the dress! Now you have a partner in crime, Joey Pups!! :cool:

Daisy and Delilah
08-21-2008, 07:18 PM
What a pair you two are!!! Partners in crime. For a couple of tiny doggies, you two are a couple of vewy siwwy pups. :D

I have to agree with Elyse, Joey, peeing on the kowch....not such a gwait idea.:eek:

08-23-2008, 12:40 AM
Poor widdle Joey.:( I was going to suggest that you make your sister wear it but since she already chewed it up I guess she told her mommie what she thinks of it too.;)

I think you need a little biker cap and a leather vest. Even my kitties have one of these.;)

08-23-2008, 02:45 AM
I want to buy him a tiny leather jacket and hat, I just cant find one in his size:o

My kitties do have a harley hat, and I had Melissa pick up the kitties a leather jacket, they dont sell them here!;)