View Full Version : Have You Ever Boarded Your Dogs?

08-18-2008, 12:14 PM
This is a first for me, but I will be boarding Smokey & Maggie this weekend.
I found a place recommended by my Vet & went this morning to drop off
their health records & check out where they will be staying. It looks like a
very nice place & it's also a 24hr hospital setting. Dogs are fed 2x a day &
walked 3x a day. I'm sure they will be fine, so why am I still nervous?:eek:

I've usually kept them home & had someone drop in to feed & let them
outside,etc. , but that didn't work out this time. I did get them both vacs
for kennel cough just in case. Anything else you would recommend?

Ginger's Mom
08-18-2008, 12:21 PM
Are you taking their beds (if they don't sleep in bed with you that is)? If you aren't or can't take their bed, take a blankie or toy or something from home with them. Are they going to be in the same kennel together?

08-18-2008, 12:35 PM
They both have beds , but usually sleep with me in the big bed.:) They
don't really have a favorite toy. They like balls to fetch, but not for chewing.

The kennels are big enough for two dogs their size, so they will be in
separate kennels, Hopefully, side by side.

Kona & Oreo's mom
08-18-2008, 12:46 PM
Oreo stays at a kennel when we go on vacation. The part she likes best is the outside walks/playtime, and it sounds like you have that covered. I bring her bed from home and a toy.

The first time was hard for me, too, so I understand what you are feeling. I leave lots of emergency phone numbers (my cell phone, my sister's phone, etc.) so they would be able to contact me if needed. I sometimes call to ask how she's doing. :) That's comforting.

I've read about kennels that have Web cameras so that you can log on and check up on your pet via the Internet. I wish ours had that!

08-18-2008, 01:41 PM
I am lucky enough to have my brother that takes care of Zoee for us. But in the event that my brothers family and us go somewhere together there is a kennel called The Duckpond that my brother takes his dogs to. So Zoee would go there too when/if the need arises.

I did do daycare for Zoee for two days a couple years ago. It was not a good experience. She wouldn't drink or potty the whole time. And when she gets nervous she drools bad, so that wasn't a fun time. :(

I think with them being together that will be better for them. :)

08-18-2008, 06:25 PM
All three of our dogs have been boarded at some point or another, and everything went smoothly. We are lucky to live near a doggie boarding facility that goes the "extra mile" to make sure everyone is happy. The dogs always come back washed, groomed, and nails clipped at no extra charge... and only charge $12 a night.

I remember the first time we took Frisk he won over the woman's heart so much that she allowed him to sleep in her bed with her. Apparently he followed her around like he had lived there his whole life... even trying to take a bubble bath with her. :D

I will admit I cried the first time I spent the night away from home while my Frisk-man was being boarded, so I can empathize. I was going to suggest taking a blanket from home, but someone beat me to it, and there isn't anything else I can think of right off the top of my head.

08-18-2008, 07:00 PM
Dont forget to bring your own dog bowls.

It always scares me to use others water bowls, because I like to know they are sanitary.

I have worked at vets, and they always sanatize, but I have heard horror stories about cleanliness in kennels.

Good luck, they will be ok. They will probably have FUN!

I would also see if they would let them bring their own leash/collars, so as not to have to use choke collars, as most vets/kennels do.

08-18-2008, 07:07 PM

The first time was hard for me, too, so I understand what you are feeling. I leave lots of emergency phone numbers (my cell phone, my sister's phone, etc.) so they would be able to contact me if needed. I sometimes call to ask how she's doing. :) That's comforting.

I forgot all about leaving a emergency phone number for them. I'll be sure
to leave a local number for them to call for people who can get hold of me.
I'm sure Maggie will just be bored being there, but Smokey is such a baby
about being away from me. I'm sure he will be nervous, or afraid.:(

08-18-2008, 07:55 PM
Personally I will never board my dogs in a place run by vets agian. THis summer both Ajax and Luca were boarded at 2 seperate places for about 2 weeks each.

Do your research is all I can say. We board Luca at a wonderful place that had awsome rates and the guy who ran the facility really knew what he was doing. Luca usually would starve himself when he was left with anyone but this guy had a ton of tricks up his sleave to make sure that didn't happen and when we can back 2 weeks later Luca was happy to see us but it was clear that he had had a blast and loved being there. It was just a boarding place for Dogs, cats and horses. So that was all they focused on.

On the other hand we were in a bit of a hurry when looking for a place to board Ajax for a couple of weeks and thought because it was a vet place that also did boarding that it would be perfect. Not so. Ajax came back to us where you could count several of his ribs. He aso had rub sores from where he had laid down too long on hard surfaces. We were very angry at how he looked though he was still the very happy and fun loving pup he acted half starved though and his condition showed it.

So all I can say is do your research. The vet place was expensive but the place we sent Luca was very cheap and reasonable. So price is not a consideration to always go by or the fact that it is run by a vet. Keep your options open.

Queen of Poop
08-18-2008, 10:17 PM
The kittens and Sasha have all boarded at a kennel just east of Calgary. It is a pet resort. They are a very popular place to go and it is difficult to get the pets in. You don't bring anything but food and meds (if needed). Sasha stays in the smaller geratric building, not many doggies stay here so it's nice and quiet. They have a sofa in front of a fake fireplace where the doggies get brushings every day. The kittens stay in one of the many cat rooms. They're so cool. They even taught Diego to play fetch when they stayed there last time. I've been thru their kitchens many times over the years, they're cleaner than mine at home. This place is run by a bunch of women and they're totally awesome. I won't take my pets anywhere else, it doesn't get any better.

08-18-2008, 11:46 PM
i boarded my dogs at one place called country pines and it sucked..they kept them in crates and only took them out on small leashes 3 times a day
so i found a great place called lucky dog lodge


and it was great! the dogs are kept in spacious "rooms" and let out in a fenced area for potty and play time and they are brushed daily.

honestly if you find a reputable place i wouldn't be too worried about it, as long as you know they are in good hands:)

08-19-2008, 01:04 AM
I boarded Gonzo at a Vet's (not mine) boarding facility, once... it was an emergency thing, so I didn't have time to really look around. The people were friendly and it looked clean, but I was less than impressed. He came back incredibly nervous, high-strung, filthy, and without the bed and toys that I brought for him. Plus, he was exhausted. I think some of the dogs there just barked 24/7. He slept for days when he got home.

I work at a dog daycare/boarding facility now, so I know what to look for! The one I work at is cage-free, but I don't see a problem with cages, as long as the dogs are given actual walks and play time. Some places call "walks" a trip around the building on a 3 foot long slip lead. I would want to check out the kennels, watch them walk the dogs and play with the dogs, and I would definitely ask before bringing bedding or toys; you might never get them back. I would also specify that you'd like them to be able to be walked and have play time together.

08-19-2008, 03:59 AM
I am not much help here I am way tooooo scared to bored Mister. But I agree with the ER numbers and if you have a cell number deffinatly give them that. Thats about all I can offer up. However on a side note I MIGHT have to board my baby next october should I look for anything in paticular espically where he is soo tiny and such a mommas boy??? Thanks for anything anyone can offer and Best of luck with your boarding:D

Aspen and Misty
08-19-2008, 07:11 AM
Bring your own food, a lot of dogs get upset tummies because the owners forget their food OR because they get nervous. If you bring your own food the kennel staff will know that if one of your pups gets dia it's not because of the change in food. Also make sure you go in the back and actually look at the kennels, look at the food prep area and take a deep breath and decide if it's a place you would want to stay. As you walk by look into each cage, do the dogs look calm or stressed? Are they barking because they are happy or bored? Are the cages clean, with clean water dishes and do the cages have solid floors no wire? Also make sure there aren't people running around or making a fuss. A lot of activity stresses dogs out when they are away from home and your kids could come back sleep deprived if where you are boarding them is to active. If your boarding them at a vet remember a vet offices is for sick pets. My vet office just treated a case of Kennel cough and a case of Parvo (in one day), your dogs will be exposed to these dieses 24/7 while you are gone. I know you said it's 24 hours so I'm assuming that means someone is there all the time, that is a huge one in my book! I couldn't imagine leaving my dogs overnight without anyone watching them. Bring your own bedding (call to make sure it's ok), ask for them to be walked together, don't forget your own food and Mistakes happen so ask for them to read important information back to you like their feedings, walk schedule etc. you wouldn't want to come home and find out that they were accidently only feeding your kids 1 cup a day because the receptionist heard you wrong at the counter (it happens).

Good luck!


08-19-2008, 01:22 PM
Thanks to all for your suggestions, I've read them all & they've helped
a lot.:) I will also bring their own food & blankies for them. I'm sure they
both will do fine. (fingers crossed):D Here's where they will be staying.


I'll be dropping them off Fri morning & picking them up next Tues morning.

08-19-2008, 03:19 PM
I have not used boarding facilities in the past, and now I can't imagine what it would cost me with 4 dogs, 11 cats!

I did wonder about sleeping with two Tshirts and leaving them with the dogs at the kennel, one each. As mentioned about toys and such, you may not see the shirts again so don't make them YOUR favorite ones.

08-22-2008, 12:01 AM
I have boarded both Kia and Chipper at a local non-vet facility. They also had a doggy day care that my two just loved. :)

I took their beds, some treats, and their own food (a must with Chipper).

I only board them as a last resort, but have been very happy with this place.


08-22-2008, 12:57 AM
I haven't ever boarded my dogs. Haven't needed to. We do boarding at the clinic I work at. I like all the different dogs that come in. Sometimes the owners worry a little too much and tend to over pack.LOL We had one woman who dropped off about 15 toys and packed her little dog's whole wardrobe! We all got a little kick out of it. She also packed a bunch of pictures of the dog. I guess in case we forgot what she looked like.HAHA

Take their own food. If the facility has their own food you can feed that, but it's not good for the dogs to change foods like that abruptly. Chances are their food isn't going to be real healthy for them either.

Try and take something for them to play with or chew on. Something from home so it has your smell on it.

kt_luvs_kitties said to bring their bowls. If the facility is a good one they will clean the bowls at least once a day. We disinfect and replace ours twice a day. When owners bring their own bowls we don't use them. Don't want to risk getting them ruined.

I'm sure they will have fun on their visit! Try not to worry too much!:D

08-22-2008, 12:59 AM
Oh yeah! The Bordetella vacc. was a good idea! I had to get all my pups vaccinated because I accedently brought it home to them. I felt horrible!:(

08-22-2008, 07:51 AM
Well, just dropped off my babies.:( Smokey was shaking in the exam room
but walked off with the girl to the kennel ok. Maggie was her usual happy self.

Takeing a quick shower & then I'm off to the airport. Talk to ya'll when I get

Ginger's Mom
08-22-2008, 03:11 PM
Well, I know that you are already gone. But have a good time, Liz. And don't forget to let us know how the pups made out when you get back.

08-22-2008, 08:57 PM
Have a safe trip!:D

08-22-2008, 09:49 PM
Yea, have a safe trip!

We always have to board Reggie every vacation we take because:

We cant take her with us the 200+ (I believe) mile journy to Myrtle Beach and back
There are very, very few hotels/condos/resorts that accept pets there

08-22-2008, 10:38 PM
Have a good trip. Since its on the subject of what to do when boarding, I'll give my late advice for other people.

Try not to bring your own kennel unless they specifically request it. Also, let them provide the blankets if they have blankets for every dog. Speaking from experience, dogs who are being boarded and become a little scared sometimes hole up in their own kennels or beds within their enclosure and become protective and dangerous. I've had to use a catch pole to get a dog out of her little pink kennel once and then had to remove the kennel from her enclosure. The owner was not happy with us, but how were we supposed to walk the dog who was growling and biting and wouldn't come out of her kennel? Once it was gone, her protectiveness went away.

08-26-2008, 04:52 PM
Smokey & Maggie did well while I was away. I am happy with the care
they recieved there and I'd probably go there again. I missed them when
I was away.:( I made up for it by lovin up on my daughter's dog Coco every
chance I got.:) Smokey's eating was off normal, but I expected that. I think
kennel life would be devastating for him, if it were long term.

Maggie ate well ( I'm not surprised:D ) & did fine with all the staff. She's
acting a little more tired & subdued today, but that might be just the
change of being away. A Vet there talked to me about her weight. She
thinks she might need a change from her thyroid meds.:confused: Maggie
needs to lose more weight.:(

Ginger's Mom
08-26-2008, 07:04 PM
Glad to hear that the furkids made out well. I am sure they were glad to have Mom home. Is Maggie showing any other signs of problems with her thyroid? You may want to mention what was said to your own vet and she what s/he says. I am sure Coco enjoyed spending time with her Grammy (do you have skin grandchildren as well?).

08-27-2008, 04:32 PM
Is Maggie showing any other signs of problems with her thyroid? You may want to mention what was said to your own vet and she what s/he says. I am sure Coco enjoyed spending time with her Grammy (do you have skin grandchildren as well?).

Yes, I made an appt. to bring Maggie in for a consult next Tuesday.
The Vet at Noah's (where they stayed) suggested asking my Vet for
her thoughts on using something called Slentrol. It's an appetite suppresant.

My daughter's pup Coco Puff, (lab/pit mix) is such a cuddlebug anyway,
it's hard not to hug her all day long.:) No skin grandkids yet, just a
Calico kitty Selena of my Son & my daughter's pup,Coco.:)