View Full Version : Tubby's Big Night Out

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-06-2002, 12:44 PM
As most of you already know, Tubby loves being out in the garage. Well a few Friday’s ago, he wanted out so bad that I couldn’t say no. Terry was upstairs on the computer, so I grabbed a beer and sat on the step while Tubby did his usual exploring before settling down on the rug in front of me. We did some petting and brushing, with him telling me now and then how happy he was to be out in the garage (meow, meow, meow translates into boy isn’t it great to be out here!) Every now and then he would get up and check things out, then settle down again. One time he settled down in front of my car (I was sitting in front of Terry’s car). He was just sitting there looking around, flipping his tail and looking at me, when all of a sudden his head whips the other way and his eyes get reeeeaaalll big. I told him there was nothing there, but he ignored me and kept looking over there with those big eyes (gotta love those big eyes). He quickly got up and ran over to Terry’s car and looked under it. I looked under and didn’t see anything, so I told him it was nothing and to come back by me for some more brushing. He completely ignored me, :rolleyes: and before I knew it he was half under the car. I ran to get the camera which wasn't far away. By the time I got back, he had honed in a little and was behind the car, trying to figure out exactly where “it” was (at this point I had no idea what “it” was).
He honed in a little more on “its” location.
And this is the what I saw when I stood up for a minute (the ol’ body gets kinda sore when contorted into position to take pictures underneath a car). If you look close, you can see that he is flipping his tail (it’s not even touching the floor). :D
He then honed in even more. “It” must have been pretty close at this point…..
……because before I knew it, he had run over to a new position under the car. I have to note that at this point I was flat on my stomach in front of the car with my eye to the camera, furiously snapping away and wishing the camera would keep up. I did not see anything by Tubby under the car.
This is the creepy part, so for those who don’t like spiders, be warned. Tubby reached out with his paw, and at the same second I felt something hit my arm. I had no idea what it was and didn’t think much of it. But the next thing you know, Tubby is over by me so I stood up. This is what Tubby was doing by the time I could get up and re-oriented.
I still didn’t think anything of whatever it was hitting me, until he eventually lifted his paw….to reveal a nice big ol’ spider! You can just barely make it out in the picture above (marked “spider”) but I had NO idea when I took the picture that there was a spider there! Ok, so I said I’m not afraid of spiders (see here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13934&pagenumber=2)) but I’m not a big fan of them running towards me while I’m laying on the floor either!!! This was the same kind of spider I described as being in my car. I haven’t seen it since the rain, so now I know where it went to escape the rain – and Tubby found it! Shortly after he lifted his paw, he batted at it and it ran again, back under the car somewhere. By this time I was creeped out enough that I wasn’t going to be crawling around on the floor snapping pictures at something I couldn’t see, so I just waited it out.

Tubby eventually got bored because the spider never re-appeared, so he came over to rub his gums on the motorcycle – as if to let the spider know that this was his territory and he better watch out!
I was sitting right by the motorcycle, so after marking his territory, he gave me some head bumpies as if to reassure me that everything was all right and he would protect me. I just had to pick him up and smooch on him and give him scritchies between the shoulder blades (which he loves).
He’s such a good boy. After all that excitement all he wanted to do was bump on his mom. Awwww…..

And that’s the tail of Tubby’s Big Night Out. The End.

Former User
09-06-2002, 01:44 PM
Had it been ME in your shoes, that spider woulnd't have lived long enough to be photographed :rolleyes: I'm sorry if you think it's cruel to kill spiders, but I just do not like them at all.

Anyway, glad Tubby was protecting you from this monster! Great pics Debbie! :)

09-06-2002, 01:58 PM
LOL!!! Niina, I'm with you. I have no hesitance when it comes to killing spiders!! If they dare to invade my space, they're fair game....outside, I can leave them alone.

What a cute storyboard!!! :D

09-06-2002, 02:24 PM
Tubby & Peanut's Mom! What a great story - and pictures! :) Tubby really had a good night out! Amazing how patient they can be when it comes to these little critters. They will sit for hours and wait .....

I don't mind spiders, they're born fly catchers! :D What I really dislike is cockroaches!

09-06-2002, 02:46 PM
What a lovely nightime reading this was for me :D And complete with pictures too!

I like spiders LOL, so I'm glad it managed to survive from the great hunter Tubby ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-06-2002, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Ann
I'm glad it managed to survive from the great hunter Tubby ;)

Welll.....Tubby used to be a great hunter. These days he always lets the thing go - be it a spider, fly or anything that might capture his attention. He lets it go, then watches it run to its next hiding place, then moves over there and watches the spot, sometimes for hours. It used to be that when he let it go, he would get it again before it got to its next hiding place. I think he has mellowed and prefers the chase over the kill these days. :rolleyes: :D

09-06-2002, 03:06 PM
I enjoyed the story & pics, but what really impressed me was the spotless (except for the spider) garage and car!

09-06-2002, 03:47 PM
LOL!!! That spider wouldn't have lasted long at my house. If I didn't kill it the cats would eat it. Yuck!!! I try to discourage that behavior but do they listen? NO!:D

09-06-2002, 04:00 PM
Hah!!! What a great, illustrated tale of chivalry!:D Tubby, you're a hero!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
09-06-2002, 11:21 PM
originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
LOL!!! That spider wouldn't have lasted long at my house. If I didn't kill it the cats would eat it.

HA!! you got that right.... no bug enters my house and makes it out alive!! YUCK!

WAY TO GO TUBBY..!!! YOU SHOW THAT SPIDER WHO IS BOSS! And what a sweet Mommy you have to let you adventure in the garage!!! ;)

09-07-2002, 12:55 AM
Debbie, thanks for the great story and pics. I'm glad that the spider got away. Maybe Tubby and the spider will meet again for part 2 to this outdoor adventure. :)

09-07-2002, 01:01 AM
great pics and story! one thing for sure, as I have learned, if the cat is looking at something, there IS something there! never underestimate the eyesight of a cat LOL