View Full Version : Any Help??? Please!!

08-14-2008, 07:37 PM
Sorry typically I spend most of my time on the feline forum of pet talk but I know that all of those people have been an amazing resource for me and my questions so I would guess all of you would be the same...

Well I observed a very interesting sight....I was unloading geroceries from my car and notice these two young men I think training or disiplining a young dog by tying a rope to his body and a tire attached to the rope and he was dragging the tire???? What is this? It looks like it would be a very interesting way of training a dog if that is what it is??? Is this a thing they do to get a dog stronger for perhaps fighting?????I am concerned and this isn't the first time I have seen this poor dog being treated in this manner and if it isn't a way of training. Then I want to know so I can call the humane society and turn this owner in...... I thought it looked cruel but I know VERY little when it comes to obedience and training?? But to me it seems like they are trying to get this dog stronge for perhaps fighting..... If that is the case I really would like to get on this as soon as possible.....Any info would be great!!! Thanks Sooooooo MUCH!

4 Dog Mother
08-14-2008, 07:52 PM
I have never heard of training a dog like this but I certainly don't know everything about dogs. Could it be that they are trying to prohibit its movement by attaching the tire instead of something that absolutely couldn't move like a railing or tie out stake. If its for training, I would think it is not for anything good. You could call your animal control office and see what they have to say. If it is to train it for fighting or some other inhumane thing, they would certainly know.

08-14-2008, 08:03 PM
I'd have to say they are training that dog for fighting. :(
I found this (http://people.howstuffworks.com/dogfighting3.htm)site. It mentions tying heavy objects to the dog to build upper body strength. It also mentions pulling tires, but it says with the dogs mouth to build stronger jaws. I'm sorry, but I'd probably call on them. :(
Good luck.

08-14-2008, 08:03 PM
I kinda thought so but honestly I don't know how they train dogs I was wondering if it could be something to do with maybe wearing him out? I am not going wonder I am calling in the morning...

08-14-2008, 08:05 PM
Call the ACO. Sounds like the dog could use a friend, thanks for caring!

08-14-2008, 08:06 PM
Oh my goodness, that doesn't sound right. If you've seen them treating this dog in other strange ways as you said, that's reason enough to contact the humane society. If they aren't doing anything that is ultimately harmful for the young dog then that is great but if they are mistreating it, you might save this dog from a lifetime of harm. Please contact the shelter to get someone to check it out. Thank you for noticing him and continuing to think about him.:)

08-15-2008, 01:48 AM
It's a very common way to train a dog to pull...for weightpull competitions or mushing. Gets them used to having something behind them, which freaks alot of dogs out. It's not always a negative thing, but if you've seen other concerning things, I'd call your local AC.

08-15-2008, 06:40 AM
If you live in Michigan, it's probably for dog fighting. Dog fighting is out of control in the Midwest (where I see you're from). I'd call the ACO and police and report it. This poor dog needs help and you're the one that can do it. PLEASE for his sake, report it.

08-15-2008, 01:48 PM
I agree w/everyone else. I wouldn't hesitate to call Animal Control or the Sheriff. Even if they are training it for fighting, how irresponsible is that.

08-15-2008, 02:12 PM
It's a very common way to train a dog to pull...for weightpull competitions or mushing. Gets them used to having something behind them, which freaks alot of dogs out. It's not always a negative thing, but if you've seen other concerning things, I'd call your local AC.

just my thought also... but keep an eye and call if itīs not for proper stuff...

08-15-2008, 06:09 PM
Oh that poor innocent puppy.:(
I also believe that this kind of 'training' is for dogfighting, unfortunatly. :(:(:mad: I would call your local animal control officers, immediatly.
Also, thank you sooo very much for caring.