View Full Version : I "abuse" my bird, apparently.

08-13-2008, 09:23 PM
:confused:Why are people so annoying?

I just posted on another (bird) forum that Star doesn't come out of her cage because my parents are weird and don't think she should, even if she was tame. I've tried to tame her anyways and she just doesn't seem to like the thought of being taken out of her cage, some birds don't. A cage is SUPPOSED TO BE THEIR COMFORT ZONE. SO I start getting flamed for it. I apparently am an ignorant bastard who abuses my bird now? :confused: I stated she still gets plenty of attention. How can she not when she's in the middle of everything? She's in our family room, my mom doesn't work so she's home a decent amount of time per day. I try my best to give Star attention but shoot me for having a job and working 5 days a week. :rolleyes:I STILL pay attention to her! SHE GETS PLENTY ATTENTION!!

So, I guess I'm a horrible bird owner. Not to mention because the cage had poop on the bottom I don't clean it out enough. It get cleaned out ONCE A WEEK! I'm sorry my bird poops, because that's so bad and unusaul. No wonder I can never stay on forums long enough, PT is probably the only good one.

Some birds just don't like being petted, she tolerates it but she doesn't really like it, so I try to avoid petting her. I still pet her, and talk to her. SUCH horrible abuse my bird suffers. They don't believe Sunny was tame, and they think he died from something because I didn't take him to the vet fast enough...erm ok then. You know how hard it was to watch my bird die? He died within 5-10 mins of me waking up! We called the vet and got the answering machine..shoot me for that too. X_x sorry had to get that out, I'm a bit annoyed.

08-13-2008, 09:29 PM
Your a wonderful owner to Star.Don't listen to those people.
My mom's parakeet Squeekie doesn't like to be touched or handled.But that doesn't mean he doesn't get loved and cared for.
Some birds just liked to be talked too and not handled that doesn't mean they aren't loved.
Some People:rolleyes:

08-13-2008, 09:54 PM
You don't abuse your bird in the slightest.
My RB budgie, Norri, wasn't fond of being out of his cage at all. Star sounds just like him. I still found ways to spoil him and make sure he wasn't deprived of attention. Either way, I guess that makes me a bad bird mum, too, eh? Haha.

"Bird people" saying Sunny died because you couldn't get him to the vet fast enough? Anyone who knows a lick about birds knows that it is their instinct to hide their illnesses as long as possible, often so long that it is too late for a vet.

((((Hugs)))) I believe you are a great bird mum! :)

08-14-2008, 08:26 AM
Thanks guys. I can't believe some people. :p Courtney, yes, we are bird abusers and horrible bird moms. ;)

08-14-2008, 10:24 AM
Iīm too on bird forums but havenīt been on lately... perhaps I know which one you are talking about....

my Tiels, I tied out of the cage time... only Maui seemed to like it... the other either wonīt come out for anything in the world OR run like mad until they get back in again........ so out of cage time was out of the question... sooo I do understand what you are talking about... not all birds are that tame and confident to get and enjoy cage free time...

as long as she has food water and attention... you are doing great....

at first I felt bad not letting them out, seeing almost everyone there did, but now I know better... I just do whats best for MY situation adn treat my birds PROPERLY... thatīs that...

you are doing great, even better than some other people Iīve seen (real life), so donīt worry and donīt mind them

Miss Z
08-14-2008, 01:10 PM
I'd think it would be far more abusive if you were trying to grab and hold Star against her will rather than understanding and respecting her by keeping your distance! These people on that forum sound like morons. :rolleyes:

I don't think anyone could doubt that you give 110% into caring for your pets. Excuse us for not waiting by our pets' cages armed with a poop-a-scoop and a disinfectant bottle so we can keep the cage sparkling. Deary me, some people aren't very practical-thinking.

They are horribly out of order about what they said to you concerning Sunny. How dare they, honestly. And to make assumptions about how he lived and passed on, to me they just sound like they're out for an arguement. They aren't worth your spit, Alyssa, let alone your explanations. I think they're better off ignored. ;)

So sorry this has happened!

08-14-2008, 04:38 PM
Husky_mom, glad you see where I am coming from. If she doesn't want to come out of the cage, I'm not going to make her. I felt bad about it too, honestly, and still sometimes do. But it's not like she's starving for food and thirsty and she has no love. :rolleyes:

Zara, great post as always ;) I think I got banned, I dunno. Not going back there LOL. :p

08-14-2008, 04:58 PM
Oh, Alyssa, this made me smile a little. Why? you ask? Because when we had Gracie, our much beloved, sweet as candy but not terribly bright Great Dane, we finally stopped trying to teach her to catch a ball - or even food - because we figured someone was gonna report us for "dog abuse." You could throw a piece of hot dog so accurately that it bounced off her snout, and it still never occurred to her to open her mouth. In fact, once it fell on the floor, we'd have to point at it and say "get the treat, Gracie, go on!"

A true animal friend knows his or her pet, and treats them the way the pet is happiest.

Miss Z
08-14-2008, 05:03 PM
Zara, great post as always ;) I think I got banned, I dunno. Not going back there LOL. :p

Eesh! So I guess the moderators are morons too? What a horrible little forum. :p ;) Glad Pet Talk is more understanding, you'll always be welcome here!