View Full Version : Barking dog

08-12-2008, 04:13 AM
OK, it's after 5 am and I can't go back to sleep. The neighbor put his dog out & it has been barking every 30 seconds for the past 1 1/2 hours. I kid you not. We had a thunderstorm, we woke up. Then this dog started barking. That was an hour and a half ago. I just walked out back to see which neighbor, and saw their dog standing at the back door of his house, the lights are on, & he's barking and barking and barking like he's got an ever-ready battery in him.

Should I:
1. Continue to ignore him & lose a night's sleep?:mad:
2. Go down the hill myself & ring the doorbell till someone comes down & lets him in? (hey, I could ring it every time he barks!):mad:
3. Go get the address, call the cops, & let them handle it.:mad:

I'm inclined at this point to go throw a rock at the bedroom window.... probably not a good idea.:mad::mad::mad:

What would you do?

Ginger's Mom
08-12-2008, 05:57 AM
Good question. If it was a neighbor whom I somewhat know (e.g. I wave at them as I walk the dog past their house), I would go to the house and speak with them myself. If it is someone I don't know at all (have never seen) I would probably call the police and ask them to check out the situation. But, hopefully by now you are back in bed catching up on your sleep.

08-12-2008, 06:09 AM
Good question. If it was a neighbor whom I somewhat know (e.g. I wave at them as I walk the dog past their house), I would go to the house and speak with them myself. If it is someone I don't know at all (have never seen) I would probably call the police and ask them to check out the situation. But, hopefully by now you are back in bed catching up on your sleep.

Totally agree with Joyce. By asking the police to "check out the situation" is not like just a complaint call. Often dogs alert us that something is just not right.

4 Dog Mother
08-12-2008, 08:25 AM
Wow, that's a tough one. We had a neighbor call us anomously one time because Oreo was barking DURING the day and they were trying to sleep - we rarely let our dogs bark more than a few minutes unless we cannot get to them for some reason. I guess because you don't know the neighbors, I might call the police. But if you want quicker relief, I guess I would go over and ring the bell. A lot of help I am, huh?

08-12-2008, 10:08 AM
But if you want quicker relief, I guess I would go over and ring the bell. This is what I ws thinking of doing, but at 4 am during a storm I was just too lazy to follow through. I came on Pet Talk and then browsed dog blogs till 5:30, & tried to go back to bed. The dog continued to bark until almost 7 am. You'd thnk he'd be hoarse after 3 1/2 hours of continuous barking, wouldn't you? ;)

I've talked to the guy there once, but I'll go past on my daily dog walk & see if anyone is home. Maybe I'll leave a note asking them not to leave the dog out all night anymore. This was highly unusual, this dog barks alot, but it usually sleeps inside. If it becomes a habit, we'll have to call the cops.

Thanks for bearing with this cranky sleep deprived dog lover!:o

08-12-2008, 02:51 PM
I wonder if the owner left or something and forgot the dog was outside. On the other hand maybe the guy was inside and *fell and he couldn't get up*. It just seems odd as that type of barking should be enough to annoy the owner as well as everybody else.

08-12-2008, 09:35 PM
Quick update...
Knocked on their door around dinnertime while we were walking Star & Jack, no answer. Knocked on their neighbor's door (while a boxer & Boston watched from the window)... no answer there either. So we went to the next house down where we know the couple & she answered the door. Asked if she knew where the dog's owners might be.
She said the barking drove her crazy last night & she called the housing authority here & they told her this family are in the process of moving out & their phone has been disconnected. (The military families constantly move in & out of here). So we're hoping the family is coming back in a day or two at most, but still don't understand why they would just leave this guy on his own. The back door is bungee-corded open, so he can go in, but this is a dog that's used to being with his family. Apparently they took their other dog with them.

Poor little guy barked almost all day, too. I bought some extra dog biscuits to toss to him if he starts barking non-stop again. He's not a friendly dog, so I don't want to get too close. I suspect he's pretty confused & scared at this point.

Cinder & Smoke
08-12-2008, 09:48 PM
... they told her this family are in the process of moving out & their phone has been disconnected.

... hoping the family is coming back in a day or two at most,
but still don't understand why they would just leave this guy on his own.

The back door is bungee-corded open, so he can go in,
but this is a dog that's used to being with his family.

Apparently they took their other dog with them.

Poor little guy barked almost all day, too.
I suspect he's pretty confused & scared at this point.

Boy-o-Boy - there's a lotta scary Red Flag Thoughts in that one lil paragraph! :(

Maybe otta be looking up the numbers for the Humane Society or Animal Control.
Ya think Star & Jack could handle a little Visitor??

Ginger's Mom
08-13-2008, 05:43 AM
Poor boy. I agree he probably is scared and confused. I hope the housing authority will quickly take action to help this boy. They are probably the ones in the best position to know if this poor boy has been abandoned or if someone is at least coming to take care of his needs, and they probably have access to the home.

4 Dog Mother
08-13-2008, 08:31 AM
Even if he can get in and out, is he being fed, what about water. I think I would check again with the housing authorities about what they can do or at least check on. How did last night go?

08-13-2008, 09:58 AM
Boy-o-Boy - there's a lotta scary Red Flag Thoughts in that one lil paragraph! :(

Maybe otta be looking up the numbers for the Humane Society or Animal Control.
Ya think Star & Jack could handle a little Visitor??

Wow, I agree, this doesn't sound good at all.:( Poor pup, I hope nobody
takes out their frustration at his barking on him.

08-13-2008, 09:32 PM
The weather was better today, there was less barking. At one point I thought maybe his folks had returned, but he's still barking off & on. I peeked thru the garage window - he does have two huge buckets of water. I think at this point several of us are trying to keep an eye on him. If he shows signs of physical distress, I'm sure one of us will call the housing office to have someone pick him up.

Liz - I hope no one is mean, too. My neighbor said she got on the computer about 4 am during the barking and looked up if dogs could get laryngitis (apparently not), and if there was anything non-toxic & safe that might cause temporary laryngitis (no, there wasn't).

Maybe tomorrow they will return. Paws crossed.

08-15-2008, 07:03 AM
Good news - the owners returned last night. I think I'll drop off the name of my dog-sitter, in case they plan to make another trip without pooch.

Cinder & Smoke
08-15-2008, 07:10 AM
I think I'll drop off the name of my dog-sitter,
in case they plan to make another trip without pooch.

Who would that be; "Star & Jack" ??
