View Full Version : A Warning For Cat Owners

09-05-2002, 04:37 PM
I'd like to warn you of a cat food that i recently
purchased for my cat. It goes by the name of "TEMPTATIONS"
and is found in a pouch type container.

Eddie D. Katz came to live with me after my g-friend passed away-(this is my first cat-as-a-pet!)- she was very adamant about his food and he has always been a very picky eater-i tried all of the other treats as a way to give him a variety in his diet. I have tried Pounce and other brands whose names i do not remember. I saw this product recently and puchased a package in the hope he would enjoy something new.

Well, that was 5 packages ago and as soon as a new package is opened he will not leave me alone. I have placed a small amount in his dish as a snack and he goes absolutely CRAZY for this food.

As soon as he hears the rattle of the package he is underfoot and after he feeds on the amount i have put down for him he goes and finds the package, pulls it out onto the floor and MEOWS LOUDLY until he gets more.

For your sanity, piece of mind and well being, do not buy this product! (oh well, at least try one package........)

I am going to purchase stock in the company in the near future!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-05-2002, 04:57 PM
Hi Richard, and welcome to Pet Talk. :) Thanks for the suggestion/warning. Tubby and Peanut have become bored with all their treats. Tubby won't even eat them anymore. :( Peanut at least will still eat one of the variety that I have on hand. I'll have to try the Temptations to see if it will get Tubby interested. I have to give him a pill everyday, and I like to give the treat right after to say sorry for sticking this nasty thing down your throat, and I feel so bad when he won't eat the treat. It's as if he's saying he's not going to let me appease my guilt by offering him a treat. What a snot. :rolleyes: The bag we have is almost gone, so I'll buy the Temptations and see what happens.

It's so good of you to take Eddie D. Katz (love that name!) in after your girlfriend passed away. So many would have just pawned him off on someone else. So far you seem to be enjoying him. We here at Pet Talk would love to hear more about him - what color is he, how old is he, etc. and we absolutely adore pictures! :D

09-05-2002, 06:02 PM
Wellcome to Pet Talk Richard!!

Thank you for the tip! I will rush tomorrow to the petshop! Only one of my furkids like treads,but anyway he eats anything eatable, even salad, potatoes ships and all kind of food that is no supposed to be cat food.:rolleyes:

I would like to spoild them, but they are happy with their dried food, and canned food or row pork kidneys every now and then....


Cinder & Smoke
09-06-2002, 11:14 AM
"Temptations" Cat Treats are made by "Whiskas" and should be available in Pet Shops and many grocery stores...

Here's a Link to the Whiska's site:

"Temptations" page on Whiska.com (http://new.mypetstop.com/NR/exeres/6D80DDC6-7082-402D-995B-81662FC9A6A1%2C58B08A17-DFDA-4F87-9A2D-06C13DCAFD4D%2Cframeless.htm?Type=Snacks)

We'z gonna have Dad get sum ~
Iffin Boots, da Kat, duzint like em ~
bet us Dawggiez will! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-06-2002, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

We'z gonna have Dad get sum ~
Iffin Boots, da Kat, duzint like em ~
bet us Dawggiez will! :D

Oh, I bet you two would like them. :D

Normally I buy all my treats at places like K-mart and the like because they are cheaper. But the other day I was in the grocery store and just happened to be going down the pet aisle when I was distracted by the different pet treats available. I broke down and bought one, called Catsip. Since Tubby really loved his milk but can't have it anymore because of his failing kidneys, I thought I would try this. It says it has real milk in it, but is lactose free so it won't bother their sensitive tummies. And boy do they like it!!! I think they like it even more than real milk! It comes in a little blue carton, kind of like one of those juice boxes they have for kids. I only give them a little now and then so even though it's a little box, there's plenty in there. Now on Saturday mornings when Tubby is begging so hard for milk, we don't have to feel bad about not giving him any, I just whip out the Catsip and he is totally satisfied. I had never seen or heard of this before, so I was just wondering if anyone else out there had ever heard of it or seen it.

09-06-2002, 11:38 AM
Hello Richard and Welcome to the most addictive Pet Site. Hope you stick around and enjoy it.

Many thanks for the *warning* about Temptations - I've not seen them over here in the UK yet - so I'll be looking out for them for sure - you know 'Must Not Buy' 'Must Not Buy' - DUH!

Phred - thanks for telling us it's Whiskas we have to avoid!!!
:D :D Bootz can perhaps let us know how tempted he was - make a nice change from *tuna springie watter* !!


C.C.'s Mom
09-06-2002, 11:39 AM
I don't know if you can get Temptations over here, but we have a very severe case of addiction here too with Whiskas. Those little one-meal bags. I once got 10 for free from Whiskas to do a houssehold test if my cat would like it....

Rudie won't eat any other food anymore and will definately go nuts if I don't give it to him the minute he wants it. It says: 4 bags a day for an adult cat. I'm very ashamed to admit that Rudie eats and gets... up to 9 per day... I know, I know.... but who can say no to that innocent and rather dumb looking angel?

And the really bad thing is, it's SOOOOO EXPENSIVE!

Cinder & Smokey, Cookie will do about anything to get catfood too :D

09-06-2002, 11:58 AM
My cat Bruce (RB) LUUUUUVED his Pounce treats. My boyfriend used to call it kitty heroin because Bruce just couldn't get enough! It was a great way to get him to come in a hurry by shaking the can. I had to really hide the can very well because he would find it WHEREVER it was and would chew on the can until he opened it and ate them ALL!:rolleyes:
I thought for sure it was true for all kitties but Calvin & Hobbes couldn't care less for the treats. Maybe I'll try the Temptations and live to regret it! :)

Cinder & Smoke
09-06-2002, 11:59 AM
Dad sez it'z a reelee Gud Thing "we" aren't allowed to go inna grocery storez ta help him shop! We'd wunt our own shoppin buggy fur da Pet Aisle! :rolleyes:

We might be lookin fur summa this Catsip milk stuff ta flavur Bootsy's waddur...

Link to Catsip...

"Catsip" page... (http://www.prelief.com/catsip/8_reasons.htm)

An check out the lil klikker at the TOP of that page...

Is your Cat/Dog a "Lil Stinker"? Try CurTail :o (http://www.prelief.com/curtail/curtailhome1.htm)

Letz go shoppin, Dad! :D

09-06-2002, 03:52 PM
for the 'welcomes'....

if there is a need for a 'Temptation 12 step program' i promise
i'll be around to moderate it.

Catsip is another 'must have' for your cat!!!! thanks for reminding
me...it's time to get another package!

being a full time dad for the last six months has taught me quite
a bit about being owned by a cat. One interesting thing i found out was that i spent more time shopping for cat food than i do
for my own plate........

but hey, nothing but the BEST for the king of the house!

thanks again!

and you know where to send your complaints when your cat gets hooked on Temptations.....

09-06-2002, 04:07 PM
Although I am familiar with the problem you are talking about, thank you for the warning. About three weeks ago I saw a cat on the news with the same problem, except their cat had eaten many more bags and was really fat-poor kitty. Anyway, they told the reporters they he had been eating those bags for the past month and had used up 2 BAGS PER DAY!! It was scary, because their vet told them to go to an animal hospital (the cat could barely walk and it was killing her joints, their vet diagnosed her with Arthritis-poor poor kitty). They thought it was also because of the food, but there was a big credit given to TEMPTATIONS. With my cat I use Pounce treats, and I only give her only two a day. It works out though. She is a seven year old cat, and she weighs 5 pounds. As a cat owner, I think that TEMPTATIONS is too tempting for cats. Anyway, if you still want to stay with TEMPTATIONS, do not give your cat more than two or three a day (and maybe throw some in her/his food once in a while). You have to teach your cat not to get hooked on it, but that is only my suggestion. ;)

Sorry, had to change this. This was the story I really heard.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-06-2002, 05:10 PM
Wow, thanks for the link, Cinder & Smoke. You two are the best!

Some of this info was on the package, but it was interesting to learn the rest of it. I was kinda worried that it might not be the best thing for them, but it sounds like Catsip is as safe a treat as any other treat out there. Guess who'll be getting some tonight. :)

And, two bags of Temptations a day!!! :eek: :eek:

Tubby & Peanut get one treat in the morning with their medicine, and that's all they get from me. I know they get more from their dad during the day (don't know how many and I probably don't want to know how many) so I don't give them anymore when I get home. Terry figures that's the only reason they like him is because he is Mr. Treatman. :rolleyes: :)

And it's funny with the Pounce. Tubby used to absolutely love those. He would come running from anywhere in the house when he heard me shake the can. Not too long ago that stopped, and I've been trying different treats ever since. The only one that has really gotten them excited is the Cat Sip....until I try the Temptations that is. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-11-2002, 05:26 PM
Well, I finally got to the store last night and bought a bag of Temptations. When I got home, I crinkled the bag because that used to always bring Peanut running until lately when she's so bored with the treats. She came as far as the end of the runner in the hallway, so I had to bring the new treats to her. :rolleyes:

Well let me tell you, after the first hesitant bite, that first litte treat was gone in a flash, and she came running to me with those big eyes, meowing feverishly. Then she stretched up on the cabinets which she only does when she's desperate for a treat. She definitely wanted more! And by this time Tubby had come to see what all the fuss was about, so he got his first taste. Lately he's so spoiled that I bring the treat to him and he doesn't even have to get up to eat it :rolleyes: but after his first taste of Temptations, he too was sitting up, bright eyed and bushy tailed waiting for the next one to drop.

I got the Savory Salmon flavored ones. They're different because they're a little crunchy on the outside but chewy on the inside - they don't like the all crunchy ones, too much like their regular food I think. But they certainly liked these. :) They are small pieces, so I broke down and gave them a few more, but had to stop before I gave them too many.

Thanks, Richard, for the suggestion. I can now ease my guilt again with treats (guilt over having to shove a pill down their throats every morning). :) Now all I have to do is keep Terry away from them because he has no will power against Peanut at all, and she'll talk him into giving up the whole bag. ;) :rolleyes: :D

09-11-2002, 05:43 PM
I will have to look for those, and give them a try with my cats. The only treat my Jackson even remotely liked was some little freeze dried shrimp, :eek: gosh did they make the litter box smell, needless to say, those have not been purchased any more. :)

The Cat Factory
09-12-2002, 12:43 AM
I've been feeding my kitties Temptations for the longest time, and they love em! I buy them in boxes of six!

09-12-2002, 02:56 PM
Our female cat, Jan, absolutely loves those treats in a pouch! (although her favorite all-time treats are still coffee-beans:p )

Our RB-kitty, Crystal, used to love those treats too. We would make her do "tricks" to earn her reward. We would place a treat on the edge of a chair arm, or on a knee, or other places that forced her to actually work for the food.

This allowed us to be able to feed her just 3-5 treats since of course she could only take this total lack of dignity for a limited time.


09-12-2002, 03:24 PM
you are welcome, T and P's mom!

not wanting to spoil my brat i decided to him Temptations as
a treat.......haven't had a package in the house for 5-6 days...

since then i have had a cellophane package of razors open and spilled, a bag of new socks open and examined, the cello covering of a VHS tape attacked and every package, meal and item in my hands examined at length........(if i could teach him to sniff out explosives he could get a job at the airport......or maybe we could get the terrorists to carry "temptations", that way they'd be alot easier to spot......)
I think they'll like all the flavors....... the thing that cracked me up was the actual 'sitting up'.......eddie was up on his haunches begging for more......i thought that there was a chance i could teach him to beg.......that thought disappered pretty quickly when i figured out that HE'D be thinking, "hey, I think i'll get this big oaf to walk over to the treats, open up the bag and repeat over and over again, "Sit up! Sit up! Sit up!"....

I am learning.

09-14-2002, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD

... the thing that cracked me up was the actual 'sitting up'.......eddie was up on his haunches begging for more......i thought that there was a chance i could teach him to beg.......that thought disappered pretty quickly when i figured out that HE'D be thinking, "hey, I think i'll get this big oaf to walk over to the treats, open up the bag and repeat over and over again, "Sit up! Sit up! Sit up!"....

I am learning.

:) Yes, we often question "who is training who?"