View Full Version : Checkers

08-08-2008, 08:13 PM
miss Checkers, the last of our guinea pigs passed away in our arms today. Checkers had ovarian cysts, an illness that killed her mother and several sisters as well. Check was a few months shy of 6 years old, and her cagemate and sister, Puddin, passed away in May. Checkers was a big strong girl who LOVED cuddles, and as soon as she saw food she would run to the front of her cage wheeking in exitement. when I went to check on her today she was almost comotose,to weak to even hold herself up, so I brught her upstairs and just sat with her, when my mom came home we both just sat with her, holding her till she passed away peacfully.

RIP Checkers: November 5th 2002-Augest 8th 2008


8 weeks

5 years

08-08-2008, 09:04 PM
Oh no, I`m sorry to hear that your precious Checkers passed away. She sounds like she was a wonderful friend to you, and daughter and sister to her fur family. At least you were able to be there with her and say goodbye as she went to the bridge. Rest in peace, dear Checkers. Play hard at the Bridge with your furmom and fursisters, I`m sure they are glad to see you again. But your human family will miss you dearly. :love:

08-09-2008, 11:33 AM
I'm so sorry about Checkers.:(

08-09-2008, 12:17 PM
Rest in Peace, Checkers. Enjoy the fields at the Rainbow Bridge now, okay?

08-10-2008, 12:44 PM
I'm sorry to hear Checkers has now joined her sister, Puddin. I am glad, though, that she had you there for her in her last moments to hold her. She sounded like a great little pig, and I can see why she will be missed. :(

Rest easy, Checkers.