View Full Version : New Lens, New Pictures!

Russian Blue
08-07-2008, 06:59 PM
Hi, Everyone! :) Sorry I haven't been around, but life has been keeping me really busy. Gigi and Steve are doing great (and yes, I need to update their pictures as well).

Rob gave me a lens for a birthday present and I haven't had much time to try it out. We went to the cottage this past weekend and I spent a bit of time testing it. I still need practice, since the lens is a lot heavier than I'm used to and it pics up hand shake like crazy! So, I will definately use a tripod next time.

Here are some test pics in the field......

Love this bumblebee. It reminds me of a little elephant. :)


It then flew off, probably scared to death that I (or the camera) would eat it! Love its dangling legs! ;)


It was so hard to get the focus right on this pic. Each time I focussed it would fly away.


This one is slightly better, but then the pic was overexposed. Like I said, I still need practice! :)


And, a feline pic! Here's a close up of Gigi's whiskers....


Thanks for taking a look!

08-07-2008, 09:49 PM
Nice pix. That one doesn't look over exposed to me, it looks just fine.

What kind of lens is it?

08-07-2008, 09:55 PM
All of the pictures look great to me.:) I can't wait to see some new pictures of your furkids.:)

08-07-2008, 11:33 PM
once again- FABULOUS pics! :D
have fun! :D

08-08-2008, 05:23 AM
Wow! As usual I would be happy if I made such an "over-exposed" picture. Admiring your talent and your patience :)

Russian Blue
08-09-2008, 10:03 AM
......That one doesn't look over exposed to me, it looks just fine.
What kind of lens is it?

It was so bright outside the petals were blinding. I already reduced the exposure, but it wasn't enough.

The lens is the Canon Macro 100mm. I'll still need to practice with it, still a beginner with this lens. ;)

I can't wait to see some new pictures of your furkids.:)

Thanks KAK! Yes, I'll have to organize a new cat thread.

Wow! As usual I would be happy if I made such an "over-exposed" picture. Admiring your talent and your patience :)

I'm only patient when I'm taking pics. For everything else in life, I'm not so patient!

Thanks for the comments and for taking a look guys! :)

08-09-2008, 11:09 AM
Just love your pictures, as always. I particularly enjoyed the butterfly as I have always loved butterflies:)

The whiskers on Gigi are fantastic and yes, more pics of the baby kids are always MORE than welcome:D

08-09-2008, 12:21 PM
Phantastic pictures, I'm really impressed! What kind of lens did you get? Must be a very good one! Which settings did you use for the aperture if I may ask? I like how sharpness and softness vary in the pictures, I never get these results with my cam.


Suki Wingy
08-09-2008, 02:45 PM
Looks like a whole lot of fun! I miss my macro lens.

08-10-2008, 05:01 AM
Awesome pics! I can't wait until I get my camera! I love the 2nd to the last pic. Doesn't look overexposed to me, at all. I dread learning that stuff all over again. I had a college course but that was many moons ago.

Russian Blue
08-11-2008, 07:52 PM
Phantastic pictures, I'm really impressed! What kind of lens did you get? Must be a very good one! Which settings did you use for the aperture if I may ask? I like how sharpness and softness vary in the pictures, I never get these results with my cam.


Kirsten, Rob purchased the Canon macro 100mm lens for me. I've wanted this lens forever and that was the reason I purchased and SLR so I can use it. It's going to take some practice to get used to it, though.

Here are the details for the picture: ISO 200, f/4.0, exposure 1/800.

If you go to google, and type in 'canon 100mm' you will see how good this lens is when a professional uses it! I hope to get there at some point (ie - with a lot of practice). ;)

08-11-2008, 10:25 PM
It was so bright outside the petals were blinding. I already reduced the exposure, but it wasn't enough.

Well at least on my screen I still say it looks just fine, a nice crisp white without being distracting. Could be it looks different on your monitor than mine though.

Sweet lens!!