View Full Version : Sick dog?

08-07-2008, 10:08 AM
My sister's dog doesn't seem to be very healthy. I was out visiting the other day for the first time in a while and I couldn't help but think the dog was sick or at least, not very healthy.

For starters, I'm almost positive the dog is stuck in a crate for most of the day/night. Jade is a lab/border collie mix, and has a TON of energy. I tell my sister constantly she needs more exercise, but she denies the fact that the dog is locked up a lot. When I came over the dog was bouncing around in her crate, and once let out was running around very excited. This seemed to annoy my sister and the dog was once again banished to the crate.

One of the first things I noticed about the dog, however, was that her entire underside has no fur. At all. Her belly, and inner legs. That seemed a little odd, so I asked her if she had taken the dog to see a vet. (Last I spoke to her, she told me the dog smelled really bad and they were going to take her in) Apparently she has not taken the dog, and claimed Jade never had fur on her belly :confused: Funny, she wasn't like that the last time I saw her? I checked the dogs ears too. There was something wrong with them too. It didn't really seem "infected" as they weren't red and inflamed...but the entire ear had something blackish or gunky on it. Don't think it's anything I've ever seen on a dog. It looked pretty bad to me though...Certainly wasn't the normal pinky/clean color. She told me the dogs ears were also always like this :confused:

The dog also seems skinny to me. I know border collies are skinny normally, but she just seems like she could have more weight on her. She claims to feed the dog 1 cup and a half 3 times a day...but with the dog getting no exercise I can't see how it's not putting on weight?

I took these pictures of her last year sometime...

She seems a little skinnier now then here. Also, maybe I'm just crazy but I could swear there is fur on her belly/legs.

My friend was telling me it could be Mange. What do you guys think? I called my sister and told her this anyway and told her it's contagious so she should get the dog to the vet before it spreads to her cats (not sure if this is even accurate but she seems to love the cats so I hope this will get the dog some vet care...)

I'm probably making it out to be worse then it is. My sister isn't a bad person. I'm just pretty annoyed at her at the moment after seeing the dog so I might be making her out to seem worse then she is...however, I just don't see the excuse to let something like that go so long. Poor dog. I even was going to set up a home for the dog with someone I used to go to flyball with, but my sister insists she loves the dog, and the kids would be so sad if she was gone. Funny way of showing it?

08-07-2008, 10:30 AM
Bless you for caring! It does sound like the dog needs to see the vet; and maybe be rehomed to a more doggie tolerant household.:(

08-07-2008, 10:42 AM
and maybe be rehomed to a more doggie tolerant household.:(

I've tried and tried to get her to rehome the dog...she said it's the kids pet and they would be sad...you know...the kids who never play with her. :(

08-07-2008, 11:54 AM
I've tried and tried to get her to rehome the dog...she said it's the kids pet and they would be sad...you know...the kids who never play with her. :(

OMG, how sad!
THe dog needs a new home asap.

She may have lost her fur do to stress from being confined to the crate all the time. Or maybe she licks all the time because she's bored.

Either way, the pup needs to go to a home where she can get the love and attention she needs and wants.

08-07-2008, 03:46 PM
She is taking the dog to the vet and decided she can't afford the dog and its care, so she said she'd let me find a home for the dog. I'm waiting to see what the vet says, and if it's nothing too serious then I'm going to contact my old flyball team. A friend of mine said they're always looking for dogs, and I think Jade would be pretty good once she is trained. She is a super sweet dog and loves to please. I'm thrilled my sister will finally let her go. I'm hoping she doesnt changer her mind anyway..

08-07-2008, 04:14 PM
Her reason for letting you take the dog sounds like she shouldn't own pets. I'm glad to hear that you're taking it to the vet and rehoming him. I'm sure the dog will be much healthier and happier. Kudos to you.

08-07-2008, 09:18 PM
I know she shouldn't own pets. I told her not to get a dog in the first place. She said after this she doesn't want another dog...I just hope she means it. My mom told her she'd report her if she ever gets another dog and treats it that way. I just hope the dog finally gets a good home she deserves...

08-07-2008, 09:46 PM
I know she shouldn't own pets. I told her not to get a dog in the first place. She said after this she doesn't want another dog...I just hope she means it. My mom told her she'd report her if she ever gets another dog and treats it that way. I just hope the dog finally gets a good home she deserves...

I know exactly what you're going through. I have a cousin like that and he went through several dogs and cats before he finally decided the kids weren't going to take care of the pets. *rolls eyes*