View Full Version : We may not be around as much :(

08-07-2008, 09:01 AM
First, The IT people where I work blocked any photos from appearing on my PT pages so I haven't been able to enjoy PT as much because I can't see pictures :( BUT...I've still been trying to keep up and read the "text only" threads. I know, I know...I should be doing my work but I do have some down time and this is where I found PT in the first place :) I'm just too busy once I get home to play on the computer.

NOW, I hear they will be blocking all "recreational" websites starting next week. I will go into PT and dogster withdrawal!!!!!!!!:) I just wanted you all to know why I've been around less and it will probably even get "more less"...haha. I will try to check in from home now and then but it just won't be the same....WAAAAAA :(

Maybe this won't come to fruition...maybe they will realize that happy employees are productive employees? Hmmm...doubt it.

08-07-2008, 09:13 AM
I think employers are going to wise up soon and continue to ask employees to spend their time doing work - and not playing. Sorry if this offens you. If you have so much down time that you can play on the internet, then maybe your job isn't so necessary.

Having left a job where some folks spent many hours playing on their computers, it still rings true for me that more employers need to put controls on the employees.

What a waste of time and money.

I think that computer playing is for home -not for the office.

Did I ever look at PetTalk or post while working? Yes, but ever so seldom. I had work to do.

08-07-2008, 09:15 AM
Oh Deb, I had NO IDEA that Sunny was posting her threads from your work place! And the time Bean got bent out of shape because the cellar was off limits, HE went in to work with you?? :p:D Goodness, I can see the problem. With your sweet ones visiting so often, I doubt anyone could work, too busy playing with the pets!

Guess they need to get library passes next. ;)

08-07-2008, 09:49 AM
I see your points but I am an excellent employee and my work doesn't suffer one bit. In fact, it is because I am so efficient that I do have some down time and would rather play on the computer than stare off into space in my office when I literally have nothing to do. I like to keep busy. At one point, I found myself doing other people's work and got told about it. When I have nothing to do, I literally have nothing to do. I guess I'll have to bring in a gameboy...:)

08-07-2008, 09:58 AM
If you have so much down time that you can play on the internet, then maybe your job isn't so necessary.
I think that computer playing is for home -not for the office.

Everyone's job is different.

Part of the day I work in my office and I'm swamped and have no down time. But 3 times during the day I cover the switchboard so the receptionist can take her breaks and lunch.
That's when I come here to PT to post.

Does that mean that my job isn't necessary?
No, it just means that I have a few breaks from the madness of my crazy work day to relax and come here and check on my friends.

Moon- Sorry about the IT dept.
Hope you can find a way to stop in as often as possible!

08-07-2008, 10:55 AM
I guess its good to work in the IT department ;)

I had a lot of downtime between assignments due to every boss having to review every little change and revision I made to the program I was writing. When working in a lab, some tests required hours to complete but they didn't require supervision (ever watch dirt dry? lol)

I think as long as the employee is meeting (and exceeding) expectations a little reward is a good thing. There is no reason to punish all just because a few people are screwing around.

Back to the original topic tho, I hope you can get on more and share pictures! We'll miss you!

08-07-2008, 11:15 AM
I too never left my job.... I did my job and with my spare time I logged in... if need be I went to work again and leave the "games" for later...

but when you´ve done all you had to do and you have nothing else to do what can you do?... LOL

logging was a "treat" itself.. so if I wanted a treat I should what was asked for, just like a dog sits for a treat... I agree happy workers work best.....

and I agree with Angie all jobs are different..... and yes some employees perhaps a lot waste their time and do not do their jobs as theya re expected because they are all playing... and the few that do get blame for the many that don´t...

08-07-2008, 12:27 PM
I'm sorry you won't be able to log on as much anymore. :( I hope you will find time to log on from home. We will need our Moon, Bean and Sunny fix every once in a while!!

I check in on PT just about every hour. I may only be on for 2 minutes, but I check in to see if any new threads are up.

Just now, while reading this thread, my supervisor came into my cubicle so I minimized it real quick and brought up my email (because I did have new email). And she said - I don't care what you are looking at.
She's told us before, as long as we get our work done she doesn't care that we surf the net sometimes. And I always get my work done by the end of the month and actually take work from another department to help them out.
However, there are always threats from the boss man that our internet access is going to be limited. But honestly, that's not possible. Because people need internet access for job related things. Hee hee :D

08-07-2008, 12:29 PM
Hope you can find a way to stop in as often as possible!

Back to the original topic tho, I hope you can get on more and share pictures! We'll miss you!

Thanks guys! I should have said earlier that all of my threads that contained pictures have been done from home as that's where my pics are stored and photobucket, etc... so I will still continue to post pics and threads when I have to share (Sunny is graduating from puppy kindergarten tonight so a pic of her in her graduation cap is sure to follow) :).

I just know I won't be around as much and would've felt funny to not say anything as I think we all tend to get used to frequent posts by certain members and I would feel badly if I missed an important post or a Happy Birthday post, etc... so I wanted to give an advance heads up as to why.

08-07-2008, 12:32 PM
I'm sorry you won't be able to log on as much anymore. :( I hope you will find time to log on from home. We will need our Moon, Bean and Sunny fix every once in a while!!

I check in on PT just about every hour. I may only be on for 2 minutes, but I check in to see if any new threads are up.

Awww....Thanks Taz!

Ginger's Mom
08-07-2008, 12:52 PM
I think employers are going to wise up soon and continue to ask employees to spend their time doing work - and not playing. Sorry if this offens you. If you have so much down time that you can play on the internet, then maybe your job isn't so necessary.

Wow, this is very presumptuous and arrogant. Now I understand why you had such a hard time at work and needed to get out of there. If you exhibited this attitude to your co-workers I am sure they were not very pleasant to you in turn. There are so many ways the same thing could have been said without being offensive.

I am on PT on my lunch hour. Why? Because the other three people in my unit go out to lunch and it always takes over an hour to get back which leaves the unit uncovered for long periods of time. I always bring my lunch (don't make enough to go out), and don't mind answering the phone and questions/problems that come up. Prior to discovering Pet Talk I would read the paper. People who are more interested in playing than working will spend more time playing than working, no matter what the IT people do. I have one co-worker that on several occasions has been on her cell phone, desk phone, and a co-worker's phone all at the same time on personal business.

I have noticed that you haven't been around as much, and did, in fact, miss seeing Sunny and hearing about her escapades. I guess I will just have to make sure I check out her doggie diary more often. ;)

smokey the elder
08-07-2008, 03:19 PM
I agree with Ginger's Mom. There are such things as breaks and lunch time. Typically internet use (within reason) is allowed at my place, save the obvious "nawtee" sites which are blocked anyway. The only time I ever was blocked was when I went to check the Mega-Millions numbers (gambling-related, therefore forbidden.) People found ways to goof off before the internet existed, and unfortunately those whose job it affects will face consequences. [/soapbox]

08-07-2008, 04:13 PM
Put yourself in your employers' shoes. If employees need to have restrictions via the IT folks, then they must care how their money is being spent through wages.

Call me old fashioned, I don't think down time or lunch time should be spent playing on the internet.

To each his own.

08-07-2008, 04:31 PM
Call me old fashioned, I don't think down time or lunch time should be spent playing on the internet.

To each his own.

I'm glad you're not my boss! :DMy lunch time is just that... MINE!

I will do what I want on my lunch time.

08-07-2008, 04:41 PM
I think it is so unprofessional to sit and play on your company's computer. That is why the IT folks often are asked to control access to the internet. It is no different than sitting on the phone while at work.

I think it is the difference between an employee vs. employer mentality.

We agree that we don't agree on this.....but hey, someone thinks its not appropriate if companies are stopping access or limiting it.

Sorry if my opinion offends. It's my opinion. We are all entitled to one.


Ginger's Mom
08-07-2008, 08:05 PM
Call me old fashioned, I don't think down time or lunch time should be spent playing on the internet.

To each his own.
There is nothing wrong with you thinking that someone should not spend their lunch time reading Pet Talk on the internet, just as there is nothing wrong with my thinking that the ladies shouldn't be playing cards at lunch time. However, there is one big difference. I would never suggest to the ladies playing cards that they were not needed at work because that is what they have decided to do on their lunch break. You have made that suggestion in your first post. That is what is offensive. What anyone does on their lunch break, whether you approve or not, does not reflect on their work abilities or priorities.

08-07-2008, 08:20 PM
I am self employed. I have no employees. I got up from my desk chair one day and turned around and looked at the chair. Out loud I said, as I was pointing my finger at the chair, "you have got to stop spending so much time on Pet Talk and other sites and get some work done!"

I sat back down and said to myself "oh, rats, I got busted!"

As a result, I am not on Pet Talk as much because my boss is really a B____!.:D:D

08-07-2008, 08:28 PM
LOL! :)

OK...here's a post (from home) :) as Sunny graduated from puppy kindergarten tonight. I will post more pics under "dog general"

08-07-2008, 08:56 PM
My lunch break is an "unpaid" one. I don't feel the least bit of guilt logging on to PT while I'm eating lunch at my desk. However it's also important to note that it doesn't happen every day. 9 times out of 10 I work straight through lunch so again, I don't feel guilty for my occasional "surf" time....like now for instance.....a few minutes before I leave for the day.

I am in the IT department here and we don't monitor email nor do we monitor internet usage. In my opinion, if Managers are doing their job properly and monitoring their staff, then fooling around on the internet would not happen, or be kept to a bare minimum. That being said, I know of some senior staff who admit to checking out the stock market regularly....:rolleyes:

Oh yes, and I try not to make/receive personal calls at work. If I do, it's always to/from my doctor or dentist to make appointments. Besides, I share an office with 2 other people so I really do have a privacy issue.

Gini....:D:D:D I'm sure Rascal would have something to say about that!!!

08-07-2008, 09:12 PM
I think employers are going to wise up soon and continue to ask employees to spend their time doing work - and not playing. Sorry if this offens you. If you have so much down time that you can play on the internet, then maybe your job isn't so necessary.

Having left a job where some folks spent many hours playing on their computers, it still rings true for me that more employers need to put controls on the employees.

What a waste of time and money.

I think that computer playing is for home -not for the office.

Did I ever look at PetTalk or post while working? Yes, but ever so seldom. I had work to do.
I can see where you're coming from but it was a little harsh. It depends on what kind of job you have. I have a very stressful job as a police dispatcher. We're in front of computers for about 11 hours. And when we're not busy, we're on the internet. For me, PT and some other sites are big stress busters. There are going to be people that abuse it no matter where you are. No need to punish everyone.