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View Full Version : Bird obsessed with pens! Please help!

08-06-2008, 09:05 PM
Hi everyone! I'm not sure if anyone will see this but I'll give it a shot, there aren't many bird forums out there. I'm having a huge problem with my budgie bird. A couple months ago he developed this big fetish for pens. He is obsessed with them and he acts violently when he is near one. In the beginning, he was fine, he'd drop a pen off a table and play with it on the floor for literally hours. But weeks later, he started getting very protective of his pen. He bites viciously if you try to take the pen away. He rubs his butt on the pen sometimes, which is why letting him continue playing with then pen is a bad idea (people using the pen and then rubbing their eyes for example), it doesn't sound normal. He attacks you if you're anywhere near the pen, and if you're using a pen he'll come up and bite your hand off, while screaming. My family and I are getting concerned about him, he's changing. We have to hide all of the pens and pencils in our house when we let him out. He's very smart though, and he can find pens and pencils if you don't hide them properly. We have two offices in our house, so pens are everywhere, including the kitchen (for note taking..etc) It is just too weird for a bird to behave this way and I've never heard anything like it. Does anyone have a clue why he acts this way? Does he think the pen is his girlfriend? Any help would be very appreciated, thank you for reading!

09-01-2008, 10:11 AM
Your bird is hormonal. If it is a female she may lay eggs even if she doesn't have a mate. Put the bird in its cage when you are going to have a pen out. Maybe it is a seasonal thing & your bird may get over it eventually.

09-12-2008, 10:28 PM
Thanks Bonny. Well it's been 3 months since I posted, and since then we've hid the pens really well so he hasn't come in contact with a pen since then. We had a couple of pens out recently to give it a test and he didn't go after them at all, in fact when I was using a pen last night, he was on my knee and didn't even think about going for it. Which is quite amazing considering what we've been through. I guess he needed that break! Although we'll continue to hide the pens anyway, just in case. What a relief though!

Thanks for replying!