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View Full Version : Puppymill Survey HUA

09-05-2002, 09:50 AM
The Puppymill Survey is up and ready for people to register their
opinions. This survey is designed to gather information about what
people think about breeding dogs and kennels. The information obtained
from this survey will be compiled and put on the HUA webpage. Raw data
will be available to every animal organization that wants to use it.
This information will be important to make arguments to local, state
and federal officials who are involved in the regulation of the
breeding industry. Please go to http://www.prisonersofgreed.org to
register your opinion. Your vote is very important. The survey is
completely anonymous and only takes a couple of minutes. Please cross
post this email to every person and egroup who may be interested.
Everyone's opinion is important.

Hearts United for Animals recently rescued dogs from a puppymill in
Nebraska. One of those dogs is Mercy. When the groomer saw this dog she
said "mercy, mercy, mercy, you poor dog" So he became Mercy. Mercy had
such horrible mats that his skin is infected all over his body. His
hairless, raw tail was caught up in the mats. Anyone questioning the
conditions in the mills only has to look at Mercy -

And an update. ihelppets.com gave away 40,000 puppymill brochures.
People who love dogs put those brochures all over the country. We have
received emails from people who have seen the brochures on airplanes,
in restaurants, in doctor's offices, at air shows and so on. It has
been incredible. An enormous number of people have read those brochures
thanks to your efforts. Now we are working on getting a million on the
brochures printed. We will be giving them away too.

This email is generated by Hearts United for Animals, a national
no-kill shelter, sanctuary and animal welfare organization. If you do
not want to be on this mailing list, please hit reply and type remove.
We will immediately take your name off the mailing list.

Thanks so much for caring about the dogs.

Hearts United for Animals

09-05-2002, 10:01 AM
Thanks for sharing the links. I absolutely hate puppy mills. You bet that I will be putting in my two cents on the HUA Survey.

Is there a way to shut down all mills and have breeders go through a tough process to get licensed. But there will always be back door breeders. Aggg! It makes me mad!

Sue, I can't get tghe URL to work. I am trying to find Mercy's story on the HUA page, but have not been successful.

09-05-2002, 10:12 AM
I couldn't get the link to work either!

09-05-2002, 10:52 AM
Hi everyone,

Try to remove the period '.' at the end of the link. I was able to access the link. Poor baby... SOme people are really ruthless..

NO TO PUPPY MILLS!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Best regards.

09-05-2002, 11:09 AM
Thanks, Rosebel, that worked!

09-05-2002, 01:26 PM
I hate the idea of puupy mills, the sad reality is they are out there. Thanks for the link.

09-06-2002, 05:26 AM
Thanks for informing everyone.

09-06-2002, 01:51 PM
The link worked for me and I filled out the survey. I detest puppymills and I talked to a girl the other day that was telling me that she used to work at Petland before she heard the horror stories about the loathsome place and told me just horrific happenings...that place is the devil incarnate.

09-06-2002, 02:09 PM
Thanks so much Sue. I took the survery. HUA does such incredible work, don't they? I hope everyone continues to voice their disqust to anyone who will listen and will take any and every opportunity to inform the uninformed. I email my senator, congressmen and women, local reps, etc. constantly! Someday they will have to listen and respond!

09-06-2002, 03:20 PM