View Full Version : Tiger is free- Thank you everybody (post #28)

08-04-2008, 11:26 AM
Friday morning we all woke up and we let Tiger and his pals, Jimmy and Paddy into our bedroom. (they sleep next door to us). Tiger made a beeline for the cat scratching post and attacked it wildly. I couldn't believe it because he hadn't done that it in days, maybe a week and here a few hours before he was to go to RB he was scratching with more energy and delight than I had seen in months! For a moment I panicked and thought, "what have I done?! He looks good, I should cancel the euthanasia" but then, as if he could hear what I was thinking, he immediately lay down next to the tree and it was obvious that it had really taken every bit of strength he had to 'get that tree' one last time. It was as if he were showing everyone in the room, "I've still got it and don't you forget it!" I was really struck at that moment by how truly majestic he was, what a 'king' he had always been in our family. For 13 years he maintained that position among all the cats, though some, like George and Oliver would routinely attempt to overthrow him, which always ended in a firm but fair reminder that 'today was not their day' and he would lift his big paw and push them down. They immediately knew each time that Tiger was still ruling the roost and would respectfully slink away.
On the night before he was PTS, George seemed to 'try' one last time and unbelievably, Tiger's paw found George's forehead and he reminded George that it was not yet his time.
Tiger was the only cat I've ever had that got along with everyone in the house. We've got cats that want to fight with other cats and they cannot be in the same room. We've got cats that get along with some of the other cats but are terrified of our dogs. We've got a cat that doesn't much care for any of the other animals in our house except herself (Sneakers of course!!). But Tiger got along with every single cat we have and every cat that we've ever had that has gone on to Rainbow Bridge (Jade, Honeybear, Koko, Chimney, Mr. Bones, Stewart, Beanie, Alexander and our old dog Smokey). He was very good friends as well with our two dogs Muddy and Finnigan and he would allow them to sniff and snurfle him until he was sopping wet with their doggy kisses.
I decided to bring Tiger to the vet on his soft microfleece blanket that he had been spending his last days and nights on rather than use a cage. He is normally very vocal when we are driving in the car but he sat on my lap and looked out the window and never made a sound. Of course, it was raining and I thought it was fitting that it was such a miserable day because that was how I felt. He watched all the trees whizzing by as my husband drove and I was a mess. I'm a mess writing this. We got to the ferry terminal and had a half hour wait for the boat to arrive. I was struggling through my explanation to him about where we were going and what was going to happen to him and about Rainbow Bridge and then my husband said "Lara, look!" and I looked up to see an enormous rainbow arching across the sky over the ocean. I burst into tears and felt such relief. To me it meant that he was going to be okay, that God was with us and waiting for him and that this was not the end, perhaps just the beginning. It was such a gift.
We got to the clinic and my husband said goodbye to Tiger. He was very sad. He had to stay with our dogs in the parking lot who were in the back of the truck because we were heading up North to see his parents afterward. (Muddy barks non-stop if he is left unattended). I walked around the back of the truck and opened up the canopy and let Muddy and Finnigan 'soak' Tiger one last time.
The vet, tech and receptionist were all so nice. They had become very familiar with Tiger over the past year and the receptionist had to leave the room after she said goodbye to Tiger because she started to get LES. My sweet boy was so quiet, I think he knew what was happening. The vet gave him a sedative and left me with him for a few minutes. I knew it was going to hit him fast so I kissed him on his forehead and looked him in the eye and told him how much I loved him and told him how sorry I was. I could see that his eyes were clouding and he was slipping away quickly. I told him to go and find Charlie at the Bridge and that I would be there someday too.
The vet came in and then gave him the injection and it was so fast and he was gone. They left me with him for a bit and I petted his fur and looked at his huge paws. I was reminded again by what a regal fellow he was as I looked at the perfect condition that his beautiful Maine Coon coat was in. This cat could barely swallow and for this reason, he was only lapping up tuna juice or gravy for the last week of his life but he never stopped grooming himself. He would spend hours taking care of that coat and I truly believe that it was very important to him to maintain his appearance and status right to the end. And indeed he did.
We had a 12 hour journey ahead of us and another ferry to catch afterward. Something happened on that trip that I will never forget for as long as I will live. Throughout that day we saw 3 more rainbows, one every 3 hours or so until it got dark. I thought to myself, "how many rainbows do I usually see in a year, let alone one day?!? Maybe 2 or 3 a year." I couldn't be sure if it was Tiger or God or both but it gave me such peace which I didn't expect to find that day.
I wanted to post on PT on Saturday when we got up here but my husband's parent's computer was down and we couldn't get on it until now. Sorry for the delay and sorry this is so long. We are driving home this afternoon and will be back by Tuesday a.m.
Thank you Candace for the very kind Tiger Tribute that you put together. It means a great deal and I looked at every picture and every video. As you said, Tiger threads only ever appeared in the Cat Health section so it seems fitting that his last thread be here too. Thank you everybody for all your support and suggestions and reading (Brody's Mom) over this past year. It has meant the world to me and helped Tiger to go on to have more time with us. I'm so grateful for that. He will be so missed and is dearly loved. My two favourite memories of him are images of him racing around our garden at our last home and climbing apple trees at an alarming speed only to bolt out of one to race up another! (this is when I used to let him go outside). The other memory is the look he had when he would run towards me from a distance when he was outside. He was so happy and his fur would all blow to one side, like a Lion's mane. I used to always think to myself that it looked like a scene out of a movie, like he was a star! :)
Run free Tiger, climb those trees and roll in the grass. I will see you again one day. :love:

This is one last clip of Tiger that is just 30 seconds long or so but it's fitting for this thread. He is walking outside and the sun is shining towards the camera and it becomes over exposed and he looks like he is walking into Heaven.
http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd102/emeraldcreek/th_MVI_3870.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/albums/dd102/emeraldcreek/?action=view&current=MVI_3870.flv)

08-04-2008, 11:33 AM
How sweet that that Rainbow appeared, just to let you know he would be okay. Rest in peace, Tiger boy. Your reign on Earth is over, but now you can establish your kingdom at the Rainbow Bridge, as I am sure there are some kitties looking for a leader there.

08-04-2008, 11:54 AM
This is a touching tribute to great King Tiger. I'll admit to shedding many tears as I read this and the video was exactly as you said, Lara; Tiger was walking into heaven. I'm sad for you and I'm glad for you. Sad that Tiger is no longer w/us in the flesh but glad that his travails are over. What a loving boy he was and you were the most loving family. RIP sweet Tiger and peace to you, Lara and hubby. A special candle burns for all of you. :love:

08-04-2008, 12:04 PM
That was such a beautiful tribute to Tiger. It truly touched my heart and I couldn't help but cry the whole way through. Tiger was a very special kitty who touched many. I can see that he was greatly loved and will be greatly missed. He was and will always remain in the hearts of PT. To the grieving family, I am so sorry for your loss. I can only hope all the wonderful messages you recieve her on PT can provide you some comfort. :love:

08-04-2008, 12:18 PM
I can barely see to type, I am so teary eyed. What a day that was on Friday, as if a Rainbow came down for Tiger to stroll up; or maybe he dashed up, like he used to do on the apple trees.

And that video is amazingly suitable for this thread.

Tiger knew love and kindness, way beyond what many cats know. And he showed compassion to others always getting along with his "subjects" in his Royal Realm. :D I have no doubt that he will soon have all the cats and other animals at RB under his kindly, firm paw.

I've followed along this past year, and my heart goes out to you and your family. Bless you for caring so much, and for facing the end so bravely for your King Tiger.

08-04-2008, 12:20 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. Tiger was one beautiful boy who lived a wonderful life because of you.

RIP sweet boy. You were truly loved and will be sorely missed

08-04-2008, 12:24 PM
It is through teary eyes that I say my good byes to a wonderful cat. Sleep Tiger......Your memories will live on.

08-04-2008, 12:35 PM
Oh, God. I cannot type. Goodbye sweet boy. Hugs to you that were left behind.


08-04-2008, 12:36 PM
What a wonderful tribute and throughout it I was also having major LES. Now Tiger is free from pain and able to play like a kitten again. He's touched so many people here and he'll always be missed but never forgotten. RIP sweet Tiger.:( My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

Ginger's Mom
08-04-2008, 12:40 PM
I must admit that I am not familiar with all that Tiger has gone through in the past year, but I do know that he was well loved, and will be sorely missed. I am bawling at my desk at such a sweet and loving tribute to a special boy. Run free and play at the bridge, Tiger.:(

08-04-2008, 12:42 PM
Not a dry eye over here, either. I`m so very sorry to hear that you had to let your beloved Tiger go. :( Your tribute to him is very beautiful, and the video was wonderful. I bet you will never see a rainbow again without thinking of Tiger, and what a more fitting way to remember your sweet boy than a gorgeous rainbow. I`m sure he was thanking you and letting you know it was going to be okay. It sounds like you sent him off in the nicest way possible. At least you were there to hold him and be with him until his very last moment, to let him know that he was free.

Rest in peace, sweet Tiger, you will never be forgotten. I`m sure the RB kitties will love you as much as you were loved here on earth. :love: {{Hugs}}

08-04-2008, 12:42 PM
I haven't cried this hard in a very long time. What a beautiful ending! Three rainbows!! Tiger was such a handsome boy. My Big Mo is so much like him. He too is a Maine Coon who most definitely rules this roost with an iron paw! I am so, so sorry for your huge loss! He was so blessed to have had such a wonderful life and loved so deeply.


08-04-2008, 12:52 PM
What a touching tribute to your beautiful Tiger! And it's so amazing that the rainbow appeared! My heart goes out to you and everyone who loved him.
He's now playing at the Bridge, young and free.

R.I.P. Tiger


08-04-2008, 01:59 PM
I am crying right now. Two weeks ago I was on Quadra (and had no idea you lived there)so I know what ferry you are talking about and know how the rainbow would look.
Sending all my best wishes to you and Tiger for his big journey which he started with so much dignity.

08-04-2008, 02:20 PM
What a beautiful tribute.

Rest in Peace sweet Tiger.

08-04-2008, 02:31 PM
Lara, You and Tiger have been in my thoughts and prayers. We all knew this day was coming but that doesn't make it any easier. I am soooo happy that you found some peace and the Rainbow story is, of course, amazing! Tiger was blessed to have the family he did and we all know he knew it :) I hope he finds my Rocky up at RB...they will be good pals. 2 kings :)

08-04-2008, 02:57 PM
I'm so sorry you had to let Tiger go. :( He was a gorgeous boy and sounded like a very good friend to the other kitties. I hope it will be a comfort to you that he's now free of pain, and had a wonderful long life with you. :)

You were there for him to say goodbye and you sent him off in style. The video clip was indeed like he walked across to the RB.

Tiger, you will missed very much, but never forgotten.

Rest in Peace, dear boy!

Big (((hugs))) .... my thoughts are with you.

08-04-2008, 03:39 PM
Thank you so much for sharing your sweet boy with all of us. It was very sad reading about his last day, but I thank you for allowing us to share that with you also. I'm glad that you were able to find some comfort during that long trip after going through such a sad thing. As I have said before, your dear Tiger was one of the very first stories that I started following when I joined PT, even though it was in the middle of it. I thought to myself that you were one very special person to go through the ferrys and flights and everything else to help your poor sick kitty. And I thought that the kitty must be very special to not only merit that kind of love but also to endure it. I was right about both. You are a very dear person, and I hope that you're able to remember the good times with Tiger and let them bring a smile to your face. At least you know that you did every single thing in your power to help him heal and to give him the best life that he could have. And not just at the end either. I am going to miss hearing about Tiger. (So that means you will have to be sure to post more about the other furkids now!) :love:

08-04-2008, 05:00 PM
Seems typical of King Tiger that he would give the scratching post one last mad attack, because he CAN. :)

I am glad that the rainbows gave you and your husband some comfort. But I am most glad that Tiger's journey to the vet, and then to the Bridge seemed so peaceful.

It doesn't take away the pain at all. But I hope all the words here, and Tiger's peacefulness, bring you some measure of comfort.

Tiger - bolt around all the apple trees you want, dearest boy! :love:

08-04-2008, 05:35 PM
A beautiful tribute for a beloved cat. Safe journey to the Bridge, Tiger.

08-04-2008, 06:34 PM
I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face. You've written with so much love and so much passion about Tiger, it just breaks my heart.

I'm glad that Tiger is in no more pain, I just wish he had be able to overcome the cancer. He is healthy, happy and energetic again at the bridge. I hope he is climbing those apple trees up there. :)

Sleep softly, sweet Tiger.

08-04-2008, 07:18 PM
Lara what a beautiful tribute to Tiger and my heart, along with many other Pet Talkers, aches for your loss and sorrow. I hope the rainbows will give you peace and comfort as they surely were a sign from God that Tiger is there in heaven smiling down on you and yours.

08-04-2008, 07:31 PM
By Now Tiger Angel Has His Wings Of Silver And Gold And Is The Guest Of Honor At His Iniatiation Party On James Bond Beach.
And Tonight At The Goldeneye Hotel There Will Be An All Night Party For Tiger Angel That He Will Remember, And This May Well Be The Luxury Hotel Where Tiger Angel And His Beloved Family Will Meet Again In Love Furrever.
One Fine Day.

08-04-2008, 07:47 PM
A very touching tribute...sleep softly, sweet Tiger...

08-04-2008, 08:14 PM
I'm so sorry. I'm afraid I cannot watch the video right at this moment because of LES. However, I will compose myself and return later because it sounds so touching.

RIP Tiger. Play free and hard at the bridge.

08-05-2008, 05:33 AM
Friday morning we all woke up and we let Tiger and his pals, Jimmy and Paddy into our bedroom. (they sleep next door to us). Tiger made a beeline for the cat scratching post and attacked it wildly. I couldn't believe it because he hadn't done that it in days, maybe a week and here a few hours before he was to go to RB he was scratching with more energy and delight than I had seen in months! For a moment I panicked and thought, "what have I done?! He looks good, I should cancel the euthanasia" but then, as if he could hear what I was thinking, he immediately lay down next to the tree and it was obvious that it had really taken every bit of strength he had to 'get that tree' one last time. It was as if he were showing everyone in the room, "I've still got it and don't you forget it!" I was really struck at that moment by how truly majestic he was, what a 'king' he had always been in our family. For 13 years he maintained that position among all the cats, though some, like George and Oliver would routinely attempt to overthrow him, which always ended in a firm but fair reminder that 'today was not their day' and he would lift his big paw and push them down. They immediately knew each time that Tiger was still ruling the roost and would respectfully slink away.
On the night before he was PTS, George seemed to 'try' one last time and unbelievably, Tiger's paw found George's forehead and he reminded George that it was not yet his time.
Tiger was the only cat I've ever had that got along with everyone in the house. We've got cats that want to fight with other cats and they cannot be in the same room. We've got cats that get along with some of the other cats but are terrified of our dogs. We've got a cat that doesn't much care for any of the other animals in our house except herself (Sneakers of course!!). But Tiger got along with every single cat we have and every cat that we've ever had that has gone on to Rainbow Bridge (Jade, Honeybear, Koko, Chimney, Mr. Bones, Stewart, Beanie, Alexander and our old dog Smokey). He was very good friends as well with our two dogs Muddy and Finnigan and he would allow them to sniff and snurfle him until he was sopping wet with their doggy kisses.
I decided to bring Tiger to the vet on his soft microfleece blanket that he had been spending his last days and nights on rather than use a cage. He is normally very vocal when we are driving in the car but he sat on my lap and looked out the window and never made a sound. Of course, it was raining and I thought it was fitting that it was such a miserable day because that was how I felt. He watched all the trees whizzing by as my husband drove and I was a mess. I'm a mess writing this. We got to the ferry terminal and had a half hour wait for the boat to arrive. I was struggling through my explanation to him about where we were going and what was going to happen to him and about Rainbow Bridge and then my husband said "Lara, look!" and I looked up to see an enormous rainbow arching across the sky over the ocean. I burst into tears and felt such relief. To me it meant that he was going to be okay, that God was with us and waiting for him and that this was not the end, perhaps just the beginning. It was such a gift.
We got to the clinic and my husband said goodbye to Tiger. He was very sad. He had to stay with our dogs in the parking lot who were in the back of the truck because we were heading up North to see his parents afterward. (Muddy barks non-stop if he is left unattended). I walked around the back of the truck and opened up the canopy and let Muddy and Finnigan 'soak' Tiger one last time.
The vet, tech and receptionist were all so nice. They had become very familiar with Tiger over the past year and the receptionist had to leave the room after she said goodbye to Tiger because she started to get LES. My sweet boy was so quiet, I think he knew what was happening. The vet gave him a sedative and left me with him for a few minutes. I knew it was going to hit him fast so I kissed him on his forehead and looked him in the eye and told him how much I loved him and told him how sorry I was. I could see that his eyes were clouding and he was slipping away quickly. I told him to go and find Charlie at the Bridge and that I would be there someday too.
The vet came in and then gave him the injection and it was so fast and he was gone. They left me with him for a bit and I petted his fur and looked at his huge paws. I was reminded again by what a regal fellow he was as I looked at the perfect condition that his beautiful Maine Coon coat was in. This cat could barely swallow and for this reason, he was only lapping up tuna juice or gravy for the last week of his life but he never stopped grooming himself. He would spend hours taking care of that coat and I truly believe that it was very important to him to maintain his appearance and status right to the end. And indeed he did.
We had a 12 hour journey ahead of us and another ferry to catch afterward. Something happened on that trip that I will never forget for as long as I will live. Throughout that day we saw 3 more rainbows, one every 3 hours or so until it got dark. I thought to myself, "how many rainbows do I usually see in a year, let alone one day?!? Maybe 2 or 3 a year." I couldn't be sure if it was Tiger or God or both but it gave me such peace which I didn't expect to find that day.
I wanted to post on PT on Saturday when we got up here but my husband's parent's computer was down and we couldn't get on it until now. Sorry for the delay and sorry this is so long. We are driving home this afternoon and will be back by Tuesday a.m.
Thank you Candace for the very kind Tiger Tribute that you put together. It means a great deal and I looked at every picture and every video. As you said, Tiger threads only ever appeared in the Cat Health section so it seems fitting that his last thread be here too. Thank you everybody for all your support and suggestions and reading (Brody's Mom) over this past year. It has meant the world to me and helped Tiger to go on to have more time with us. I'm so grateful for that. He will be so missed and is dearly loved. My two favourite memories of him are images of him racing around our garden at our last home and climbing apple trees at an alarming speed only to bolt out of one to race up another! (this is when I used to let him go outside). The other memory is the look he had when he would run towards me from a distance when he was outside. He was so happy and his fur would all blow to one side, like a Lion's mane. I used to always think to myself that it looked like a scene out of a movie, like he was a star! :)
Run free Tiger, climb those trees and roll in the grass. I will see you again one day. :love:

This is one last clip of Tiger that is just 30 seconds long or so but it's fitting for this thread. He is walking outside and the sun is shining towards the camera and it becomes over exposed and he looks like he is walking into Heaven.
http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd102/emeraldcreek/th_MVI_3870.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/albums/dd102/emeraldcreek/?action=view&current=MVI_3870.flv)
I felt so sorry for you when I read about tiger , but it sounds like you gave him your best and he did the same for you. Remember him with good memories and know as you said he will be waiting for you on the other side.

08-05-2008, 09:40 AM
Rest awhile fella. Peace. Say hi to all our furry friends at the Bridge.

Talk about tears......... such a sweet tribute to Tiger.


08-06-2008, 01:00 PM
I can barely see to type, I am so teary eyed. What a day that was on Friday, as if a Rainbow came down for Tiger to stroll up; or maybe he dashed up, like he used to do on the apple trees.
And that video is amazingly suitable for this thread.

Tiger knew love and kindness, way beyond what many cats know. And he showed compassion to others always getting along with his "subjects" in his Royal Realm. :D I have no doubt that he will soon have all the cats and other animals at RB under his kindly, firm paw.

I love the thought of him 'dashing up the rainbow'! Thank you.

And thank you to everyone who posted such beautiful and caring messages about Tiger as well as prayers for us. They have helped me so much in this time of sadness and now healing. They have also helped my husband too. I read him every single post and when I turned around to see if he was paying attention, I saw that he was crying. He's a tough guy so this was very touching and I know that this difficult time we are going through has been made alot easier for both of us because of all of you. And because we are able to better cope with this situation with the Pet Talk support, our remaining pets will benefit and it is a wonderful 'ripple' effect that reaches far and wide.
In fact this whole past year has been filled with hope and new energy because of the suggestions and support we both received here. I've never participated in a forum like this before and I'm so grateful that I found Pet Talk and all of the caring people who contribute here from all over the world.

It's hard to believe that Tiger has already been gone for almost 6 days. I have noticed that our other cats have been looking 'up' alot. I don't see anything that they could be focusing on so I've decided that it is Tiger and he has been visiting us. :)

I requested that Tiger be cremated and I expect to have his ashes back in a few weeks. I will sprinkle his ashes along with Charlie's around our Chestnut tree once I know for sure that we are not moving. Our listing expired yesterday with our realtor and the offer we had fell through. We had one last realtor come through here about an hour ago with a family and that is it. Providing they don't put an offer in, we are staying and I couldn't be happier. Our animals love it here and it is very well set up for them with all of their outdoor enclosures and many windows to enjoy views of the pond and listen to the owls and frogs and watch the passing deer. We are going to get one big mortgage to pay off our current 1st and 2nd and do our best to hang in there for as long as we can.

Though it isn't time right now, my husband has agreed to adopt another cat into our family. He said to me the other day "We are a 9 cat family! It feels strange with only 8!!" We both started laughing because we know how crazy that sounds. lol
He still misses Charlie so much as they were very close, so he is hoping that I will find a short haired orange and white fellow that needs rescuing. I'm going to start looking in a month or two at the shelters within a few hour range and hope to find our newest family member. The only kitten we've ever adopted was Stinky and that was over 7 years ago. I prefer to adopt adult cats that tend to get overlooked but part of me is wondering if a kitten is just what this family needs. I'm pretty sure that all of our cats will 'accept' a kitten and I could rotate him among the two groups and Sneakers and everyone could have someone new to love. My main concern is filling the hole in Jimmy's heart because he has suffered the most after losing his best friend in the world, Charlie and then his second best friend, Tiger. Paddy is definitely Jimmy's new wing man and they are fond of each other and sometimes groom each other but Paddy is sometimes independent and can spend hours alone on the deck and seems quite happy doing this. Jimmy wanders around crying because he is feeling lonely. He has also been waking us up at night with his crying because I'm guessing he is feeling sad and lonely. I get up and give him reassuring hugs which allows him to fall back asleep but I think having another four footed friend would really help him along. What Jimmy needs is a cat that is very snuggly and playful.
I pray that both Charlie and Tiger will help me in this search to find a cat that will bring healing to us all.
Thank you again everyone for taking the time to think about Tiger and our family. I cried so many tears when I read your posts and it made me feel very blessed. :love:

08-08-2008, 11:43 AM
Ohh... the rainbows... how touching!

08-08-2008, 11:54 AM
Thank you again everyone for taking the time to think about Tiger and our family. I cried so many tears when I read your posts and it made me feel very blessed. :love:

You are such an amazing person. I, personally, feel very blessed to have you in my life...even if it's online :)

08-08-2008, 11:00 PM
You are such an amazing person. I, personally, feel very blessed to have you in my life...even if it's online :)

Thank you so much Deb!! Ditto! http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd102/emeraldcreek/smileyguyblue.gif