View Full Version : We rescued him from Dairy Queen.

08-01-2008, 02:19 PM
We were pulling out of the drive thru last night after getting our ice cream and as we went around the back, he came running out from under where they have the dumpsters. We almost hit him.
I didn't want him to get run over so we brought him home..

I went inside the DQ after we got him to ask the people that worked there if they had seen any kittens running around... The girl said she saw him, and 3 others.. Another person had caught 2 of the other ones yesterday, and one of them got ran over unfortunately. :( I don't understand how the person caught 2 other ones but not him.. All I had to do was say "Come mere baby!" and he came waddling over to me.


He had fleas bad, so we gave him a bath..

He sounds a little congested and his eyes are running..

I called 3 different vets this morning and they ALL said they couldn't see him today.. One said we wouldn't be able to get an appt. until Wednesday of next week.. Another said Tuesday. But the last one I called set me up an appointment Monday...
My mom has some clavamox left over from one of her cats when she hurt her leg..
Do any of you know if it would be ok to give him that until we can get the vet appt. on Monday?

08-01-2008, 02:26 PM
Bless you and the little one. What a cutie

08-01-2008, 03:31 PM
What a darling baby kitty! It would have to be a tiny dose of Clavamox, but his eyes and nose are so red ... ask the veterinarian if you can dose him with Clavamox until he's seen, and how much to give. I wonder where his momma kitty is and I wonder how old he is. Hello there, baby kitty! I think your name should be Misty because you were found at the DQ ... Welcome little one.

08-01-2008, 03:38 PM
This is sort of unrelated, but....why is there clavamox left over from a previous prescription? It is VERY important to finish off antibiotic prescriptions COMPLETELY, even if the infection is gone before you finish.....not finishing antibiotic prescriptions is how we breed antibiotic-resistant bacteria!

That said, WHAT a cutie!! Is he going to stay on permanently? :D

08-01-2008, 03:48 PM
Awww, I love the markings on his head and his nose. I hope he checks out okay at the vet.

Are you keeping him? :D

08-01-2008, 04:20 PM
Oh my goodness, I just love his markings! I would call your vet or the emergency clinic and ask how much Clavamox to give him until he can be seen. Baby kittens wouldn't need much and he may not need it anyhow. Good luck and please keep us updated. He's adorable!

08-01-2008, 04:26 PM
Thanks for rescuing him. He sure is adorable and I hope that his vet exam goes well.:) I'd name him DQ or if he's a girl she could be named Queenie.;) I'd also call a vet and ask about giving him the clavamox before you give him any of it.

08-01-2008, 04:52 PM
This is sort of unrelated, but....why is there clavamox left over from a previous prescription? It is VERY important to finish off antibiotic prescriptions COMPLETELY, even if the infection is gone before you finish.....not finishing antibiotic prescriptions is how we breed antibiotic-resistant bacteria!

That said, WHAT a cutie!! Is he going to stay on permanently? :D

I am actually unsure why my mom never finished giving Angel her anti-biotics... She didn't actually have an infection, but the vet gave it to her as a precautionary thing because something got ahold of her and made a small hole in her leg.

I probably won't keep him.. Not saying for sure that we absolutely wont. But we will probably just get him well and wait until he is old enough to be neutered before we find him a home. He's a very sweet little boy, so we shouldn't have a problem finding him a home when/if we do..

08-01-2008, 05:08 PM

Does anyone see the outline of the cat he has on his back?


Check it out!

Tail, two legs and an ear!

08-01-2008, 05:25 PM
Does anyone see the outline of the cat he has on his back?


Check it out!

Tail, two legs and an ear!

Yeah, I see it too.:)

That looks like a VERY young kitten. Maybe 4-5 weeks. Sorry you weren't
able to get him a Vet check before Monday, but I hope he checks out as

Scooter's Mom
08-01-2008, 05:26 PM
Thank you for rescuing him. He's a cutie pie.

08-01-2008, 06:21 PM
What a sweet baby!!! I wouldn't give him anything until he sees the vet. Because he's so tiny (looks to be about 4 weeks) he's probably anemic from the fleas. I'm sure the vet will also hydrate him as I'm sure he's also dehydrated. He looks skinny.

Please keep us posted on his progress. Great job rescuing him! (or her)

08-01-2008, 06:41 PM
What a sweet little fellow, and we would check with the Vet as to waht you can give him. If they are close enough you can drop in, and ask if they can giive you something temporary for him, although they usually look at the Kitten first.
What a little Love Bug:love::love:, and The Found Cats all pray that you fail fostering and make him your very own.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/catphotos1118.jpgMoose Angel will be his Guardian Angel.
Here he is a few years ago with John Hancock.:cool::cool:

08-01-2008, 08:12 PM
We rescued a baby kitten ten days ago as today from the woods, with a bad case of URI, skinny and the worst case of ear mites I have ever seen!

For URI , she got a prescription of 1 ml. of a oral suspension of doxicillin 50mg/5ml. every twelve hours. But luckily your doesn't look nearly as bad.

For running eyes, I always clean them with a cloth soaked with saline solution or chamomilla tea.

08-01-2008, 09:02 PM
What a sweetie! Do I see extra digits on the front?

I would call an Emergency Vet to check on the Clavamox dose. Maybe even take him in there?

08-01-2008, 10:56 PM
His shadow is riding is back - "I'm not letting you out of my sight!" What a sweet little kitten.

Love, Columbine

08-01-2008, 11:08 PM
Does anyone see the outline of the cat he has on his back?
Check it out!
Tail, two legs and an ear!

I saw that too.. I told my mom that he had another kitten riding piggy-back.. :)

I think his URI is pretty bad though.. His eyes are matted up to where they are completely shut after he sleeps, and I have to clean them out.. This morning when I got up he had yellow gunk oozing out of one eye. :(

He seems to be acting normal and eating/drinking normally other than that though. He plays with anything that moves, he purrs at me everytime I go get him to hold him, he loves being held and chewing/sucking on my fingers.. He's a great little guy.. I just hope we can pull him through this.

08-01-2008, 11:19 PM
Well, just keep cleaning his eyes, doing warm compresses, that will make him feel a lot more comfortable. Poor little guy!

Hope the little guy will heal up and get better, and get a great home!

08-01-2008, 11:24 PM
I am sorry he is so sick. I have a kitten here that we rescued at the age of 4 1/2 wks. She had a very bad URI that she is still recovering from. The vet prescribed Clavamox and said to give her 0.1cc (or ml) every 12 hours. It is a small amount, but it is doing a great job. My vet said it is 0.1cc per pound. So if he is 2 pounds, give him 0.2cc. Make sure he eats high protien kittne food mixed with kitten formula to gain weight. The formula will give him extra calories, if you think he is about 7 wks (he looks about 4 or 5 though), you can give him stage 2 kitten formula. They also sell at the vet something called Nutri-Cal, it is a high calorie dietary supplement and is doing wonders on this girl as well as other cats and pups I have used it on before. Somebody mentioned a warm wash cloth with saline for his eyes, that should work great for the kit. I also use a heating pad for the kit at night, just on low to keep her body warm. She was very skinny though, emaciated actually. But it may help your little guy. Never know. I pray he gets better soon. I hope this helps a bit for you. Good luck and please keep us posted.

08-01-2008, 11:44 PM
We have another problem.. He hasn't gone #2 since we found him.. He has access to his litterbox all the time, and we have even taken him outside to the yard to try his business.. He has pee peed a few times, but his belly is starting to get hard from not going poo. :(

08-02-2008, 12:28 AM
Have you massaged his tummy?

08-02-2008, 08:45 AM
What a SWEETHEART, OMG love that little spot on his nose! Glad someone got the other 2, but too bad about the other little one. I'm so glad a PT'er picked this little cutie up! Sorry he is so sick, I hope he feels better soon. :( Living in or around a dumpster couldn't have been very good for his health.

08-02-2008, 08:46 AM
When I got "Baby Chestnut," he was also quite ill with this and that and his eyes looked like this baby. I didn't call for an appt., just showed up at my vet's office first thing the next morning (I knew they arrive at 7) No call, no appt. After the vet was done, I thanked him rpofusely for seeing us and he said, "well the baby was hurting he HAD to be seen. You did the right thing." I can't imagine making this wee one WAIT, grrr.

He sure is a sweetie! Maybe Peanut or Buster, or even Parfait, te hee (now you knwo what I order at DQ!) And don't be too harsh on the person who got the other 2 kittens. This one may have been skittish, seeing the others caught; may not have been as lonely as 24 hours later when you showed up. You know here on PT we often see felines picking their owners. There is a reason that other person didn't get this one and it may NOT be the person's fault.

08-02-2008, 11:08 AM
I know this is strange to be excited about, but he did finally go potty this morning! :)

My friends keep telling me he picked me too, and that's why the other person wasn't able to rescue him... He always purrs like a little motorboat every time he hears my voice. :love:

08-02-2008, 11:41 AM
What about naming him "motorboat"??? I think it fits him perfect. Glad he went poo.

08-02-2008, 12:39 PM
Thank you so much for rescuing him! Isn't he cute. :love: Give him a few pats from me. :)

08-02-2008, 11:25 PM
SO glad he went #2! lol Maybe it took a bit of time for his tummy to get full.:)

I haven't re-read this thread...did he get a vet visit yet?

Thank you for rescuing this little guy!

How about Shadowback for a name? ;)

08-02-2008, 11:37 PM
The only emergency vet even remotely close to here is 45 minutes away, and due to an unfortunate encounter with a deer, our car only has one headlight.. We had it fixed, but little fingers (aka: My niece) poked holes in the tape so water got in and now it doesn't work at the moment.

I work during the day, and Robin cannot drive... She is on too much pain medicine for her cancer. So the only time we could go is once it is already dark..
I am off on Monday, and our appt. is for 9 a.m. Monday morning.. I did however call the E-vet to ask about the Clavamox, and he said we could give him 0.1cc 2 x's a day. We weighed him on the food scale, and he weighed 1.1lbs. I told the vet that we would be taking him to our regular vet on Monday, and he said just make sure that we tell them he has been on the clavamox.

Here are some new pics of him.. His eyes aren't near as red and puffy as they were.. Also, his little eyes haven't been completely matted shut in the mornings anymore.

He sure is a sweetie! Maybe Peanut or Buster, or even Parfait, te hee (now you knwo what I order at DQ!)

That's what I ordered when we went.. I have been thinking of naming him either Buster, or Blizzard.. Since he looks like an oreo blizzard. :)

I am trying so hard not to let myself get attached.. Because I agreed no more pets. Just Deebo and Alize'.. But this little guy is definitely not making it easy.. If he is sitting with me and I am not paying enough attention to him, he will put his little paws on my face (and pat them on me) or lick me on my cheek..:love:

08-03-2008, 12:36 AM
molucass - I am sorry, I had forgotten that the nearest vet is kinda far, and the others are closed.

So glad his eyes are better...and he'll see the doc on Monday and get all checked out!

Buster Parfait - cause, as you know, parfait means perfect! :D

08-03-2008, 09:44 PM
He is still doing really good.. His eyes haven't been matted up AT ALL since we started giving him the clavamox.. His chest also doesn't sound as raspy.. I'm going to keep the vet appointment though so he can be checked out, but I just wanted to update that I think he is going to be ok! :)

08-03-2008, 11:03 PM

GREAT news! :D

08-04-2008, 01:07 AM
This is wonderful news!!:D I hope that his vet exam goes well tomorrow and that all he has is a mild URI. Good luck.:)

I think that Blizzard is a very cute name for him and maybe someone at the vets office might want to adopt him or they might know someone who's looking to adopt a kitten.:)

08-05-2008, 01:20 AM
He does have a slight respiratory infection.. The doctor said the clavamox was definitely helping, and he gave me some baytril to go along with the clavamox, just to be on the safe side, and to really kick it.
The vet says he appears to be around 4 1/2 weeks old.
The did bloodwork, and a fecal.. He was negative for FeLV and FIV. But he does have worms.. Tapeworms & roundworms. So he was given some worm medicine.
He's too young to have his first shots, or at least that's what they told us, so we have to wait a couple weeks before he can have them.

The vet techs really loved him.. He was chewing on their fingers like he does mine, but he kept trying to get away from them to get to me. At one point, they put him back on the examining table, and I was standing there next to it.. He climbed my shirt and started giving me head bumpies and purred sooo loud.. They thought it was so cute how much he already loves me when we've only had him a short while.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know how the vet visit went.. I'm going to make another post with a poll for a name for the little tyke.