View Full Version : I have a boo boo :(

08-01-2008, 12:14 PM
Stupid Dance dance revolution LOL

maybe I could sue LMAO

Well I have apparently suffered an injury. I didn't even realize it until the other day when more often than I would like I would step down and my knee would give out (mostly hyper extending in the process) during simple things like walking to the bed.

I haven't done any DDR since Friday since my knee kept giving out but thought that I would try some today. Well I only did it for about 15 minutes because it was really uncomfortable to be jumping around. since then my knee has been really sore.

It's sore RIGHT down the middle at the front AND at the back. having suffered a similar injury (not cause by DDR lol) Brian suggested that it is likely an ACL strain (not a tear) I have to agree.

This is in my left leg that I broke in two places and have always had issues with my knee on that side.

So... I'm out of commission for a while lol. he suggests (so as not to cause worse damage) that I lay off the DDR for a couple of weeks and ALWAYS wear a knee brace when I start doing DDR again.

so... do you think I could sue DDR?
LOL I'm kidding. there is no way I could win that even if I were silly enough to try lol. My big arse jumping around can only lead to disaster lol. and it was not due to a slip and fall... I actually haven't slipped yet while playing *knock on wood*

all I know is this really SUCKS and it's quite uncomfortable.


08-01-2008, 04:28 PM
Sorry about the knee.:( Do you do any warmups before your exercise
routine? It really will help avoid some problems. You can do stretches &
warmup both before and after the routine. It allows the muscles to be a
lot more flexable & sooths & cools down the muscles gradually afterwards.

08-01-2008, 04:48 PM
Sorry about the knee.:( Do you do any warmups before your exercise
routine? It really will help avoid some problems. You can do stretches &
warmup both before and after the routine. It allows the muscles to be a
lot more flexable & sooths & cools down the muscles gradually afterwards.

Well I do the beginner setting on DDR to warm up because it really is just slow steps lol and then I do some of that at the end too. but that's the extent of how I warm up.

I will definitely be more vigilant in the future and make sure I am fully warmed up.

but I am limited as far as what stretches I know. I can't remember highschool gym class lol.

what are some good ones that will stretch through the knee area?

08-01-2008, 04:54 PM
What's DDR?

Hope your knee will get better soon!


08-01-2008, 11:21 PM
What's DDR?

Hope your knee will get better soon!


sorry lol...

it's Dance Dance revolution.

it's a game that comes with a pad and you follow the arrows on the screen and dance according to what the arrows say. it can get REALLY difficult lol. I am still on Basic (a level up from beginner but infinitely as difficult) and I am glad I learned my lesson so early on to wear a brace lol.

It really is A LOT of fun and AMAZING exercise at the same time.

thank you for the well wishes :)

08-02-2008, 09:01 AM
Here's a few warmup exercises you could do. My brother & his whole family
are really into running & swimming, tennis,etc My neice also works in sports
medicine, so I hear all the best tips.:p (not that I do all of them,but still)


08-02-2008, 09:06 AM
I feel for you! One time I went to play some DDR at an arcade and was challenged to do a song on HARD :eek:. I completed it but I pulled a mucile in my butt :o
I couldn't walk right for a week lol.
Get to feeling beter and make sure you warm up first! ;)

08-02-2008, 10:49 AM
Thank you DJ I will :)

Lizbud. thank you for the link :D it will really help since I'm pretty clueless these days about stretching and what not lol.