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07-30-2008, 01:24 PM

Meet Princess Chunk, a 44-pound hunk of feline flesh, a cat so big that she needs a bathtub for a litter box.

Volunteers at a New Jersey animal shelter are trying to find a new home for the corpulent kitty - a really big home.

PHOTO GALLERY: 44-Pound Fat Cat

PHOTO GALLERY: New York Post Readers' Fat Cats

Officials at the Camden County Animal Shelter in Blackwood say they received the cat Saturday from Animal Control after she was found wandering around outdoors with no ID tags.

As hard as it is to fathom, volunteers think her owner might have lost her, which is as difficult a possibility to imagine as, well, as a 44-pound cat.

"I mean, how do you lose a 44-pound cat?" said shelter volunteer Deborah Wright.

Wright told the Camden Courier Post that volunteers named the cat Captain Chunk until they realized it was a girl.

It was probably hard to tell.

Usually when people talk about fat cats in New Jersey, they are talking about members of the state legislature. Or extras in a "Sopranos" shoot.

But when this portly pussycat came waddling along, they knew they had something different on their hands.

"She was probably fed table scraps, or may have a thyroid problem," Wright said.

Veterinarians say a healthy cat should weigh between 10 and 12 pounds, and that Princess Chunk's condition could be a combination of bad genetics and way too much Meow Mix.

The largest tabby on record tipped the scales at 46 pounds, 15 ounces. That cat, who lived in Australia, died in the 1980s at about age 10.

The Guinness Book of World Records dropped its category for overweight cats, fearing some fat-head feline owner would jeopardize a pet's health in a bid to break the record.

Wright said she isn't interested in breaking records - or her scale. She'll put Princess Chunk on a diet of low-fat Purina and 1 percent milk, and definitely no lasagna. (Look what that did for Garfield.) Also, Princess will get plenty of cat toys to start exercising.

"I'm about to put a leash on her and walk her," Wright told the paper. "She could pass for a dog."

Princess Chunk's owner, who by now may have been eaten into the poorhouse, has until the end of the week to claim her, after which the cat will be eligible for adoption.

"She's laid-back and friendly," Wright said. "We just hope someone loving will adopt her."

07-30-2008, 01:30 PM
That poor kitty! I know some people think an extra-fat cat is extra cute, but that's just dangerous to her health!

07-30-2008, 01:34 PM
I wonder what happened to the owner??? I mean, I doubt the cat "zipped" out the door and ran off. Can she even run?? I wonder if the owner was old and passed away, and they tossed the cat out the door? It's just odd to think that a 44lb cat would just be wandering the streets and no one is missing her.

I hope they can get her on a good diet and lose weight gradually. I know Cal and Zach are large boys, but they're not even 1/2 of her weight! :eek:

07-30-2008, 01:52 PM
I've said it many times on here...I LOVE big kitties. But WOW!! She sure is a cutie though. I'm sorta hoping the owners do not claim her so she can get heathly and go to a home that wouldn't let her get like that again.

07-30-2008, 02:08 PM
I can just hear her now: "But really -- I'm just big boned!"

Poor gal -- she weighs almost as much as all THREE of mine put together -- and both of my boys are shopping in the "husky" section as well. I hope that wherever she ends up living, she's able to get to a somewhat healthier size.

07-30-2008, 02:33 PM

It's so sad. If they find the owner, they should be charged with animal abuse. That poor kitty. Princess Chunk indeed.

smokey the elder
07-30-2008, 02:50 PM
Poor Princess! Sometimes cats just get huge. Most of my cats are a pretty good weight. But my foster Nutmeg, who I had since 4 months, is just a butterball. I never see her eat (she's semi-feral).

07-30-2008, 03:11 PM

Ginger's Mom
07-30-2008, 03:35 PM
Aside from her overly large size, she is a very pretty cat. Oh Pam...are you looking at this pretty girl?

07-30-2008, 03:53 PM
Poor kitty! :(

And I thought Luna was fat! *sigh*


07-30-2008, 07:16 PM
This poor, sweet kitty was in the Trenton newspapers today and I pray that her foster will get her to a good vet immediately if not sooner. I work for the state with several other animal lovers and Princess was a very hot topic especially after we saw her on the state web page. This adorable kitty deserves only the best of veterinary care and a home that meets PT standards so she can enjoy the happy and HEALTHY life she rightly deserves. Personally, I find myself absolutely furious that her previous owners allowed this to happen! :mad: Many prayers are being prayed for Princess to get the veterinary care she needs and there will be no long term health problems.

07-30-2008, 07:20 PM
I am SO glad this girl was found and she can now start to get healthy!

What a pretty kitty! :)

I am SO glad the Guinness Book cut out the fat kitty competition. I hope some pet owners smarten up!

07-30-2008, 09:10 PM
This is so sad.:( I hope that her new diet will help her lose the weight that she needs to lose and that she'll be able to be adopted by a much more responsable pet owner.

07-30-2008, 11:25 PM
I was starting to worry about Patrick Henry who has just hit 14 pounds!:D

07-31-2008, 08:33 AM
I just saw Princess Chunk on the Regis & Kelly Show. It seens "she" is a "he" and his name is Powder and he is 7-10 years old - his foster and vet accompanied him to the show. They found that the owner was an elderly lady that was moving and just turned him loose in the streets. SHAME-SHAME-SHAME on her. How could she do that???? Such a beautiful and mellow kitty. People are lining up to adopt him - I'm sure he will be loved and PROPERLY cared for the rest of his life. You go Powder - such a celebrity you are!!! :love::love::love:

07-31-2008, 10:01 AM
I, too, saw Powder on the Regis and Kelly show this morning! He seems like a very lovable kitty and I am sure he will be adopted in no time at all. The foster mom said that he eats regularly, not huge amounts, so the first thing they are going to do is bloodwork and check the thyroid! I was amazed when the vet was asked to determine the sex and Powder just laid there, on his bakc with all four legs spread apart! :eek: Neither of my cats would do that! Yes, shame on his elderly owner for putting him out, but he obviously was loved :love: and well cared for... except for the weight issue. I am anxious to hear more about this sweet guy!

Don Juan's mom
07-31-2008, 01:59 PM
According to a story today on Philly.com, the owner's house was foreclosed. She was able to re-home another cat, but couldn't find a place for "Powder." :(

I saw a documentary on fat pets on the National Geographic channel, which featured a "fluffy" tuxedo in the UK, with loving and responsible owners. The vet determined that the cat had a very low metabolism, and prescribed an exercise regimen. So, we were treated to shots of the husband trying to get the big guy to chase some teasers. Said he hadn't worked so hard since he went through firefighter training. :D


Ginger's Mom
07-31-2008, 02:25 PM
He really is a handsome boy, and I am glad to hear that he has a name, and that people are taking such an interest in him. So how long was this boy out on his own, does anyone know. Man, if I could take a cat, this one has sure grabbed my heart.

07-31-2008, 02:51 PM
I believe I read that he was only on his own for a few days. His owner still did the wrong thing by turning out into the streets. But - lucky for him he was found before anything bad happened to him - and now he has become an overnight world-wide celebrity. A happy ending is what counts here,:love::D

07-31-2008, 03:04 PM
Usually when people talk about fat cats in New Jersey, they are talking about members of the state legislature. Or extras in a "Sopranos" shoot. "
Sorry you have this erroneous perception about my home state, you're misguided on both counts!!!! Check out the New Jersey Homepage for a better understanding of what our legislators and those of us who live and work here are REALLY about. And please remember, while The Sopranos is a great TV show that's ALL it is... a tv show!!! I've NEVER heard it put so poorly or inaccurately!!!!!!!! Pretty offensive

07-31-2008, 03:40 PM
awww....sweet Powder Puff! At least she had a good name for him (well, not the 'puff' part).

He looks healthy, and hopefully will have many more happy and healthy years with a new furrever home and lifestyle!:D

08-01-2008, 07:57 AM
Aside from her overly large size, she is a very pretty cat. Oh Pam...are you looking at this pretty girl?

hehe! Joyce! This happened right in my own town. Here is the latest link from our local TV station's coverage of the story. Kitty's human went through foreclosure and turned her over to friends and has no idea how kitty wound up in an animal shelter.


08-01-2008, 12:14 PM
Sorry you have this erroneous perception about my home state, you're misguided on both counts!!!! Check out the New Jersey Homepage for a better understanding of what our legislators and those of us who live and work here are REALLY about. And please remember, while The Sopranos is a great TV show that's ALL it is... a tv show!!! I've NEVER heard it put so poorly or inaccurately!!!!!!!! Pretty offensive

I hope you realise that this wasn't written by pitc9. It's a quote of
someone else's written article.:)

Don Juan's mom
08-04-2008, 03:19 PM
story (www.philly.com/inquirer/breaking/news_breaking/20080804_Prince_Chunk_has_a_new__and_undisclosed__ home_and_a_vet_appointment.html)

08-08-2008, 12:54 PM
He's been officially adopted & a very lucky cat. He has no other medical
issues but his weight.:)


08-08-2008, 01:22 PM
Good news!

With 400 homes to weed through, I am sure they found a very responsible home. Who knows, maybe the other two cats could use a high-protein, low-carb diet too! :)

08-08-2008, 02:26 PM
Sorry you have this erroneous perception about my home state, you're misguided on both counts!!!! Check out the New Jersey Homepage for a better understanding of what our legislators and those of us who live and work here are REALLY about. And please remember, while The Sopranos is a great TV show that's ALL it is... a tv show!!! I've NEVER heard it put so poorly or inaccurately!!!!!!!! Pretty offensive

I know this was a while ago, but as Liz said... I did not say that.
That was the news article I had posted.

Thanks Liz!

08-10-2008, 05:22 PM
That although Powder has found a new home, NONE of the 500 people wanting to provide him with a new home were interested in looking at the 200+ cats left in the shelter where Powder was fostered. :mad: I can't believe that! It's like 499 people just wanted him to exploit him as some kind of freak show - how can you want one cat simply because of the media attention he's been given? Very sad reflection on some people's natures. Glad that Powder is going to a loving home.

08-10-2008, 06:59 PM
That although Powder has found a new home, NONE of the 500 people wanting to provide him with a new home were interested in looking at the 200+ cats left in the shelter where Powder was fostered. :mad: I can't believe that! It's like 499 people just wanted him to exploit him as some kind of freak show - how can you want one cat simply because of the media attention he's been given? Very sad reflection on some people's natures. Glad that Powder is going to a loving home.

I think for sure that was true of a lot of people, but I hate to think that
they ALL did.:(

Maybe they should start featuring adoptable cats on TV more often. It's
often true that once people see the cats & hear a little about them, they
are more likely to check them out in person. Some of our local TV stations
have a feature on the noon news with a VET & cats or dogs from local

08-10-2008, 08:31 PM
I think for sure that was true of a lot of people, but I hate to think that
they ALL did.

No, I doubt that the rest of the people who expressed an interest in Powder would be like that but it still seems unbelievable that they wouldn't be interested in any of the other cats. I agree about the idea for featuring more pets in the general media - luckily here in NZ one of our main news & media websites has a section dedicated to pets & animals, and has a regular column for pets looking for homes (in conjunction with the SPCA). I have seen some shelter websites who make videos of the pets for adoption in their shelters with someone providing a voiceover of the pet's history & personality. (Makes me cry watching them!)

Ginger's Mom
08-10-2008, 08:33 PM
That although Powder has found a new home, NONE of the 500 people wanting to provide him with a new home were interested in looking at the 200+ cats left in the shelter where Powder was fostered. :mad: I can't believe that! It's like 499 people just wanted him to exploit him as some kind of freak show - how can you want one cat simply because of the media attention he's been given? Very sad reflection on some people's natures. Glad that Powder is going to a loving home.

Please print a link to the article that said that. I doubt that they called all of the 500 people, so I don't know how they can say that none of the people were willing to provide a new home to another cat. After learning that Powder found a home, some may, indeed, have gone to a shelter to get another cat.

08-10-2008, 08:42 PM
It's from one of our major newspaper websites - The New Zealand Herald (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/category/story.cfm?c_id=500834&objectid=10526186&ref=rss).

08-10-2008, 10:32 PM
I just emailed the Camden Shelter to get an update from them. Hopefully I will hear soon if Prince Chunk's case did increase the number of kitties (and even doggies) adopted.

PT Prayers going out!:)

Ginger's Mom
08-11-2008, 05:55 AM
Thanks for posting that. It is extremely unfortunate that the employee at the shelter said that. One of my co-workers filled out an application for Powder, and she is now getting another cat from the shelter. I suppose she could be the only one out of thousands, but I would hope not.

08-11-2008, 08:37 AM
I heard that Princess Chunk got a home. They aren't disclosing the new adopters for fear of too much media publicity.

Have a wonder life girl. You certainly deserve it!!:love:

It's a damn shame that none of the hundreds of applicants wanting to adopt Princess didn't open their hearts to one of MANY other shelter cats so deserving of a loving home. Shame on them.

08-11-2008, 09:37 AM
I got a reply via email this morning from Michelle, one of the volunteers:

from CamdenCounty AnimalShelter <[email protected]>
to Candace C
date 11 August 2008 05:57
subject Re: The other 399 applicants for Prince Chunk... :-)
mailed-by yahoo.com
Signed by yahoo.com

hide details 05:57 (2 hours ago)

Hi Candace,

Unfortunately..as hard as we tried..we did not see much of an increase in adoptions. On Friday..just one week after the story aired..we were frantically trying to free up 6 cages so that we didn't have to PTS anyone. We ended up sending some kittens to another shelter in our county that had some space. We really had hoped that it would bring in much needed funds or increase adoptions but sadly all that people really seemed to be interested in was that one cat.


How sad and maddening! :mad: I am glad that SOME people are adopting - your friend is a real blessing, Ginger's Mom - I wonder if the other people who didn't would have been PO'd that they would have had to remain anonymous at the end. No fame via a cat! :mad:

Prayers that all the fur babies everywhere get a good furrever home!

Don Juan's mom
08-11-2008, 02:37 PM
Susan Goldston, who writes a weekly pets column in the San Jose Mercury News, remarked on Powder's case that people often want to adopt pets with a "story." We have a very sad animal abuse case in our area, involving a man who was running an unlicensed dog breeding business in his rural home. Apparently, hundreds of people have offered to adopt the dogs and puppies rescued from the filth and neglect, but were less interested in considering one of the other dogs in the shelter.


11-27-2010, 09:17 PM
RIP :(


N.J. media sensation 'Prince Chunk' cat dies
Published: Saturday, November 27, 2010, 8:15 AM Updated: Saturday, November 27, 2010, 12:53 PM
The Associated Press The Associated Press

GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP — An enormously fat cat named Prince Chunk who became famous when he was found wandering in New Jersey after his owner lost her home to foreclosure has died.

Prince Chunk's adoptive owner, Vince Damiani of Blackwood, said the white tabby died in his sleep Sunday. He was about 10 years old. Damiani said a veterinarian had diagnosed the cat with heart disease.

Prince Chunk skyrocketed to fame in August 2008 after the Camden County Animal Shelter, which took him in, reported that he weighed 44 pounds, just shy of a world record.

Damiani believes that estimate may have been somewhat exaggerated. He said Prince Chunk weighed 22 pounds when he brought the cat home from the shelter.

He soon became a media sensation, appearing on "Good Morning America," ''Live with Regis and Kelly," the covers of the New York tabloids and in People magazine.

The Damiani family was chosen from among 500 applicants to adopt him.

The pet's plight inspired the Damianis to establish the Prince Chunk Foundation, a nonprofit that helps financially distressed pet owners keep their animals. The foundation operates in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and California.

Its mission is to prevent animal homelessness by providing temporary assistance to dog and cat owners, including free emergency vet care and pet food, Damiani said.

11-28-2010, 11:30 AM
That is sad! :( Only 10 years old, but I guess it's no surprise that his heart gave up... :(

RIP, poor kitty! He looked so friendly and sweet in the pics!