View Full Version : Shake, Rattle and Roar #3

09-04-2002, 04:26 PM
Time for another Shake Rattle and Roar! The first one continues to
generate a great response. All of the emails that were sent to Tom
Baurele were the subject of a national magazine article about talk
radio! We have not had a response from Don Imus yet but we do note that
there has not been a Lancaster County ad on his show recently.

This month's Issue of Pet Business has an interesting article about a
petstore in New York State. The article is called "Only The Best of
Everything" The store is Steve's Wonderful World of Pets in
Williamsville, NY. The article states that the owner Steve Lane didn't
initially want to carry puppies because "it can be a nonstop problem"
but he goes on to say that once he decided to carry puppies "they
really drive our business." He sells 500 puppies a year.

Mr. Lane states in the article that his philosophy is to be the best.
Wonder where a store that prides itself on being top notch and only
carrying the very best of everything gets the puppies that drive their
business? Hunte. Mr. Lane explains how he and his staff vet went to
Hunte in Missouri to see the operation and be trained. The thing that
he doesn't say is whether he saw the parents of the puppies that are
sold by Hunte. We doubt that he did. Every Hunte ad that we have seen
talks about how the puppies are cared for. We have never seen a Hunte
ad that talks about the conditions for the parents of all those puppies
they sell. Wonder why they don't want to advertise those conditions?

The webpage for Steve's Wonderful World of Pets (www.stevespets.com)
says that they believe that the human animal bond is an important one
and their mission is to encourage that and help people better care for
their pets. Wonder who he thinks is caring for the parents of the 500
puppies he sold last year. Wonder who he thinks has a bond with them.

Mr. Lane needs to be educated. Please email Mr. Steve Lane at
[email protected] and ask him to look at the breeders name on the
AKC paperwork that he has and randomly visit the breeders without
notice. Tell him about the horrific conditions in the mills. Tell him
that petstores should not sell puppies. People who have experience with
Hunte dogs should tell him about those puppies. Tell him that you will
never buy anything at his store until he stops selling puppies. Tell
him that the fact he sells puppies is going to drive business away from
him. Mr. Lane states that his personal quote is "The great reality is
found within. In the last analysis it is only there that it may be
found." Mr. Lane needs to look within himself and discover the reality
of misery and suffering and ultimately compassion.

Please forward to every person and egroup that might be interested.

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we will immediately remove your name from the list.

Thanks so much for your very important work! You are making a big
difference for the dogs.

Hearts United for Animals