View Full Version : Rusty's not good

07-29-2008, 07:11 AM
He has been limping around lately, and its been for awhile. My parents thought he just sprained his foot and he'd be fine. But its been a long time.. So they were planing to take him to the vet this afternoon. But last night, he sat in the same place all night, and didn't get up to even get water. So he just left for the vet, he wouldn't get up. So my parents tried picking him up, and he'd yelp like crazy. So they got a boogie board and got him on top of it, and brought it out to the car. He's now at the vets, and I don't know what could be wrong and what is gunna happen. :(:(:(:(

07-29-2008, 07:49 AM
Jenna, I'm sorry. :( I don't know what could be wrong but I hope it's nothing. I have work today but maybe I'll call you on break if you want me to.

4 Dog Mother
07-29-2008, 08:09 AM
I am sorry that Rusty has something wrong. I hope the vets will be able to give you some answers and that whatever is wrong they can fix up easily. You and your pup will be in my thoughts and prayers.

07-29-2008, 08:37 AM
Okay, so this might be all scrambled and confusing since I wasn't on the phone with my mom. It was my dad, but they had to take him in on a stretcher. They couldn't find anything wrong with him. They said that he is husky and german shepard. German shepards have problems with like there hips and necks. So there might be something wrong with one of them, so they are keeping him overnight. If it is his neck or hips, they'd have to give him some shot *not sure of the name* every so often to relieve the pain. So i'm hoping everything will be fine, and he'll come home good as new soon without any problems.

07-29-2008, 08:40 AM
So sorry to hear this. I really hope that everything is going to be fine.

Lots of prayers being headed his way.

Ginger's Mom
07-29-2008, 08:42 AM
Hope the vets can run some tests and find out what Rusty's problem is so that he can be fixed up good as new. He will be in my thoughts.

07-29-2008, 09:23 AM
Oh the poor thing!
I hope someone can find out what's wrong with him!

07-29-2008, 09:53 AM
Lets just hope he is fine. I mean if they can't do anything, there is not much to do. He can't live sitting on the floor in the same spot all day, not wanting to eat, take a walk, and not even be able to get up for that matter.

My dad thinks its his neck, because like 2 weeks ago he jumped off the bed and yelped. Then he had been limping on and off, then my dad thought he was good and took him for a walk and he started limping again. I mean we are not the doctors, so we can make as many guesses as what could have caused it but its not going to help.

My mom said he was able to get to the office inside the waiting room inside, and was just laying on the floor. Then theres a ramp in there that leads up to the rooms, and he couldn't get up it. So my mom and the nurse tried putting him on some sling thing and each took one end, but they couldn't get up the ramp. So they had to get a doggy strencher for him.

They think he'll be able to come home tonight, or tommorow. I think its going to be tommorow though.

Thanks guys for thinking about us, keep the thoughts coming. Hopefully he'll be just fine.

Pawsitive Thinking
07-29-2008, 10:00 AM
Bless him - I will be thinking of you

07-29-2008, 10:28 AM
I am hoping Rusty will be all fixed up at the vets and home with you soon.

07-29-2008, 12:15 PM
I will keep Rusty in my prayers. I hope the vet can find the problem so that he can help him be more comfortable. Keep us posted.

07-29-2008, 04:56 PM
So Rusty is doing better now. They took x-rays, and he has a disk that is popping out on his side. The doctors gave him some sterioid shot that will reduce the swelling (not sure what it is), and some pain killers till that comes into effect. He might come home tommorow, or maybe the next day. My mom went to go visit him, and he was acting more like himself. He got up *he was inside a cage*, and was wagging his tail hitting the metal bars making a big booming sound and all the vets were laughing.

They said that the worst thing that could happen would be in a few years once he is older (14,15,16) and starts to not be able to stand anymore he'd have to have an operation. Which wouldn't be a guarantee it'd work since he'd be older.

They said the disk will heal, after 6 weeks or so. But he has to rest at home and not be able to take walks. He also can't be running around in the backyard chasing animals. Then when he does go out, he has to be on a harness so the collar isn't around his neck pulling away as he goes too far. Then once he starts to heal more, he can go on small walks.

They said they're not sure what caused it, but it would have happened sooner or later because they were bolgging out. They said it could be anything from chasing squirrels in the backyard to rolling over in his sleep, so we couldn't have avoided it.

Hopefully when he comes home, he'll know his limits. And not go on the bed, since it could hurt him when he trys making the jump off. I mean usually he would care if we would trying putting him on a boogie board, let alone picking it up and carrying it outside. I think he knew, we were trying to help him and he was in so much discomfort (the doctors said it wasn't pain, more like discomfort from the disk) that he just let us do whatever. Also my mom said when at the vets when he was trying to go up the ramp with the sling he was willing to try and walk up it but he just knew he couldn't make it up.

Ah, and this is horrible timing too since today is my dad's birthday, and he had to worry about Rusty all day.

07-29-2008, 05:13 PM
I am very glad to hear it is something that is fixable (if at least for a few years). I bet you can't wait to get him home. Good luck with the task of not letting him run. That would prove to be very difficult for me. :)

07-29-2008, 07:13 PM
Pawsitive thoughts and prayers that Rusty is feeling better soon.

Ginger's Mom
07-29-2008, 09:37 PM
I hope Rusty is feeling better soon. Happy Birthday, Dad.

07-29-2008, 10:27 PM
Poor Rusty! Bad backs in hoomans is just as bad in our pups.

Mz Logan's cuzin, Gizmo, the Beagle, had the same symptoms as Rusty a few month's ago. After the steroid shot, oral steroids and pain killers, and lots of rest (try that with a beagle :rolleyes:), he's as good as new. He seems to know his limits (smarter than skin people).

Chill out for a while, Rusty. I know it's hard, but it's too hot to do anything anyway. Enjoy lots of loving and treats and belly rubs!
I'm glad you're feeling better!

07-29-2008, 10:49 PM
Might this help?


Look it over carefully. It might at least reduce the amount of meds he needs?

Human chiropractors can use a "cherry picker" to adjust, which is gentler than a manual adjustment. Or there is the Pro-Adjuster (which I LOVE), but I don't know if it's available for pets.

Here's the list from NJ:
Deborah Buzby-Cope DC
Little Egg Harbor NJ
609-294-2700 [email protected]

David Hirsch DVM
Cape May Courthouse NJ
609-465-5590 [email protected]

Kathleen Schappel-Lackey DVM
Jackson NJ
732-367-4844 [email protected]

Rosemary Manziano DVM
Colts Neck NJ

Carole Edwards DC,DVM
Frenchtown NJ

Jason Lewis DC
Point Pleasant NJ
908-783-7738 [email protected]

Amy Peterson DVM
Califon NJ

Marc Sommer DC
Pompton Lakes NJ
973-838-2106 [email protected]

There is also hydro(water) therapy for dogs, as well as physio, etc.

I hope Rusty is better soon! :-)

07-30-2008, 06:30 AM
Will say a prayer for Rusty's recovery.

4 Dog Mother
07-30-2008, 08:59 AM
Glad they found a reason for Rusty's problems. Now the trick will be to get him to enjoy resting and not running and jumping. Will continue to pray for Rusty.

07-30-2008, 11:14 AM
Thanks guys.

My mom called the vet this morning, and they said Rusty is up and walking around. They said for her to call later at 3, to see if he isn't in any pain and can come home. :)

07-30-2008, 09:08 PM
He's home now :D

He just isn't acting too much like himself, since he probably didn't sleep much last night and the shot might have made him sleepy. He doesn't have much of an appitite ethier, we tried giving him roast beef and steak which he didn't eat. But he did eat some chicken my mom gave him, we also tried giving him ice cream cake from my dad's birthday but he didn't want any.

07-30-2008, 09:10 PM
It's good to hear Rusty is home now! Maybe he'll feel a bit better tomorrow.

08-02-2008, 06:02 AM
So more thoughts about Rusty. He has been getting better, but this morning he wasn't feeling too good. He is always thirsty, then goes outside, comes in, drinks a bowl of water, and goes out again, basically repeating process.

08-02-2008, 07:47 AM
Maybe just an off day? Rusty is still in my thoughts and prayers.

08-03-2008, 04:42 PM
I have no idea, he was fine, he was doing good. Now he doesn't want to eat (even steak.. which he hasn't ever refused), he hasn't eaten in 2 days. He only drinks water..
& lately he has been painting heavily all day long as if he just went out on a long walk.

We have to give him peptobismol now, because the medicine upset his stomach and he threw up all night on friday. He also won't take his medicine now ethier :/.

He might have to go into the vet again, in a few days if he doesn't start eating again and what not.

There are some things that shows him being normal again....but there is also unnormal things. Like he went outside today on the leash, and yesterday he acted slightly normal and happy when he saw my friends over.

Ugh, I really hope he gets better

08-03-2008, 04:58 PM
I'm just guessing here ('cause I'm clearly no vet or anything close to it), but you said he lost his appetite and was breathing heavy and drinking lots of water? I'm wondering if maybe the meds you mentioned he was prescribed could have possibly made him thirsty and sorta druggy. Also, I've read that dogs can encounter thyroid problems which can make them lose their appetite and make them feel not motivated to do anything. And I remember when I gave Tatum benadryl for her itchy skin (my vet recommended it) it ended up making her stay up all night breathing heavy.

Hope this may help.

08-03-2008, 09:10 PM
Well he's probably going to the vet again tommorow.

08-03-2008, 09:31 PM
I will keep Rusty in my prayers.

08-03-2008, 10:43 PM
So more thoughts about Rusty. He has been getting better, but this morning he wasn't feeling too good. He is always thirsty, then goes outside, comes in, drinks a bowl of water, and goes out again, basically repeating process.

Sounds like it may be a reaction to steroids. Even in humans, it makes you pee all the time, hence drink more. But I've heard they also make you ravenous with hunger. Of course I'm not a vet, so I hope yours can determine why Rusty still doesn't feel so good. I'm so sorry. I know your heart is breaking that he's not himself. Sending Rusty get well kisses!

08-04-2008, 04:00 PM
So as soon as my mom came home to bring him to the vet, he was happier and was wagging his tail when she got home to bring him. He also came home, and didn't need to stay again. Earlier on the phone they said if he wasn't good, they'd re-admit him.

They took his temperture he was fine, no blood in stool and such. They gave him another shot, and he growled and snapped when they tried giving it in his leg. (Which makes him seem better, considering the last shot he got he didn't react to) He also tried going after some little dog (not that, that is a good thing, but it shows he is his normal dog hating self lol)

The heavy breathing was because of slight pain or discomfort.

They said to see how he is feeling my wednesday now. We also have to make sure he doesn't come upstairs, because last time when he came home he ran right up them. Until then he can take some medicine tommorow, but no more pepto bismol unless he is throwing up again..

08-05-2008, 04:30 PM
How's Rusty doing?

08-05-2008, 08:47 PM
He's alright, not too good, but fine. He ethier peeded or threw up this morning, we found some liquid on the floor :/

He ate a slice of boloni (sp?) and some small pieces of porkchop and a tiny bit of milkshake. But, those are the only things he wanted to eat. My dad smashed up the pill (he needed to take) and put some into his water then some into the milkshake.

He still isn't fully himself, he walks around with his tail down and just wants to lay down all day. I hate being home to see him like this, so I'm usually out.

Hopefully he'll be back to normal soon, I hope.

08-05-2008, 09:08 PM
I hope he is better soon. Poor guy. :(

08-06-2008, 11:17 PM
So Rusty went to the vet again today. They took some bloodwork to see if there might be some other problems.

He is still skiddish, he doesn't wag his tail much and lays around all day.

But at vets he did try to go after a dog, he was crying and trying to get at it. He was also wagging his tail at these two little kids in the waiting room though. He just needs to start eating.

Tonight he ate 6 pieces (it was cut into slices) of sausage, and some pediasure drink. So atleast he has some food in his system.

The vet said he could maybe even a month without eating, it wouldn't be good. But, is he refused to eat he'd be able to do it, since the fat would be there.

Hopefully he'll eat soon, and get back to normal. I don't think he'll ever be able to fully do what he use to though after this, since he use to chase animals in the yard and such which isn't good to do anymore since he could hurt himself.

08-07-2008, 05:00 AM
Ah geez Rusty, I was hoping you were feeling better. Try to eat buddy. Hopefully soon you'll be just a bit back to yourself.

08-07-2008, 06:41 AM
Still thinking of Rusty. Come on boy eat a good hearty meal. Hope you feel better soon. ((hugs))

08-07-2008, 09:41 AM
Glad to hear the vet was able to help him.

08-07-2008, 12:28 PM
Thanks for all the thoughts guys. :)

Well, the vets got the blood results back and the levels were kind of off so he has an infection. So they are going to give us antibiotics to put him on and if they don't help or he doesn't eat them and such he'll have to go in for the UV intervenus antibiotics.

So him being werid now might be from the infection rather than the disk. He just likes to lay around and refuses basically everything. He turns his head away as if its posion, and all the food were his favorites (ham, ice cream, cookies, cake, hot dog, etc.) And if hes not going to eat that, he's definately not going to eat his normal dog food.

08-07-2008, 08:33 PM
Well, Rusty has not been drinking water since like 3 ish. It seems as if he can't do it, since we gave him some in a turkey baster thingy (like a medicine dropper, but holds more) and he was like licking for it. (We crushed up the anti-biotics in it.

He may have a cold too because he paints cuz he can't breathe through his nose, its completely dry.

08-10-2008, 08:15 AM
I'll just update for anyone who wanted to know what up with Rusty. He's better now, since yesterday I just didn't feel like updating since noone asked for it.

But he is getting better. We think he got the infection at the vets, and they think it too but won't admit it in case they lose business. Since, when we were worried they were like 'oh, don't worry about it, he'll be fine' and maybe other dogs that went there got it and they knew he'd get really sick but would live. He is now eating food, and drinking water. He is greeting us when we come home and is eating his treat from that. Yesterday, he had his first bone *since the begginning of this thread*. So hopefully he is getting better. The blockage in his nose *which was why he was breathing heavily, since he couldn't through his nose* is clearing up. He has been sneezing alot, which has cleared it up.

08-10-2008, 08:19 AM
It'd great to hear Rusty is feeling better and eating and drinking! Keep on getting better Rusty!:)

08-11-2008, 07:25 PM
I'll just update for anyone who wanted to know what up with Rusty. He's better now, since yesterday I just didn't feel like updating since noone asked for it.

But he is getting better. We think he got the infection at the vets, and they think it too but won't admit it in case they lose business. Since, when we were worried they were like 'oh, don't worry about it, he'll be fine' and maybe other dogs that went there got it and they knew he'd get really sick but would live. He is now eating food, and drinking water. He is greeting us when we come home and is eating his treat from that. Yesterday, he had his first bone *since the begginning of this thread*. So hopefully he is getting better. The blockage in his nose *which was why he was breathing heavily, since he couldn't through his nose* is clearing up. He has been sneezing alot, which has cleared it up.

I don't post much, but I have been following the story... I'm glad hes getting better!:D

08-11-2008, 07:48 PM
Woo hoo! Glad to hear Rusty is feeling better. :D

Ginger's Mom
08-11-2008, 08:01 PM
I am glad to hear that Rusty is feeling better. I am sure that makes you feel better, too. :)

08-16-2008, 12:38 AM
Hey guys, just wanted to update you a little.

Rusty is still going good :D

He just has a werid bark now sometimes when he bark lol. Maybe from the steriod shot? I don't know, but it doesn't matter.

He been getting up the stairs, he keeps knocking down the cardboard barrier we put to keep him from coming up.

The other day he got a little weird. I came home, and I had been over a friend's house who had a dog. He kept smelling me then I was laying down on my bed, and came right up to me and starting humping me. :rolleyes: I don't know what had got in to him haha. He hasn't done that to anyone, or anything in a really long time.

Daisy and Delilah
08-16-2008, 02:00 AM
It sounds like Rusty is doing alot better. Sorry I haven't seen this thread until now. My thoughts and prayers are going out for Rusty and all of his loving family. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}:)

GET BETTER RUSTY!!!! You Can do it!!

08-16-2008, 12:14 PM
It's great to hear Rusty is doing better!:D

Miss Z
08-16-2008, 04:10 PM
Can't believe I've only seen this thread now - I'll keep Rusty in my thoughts. :love: It's good to hear that he seems to be improving.