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07-28-2008, 10:38 PM
I've been hooked on dog movies the past year or so. Hooked on the Dog Whisperer show too. The dog movies I watch the most tend to be Best in Show, Year of the Dog, and K-9 (not huge on the sequels though). I mostly like the dog movies that have a breed I own or have owned in the past, though I must admit I have about 30 other dog movies that I enjoy watching including all those disney snog dog-type movies like Eight Below, Snow Dogs, Iron Will, & White Fang as well as more kid-type movies (sadly I'm 23 years old and I still enjoy these movies) like Firehouse Dog, Far From Home, Bingo, and Air Bud. Anyone have a favorite dog film that I did not mention? :)

07-29-2008, 12:05 AM
I'm glad someone else has seen "Bingo". Man! I LOVED that dog! I remember screaming in the movie theater at the end of Old Yeller. I was a dog person even back in the day. I've never watched it since and I'm old enough to be your granny! :p:D

I'm a sucker for all the dog movies. I'm having a case of oldtimers right now...what was the movie with Tom Hanks (?) as a cop who "inherits" a ..I want to say Mastiff?? part comedy, part serious. "Hooch" or something like that? I LOVED that movie even though I can't remember the name! :rolleyes:

07-29-2008, 12:24 AM
Oh I LOVE Bingo too! infact I rented it on netflix last week because I love it so much. :)

also in no particular order :

Homeward Bound 1 & 2 I want a dog like Chance someday! :love:

Eight Below was a good one.

Because of Winn Dixie was adorable!

Beethoven 1 & 2 were great, I didn't care for the 3rd and 4th LOVE Beethoven but that was too many sequels for me. ;)

Shiloh, Shiloh Season, and Saving Shiloh all sequels loved them!

101 dalmatians the first and second one in real life and the first one in animation!

K-9 is hilarious!

Turner & Hooch is cute. I hate when Hooch dies though. :(

Far From home is really good, it's my mom's favorite!

My Dog Skip was really cute.

I love Air Bud.

Fluke is really cute. different but cute.

A Dog of Flanders, I really love this one.

All Dogs go to heaven is really cute! I like the All Dogs go to heaven Christmas one too.

Zeus & Roxanne is another favorite.

Lady & the Tramp LOVE that one.

I totally love all of them though!

oh Balto is such a favorite of mine too! :)

07-29-2008, 02:53 AM
I am a HUGE Bingo fan... it's probably one of my favorite movies of all time. It's hilarious, too. ; D I named my childhood Aussie after Bingo.

I also love, in no particular order, Old Yeller, The Ugly Dachshund, Zeus & Roxanne, Milo & Otis, Babe, Chips the War Dog, Frankenweenie, The Incredible Journey, Napoleon, The Littlest Hobo, & Call of the Wild.

07-29-2008, 05:53 PM
I'm pretty much repeating all the movies that luvofallhorses postec... but hear it goes...
Beethoven 1, 2 & 3
Homeward Bound 1 & 2
Far From Home
Old Yeller
101 Dalmatians (all of em'!)
Zeus and Roxeann (watched that one the other day, actually!;))
Eight Below
Because of Winn Dixie
all of the Air Bud movies
and Lady and the Tramp!


07-29-2008, 06:00 PM
"Best in Show" is one of my all-time favorite movies. I can't watch "Old Yeller", too sad.

07-29-2008, 08:18 PM
I'm with Best in Show also.
Even though they weren't real, one of my all time favorite movies is 101 Dalmations (the animated one, not the remake!).

07-29-2008, 09:33 PM
I LOVE Old Yeller! Even though I hate the ending, its one of my favorite dog movies...

Lassie Come Home is a close second as well...

I totally forgot about The Ugly Dachshund until bckrazy mentioned that one.. I remember watching that one at school in 2nd grade for some odd reason..

Other movies I like...

Turner & Hooch
Far From Home
Beethoven 1 and 2
The Incredible Journey (the original one - again I remember watching that in elemtery school for some reason)
White Fang
Call Of the Wid
Homeward Bound
I like the first Air Bud movie..

And a non dog movie, but a animal (cat) movie I LOVED and used to watch all the time when I was a kid "The Three Lives of Thomasina".. my first pet was a cat, and I was crazy about this movie... would watch it all the time.

07-30-2008, 05:33 AM
One thats a favorite of mine that I dont think was mentioned is Cats and Dogs...even though they portray cats as "evil" (wouldn't you be after getting treated the way that poor cat got treated lol :p)

I love All Dogs Go to Heaven (the ending still makes me cry though), Milo and Otis, the Incredible Journey (the original) and 101 Dalmations (the sequels...ugh lol)
White Fang and Call of the Wild are good too, but the books are better IMO lol. Balto is another good movie, but if you enjoy the movie I reccomend reading about the real life Balto :D
My husband says that the Never Ending Story should be concidered a dog movie because the luck dragon looks like a big flying dog (now that I think about it, since when do dragons have fur?)

Heck I think Ive enjoyed just about every movie Ive seen about dogs although they have a history of making reeeeeeally cruddy sequels (Air Bud and Beethoven come to mind)

And I have to vote for Best in Show as one of the funniest movies ever. I need to go watch that again lol.

Pawsitive Thinking
07-30-2008, 05:37 AM
What's the one where the two dogs and a cat find their way home again?

07-30-2008, 05:42 AM
What's the one where the two dogs and a cat find their way home again?
I think thats Incredible Journey.

Pawsitive Thinking
07-30-2008, 05:50 AM
I think thats Incredible Journey.

That's it! Love it - always have a good cry to that one

07-30-2008, 06:04 AM
In the fifth grade my teacher, Ms. Kamalakis, read to us Where the Red Fern Grows and then got the movie for us....I cried back then and I still cry when I see it to now.

Suki Wingy
07-30-2008, 09:01 AM
Iwhat was the movie with Tom Hanks (?) as a cop who "inherits" a ..I want to say Mastiff?? part comedy, part serious. "Hooch" or something like that? I LOVED that movie even though I can't remember the name! :rolleyes:
OOh, could that be the movie I'm always asking my mom about? I know there is a movie with a Dogue de Bordeaux in it. It's a big red mastiff. I think they're being accepted into the working group of the AKC next year, but I'm not sure.

My favorite live action dog movie is and will pretty much always be Homeward Bound, and Homeward Bound II, Lost in San Fransisco. The second one has so many breeds, there's even a Kuvasz and a Podenco. Of course, I like 101 Dalmatians too, since they're my favorite breed and I love old 2-D Disney animation!

Oh, and when I was younger and still utterly obsessed with Australia I used to rent the same movie every time I visited my dad, I think it was called Napoleon, a golden retriever puppy who escapes to the bush and goes looking for Dingoes. He meets a whole bunch of animals (including wild budgies!) along the way.

I also watched Milo and Otis quite a lot, no where near as much as Homeward Bound, which I watched about once a week when I was younger.

07-30-2008, 01:30 PM
what was the movie with Tom Hanks (?) as a cop who "inherits" a ..I want to say Mastiff?? part comedy, part serious. "Hooch" or something like that? I LOVED that movie even though I can't remember the name! :rolleyes:

Turner and Hooch. :D That was a GREAT MOVIE!

07-30-2008, 02:42 PM
My all time favorite is probably Turner & Hooch.

Some of the others I really liked:

See Spot Run
Because of Winn Dixie

07-30-2008, 04:13 PM
Oh.. I forgot about Benji!! I loved those movies. My first dog, well, really she was my grandma's dog, but I showed her in 4-H my first 3yrs in 4-H (when I was 9-10-11yrs old), anyway.. the dog was named Buffy, and she looked EXACTLY like Benji!!.. just some scruffy little mutt.. very smart though. She hated showing in 4-H, she would just sit and stair at my grandma LOL Because she hated it I finally talked my family into letting me get a dog of my own... which was my first Collie, I got when I was 12yrs old. About a year after I got my Collie.... Buffy lost her battle with lymphoma at around 8yrs of age...

Oh.. and also, until someone else posted.. Where The Red Fern Grows, another good one, though sad... watched that in school as well, after we read the book.

See Spot Run is a cute movie..

Oh.. another one I like, but its not your normal dog movie is "Man's Best Friend" but its kinda a weird movie... about a genetically engineered dog, its really not a great movie, because the dog does injure and kill some people... I think the main reason I like the movie is because there is a Collie in it LOL and at the end a cute litter of collie pups... but the main dog character is "Max" and I think he is Tibetan Mastiff looking type dog.... Its been years since I've seen it... I think it usually played on Sci-Fi channel...