View Full Version : Amos is being adopted... Maybe.

07-28-2008, 10:13 PM
Amos has finally after a year and a half as a foster found a new home.Maybe. Keep in mind I was not planning on adopting him out, I really love him and wanted to keep him around.

But I talked to a lady who adopted a baby kitten from me about a year ago, she called today, and asked if I had any adult kitties for adoption. I said no, but after talking for a bit, She said she really wanted a male, around 2 years old that will be buddies with her other cat. She was cat sitting her best friends cat, and her cat fell in love. When the best friend picked up the kitty last week, her kitty has been pouting ever since. He is really depressed...

Am I doing the right thing? Should I let him go, even though he has been with me since Feb 06, 2007? Should I just keep him and let him stay with his brothers and sisters? Or should I give Ruthie a chance at a great kitty, who would LOVE to be best buddies with her cat? She is the kinda owner us foster moms pray for... Takes her kitty to the vet, owns her own place, indoor only, is very responsible, and keeps in touch atleast monthly..

What do I do? Will I ever get over this guilt I feel? Am I being selfish? AH! I hate this part of the process!

07-28-2008, 10:17 PM
Wow, that's a tough one. I've never fostered so I honestly couldn't give you any sound advice. So I'll just say follow your heart. You've got the biggest :love: of anyone I know. Listen to it.
And you know we will support you in whatever you decide. :)

07-29-2008, 04:44 AM
That's a tough one. I know I'd be shattered if I had to give up Calloway at this point, because I've had him for about a year and a half, and he's just the sweetest thing ever (what is it about these tuxies?!).

That being said, I would love to find him a home where he will be loved and adored and could be king of the castle, with maybe one or two other subjects to dote on him, lol. I want him to be happy and loved. Not that he isn't that here, but I think he would just blossom in a home with less kitties.

Do what you think would be best for Amos. Take yourself out of the equation, and just look at his situation, and where he would be going. Would it be a great opportunity for him? I think if I had that kind of situation for Calloway, I'd be heartbroken for myself, but I'd be so happy for him.

(((HUGS))) to you for your hard decision.

07-29-2008, 11:50 AM
Wow, that is a hard one. Just trying to relate it to my situation, if that lady who adopted out Moxie and Decker's siblings (Twinks and Pops) called and said they really needed their sister I would probably let her go because I know it's a very good home. I'd miss her a lot but I'm a bit overwhelmed as it is and it would probably be good for everyone all the way around.

You know it's easy for me to say that because I know it's not going to happen and I would probably have a hard time, especially considering little Miss Moxie is curled up in my lap right now and has been nursing on my hand. She's done that since day one when I found her.

Jenn is right, do what you think is best for Amos.

07-29-2008, 12:10 PM
imagine you are Amos, and you go to that home to live. How would that feel?

If he was adopted, would you get updates and a chance to visit?


07-29-2008, 12:28 PM
There are only a few times that I can recall that I couldn't keep an animal that I was fostering and most of those times was because I was doing TNR or that I found someone so wonderful that would take the very best care of the animal. Lately I've been failing like crazy but it's up to you and your decision for Amos.

07-29-2008, 02:02 PM
Yes. I get usually get monthly, sometimes weekly updates. She calls my mother constantly with updates on Turbo (kitty that was adopted a year ago).
I could visit anytime I want. And she is willing to sign a contract saying no matter what I get him back, for any reason she can't keep him.

It is really a dream come true, I think she is an amazing owner, and really cares about her cat. Only thing holding me back is my guilt, and the seperation on his family.

BUT she can give him more than I can... A house with only one kitty to contend with! With all 15 cats, outside ferals, and my two dogs... It is shaky whether they all get enough attention everyday. I mean, they all get lovies and brushed BUT with that many, they do not get as much as I would like, or them for that matter:(

Seems like I spend more time with potty pans and cleaning up after the kitties than I do with anything. I have to keep things clean. With this many even missing one cleaning a day can be a disaster....

This is so hard, truly. I just get sick thinking about it, but I do think it would be better for him. If I take me out of the scenrio.

She wanted him yesterday, but I have until today to decide. I told her I would bring him tomorrow if I go through with this. She is so happy, and excited. Me, I just want to cry. I just never thought anyone would want them, ya know? ESP. someone that I would give them too.

I will update later today. Thank you all for the help.

07-29-2008, 05:06 PM

07-29-2008, 05:34 PM
That is a tough one!! Maybe you should go with your gut feelings and the fact that you are feeling 'sick' when you think of giving him away. You should trust your feelings, they are so important. They might not just be from your wanting him to stay, they might also be about what is best for him.
Is he bonded with your other cats or friends with one or two of them? I have 9 cats and some of them are very close with each other. Would another one of your cats be left feeling sad if he were to leave?
Also, since you now know what she is looking for, maybe you could help her find another cat of the same description in the pound or on petfinder and that cat will get a home since Amos already has one?
But if you do decide that you want to give him a home with her, maybe you could arrange for her to 'test drive' him for a week. If it's not working out or if he is depressed, he could come back?

07-29-2008, 10:13 PM
Well, I have decided to adopt him to her. Her husband gets off at 11 tomorrow, and wanted to pick him up for me. I said no I will bring him once she gets off work. She was so happy, she said she had already set him up a spare room...

I just feel guilty, Amos gets along with all of my cats, and he has been with his 4 siblings since birth. I hate to seperate them, but then again, he will have so much more with Ruthie. And it will help keep her kitty company.

She will sign a contract (as with the last) that says I get him back if ANYTHING goes wrong, no matter what. I told her I dont care if it is 2 am Christmas morning, and ice frozen on the roads. I will come get him.

I packed him a bag, through my tears, with all of his favorite toys, snacks, and his food. I also went to WalMart and bought about $50 of new toys:rolleyes: I just pray I am doing the right thing. I am going to miss my boy, but I will visit often.

Please pray that this is the best thing for him. And that he will be happy and much loved, and accepted by Turbo(Flash is what they actually call him!) Turbo is what I named him!

07-29-2008, 10:20 PM
awwww...taking your baby boy to a new home, however wonderful, is SO hard.

I hope he does really well - and on one of your visits he will be really happy with his new bro...and you will feel a bit better.

You are helping Ruthie and a lonely little cat...

{{{{hugs}}}} Thinking about you!

07-30-2008, 07:20 AM
I'm praying everything goes well.

07-30-2008, 09:53 AM
This sounds like the perfect person to adopt to. You know she is a great cat mom. You've got a contract with her. And from what you've said you can trust her to uphold that contract.
It will be difficult to let Amos go, but as another post said you will go back to visit or hear an update that Amos and Turbo/Flash are getting along great. That will set your heart at ease and make you so happy. :)