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07-25-2008, 08:08 AM
Anyone been watching it this season? I am SO bummed that Will was voted off last night! He was one of my favorites! I was expecting to see Mark go.....it has been such an exciting season so far. ;)

07-25-2008, 08:11 AM
I've only been able to watch it a few times but I like Courtney, Twitch and Joshua. I also think mark should have gone home last night.

07-25-2008, 09:25 AM
I actually like Mark, so was glad he stayed. At this point, it is sad when anyone goes home.

07-25-2008, 09:27 AM
I agree, I thought Mark would be gone too. I think he thought the same thing. He was totally shocked when he was safe. Although, I do like his solo dances. I think he would be awesome doing a Wade Robson number.
I liked Will, but I wasn't too bummed to see him go (because I like Twitch more). Out of the guys, Joshua is my favorite. And I'm not really sure who my favorite is with the girls. That's a tough one. It would be between Katee and Chelsie I think.
At this point it gets very sad when they get kicked off. I start to like all of them so much.

ETA: Wow, great minds think alike Karen. :p I didn't see your post while I was composing mine. hee hee

07-25-2008, 09:54 AM
It IS really hard when it gets close to the final. I think I like the dancers better this year over last. The tour is coming to Pittsburgh this year - I'm so excited! :D

07-25-2008, 10:40 AM
I was surprised last night. I had figured that Will and Twitch would be the final 2 guys. I like Mark, but I thought he was the weakest of the group this week. I think Katee is my favorite on the girls' side.

07-25-2008, 11:44 AM
I couldn't BELIEVE will went home.

I had him pegged to win it all. He has always been stellar in his performances. I like all the guys but I really thought Will was in a different league all together. and I LOVED LOVED LOVED his James Brown solo lol that was AWESOME.

I thought for sure Mark would have gone home because he definitely had the weakest performances the night before compared to the others.

I like Courtney and Katee for the girls. :)

07-25-2008, 12:12 PM
I was shocked too - I loved Will's James Brown number - wish it had been longer!

07-25-2008, 12:58 PM
I wanted to add that I think Will is already equipped to become a well-known professional dancer, while Mark is "greener" and could use the help more. Will seems quite self-assured and confident already, and I am sure he'll do just fine.

07-25-2008, 01:49 PM
I wanted to add that I think Will is already equipped to become a well-known professional dancer, while Mark is "greener" and could use the help more. Will seems quite self-assured and confident already, and I am sure he'll do just fine.

Yeah that's what hubby and I said too after he was voted off. He will have a career no matter what.

BUT... I'm still bitter I won't get to watch him on the show anymore :p lol

07-25-2008, 01:57 PM
BUT... I'm still bitter I won't get to watch him on the show anymore :p lol

Me too! Especially when he took his shirt off :D

I'm sorry, I just don't like Mark. I don't think he's as good as the other dancers. He has a few good ones here and there but he sort of faded into the background for me, while Will stood out from the very beginning. To be frank, I am surprised that Mark has made it this far. Will and Gev were both better IMO.

07-25-2008, 03:38 PM
No doubt, Will is/was much better than Mark with partners. I never disagreed with that one. :) I just have liked his last few solo dances, that's all. But he shouldn't get by on the solo dances alone.
In the end, these competitions usually turn into a popularity contest. Will is a great dancer, but he's just not "popluar" enough to stay. :( The same thing happens on American Idol (unless it is rigged like I tend to think it is).

I have a question. Have you ever seen one of the winners from this show again after the show is over? I'm referring to the dance show, not AI. The only time I see them again is on the following seasons. :confused:

07-25-2008, 04:49 PM
No doubt, Will is/was much better than Mark with partners. I never disagreed with that one. :) I just have liked his last few solo dances, that's all. But he shouldn't get by on the solo dances alone.
In the end, these competitions usually turn into a popularity contest. Will is a great dancer, but he's just not "popluar" enough to stay. :( The same thing happens on American Idol (unless it is rigged like I tend to think it is).

I have a question. Have you ever seen one of the winners from this show again after the show is over? I'm referring to the dance show, not AI. The only time I see them again is on the following seasons. :confused:

Other than on the show no I haven't.

I wish there was a "where are they now" thing for the dancers lol

07-25-2008, 05:12 PM
Other than on the show no I haven't.

I wish there was a "where are they now" thing for the dancers lol

Me too!! We should write to Nigel Lythgoe (sp?) and suggest it. :D

07-25-2008, 06:06 PM
Me too!! We should write to Nigel Lythgoe (sp?) and suggest it. :D

LOL Good Idea :)

08-01-2008, 01:15 PM
So, how bout this past week? I think I'm happy with the top four.
However, my favorite routines this week were Mark and Courtney's jazz routine and Chelsie and Twitch's hip-hop routine. They were AWESOME!!!

I think I've decided on my two favorites - Katee and Joshua. (well obviously since Chelsie was voted off last night, lol)

Have any of you actually been voting? I haven't. Usually because I record it and watch it later so I'm not able to vote.

08-01-2008, 01:36 PM
I was disappointed that Mark got eliminated, I liked him a little bit more than Twitch ... but I am okay with the results anyway! I don't vote, as we always DVR it anyway!

08-01-2008, 02:50 PM
I don't normally vote but I did this week for Twitch lol.

I just like him.

But I love the 4 that are left and I don't care WHO wins now. I love them all. but I think it's going to be Joshua or Katee.

I LOVED LOVED LOVED their contemporary routine. The lifts were just unreal. when she jumped and did the splits in the air and he just stuck his arms out and caught her in a split... WOW. that was a beautiful dance.

I also liked the hip hop routine. very unique and the music was so different and awesome for a hip hop routine. I really like the addition of tabitha and napoleon.

OMG... Cat. she cracks me up. when she put the gold teeth in. it was kind of gross but I was too busy laughing my head off that she actually did it. What a good sport she is lol. I love her for that haha.

08-01-2008, 08:22 PM
I am very disappointed and sad that Chelsie and Mark won't be in the finale. I loved them. :( I loved the jazz routine between Courtney & Mark that Sonya choreographed! I also loved the lyrical hip hop to "Bleeding Love" Tabitha and Napoleon ( LOVE them where have they been all the first 3 seasons? I would have loved to see more stuff from them, hopefully we'll be seeing them next year! :D )choreographed for Chelsie and Mark! :) I hope those 2 get to dance again in the finale because last year the judges got to pick what they wanted to see again. :) hopefully they'll do it this year too!

I wasn't surprised that Katee and Joshua are in the finale, Courtney, too but Twitch I wasn't expecting. I love this show. :D

08-01-2008, 09:42 PM
I'm sad to see Mark go, I realize that he wasn't the best dancer and I don't think he deserved to be in the finals but I still loved him! I think now I'm cheering for Twitch, I've always liked him but not nearly as much as Mark. I didn't really care much for any of the girls this season except for Kerrington but she is long gone!

08-01-2008, 11:52 PM
I LOVED LOVED LOVED their contemporary routine. The lifts were just unreal. when she jumped and did the splits in the air and he just stuck his arms out and caught her in a split... WOW. that was a beautiful dance.

I also liked the hip hop routine. very unique and the music was so different and awesome for a hip hop routine. I really like the addition of tabitha and napoleon.

OMG... Cat. she cracks me up. when she put the gold teeth in. it was kind of gross but I was too busy laughing my head off that she actually did it. What a good sport she is lol. I love her for that haha.

Yes, I totally agree with everything you said here. Cat annoys me most of the time, but yes that was hilarious when she put in Twitch's grill. LOL I honestly didn't think she'd do that!

I also loved that jump in Joshua and Katee's rountine. Joshua is so strong and can move so elegantly at the same time.

I first saw Tabitha and Napoleon on Rock the Reception on TLC. They choreograph dances for couple to perform at their wedding receptions as a surprise. I was so happy to see them on So You Think You Can Dance!! :D

08-02-2008, 12:06 AM
I first saw Tabitha and Napoleon on Rock the Reception on TLC. They choreograph dances for couple to perform at their wedding receptions as a surprise. I was so happy to see them on So You Think You Can Dance!! :D

LOL I wonder if they still do that at all hahaha

If Brian and I ever have a "renew our vows" ceremony (since we didn't actually have a weddin ceremony) I want to do that LMAO and I know he would be game if I really wanted it... plus he is a closet fan of the show hahaha

08-02-2008, 08:12 AM
I'm really excited about the top 4. I will say that I liked both of Mark's dances on Wednesday, although he has never been one of my favorites. I will be happy no matter who wins, but I also have a sneaking suspicion that it will be either Joshua or Katee, since they seem to be the most popular. The other window I have open on here is ticket sales for the tour that go on sale at 10am today. This will be the first time I will be going to see the tour, I am so excited!!

08-07-2008, 12:05 PM
Anyone watch last night?

Wow GREAT peformances.

I LOVED the performance the guys did together. both of them are such amazing athletes. Joshua definitely has the strength but I think Twitch has got him beat in endurance and stamina. You could tell Josh was getting worn out near the end of the night (not that I can blame him... Iwould have been DEAD lol)

Honestly... i don't even CARE who wins lol I like them all. I wish both Josh and Twitch could win. they are both just such great personalities and entertainers.

08-07-2008, 12:17 PM
I like all four of them too, but I hope either Joshua or Katee win. And then sometimes I think I hope either Joshua or Twitch win, because they are both hip-hop guys and that would be cool for one of them to win.

One thing I couldn't understand was Nigel kept calling Joshua and Twitch "untrained". And in Joshua's one-on-one with Cat they showed pictures of him in dance class as a child. And he mentioned how he would do chores around the studio to pay for classes. :confused: I guess he means formal dance as an adult??

Anyway, I will catch the last hour tonight, after I watch who gets booted out of the Big Brother house. (Yes, I am a reality show addict!)

08-07-2008, 12:43 PM
I really haven't been keeping up with the show... I watch when I can. But I love Katee, she's a beautiful, amazing dancer... always has been! (She danced at my studio)

08-07-2008, 02:30 PM
I like all four of them too, but I hope either Joshua or Katee win. And then sometimes I think I hope either Joshua or Twitch win, because they are both hip-hop guys and that would be cool for one of them to win.

One thing I couldn't understand was Nigel kept calling Joshua and Twitch "untrained". And in Joshua's one-on-one with Cat they showed pictures of him in dance class as a child. And he mentioned how he would do chores around the studio to pay for classes. :confused: I guess he means formal dance as an adult??

Anyway, I will catch the last hour tonight, after I watch who gets booted out of the Big Brother house. (Yes, I am a reality show addict!)

I could be wrong but I think he just took classes here and there whenever he could get into one or do work to pay for them... but I don't think he took any official training.

My prediction is Joshua will win.

I really enjoy Katee too. And to think how close she came to losing her spot on the show.

08-07-2008, 10:06 PM

Did you guys see the show?

I'm so happy for the winner.

I won't post the name until I know others have watched it lol.

08-07-2008, 10:26 PM
I found out who won from another website. It just started here on the West Coast, but that's all right. I can't stay up that late anymore - really I'm pooped by 9:30! I'm glad the person who won did - one of my favorites all season ;) They will all go far in their dance careers.

08-08-2008, 12:06 AM
Well, I know everyone else has seen it so....


I was so happy! And I'm happy for Katee for getting the $50,000 too. It was great to see all the alumni from season's past. Maybe Nigel got my letter. ;)

08-08-2008, 12:53 AM
I am happy for everyone that Katee got a prize, that Joshua won, and happy the others placed as high as they did. It was fun to see Mary and Nigel actually dance, too.

Hmm, do ya think Sabra fell of the planet or something? How come no update from her? Makes ya wonder ...

08-08-2008, 09:15 AM
I loved the finale and actually did stay up to watch it all. It was good to see Nigel dance; I somehow missed Mary. I'm glad Katee won the $50,000. Joshua looked stunned that he won. I'm SO happy for him! Twitch will go far too - heck most of them will!

08-08-2008, 09:25 AM
Ohh, Mary danced too! I recorded it and only watched the last hour or so. I'll have to go back and watch it from the beginning later. :)

I want to go see Chris Angel's Believe now. I absolutely LOVE :love: LOVE Wade Robson. LOL Mark reminds me of his style.

08-08-2008, 09:32 AM
I had to miss the show last night... and I was NOT Happy about it!

I'm so happy to hear that Joshua won!!

Wade was on... OMG, I Looooove Wade Robinson! He Rock's!!!

I think a friend of mine recorded it, I'll have to stop over her house soon!

08-08-2008, 09:46 AM
I'm really excited about the top 4. I will say that I liked both of Mark's dances on Wednesday, although he has never been one of my favorites. I will be happy no matter who wins, but I also have a sneaking suspicion that it will be either Joshua or Katee, since they seem to be the most popular. The other window I have open on here is ticket sales for the tour that go on sale at 10am today. This will be the first time I will be going to see the tour, I am so excited!!

Did you get your tickets? I saw the tour last year since it came to State College and it was AWESOME! It was even better in real life than on the TV.

I loved Neil and Danny and Lacy! It was wonderful seeing Benji again too. That man can dance! Did you all know he did Christina Aguilara's Candy Man video?? I am almost positive I saw him here in State College one day. It was during some huge gymnastics competitions we had at the University and I saw this person walking past my car in a parking lot. He looked sooo familiar but not where expected to see him. I kept watching and he saw me watching him and gave that grin at me just as he got in his vehicle. It was then I went...BENJI! I loved seeing how they were doing and what people were up to since leaving the show.

This year I SOOO enjoyed it. The only person I really didn't like was Comfort. I liked Twitchington better than I liked either of them seperately or with other partners. I LOVED Courtney and Mark together. I too was disappointed Mark was not in the final 4. I felt he deserved it more than Twitch but it was close. I was very surprised Katee didn't win it but I was happy with Joshua. I loved his attitude and spirit.

I read an article where Nigel said there is a reason it is called "America's FAVORITE dancer and not the BEST dancer. That most of the time America gets it wrong as to the best dancer and that personality really plays a lot into it. Last year I was very disappointed in Sabra winning. This year was just so spectacular. But unfortunately they are not scheduled to come to SC so far. :(I hope they add us onto the tour.

I also can't wait until they release something on DVD. It is one of the few shows I would buy the whole season on DVD.


08-08-2008, 11:19 AM
I would buy it on DVD too!! In fact, I recorded every episode on my DVR and haven't deleted any of them. From the very first show, that way I can go back and see how they were in the beginning. And I can go back and watch some of my favorite dances again. :D
I'll have to see if they are coming to my area on the tour. I'd love to go see them. I saw American Idol tour the year Chris Daughtry was on it.

08-08-2008, 11:45 AM
I saw American Idol tour the year Chris Daughtry was on it.

Ahhh!! I :love: Chris!
You lucky Duck!

08-08-2008, 12:20 PM
Ahhh!! I :love: Chris!
You lucky Duck!

Hee hee. My friend is/was SOO in love with him. She's the one that bought the tickets and arranged the whole thing. It was fun. We weren't very close, but it was still good.

08-08-2008, 12:25 PM
Well, I know everyone else has seen it so....


I was so happy! And I'm happy for Katee for getting the $50,000 too. It was great to see all the alumni from season's past. Maybe Nigel got my letter. ;)

LOL I thought of you when they started to do the little "where are they now" bit hahahaha.

It was so nice to hear that Donyelle (season 2) is doing so well. Co choreographer with Shane Sparks in an upcoming film... AND getting married.... good for her :)

And I am ALWAYS MORE than happy to see dmitry ... sans shirt of course lol.

It was also nice to finally see the judges dance. I knew Mary had been a dance champion but never saw her dance. Has that girl got some HOT LEGS or WHAT.

And Nigel... I didn't know he tap danced. I knew he did ballroom stuff but had no idea he could tap.

I hope he takes Adam Shankman up on his offer to "duke it out" next season lol that would be awesome to see.

08-08-2008, 02:16 PM
Donyelle and Benji were my favorites on season 2. :D So I was happy to see her and hear how well she is doing too. AND I love Shane Sparks too. He is a judge on Randy Jackson's America's Best Dance Crew on MTV.

I know, when they started the part with the previous contestants I was like - OH, they must have seen Pet Talk!! LOL

08-08-2008, 10:17 PM
I bummed that Katee didn't win... she's such an AMAZING dancer, and such a sweet girl. (We went to the same dance studio). But, I am happy for Joshua.:)

08-08-2008, 10:45 PM
is it just me... or did it seem like Katee and Joshua had a ... "special relationship"

he made special reference to her in his "video" and he was always kissing her on the cheek or forehead and they always just seemed to sweet together.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking lol

08-09-2008, 12:19 AM
Didn't Katee and Joshua know each other outside of the competition? I thought she had said that before. Or maybe they had met at the beginning. I know Comfort and Joshua knew each other before.
And I think they make a cute couple anyway. :D

08-09-2008, 08:22 AM
I was thrilled that Joshua won. I loved him and Twitch from the beginning. And YES I got my tickets, can't wait until the show!!

08-09-2008, 11:48 AM
Didn't Katee and Joshua know each other outside of the competition? I thought she had said that before. Or maybe they had met at the beginning. I know Comfort and Joshua knew each other before.
And I think they make a cute couple anyway. :D

NO I think it was Twitch that she knew before the competition :)