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View Full Version : wat breed of dog should i get?

01-28-2001, 07:37 PM
i love beagles, but i love all dogs, please help me find a dog

01-28-2001, 08:17 PM
Depends on what size you want?? and how much excersize,area dog to live in, and how much u want to spend on food for the dog? and also who the dog will have to get along with? tell me what the answers to all of theese questions and then i will tell you ... and also how long will the dog be alone? i love the german shepherd dog tho they are beautiful!!

01-29-2001, 06:43 PM
Beagles are really cute dogs, but you need to research this or any other breed carefully. I am currently participating in a beagle rescue. The owner got the dog from someone who gave her away because she was "tearing up the house." After talking to the owner, it really sounds like a case of separation anxiety and getting the wrong breed for his lifestyle. Possibly already have a home for this little girl!! So, please know what you're getting into with a beagle or any other breed. By the way, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are beautiful, sweet, fun, and love to play.

01-30-2001, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Cavalierlover:
Beagles are really cute dogs, but you need to research this or any other breed carefully. I am currently participating in a beagle rescue. The owner got the dog from someone who gave her away because she was "tearing up the house." After talking to the owner, it really sounds like a case of separation anxiety and getting the wrong breed for his lifestyle. Possibly already have a home for this little girl!! So, please know what you're getting into with a beagle or any other breed. By the way, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are beautiful, sweet, fun, and love to play.
to Karen
Hey its lizzy. I want to help dogs get new, better homes. im 11/w/grl. where is this beagle rescue place? is it in RI or nieboring states?

lizzy+beagle lover

01-31-2001, 07:11 PM
you should get a tebbiten terrier, they live to be very old and are great with kids. they are always happy, and need love like any other dog. mine is 10 years old, and still in great shape, and my dad's lived to be 18.

01-31-2001, 10:22 PM
I can't brag enough about those wonderful Golden Retrievers. Very loving, but hairy dogs. I don't think I have ever had more loving dogs than Honey and Lilly. OK. That's my two cents worth, but aren't they all wonderful?? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

02-01-2001, 06:52 PM
Yes I have to agree with Logan!!! I love Alasken Malamutes and Yorkies but I don't think I've ever met a breed like the Golden!!!!! They are soooooo cute! And they are probubly the most willing to serve you!!! That breed just seems to really be so sweet and willing to help as much as they can!!!!! Yes Logan I agree you can't say enough about them!!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif