View Full Version : What should I think of her actions?

07-23-2008, 02:59 PM
Yesterday I was catching up on some house work (when not online lol) in between playing with the dogs and such, it kept raining so we would come in when it started to really come down. My small female is in season so I put her in a big crate in the bathroom. Anyway I had been doing some laundry and was taking the basket to the bedroom. My other female was just standing there and she sometimes likes to follow me, when she isn't curled up sleeping. I called her to come and she ran very fast, detoured right into the bathroom at the other female in the crate. I was fast in response, I yelled at her even before I made it over there and she back off, but was still growing. She went out of the bathroom and I told her to get in the kitchen so she ran in the kitchen. Was she just confused about something? Running in their like that after I called her and attacking at the crate front. That is out of character for her so it was surprising to me. She gets along with male/female dogs of all sizes/ages. She has not had any same sex aggression with another female in season either. I think she was confused about the situation or maybe rebelling. I considered maybe her being rebellious as about 2 weeks ago there was another incident. Not anything like this one (so maybe they are not even related) but she did misbehave which is not like her. I know dogs are not perfect and sometimes do things that don't make us happy but since its been a couple things within a couple weeks I'm wondering about it. Should I take both things into consideration or only 1 since they were 2 different things. What do you think?

Lilith Cherry
07-24-2008, 10:56 AM
Maybe if you get your dogs spayed and neutered they will be much more happy, healthy and easy to take of? Just a thought...

07-25-2008, 01:24 AM
Well... I've heard of females in heat adversely affecting other females. It could be jealousy, excitement, hormones, or a number of things!

How old is your "other female"? Dogs do not even reach social maturity until around 2 years old, and often, dog aggression becomes apparent at that age. I would defintiely keep them seperated when alone, and only together with close superivison.