View Full Version : Vent...

07-20-2008, 01:50 PM
I don't go to the cemetery very often to visit my parent's grave, so today I decided I'd go, have breakfast with them and water the pansies in a log vase that I bought when Spring came around. I had a special weather resistant American Flag stapled to a thick dowel so it would withhold the weather stuck in the vase.

When I got there, not only was the log vase (I put my last name all over it so there was no mistaking it) gone, the flag was stuck in the ground 4 graves down. I was furious!!!

This is not the first time this has happened so I called the cemetery office and complained. I tried not to get too worked up over it and told them that this is unacceptable. There are other graves with all sorts of stuff on them that goes untouched, including infants graves with toys, ballooons, etc.

She told me that the grounds keepers are really good and they try to put the stuff back on the graves they belong too. I was walking around the perimeter looking at every single log vase for my name. Couldn't find it. The woman told me that they put all the stuff in a pile on the side of the garage near the front office.

So I'm supposed to go rummaging through this crap trying to find the vase I paid $17 for???? :mad: I DON'T THINK SO!!!!

From now on it's just gonna be my American Flag (if somebody doesn't steal that). I'm not gonna have what I cherish stolen again.


Now I know how you felt when John's bronze kitty was stolen. I feel violated.

Thanks for listening.

07-20-2008, 02:22 PM
That is awful! We`ve had things stolen off of my grandparents` graves too, such as a German flag we bought once. It is so infuriating. :mad: Sorry that your log vase couldn`t be found. It is so sad that people are so cruel and can sink as low as to take gifts from mourning family members off of the graves of loved ones.

07-20-2008, 03:53 PM
Donna, I'm so sorry this happened. :( It's outrageous! :mad: I simply don't understand anyone can violate a grave!!

I still feel sad about the bronce kitty missing, but have not been able to replace it yet. The ones I've seen so far aren't very nice, or have the wrong shape to fit.

I hope the caretakers will find out who it is and turn them over to the police!

07-20-2008, 04:08 PM
I really know how you feel. The first Christmas after my Mom died in 2004 my Dad and I bought a beautiful silk arrangement to put on her grave. When I went back just a week later it was gone.:mad: I was told by some other people visiting there that it's very common for people to steal the items left at grave sites to sell at flea markets. GRRR!!!!

Now the latest thing to happen at that cemetery is thieves have stolen entire markers to sell for scrap metal. It happened a couple weeks ago and I just haven't felt like going to make sure Mom's is still there. I think that would wipe me out!

07-20-2008, 07:46 PM
The markers at Rose Hill are flush in the ground. Some havetbuilt-in bronze vases. There were a rash of thieves that went around steeling the vases (including my grandparents marker). The Cemetery never replaced them.


I hope you're able to replace John's kitty soon.

critter crazy
07-20-2008, 07:50 PM
Uggghhhh....people are disgusting!! I dont what would posses someone to steal something from a grave! :mad: