View Full Version : Very big kittys!

09-03-2002, 01:10 PM
Heres the link for the news story.

I would LOVE to see these. In fact two years ago one was spotted about a hundred yards from my home, and also just last year there was one spotted a few miles away. None this year so far, looks like they`ve emigrated down south.

Sam's My Baby
09-04-2002, 07:35 AM
wow what an intersting story! it must be amazing to see one in real life!:)

09-04-2002, 09:41 AM
On cable TV, yesterday, they had a 2-hour special on the american Puma or Cougar. They are certainly large animals, wighing around 200 lbs, in fact, they have similiar coloration as a purebred Abyssinian. Do you suppose that someone has (re)introduced them into England? Although I know very little about wild life in the British Isles, I don't recall ever hearing about large cats being native to that area -at least within the past 300 years or so.


09-04-2002, 01:04 PM
Wayne, you are right, there are not any big cats native to the UK and any that are here must have been introduced at some time. In fact there is a lot of argument as to whether there are any at all! I became interested when one was seen close to my home (I know the man who saw it and know that he would no way make up a story like that), I researched the subject a bit and found that there have been many many sightings over the years all over our country by many sincere people. I for one am convinced they are out there.

09-04-2002, 02:54 PM
I do not know if I would want to see one of those in real life.