View Full Version : When I made the front page of the newspaper.

07-16-2008, 08:06 PM
My 15 minutes of fame came because of an idiot named Richard Ramirez-The Night Stalker. During the summer of 1985 I was a popular guy.....

This story may sound like a crock of crap, but I lived it. It's all true and you can check out some of the facts for yourself.

If you can find a copy of the front page of the Los Angeles Times, Daily News and some other newpapers for the date of August 31, 1985 you'll see my name. On the Times front page my name is in the right hand column, right below the fold. The writer of the article has the same last name as my dad did. - My Grandpa died way before I was born, My dad kept his name and gave the kids my GM's maiden name. Coincidence?

I spent that Friday night on the couch because I was ready for the police to show up at my place. I was out on a date earlier and when we got back to the apartment I popped on the TV and saw the news, The newshead said that the PD had ID'ed RR as the Night Stalker and gave the aliases he used.
Sure enough, I heard my name, I changed the channel and heard my name again. My date said, "Uh, I think I'll go home now..." and she did!

The story jumps around so I'll try to be brief!

In mid '83 the gal I was dating told me that her sis needed a roomie-I said O.K. and I moved in with her. It was a good deal, close to work and rent and utilities were 50/50. Fast forward to early '85--- Things were cool until the GF decided to start dating her Ex-hubby again. It was a real mess, Mr X started calling me at work, at home and at my mom's house. I had left my mailing address as my mom's house just in case things didn't work with the roomie. Soon "X" started calling my relatives, whose address is right up the street and a few numbers off of my mom's addy.

I am at wit's end, this moron is wanting to kill me, Someone is calling my relatives and telling them that I am selling bad drugs and they want to know where I am. I am telling my ex to leave me out of her problems-She was dating a third guy that beat the crap out of her at a nightspot, she called her ex and the ex calls me about it. I laughed and told him to leave me the eff alone, we were both being played.

I had just bought a brand new motorcycle and was really paranoid about meeting up with these morons and getting run off the road or worse...The threats didn't worry me-it was the morons showing up and actually killing me that had me spooked.

During this time the LA County Sheriff's detectives show up at my mom's house and ask to see my picture. My sis shows them a pic, they thank her and she asks, "Why?"

"He's stealing government checks!" Sis tells dad, dad rips me a new one..."You have a job, why are you stealing?" "Dad, it's not me!":rolleyes:


As the summer went on there was this idiot that was breaking into people's homes and really slaughtering them....The called him the Night Stalker. You could feel the paranoia in the city because this idiot got around the whole El Lay area. It was a how summer, people were sleeping with windows open and this idiot was breaking in and murdering folk.

This probably isn't important, but this turd was a 6 foot 2, 170-180 pound Mexican guy with brown eyes and wavy brown hair.

I'm a 6 foot 2, 175 pound Mexican guy with brown eyes and wavy hair...Naw, don't mean a thing!

The way that the cops found out who the NS was because of a kid that was across the street from one of his crime scenes. The kid saw a Toyota, got the plate number because it was a suspicious car in his hood. The next day they found the bodies of his victims and the kid gave them the plate info.

The cops found the car in El Lay and a dentist's business card inside. The went to his office asked about the NS. The doc gave them the name he had used to make the appointment. My name.:D

The cops went looking and found out that he was given a motorcycle ticket in Pasadena-the town where my soon to be ex lived and he had registered a car in San Fernando-the town next to my mom's house. He was also dealing drugs to people and ripping them off....When they checked the name against the DMV names.......you got a six foot two, 175 pound brown/brown guy that lives in between those towns, rides a motorcycle and might just be the suspect. :eek:

Anyway, they finally got his real identity by talking to a friend of his in San Francisco. The cops up there were looking into a murder that was same as the murders down here.....when they did some leg work they caught a break. It was the same guy and they knew who he was. The cops soon released his real identity and the aliases he used.

The papers ran with it and the very next day he was caught in a Lost Angeles neighborhood.

I never did figure out what exactly went on that summer, but I was a real trip!
It seemed like the whole world was after me-for all the wrong reasons.

And that is how my name ended up on the front page of a bunch of newspapers as an alias for a pretty famous serial killer.

Being "famous" sucks. Some friends called me later just to see if it was me.:rolleyes:;):eek:

07-16-2008, 08:26 PM
creepy yet funny....

sorry you had to go through that... but would you mind if I clain I have a Criminal as a friend... just in case I need to spook anyone off... :P LOL

07-16-2008, 08:36 PM
creepy yet funny....

sorry you had to go through that... but would you mind if I clain I have a Criminal as a friend... just in case I need to spook anyone off... :P LOL

It's up to you...:eek: But, I wouldn't brag about it.;)

07-16-2008, 09:31 PM
WOW! :eek: Talk about an eventful summer!

07-17-2008, 12:04 AM
Wow... I can't even imagine the whole entanglement that came because of that, and dealing with the ex girlfriend's exes as well. Eeek.

I think I'll take my 15 minutes of fame in another way. ;)

07-17-2008, 03:22 AM
I am at wit's end, this moron is wanting to kill me, Someone is calling my relatives and telling them that I am selling bad drugs and they want to know where I am. I am telling my ex to leave me out of her problems-She was dating a third guy that beat the crap out of her at a nightspot, she called her ex and the ex calls me about it. I laughed and told him to leave me the eff alone, we were both being played.

First of all, you should have been selling good drugs, lol.

Secondly, you really didn't make wise choices in the girlfriend department, did ya?! :p ;)

07-17-2008, 03:25 AM
sorry you had to go through that... but would you mind if I clain I have a Criminal as a friend... just in case I need to spook anyone off... :P LOL

I used to have a Sicilian friend in Long Island that did "things". A nice way of saying he had mob ties. He was a great cook though, made the best homemade Italian food I've ever had!

It was kinda exciting to me back then that I could say I knew a guy who could do "things" as a favor though, lol.

Pawsitive Thinking
07-17-2008, 03:45 AM
Could only happen to you :rolleyes:

07-17-2008, 08:14 AM
Wowzers! Do you write? Sounds like it'd make a best selling mystery novel!